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[Challenge] The Nuzlocke Challenge


The Dragon Knight
  • 601
    • Age 36
    • Seen Mar 19, 2023
    The Nuzlocke Challenge

    1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released (or boxed).
    2. Only the first encounter on each route can be caught, no second chances.
    3. Trading is completely banned, but trading for the purpose of evolution is perfectly fine.***
    4. Mega Evolution is banned.
    5. Any Pokemon banned in Battle Maison/Tree are banned here as well.
    6. Hacks cannot be used in Ultimate Challenges, and can only be played as singles.
    7. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ***This means Pokemon that evolves by trading, so to be clear, you CANNOT trade to get "level at @ this place" evolutions, that means no Magnezone in HGSS, Glaceon/Leafeon in B2W2, etc.
    You also need to have the required item for trade evolutions, that means no Steelix until you get Metal Coat, etc.

    Some Optional Rules:
    • You must nickname all of your Pokemon.
    • A black out/white is a "game over," even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.
    • You must change the battle style to SET.
    • After the first wild Pokémon was caught, you must release your starter.
    • You may not heal outside the use of Pokémon Centres and moves such as Softboiled.
    • You may not heal outside of healing items and moves such as Softboiled.
    • You may not heal outside of battle.
    • You may not use held items.
    • You may only use PokéBalls.
    • You may not use/catch legendary Pokémon.
    • No Duplicate Captures (Only applies if said Pokemon is alive)
    • Separated Areas (Only if they are actually separated, like North/South 204 from Sinnoh, or multiple floors in a cave)
    These are just some of them, You can use any additional rules you want, as long as they don't get in the way of the main rules.

    To complete each game, you must:

    Username: *Be sure to put your PC username, NOT your In-Game name
    Version: *If this is a hack, please say both the hack name and the base game.
    Single/Ultimate?: *Single is one game, Ultimate is going through all six regions.
    *Note: Full Hacks are not allowed in ultimate challenges (eg. Dark Rising, Ruby Destiny, Light Platinum).

    My Sign-Up
    Username: Matthew Jay Reynolds
    Version: Y
    Single/Ultimate?: Single

    Single Challengers:

    Single Champions:

    Ultimate Challengers:

    Ultimate Champions:

    Rule-Free Challengers:

    Rule-Free Champions:
    Last edited:
    I am still working on light platinum [base game= Ruby] where I am currently doing post game =) I believe that I updated that in the last thread - and I also started black one few days ago because I love Unova~

    Here is the sign-up for that + the first update:

    Username: AoTora
    Version: Black
    Single/Ultimate?: Single

    I just went and got my starter according to ID - Tepig - Yay :( I was kinda hoping for oshawott or snivy but I guess that Tepig will have to do - I named him Pumba (Lion King reference :3) and that was all - I want to focus on LP now and finish that first ~
    Welcome the renewed Nuzlocke Challenge!

    Username: Wilhelm
    Version: Omega Ruby
    Single/Ultimate?: Single

    The Nuzlocke Challenge: Omega Ruby

    Named - Wilhelm
    Starter - Enforcer the Mudkip (Deceased)
    Route 101 - Wolf the Poochyena (Deceased)
    Route 102 - Jack the Zigzagoon
    Route 103 - Sunny the Zigzagoon (Deceased)
    Route 104 - Saint the Taillow
    Petalburg Woods - Salvador the Wurmple
    Route 104 N - Nisha the Wurmple (didn't notice was same route, Deceased anyhow)
    Route 116 - Maya the Skitty
    Rusturf Tunnel - Krieg the Whismur
    Granite Cave - Zubat (KOed)
    Route 110 - Gaige the Voltorb (Deceased)
    Slateport City - Claptrap the Pikachu (Deceased)
    Route 111 - Brick the Geodude (Deceased)
    Route 112 - Ellie the Machop
    Fiery Path - Lilith the Numel
    Route 113 - Spinda (KOed)
    Route 114 - Mordecai the Nuzleaf (Deceased)
    Meteor Falls - Zubat (Ran Away)
    Jagged Pass - Scooter the Spoink (THIS IS WHERE THE CARS LIVE! GET YOU ONE!)
    Rustboro City - Tector the Anorith

    I don't often do challenges, air most often 'ghost' the site, but I will try to update as regular as I can :)
    Username: CDChaser
    Version: Platinum
    Single/Ultimate?: Single
    Additional Rules:
    ·Must nick-name all pokémon
    ·Release starter after first pokémon is caught
    ·No duplicate captures
    ·No capturing/using legendaries
    ·Cannot use held-items
    Update: - I will edit it in soon, I need to eat my supper/tea, and then get the first badge
    [previous update from Nov 21]
    Athena - Elite Four defeated - Alpha Sapphire

    November 25
    • Evolved Carvanha at level 30
    • Evolved Duskull at level 36
    • VS Tate & Liza: I basically used Surf and it was over. I obtained Dive and continued the story.
    • Seafloor Cavern: Golbat
    • VS Archie: I overestimated Mega Sceptile's power and I didn't expect his Muk to carry Gunk Shot. Sceptile fainted. -cries-
    • VS Primal Kyogre: I used about 15 Dive Balls so far and then mid-battle, I accidentally fainted it......
    November 26
    • VS Wallace: I taught Thunder to Latias, which really made this gym easy. I traveled to Ever Grande and decided to explore a few other areas to catch any viable Pokemon. I added the Lunatone to the party.
    • Victory Road: Medicham
    • Shoal Cave: Sealeo
    • Meteor Falls: Lunatone
    • Route 115: Taillow
    November 27
    • Route 123: Shuppet
    • VS Wally: I really like this battle theme. The battle itself was fun, but my team was several levels over his and was thus a short battle.
    November 28
    • Evolved Dusclops. My team is around levels 55-57. I prepare to go to the Elite Four tomorrow.
    November 29
    • I entered the Elite Four. I love the scenery and elite four rooms, with Sidney and Phoebe's being my favorites. Anyway, this is the team I enter with:
      Lunatone 57
      Sharpedo 55
      Dusknoir 57
      Skarmory 55
      Latias 56
      Breloom 56​
    • VS Sidney:
    - Breloom ohko's Mightyena, Shiftry, and Cacturne
    - Skarmory ohko's Absol and Sharpedo​
    • VS Phoebe
    - Sharpedo ohko's Dusclops, Sableye, and both Banette
    - Skarmory had a tough time with Dusknoir's Fire/Thunder punch, but we defeated it after using some full restores​

    • VS Glacia
    - Dusknoir 2ohko's Glalie and Walrein
    - Sharpedo ohko's both Froslass
    - Skarmory 2ohko's Glalie
    • VS Drake
    - Lunatone 2ohko's Altaria
    - Dusknoir ohko's Flygon
    - Latias ohko's Salamence
    - Breloom 2ohko's Kingdra
    - Skarmory and Latias defeat Flygon. I didn't expect Flygon's Flamethrower, so I switched Skarmory out.​

    • VS Steven
    - Latias 2ohko's Skarmory with thunder, but the toxic hits
    - Breloom fainted from a critical hit iron tail from Aggron
    - Dusknoir evaded stone edge and defeated Aggron
    - Dusknoir 3ohko's Claydol
    - Lunatone and Skarmory defeat Cradily
    - Sharpedo ohko's Armaldo
    - Latias used dragon pulse while mega Metagross used bullet punch. Both attacks did mediocre damage, and thus the both of us adjusted our strategies.
    - I used thunder which paralyzed Metagross. It used giga impact, which was useless as I used recover the turn it had to recharge..
    - Yet, next turn, Latias survived the second giga impact with 2 HP...
    - Thunder hits...!
    - Latias grew to level 59!​

    Game time 33:51.

    Current Team

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Gaia the Breloom - Level 59
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Aether the Skarmory - Level 59
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Artemis the Latias - Level 59
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Achelous the Sharpedo - Level 60
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Hecate the Dusclops - Level 61
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Hyperion the Lunatone - Level 61

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Hera the Zigzagoon - Level 5
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Calleis the Beautifly - Level 16
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Theia the Electrike - Level 21
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Ares the Numel - Level 26
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Morus the Baltoy - Level 24
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Nyx the Mightyena - Level 37
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Victor the Sceptile - Level 47

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Aphrodite the Azumarill - Level 47
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Dionysus the Kecleon - Level 37
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Musica the Whismur - Level 19
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Kratos the Machop - Level 16
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Poseidon the Gyarados - Level 23
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Helios the Swablu - Level 23
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Nereus the Tentacool - Level 25
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Epimetheus the Spoink - Level 31
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Erebus the Absol - Level 33
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Rhea the Linoone - Level 30
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Eros the Luvdisc - Level 35
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Triton the Horsea - Level 30
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Aktaios, Chalcon, Lyktos the male Wailmer triplets - Level 30 or 35
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Dexithea, Lysagora, and Makelo the female Wailmer triplets - Level 25, 30, and 35
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Palioxis the Golbat - Level 40
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Hysminai the Medicham - Level 40
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Ceto the Sealeo - Level 36
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Zephyrus the Taillow - Level 18
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Melinoe the Shuppet - Level 30

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Lv. 59
    Nature: Timid
    Type: Dragon | Psychic

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Lv. 59
    Nature: Modest
    Type: Grass | Fighting

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Lv. 59
    Nature: Sassy
    Type: Steel | Flying

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Lv. 60
    Nature: Naive
    Type: Water | Dark

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Lv. 61
    Nature: Naughty
    Type: Ghost

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Lv. 61
    Nature: Docile
    Type: Rock | Psychic
    The Nuzlocke Challenge: Omega Ruby

    No new catches. Scooter died right after evolving. :(

    Update #1 - 1/6
    Not going through all the captures, as there are quite a few, but I've beaten Roarke, however I have lost one of my pokemon, a bidoof by the name of hercules. Somewhere along the way, my team developed pokerus. I suspect it was after capturing Echo, she probably had pokerus and passed on through the team.
    Let's roll. Gonna start a new file just to be safe.

    Username: Anvils Alive
    Version: VoltWhite (Hack of White)
    Single/Ultimate?: Single
    Additional rules:

    • No duplicates unless all of that Pokémon in your possession have died.
    • See a Shiny? Do whatever you want with it.
    • You must hatch a Pokémon, and then Rare Candy it up to your starter's level, to replace said starter. This "Egg-counter" can be any basic, non-legendary Pokémon from Gen I to Gen V.
    • Give each Pokémon a nickname, so as to form an emotional attachment.
    Update 1, 12/07/2014:
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    Word of advice for ORAS Nuzlockers: Stay out of Secret Base battles until post game. They aren't needed to beat the game and can have Pokemon that will kill you!
    Username: Anderson Kamikaze
    Version: Red
    Single/Ultimate?: Single

    My Journey Episode 1

    The Nuzlocke Challenge: Omega Ruby
    8/8 + Champion

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    I don't feel like going into all my catches, the important ones are Electrike on Route 118 and Latios at Southern Island.

    I did have a Gyarados, but it died on Victory Road. These are the survivors of my Nuzlocke who defeated Steven!

    Completed Light Platinum Run! I loved this run but darn so many deaths D: 27 to be exact x.x

    Either way VS. Champion of the Lauren region:


    And here is the final team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Drake|Male|Modest Nature|Intimidate|Lvl 91|@Dragon Fang
    False Swipe
    Dragon Claw
    Dragon Dance
    Swords Dance

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Elsa|Female|Naughty Nature|Swift Swim|Lvl 90|@Silk Scarf
    Focus Punch

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Hoodie|Male|Mild Nature|Shed Skin|Lvl 90|@Blackglasses
    Rock Climb
    Ice Smash

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Cradii|Male|Naughty Nature|Suction Cups|Lvl 91|@Lucky Egg
    Rock Climb
    Giga Drain
    Leech Seed

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Tailz|Female|Timid Nature|Flash Fire|Lvl 90|@Charcoal
    Fire Blow

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Elmo|Male|Bashful Nature|Keen Eye|Lvl 90|@Scope Lens

    Now off to Unova we go! Official sign up + first update coming later when I have some time to play~
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    Any excuse to play FireRed is a good one to me!

    Username: Astinus
    Version: FireRed
    Single/Ultimate?: Single
    Additional Rules: -All Pokemon must be nicknamed
    -A black/white out is game over
    -No hold items
    -Pokemon on team must not be stronger than the Gym Leader
    -No duplicate captures


    -started a new game with Squirtle ("Teeno") as my starter
    -After getting Pokeballs and officially starting everything, the first Pokemon I ran into on Route 1 was a Rattata, which Teeno knocked out with a critical hit
    -On Route 22, I ran into a Rattata, which I caught ("Tatters")
    -Headed quickly up to Route 2 for another Pokemon, which was a Pidgey ("Porgey")
    -currently level-grinding outside of Viridian City

    Teeno the Squirtle - level 10
    Tatters the Rattata - level 10
    Porgey the Pidgey - level 4
    Username: Mr. Avocado
    Version: Emerald
    Single/Ultimate?: Single

    Might go ultimate after this, though I'm starting at Emerald because it's by far my most comfortable game.
    Bringing this over from the old thread.

    Username: Chris Zenn
    Version: Crystal
    Single/Ultimate?: Single
    Optional Rules: Challenge doesn't start until I get Pokeballs.
    No Duplicate Captures
    Last edited:
    Username: James901
    Version: Pokemon Platinum
    Single/Ultimate: Single

    I planned to restart platinum anyway, might as well make it interesting :P Will get started ASAP.
    Emerald Update

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge


    The Dead
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Oracle / Level 18
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Colossus / Level 15
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Petra / Level 10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Halicarn / Level 19
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Terracotta / Level 14

    The Living

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Parthenon | Level 39
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Naive
    Ability: Overgrow
    Rock Tomb | Pursuit | Leaf Blade | Rock Smash

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Alhambra | Level 38
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Gentle
    Ability: Inner Focus
    Bite | Wing Attack | Confuse Ray | Facade

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Angkor | Level 34
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Impish
    Ability: Hyper Cutter
    Sand-Attack | Feint Attack | Sand Tomb | Crunch

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Chichen | Level 33
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Bold
    Ability: Natural Cure
    Steel Wing | Sing | Take Down | Ice Beam

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Borobudur | Level 23
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Careful
    Ability: Magnet Pull
    Thunderbolt | Supersonic | Sonicboom | Thunder Wave

    -leveled up Porgey to level 9, then decided to challenge my rival on Route 22. Tatters and Teeno worked together to defeat the rival
    -Porgey was ready to practice her Gust in Viridian Forest
    -first, though, I caught a Weedle ("Needle")
    -Porgey took care of all the Bug Catchers in the forest. At the end, before fully entering Pewter City, I level-grinded a bit to get everyone to level 13
    -challenged Brock. Teeno took the gym on his own, taking out pretty much all the Pokemon inside with just one Water Gun a piece
    -with Boulder Badge in hand, I headed off to Route 3, where I ran into a Spearow. Porgey killed it. I guess there can be only one bird.
    -Mt. Moon was super easy. Along the way, I caught a Zubat ("Zubzy")
    -outside of Cerulean, I caught an Ekans ("ECH")
    -again, defeated my rival with ease
    -On Nugget Bridge, Teeno evolved into Wartortle and Zubzy helped to catch a Caterpie ("Error")
    -...and then died in the battle against Misty. Starmie's Water Pulse confused Teeno, and he knocked himself out when he had only one hit point.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Tatters the Rattata - level 18
    Porgey the Pidgeotto - level 20
    Error the Metapod - level 9

    Badges: 2
    Deaths: 1
    Starting my first Nuzlocke

    Game: Heartgold
    Trainer Name: Gismo

    Current pokemon:
    Giggles the Totodile Lv. 11
    Owluicious the Hoothoot Lv. 8
    Marcilene the Rattatta Lv. 6
    Earl Grey the Bellsprout lv.4
    Toph the Zubat lv. 2
    Last edited:
    Emerald Nuzlocke

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    (some went missing hnng)

    The Dead
    You guys were amazing for however long you lasted
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Oracle / Level 18
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Colossus / Level 15
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Petra / Level 10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Halicarn / Level 19
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Terracotta / Level 14
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Djenne / Level 35
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Pyramids / Level 34
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Cristo / Level 36

    The Living, The Champions

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Borobudur | Level 48
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Careful
    Ability: Magnet Pull
    Tri-Attack | Thunder Wave | Thunderbolt | Supersonic

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Alhambra | Level 48
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Gentle
    Ability: Inner Focus
    Shadow Ball | Return | Confuse Ray | Air Cutter

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Angkor | Level 47
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Impish
    Ability: Levitate
    Earthquake | Dragonbreath | Strength | Crunch

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Chichen | Level 48
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Bold
    Ability: Natural Cure
    Steel Wing | Dragon Dance | Fly | Ice Beam

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Parthenon | Level 48
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Naive
    Ability: Overgrow
    Slam | Aerial Ace | Leaf Blade | Rock Smash

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Mahal | Level 44
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Nature: Bashful
    Ability: Sturdy
    Surf | Take Down | Iron Tail | Protect
