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[Challenge] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Update 1 :
Started the game named as Tariq (real name) and named my rival Ryan! I proceeded to picking my starter according to my trainer ID so I ended with Piplup.

Me and Piplup edged to victory in our first battle against Ryan so that's good i haven't lost yet lol.

That's all for now, a later update will be taking me all the way to the 1st gym but don't have time to continue at the moment!


Piplup / Lvl 6 / Adamant
- Pound
- Growl
Update 9


Update 10


Team Recap:

Deaths: 12
Badges: 7

Final part of Dark Rising, looks like I wasn't able to make it through. Maybe I'll try again some other time but for now I'm going to continue Prism and think of my next challenge! :]

Episode 8:
Current Team:
Nothing! ='[
Pokemon X Nuzlocke - Second Update

Infosheet (Catchlist, Team, Honored Dead list): Click here

Badges: 6

Nothing really to report, everything is going fairly smoothly and my team is obscenely solid. No new deaths and only one true close call, with a trainer's Goomy catching Thumper off guard with a Muddy Water. Can't complain!
Pokemon Giratina Strikes Back

Ive randomly been doing nuzlockes on hack games, so Ill start posting updates like this one if I get a bit into the game

Badges: 3
Deaths: 12


[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Tentacruel Lvl 31

Bubble Beam, Acid, Cut, Supersonic

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Pidgeotto Lvl 30

Wing Attack, Tackle, Quick Attack, Sand Attack

This has been a very difficult challenge, do to the wacky level curves, ie: trainers on a route are lvl 20-22 and then the gym has lvl 30s, the 3rd gym was electric and somehow my Tentacruel made it through alive
Got two episodes of Prism for this update, looks like I forgot to post here when I last uploaded :]

Episode #36
Episode #37
Badge Count: 9/20
Death Count: 15
Took on 2 gyms today and got both badges! :]

Episode #38
Badge Count: 11/20
Death Count: 15
Meh. It's time I did an actual locke. Let's see how awful this goes.

Username: Decidueye
Version: Sun
Single/Ultimate?: Single
Optional Rules:
Nickname Clause - You must nickname all of your Pokemon.
Dupes Clause - Duplicate encounters are to be re-rolled. My version has always been even dead ones trigger this, because I don't want to deal with the memory of the loss :frown:. Also counting evolution lines here, so no getting a Graveler every single cave after my Geodude died.
Gift Clause - Gift Pokémon are allowed. No mystery gifts though. EXCEPTION - Only 1 fossil.
Shiny Clause - I'm not skipping a Shiny because it's my third encounter. It's a freaking SHINY.
Static Clause - Static encounters are allowed. Not that it matters here, the only relevant encounters are post-game anyway (given Solgaleo is banned)
"Trial Clause" - Only the first encounter I can actually catch counts. This allows an encounter in the areas that give trials, as Pokéballs are banned until the trial is complete.
Trainer ID Clause - If the last number of my ID is 1-3, I pick the first starter. 4-6 picks middle starter, 7-9 picks last starter. 0 gets to choose.
The "You Should Know This S***" Clause - No Bulbapedia or Serebii access relating to this playthrough.
Challenge begins when I receive Pokéballs, and ends when the credits roll.

That should be enough rules for now. I won't even do my normal ignore-the-z-move-ban-because-I-don't-like-it thing. Anyway, I'll roll through the credits of my just finished challenge and reset the thing and then start it up.
Made some more progress in Prism :]

Episode #39
Badge Count: 11/20
Death Count: 17
DeciduNuzlocke Sun Edition

I'll just be listing captures (and misses), evolutions, deaths, and trials.

Get - Mar the Popplio - Starter (Spanish for sea)
Get - Wood the Pikapek - Route 1 (Woodpecker)
Get - Slow the Slowpoke - Route 1: Hauoli Outskirts (He's slow, bro)
Get - Bipolar the Magnemite - Trainer's School (I'm a literalist)
Death - Slow the Slowpoke (Vs That Teacher from the Trainer School)
Get - Shock the Pichu - Hau'oli (Shock)
Death - Wood the Pikapek (Vs Ilima)
Get - Top Percent the Rattata - Route 2 (Dank Memes)
Get - Oracle the Zubat - Hau'oli Cemetary (Batman joke)
TRIAL 1 (MVP: Bipolar)
Death - Top Percent (Vs Wild Yungoos)
Death - Mar (Vs Totem Gumshoos)
Get - Hair the Alolan Diglett - Verdant Cavern (I can't name a girl "Owen Wilson")
Get - Anne the Cutiefly - Route 3 (Name from my Monoyellow)
Get - Erufuun the Cottonee - Melemele Meadow (Name from my Ultimate Monograss)
Death - Oracle (Hala's Crabrawler, stupid Pursuit)
Get - Daybreak the Rockruff - Ten Carat Hill
Get - Prodigy the Igglybuff - Route 4 (To be renamed to Guildmaster if I ever evolve him)
Get - Normal Dog the Lilipup - Paniola Ranch (woof woof)
Get - Charge the Grubbin - Route 5 (obvious name is obvious)
Get - Mtn Dewpider the Dewpider - Brooklet Hill (MLG Water Bubble)
Evolve - Shock (Pichu -> Pikachu, Soothe Bell OP)
TRIAL 2 (MVP Erufuun, may he rest in peace)
Death - Erufuun (Totem Wishiwashi, Helping Hand Rain-boosted Water Gun Crit)
Get - Fredrick the Mudbray - Route 6 (Named after everyone's favorite Jagen)

Running encounter list:

Active Team:
Once again made some more progress in Prism, got another badge too :]

Episode #40
Badge Count: 12/20
Death Count: 19
So I finally got started on the Y Nuzlocke. Because most of it was earlygame starting stuff, I'll keep this one brief.

Episode 1 - What's a Good Encounter?

So last time, I used Fennekin as my starter. We're going big here, folks, so I chose Froakie. Route 2 got me Red Falcon the Fletchling, and Santalune Forest got me Leaf Ninja the Pansage, who got boxed. Same case with Aqua Rabbit the Azurill, who I got on the route after the forest. Killed my encounter east of Santalune City and absolutely swept Viola. Route 4 came around and I got a useless male Combee, who got boxed the moment I went to Lumiose City. With that out of the way, I got my second free starter, Littlefoot the Bulbasaur. Route 5 had promise, but I ended up getting a horde of Gulpin as my encounter, so you know how that went. Bad encounters all around.

Team Ruby

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Espio (Frogadier) Lv. 16 @ Nothing
Nature: Careful
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Pound, Lick, Water Pulse, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Red Falcon (Fletchling) Lv. 16 @ Nothing
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Big Pecks
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Peck, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Littlefoot (Bulbasaur) Lv. 11 @ Nothing
Nature: Mild
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip

Good news, too. I'll finally be starting on that White 2 Nuzlocke soon.
13 badges down, 7 more to go :]

Episode #41
Badge Count: 13/20
Death Count: 19
I finished it. Yay.


I'm not in the mood to list captures, so I'll just talk about some of my favorite mons from this run.


Overall, this was a really fun locke. My only regret was not allowing myself Z-Moves, simply because the game felt almost empty without them.
Got all the Naljo and Rijon badges! Now to find the last 4 badges of the game! :]

By the way I figured out when I'm going to consider this challenge complete. I'll consider myself victorious when and if I beat the mystery league which is this post-game thing you can only do once you get all the badges I think.

Edit: Two more episodes uploaded! Travelled to Johto and did a bunch of stuff there, got two more badges and met up with Prof. Gary Oak and what not. Just two more badges to go! :D

Episode #42
Episode #43
Episode #44
Badge Count: 18/20
Death Count: 19
Last edited:
Pokemon X Nuzlocke - Third and FINAL Update

Infosheet (Final Team, full Honored Dead list, Catchlist): Click here

RUN COMPLETE (Hall of Fame)

This was almost definitely the easiest Nuzlocke I've done up to this point. My team got solid quite early and stayed that way throughout

When I first lost my Heliolisk in Lysandre Labs, I swapped out my Steelix and brought in Klefki as well as a Piloswine/Mamoswine, but right before the E4 when I was doing my final moveset sweep, I decided that Thumper was a better fit than Epsilon, so I made the switch back.

I'd say Arm Harm was probably the star of the whole run (just as Hariyama has been for a surprising number of my runs, he's just tooooo good)

Newly Honored Dead:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Hilltop the Heliolisk, Lv. 15-52: Lysandre's Lv. 49 Gyarados barely lived a Parabolic Charge and got his payback with an Earthquake
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Fikkle the Klefki, Lv. 35-73: On what literally could have been the final turn of the run, Mirror Shot missed Diantha's Mega Gardevoir and Fikkle died to a Thunderbolt as a result
Got the 19th badge from Sabrina, now to hunt down badge number 20 :]

Episode #45
Badge Count: 19/20
Death Count: 19
The final gym badge is now mine! Now to just go to the Mystery Zone and take on the Mystery League and we can call this challenge complete! :]

Episode #46
Badge Count: 20/20
Death Count: 20
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Beat the Mystery League and that's the end of Prism! That's two games under my belt now :]

I don't know what game I'll be challenging next or when it'll be, but I definitely look forward to it

Episode #47
Episode #48
Episode #49
Badge Count: 20/20
Death Count: 20
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