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[Challenge] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Can I sign up after already completing a challenge? I started it on Saturday due to not having access to a computer and finished it today.

Username: FactoriesFarAway
Version: Fire Red
Single/Ultimate?: Single

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

This was a Hardcore Nuzlocke (i.e. additional rules being no items in battle, set mode, and level limited to the next gym leader's highest Pokemon). Additionally, I put in dupes clause for a Pokemon's entire evolutionary lines (even for mons I failed to catch. If I fail, I don't get another shot on a different route).

This was my first ever one completed! A summary of my playthrough is below:



Total: 6 (Duh)


Total: 29


Total: 2


Total: 4. RIP.

Total Encounters: 41
Total Encounters Caught & Alive: 35

Sorry for double post. Doing another sign up. Just started tonight. Again, same rules as last time.

Username: FactoriesFarAway
Version: Heart Gold
Single/Ultimate?: Single

So far my encounters are:
I had a signup of SS a few years ago...., I'd like to drop that and just restart with a fresh run.

Username: Pluckles
Version: Gold
Single/Ultimate?: Single (for now)
Additional rules: Shiny Clause, Dupe Clause, No Legendaries, Blackout = Game over
Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke First Update

Recieved My starter Pokemon
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Got a Bidoof as my Route 201 Encounter
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Got a Starly at Lake Verity
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Got a Shinx at Route 202
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Got a Budew at Route 204
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Got a Zubat in Ravaged Path
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Defeated Barry on Route 203
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Here is the Team after the first Update
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Next Time, i will be continuing on getting more encounters and make my way to Oreburg and prepare for the first Gym
Here is my next update for my Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke

So my Adventure continued as i made my way through Route 104 Battling Trainers and getting experience for the team

I made my way into Oreburg Gate where i encountered a Psyduck and caught it
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As i arrived in Oreburg, i headed up north where i encountered a Machop and Caught it
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I then made my way to Oreburg Mine to look for Roark and encountered a Geodude and caught it
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After getting Roark back to the Gym i decided to start training for the Gym. Also i really needed Chimchar to evolve before i think about going in.

After a while of Training Chimchar has Evolved, i also taught him Mach Punch which he would also need
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Also Starly had evolved while training the team, though it probably was not gonna see any use in a Rock Gym
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And when i finally felt good that my levels where good enough, i headed to my first Gym battling the few Gym Trainers.

And then it was time. My battle with Roark began
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The battle had ended in my Victory.
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Next up i am headed off back to Jubilife to make my way further North

Here is the team after this update
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Death Count remains 0 after this update which is good.
Here's an update to my Gold Nuzlocke. I'll try to update like this after every gym, when I have time to make this.

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Time for another Platinum Nuzlocke Update!

So i made my way back to Jubilife and ran into a problem of Team Galactic trying to steal Professor Rowans research
and me and Dawn had to fight them off
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

I also grabbed Geodude from the Pc that i caught in Oreburg mines and taught it Rock Smash to get past Ravaged path and to the other side of Route 204

I then arrived in Floaroma town and had to deal with Team Galactic again and get the Key to the windworks to stop them.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

I then encountered a Shellos at Valley windworks and caught it
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Then during training for my fight with Mars, which is known to be a very tough fight, Shinx has evolved
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But it turned out to not be as bad as it seemed. Made it through with no Losses and the team is okay.
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Also put Psyduck away for my new Shellos since it's a better Water Type than Psyduck
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And now it's off to Eterna Forest on Route 205. Where i encountered a Buizel and caught it
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Made it through the Eterna Forest with the Company of Cheryl who helped in the double battles throughout the forest and kept me nice and healed
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The Team so far
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Death Count: 0

Hopefully next update i will be battling the Eterna City Gym.
Oh boy, was the Jasmine rough....

After getting the Cianwood badge from Chuck by leveling up and soloing with the Machop I found long ago, I went straight to Jasmine right afterwards. She seemed fine at first, one shotting both of the Magnemites. But as soon as her Steelix came out, it was trouble. I got her to use a hyper potion and got her down low, but with a crit on iron tail killed my Machoke, I started to lose composure. I threw in Koffing, thinking I can just explode and do damage, but I never got the chance. Then, I (for some stupid reason), decided to go Togepi and that just got one shotted.

I was finally able to clear with Gyarados (Flushed) by using surf twice, and her missing a crucial rock throw. After the gym, I end up with only three members left.

The picture will only have the three that completed the gym, but as replacements for the fallen ones, I put in Lloyd the Tentacool (Cianwood City waters), Milkshake the Miltank (Route 38), and Fludd the Spearow (Route 42, headbutt)

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

(click the pic, I couldn't get it to resize for some reason)
Time for another Platinum Nuzlocke Update!

So to start things off, i decided to switch Budew to the front and battle some of the fisherman on the outside of the forest and gave it the Soothe bell i recieved to hopefully get more progress to it's evolution to Roelia
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Then i pick up Zubat from the Pc for the upcoming Grass Gym, it's 4x Grass resistance will be insanely useful
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

I encounter a Chingling on Route 211 and catch it. Meh, probably won't use this
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Then it was time, i headed into the Gym for my 2nd Badge. Bring it on Gardenia!
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

And needless to say it was easy! Monfernos Taunt shutting down her status Moves and stuff. There is a reason i keep taunt around :)
and Staravia did the rest really
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Then i went ahead and picked up the Explorer kit in cause why not, may as well since i think it's required to pick up before i can leave Eterna
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Then with Cut, i visited the Old Chateau to grab a great encounter in Rotom(This was really risky but worth it since it will be a great Pokemon later on
to change form to quite a few types i might need)it used up all my Pokeballs and nearly risked some of the team, but thank Arceus it went okay :)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

and while battling in the Galactic Eterna Building. I lost my little Budew, she got killed cause i forgot that it was part Poison :( Stupid Kadabra was strong(Almost killed Staravia too, lived a wing attack but i finished it off with Quick attack) Kadabra does so much damage, even if i had switched someone would have been at risk.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Farewell Budew, I am going to defeat Team Galactic in your honor for revenge
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Yeah, REVENGE for what one of your stupid henchman did to my Budew!

That was for Budew!
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Also recieved an Egg from Cynthia and a Bike from the cycle shop.

And that will just about do it for this Update.

Alive Pokemon
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Decided to keep going and fought both Pryce and Claire.

Pryce... was a pushover. I was able to mostly handle it with Ampharos, and then just finish it off with Gyarados. As for Claire, I had to grind up quite a bit to make sure her Kingdra didn't kill me, so I caught a Swinub in Frost Cavern, and leveled him up to 40 along with Ampharos, and just leveled everyone else only a little bit and attempted the battle. Gyarados was able to take out the first Dragonair with Dragon Rage, as this one had Surf. Then, switched in Piloswine to beat the next two Dragonairs.

For the Kingdra, I had to bring out Ampharos to paralyze it, and then move to Gyarados to Dragon Rage it, almost dying in the process from a Hyper Beam. But alas, we were able to make it out alive, and now to move on to the Elite Four!

____________________ Edit 1

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

I cleared the Elite Four with only one casualty. I ended up losing my Milkeshake the Miltank to a crit Hyper Beam by Lance's strongest Dragonite. Other than that, it was smooth sailing.

After the Elite Four, I replaced the dead Miltank with a Rhyhorn I found in Victory Road.

The gyms in Kanto were smooth sailing, until I got to Blue, and had difficulty with his Exeggutor. I tried to switch in my Gyarados to tank a hit, but with Sunny Day up, he did some rapid fire Solarbeams and killed him in two shots. I was able to make it through afterwards but had to fill the void by bringing in the Snorlax (Big Boi) from Vermilion.

As of now, this is my current setup just as I am at Mt. Silver. I want to level up a bit more, but may do my attempt soon.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
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Thought about Creating a new thread for this due to having to create a custom Rule and this being several months old, but thought I'd rather not deal with that and figured there would be more traffic here honestly.

I'm going to be doing a Nuzlocke run of a Fan Game called Pokemon Infinite Fusions, where the main gimmick is that every Pokemon is fusable with each other. Unlike Pokemon Fusion Generations another fan game with a similar idea, this one seemingly has no Fusions in the wild, although trainers make extensive use of it. More importantly though, is the balance set. In Pokemon Fusion Generation, Fusing was always the correct decision as base stats were added to each other, making Fused Pokemon stronger.

In this Fan game, it instead uses averages although it weights it differently depending on what's the head and what's the body. Meaning fusions can easily end up weaker than the original, with the biggest advantage of fusions being a far more diverse move pool, early on without a reliance on TM's.

My original thoughts was to complicated honestly, as I first leaned towards catching the first Pokemon per route, but if a Fused Pokemon were to die, I would unfuse them and roll to see which one died and which survived, thankfully by the time I changed my rule set at Mt Moon. I hadn't lost a single Pokemon.

After talking to other veterans who played this game and even Nuzlocked it several times, a far more satisfying rule is simply catching the first two Pokemon per route, and not being allowed to use any Unfused Pokemon in any fights. If you do it counts as a wipe, except for the beginning of the game. This functionally gives you the same amount of Pokemon as a normal run.

An optional Rule I considered was not being allowed to Unfuse Pokemon, and it being mandatory to fuse the Pokemon you catch in each route rather than choosing who they fused to. But I prefer the options and strategies that come from mixing up your Fusions more to be honest, plus it gives the added question of if you want to weight your team by putting your two most useful Pokemon together or not, as if they die the blow will be all the more harsh.

Just in case anyone wants to skip my intro, TLDR my rulesets are

1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be Boxed.
2. Only the first TWO encounters on each route can be caught, no second chances.
2.A. Eventually Fused Pokemon can be found in the wild, if one is encountered it burns that route. If it is the first encounter it can be caught, if it is second then the Fused Pokemon must be killed, and it'll count as a failed encounter.
3. All Pokemon used must be Fused if any moves are to be performed.
4. I must nickname all Pokemon I use
5. Changed the game to "Set"
6. If a duplicate Pokemon is found, I have the option of not counting it as one of the two encounters, or I can catch it, and if I have each half of a fusion it's similarly not counted.
7. I may catch Pokemon solely for Puzzles and quests, but they may never be used in Battle, and must be released after Puzzle as they are an extra Pokemon.

Decided to ditch the rule for No megas as it doesn't matter at all, it's appearance only and only matters in getting rid of types for some starters who are now treated as mono typing. That said I'd rather not lose the novelty of fusion.

Ended up trading a lot in game from various trainers who offer various deals of you trading Pokemon to get others in return, which is fun and cool since it's mostly balanced in game with itself.

I also tried a single wonder trade out of curiosity with one of my Rattata which gave me a LV6 Golurk/Smeargle fusion. Unlikely I'll use it, but good to keep these things honest and keep in mind.
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I started my first fight with my Rival after choosing Squirtle after some thought. Charmander is the one I like more, but having a fire type in a Nuzlocke that starts you off in Kanto strikes me as a poor idea.

Of course our Rival being Blue, the best cheating mother ****er around promptly claims both of the remaining starter and fuses them before fighting me.

I ended up wiping on the first fight with my rival, due to greed really. I had a potion but I had 4HP left and he had consistently done 3 damage before, so I choose to risk it.

Sadly my risk while calculated ended up backfiring.

So I restarted the game, which now had an option to skip the opening. I did so and choose normal for all options, and then moved on to grab Squirtle again, this time I choose to restart until I had an alright nature and settled with Modest.

With that I fought my Rival once more and won this time even without using a Potion despite him getting a lucky Crit off early on.

Of course the excitement wasn't done yet.

With that I healed by Mom and went out to the grass to see what I'd be fighting on my way to give the parcel, first encounter of course was a Rattata LV5 vs my Squirtle LV6. Sadly with Stab and a nature that weakens Physical attacks, I pretty quickly had to run away or be wiped.

After healing from Mom, I then attempted the same thing again with once again getting a LV5 Rattata who started off critting me, then when I tried to run he put me into the red. Thankfully the third attempt to run worked, otherwise I would have wiped for the second time before even collecting my Pokeballs.

At this point I was considering if the LV curves were Dynamic in which case my best hope would be to rush their as quickly as possible while running, and collect the Pokeballs so that I could at least have two Pokemon.

Thankfully it turns out that is not the case, and I just had awful luck. Thankfully my third encounter of a LV5 Hoothoot turned out better when it wasted turns on Foresight. And I earned my second victory.

Shortly after I encountered LV3's and realized I just had bad starting luck.

After the craziness that was my first several battles, when I first found a trainer in the first route before I even delivered my Parcel I was nervous, thankfully it turned out it was just to show off a fusion LV4, and was an easier battle than the tall grass earlier.

I then delivered Oak's Parcel and got my Pokeballs before going back to Route 1 for my first capture which gave me Rattata nicknamed Fodder.

It is not until later on when I backtracked to catch my second Pokemon due to changing the rules, which I'll mention when I do so.

I then went to the Pokemart where I was gifted Pyukumuku and I ran to route 2 where I caught a Hoothoot.

I then created my first fusion where I merged Pyukumuku and Hoothoot into Indra's Scorned, because as a Water/Flying he is quad weak to Electric.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Deciding that with at least one fusion I should focus on catching another Pokemon to fuse with Squirtle I went to route 22 where I caught a Mankey that I then fused with Squirtle.

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I then named it Bubbles Taijutsu and proceeded to grind up Indra's Scorned until he was LV7 and Bubbles Taijutsu to LV9. I then decided that I could match my Rivals two Pokemon with my two Fusions, what could go wrong really?

As I was confident I remembered his LV's right and indeed he started with a LV7 Pidgey against Indra.

Unfortunately, he started with a Sand attack and I then proceeded to miss 3 attack in a row leaving me in red. Horrified I swapped to Bubbles Taijutsu despite being weak against Flying and reminded myself that Pidgey wouldn't have Gust yet.

Thankfully I assumed correctly and Bubbles swiftly Low Kicked Pidgey a few times until it was down due to even Low Kick at it's weakest being equal to the 20 base power of Bubble.

I then entered his starter Charsaur, who promptly Leech Seeded me causing me to wonder if I could even win this fight at all. It was better than his Razor Leaf admittedly which would have wiped me, using a Potion on Indra's Scorned, I then swapped him instead and hit him a few times before swapping when Leech Seeded.

I repeated this tactic 3 times, until finally Charsaur went down and it was my victory.

Granted I had to spend 900 Poke in the form of 3 Potions for that victory and got 198 Poke back, so it was a net loss in money. But hey at least I got the moral victory of once more beating Blue at least.

I then proceeded forward to Viridian Forest where I caught a Ledyba which I fused with Fodder to create Fodder Squared. Soon after however after beating one of the trainers I was offered a trade for a Caterpie/Zubat or Weedle/Zubat Fusion for any Bug type.

Greedy that I would get an extra Pokemon for the cost of a base component, I decided spending another 300 Poke unfusing Fodder Squared would be worth it. I then traded Ledyba away for the Caterpie/Zubat fusion which I named Nycteribiidae, a type of bat flies which I thought fit fairly well.

He has since become a Butterbat and has served me well.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Thankfully since he's a traded Pokemon he also levels 1.5 times faster, although I'm wary to keep him from growing to far, as he disobeyed me once before I got my first badge when he was LV13.

I then moved on out of Viridian Forest although before I did, I found someone offering to rematch me, which let me grind a little EXP against them. Sadly you do not get any money from Rematches, so after a handful I then moved on to heal at the Pewter Pokemon Center.

This is where I learned another trade offer for Tyrouge existed if I gave up my Mankey. I swiftly knew that Tyrouge was the superior Pokemon, however I hesitated because if I traded him and then fused Tyrouge into Squritle, I would have no option to unfuse them until the Johto Post game.

This is because you cannot unfuse any Pokemon with a traded Component until then.

I swiftly decided to delay it until later and moved on.

I then went to route 3 and found to my joy that there was no actual block in this game from simply leaving Brock seemingly, with that I caught my Claffa in route 3 that I simply nicknamed, Moony and moved on. I swiftly found another trainer offering to trade.

This time offering a Ekans/Weedle Fusion, a Caterpie/Ekans or a Caterpie/Rattata for the cost of any Pokemon LV10.

I then decided getting another half of a Pokemon for a component was worth it and grinded Rattata up to LV10 by going to the rematch trainer and simply swapping him out each battle to another to feed it EXP.

At 10 I then swapped it for Ekans/Weedle which I named Aesculapian
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Granted the image is of how he looks now after I made him into a Beedrill/Ekans.

I then proceeded to do some side quests in the Motel which ranged from finding a hidden item, to repeatedly collecting mushrooms in the forest, selling them and using the motel to skip forward a day to repatedly do this until I had the 3 tiny mushrooms for the quest.

That done I then went to face Brock with the following team.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

In retrospect I should have grinded one more level because I would have gotten Water Gun. One of the rules is that you can only use the same amount of Pokemon as the Gym Leader, so I swiftly selected both Bubbles Taijutsu as well as Indra's Scorned, than named Curse of the Wingull, thankfully renaming is something that can be done in the menu at any time in this fan game.

The fight started poorly with Brock throwing out a Geodude/Pidgey Fusion which meant we were both Super Effective against each other. I won the slug off but at half HP, when Brock threw out his Onix I was honestly quite worried.

Thankfully he fused it to a Diglett and so it was still quad weak to water, and my Bubble even Crit to boot. Unsurprisingly it went down in a single shot and without Sturdy it didn't even survive that hit.

I had obtained my first badge without anybody getting knocked out.

Swiftly I decided that Bubbles Taijutsu had been nothing but disappointing to me since I had created him, and so I decided to unfuse him and fuse Bubbles to Claffa instead and trade Mankey away for the Tyrouge.

Unfortunately their was a cost to my hubris, as in the process of unfusing Squirtle kept his old Moveset that he had at LV9 and lost Water Gun, in return for being turned to a LV15.

Although inquiry told me that their was a move relearner I wouldn't have access to it until Vermillion at which point it would be a simple 2K per move.

Pictured here is Sweet Bubbles, my Clefable/Warturtle fusion
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Moving on to the Pokemon Centre at Mt Moon, I bought Magikarp and fused him and Tyrouge together temporarily. Very shortly after that I regretted it as I caught a Geodude as my first catch at Mt Moon. Deciding to bite the bullet and spend 600 Poke, I unfused the temp fusion, and instead fused Geodue/Tyrouge into Armored Core

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

This is when I decided that I should change my Nuzlocke rules and swap it to 2 Pokemon caught per route, and simply box Fusions when they die.

With that decided I started to backtrack and first caught a Pidgey in Viridian forest named Little Bird who was then Boxed. Unfortunately for me, the next encounter their was Pichu, with a muffled curse, I killed it and moved on.

The next catch on my backtrack was a Tangala in route 1, thanks to the fact that despite it's appearance rate of 5%, I had already caught the Pidgey and Rattata which were the other two encounters, it was quite the frustrating encounter.

As Tangala started with Ingrain after I poisoned it, which was my only way to weaken it, so I had to catch it at near full health while Poisoned which put my odds at 10%, even at LV2, mainly due to how hard Tangala are to catch.

Even if I had brought it to red and poisoned, a Pokeball still only would have a 25% chance of catching it.

I decided to gamble with my last 10 Pokeballs, thankfully this paid off after 5 attempts, and I had my Tangala, a grass type that would be quite useful for the next gym.

Swiftly I decided that Tangala and Pidgey would make a good fusion as the last of my 6 Pokemon.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

With that I moved back to Route 22 where I caught a Nidoran Male named Little Prince and Boxed.

Route 2 then gave me Weedle who I already had in a Fusion form, but I'd never caught his first form, and the only other choice was a Sentret that had a 5% marked to pop up only in the day. Weedle was fine to be settling with.

Moving on to Route 3 I caught a Meowth, which I was excited to name Payday. Sadly a little research revealed that in every game subsequent Firered he learns the move at LV30 instead of LV18.

A time which is not worth it, as I know a money trick one can use to quickly become rich starting after you get Surf in this game anyways.

Disappointed he was swiftly boxed once more.

Before I decided to leave Pewter City for good, I decided to go back and finish the last of the side quests which had bugged me. Show a fully evolved Bug type Pokemon off, I could show my fused Butterfree/Zubat, but since it was not fully evolved it would not count for the quest, and I had no way of unfusing a trade.

Now I had a spare Weedle that I could LV with the switch trick and claim my reward before I forgot. I then showed the Bug Catcher a Beedrill after which he gave me a free Pineco that was boxed.

Finally I had made it back to Mt Moon once more, the place I had once backtracked from where I caught a Sandshrew and decided a Grass/Ground would be more useful than a Grass/Flying when I already have two more flying types in the team.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Sadly in the process Vine Whip was once more Lost, here's hoping I can regain it in time for the Water gym, where now I will only be neutral.
Made it through Mt Moon with nobody dying at all, interestingly enough as part of my encounter with Team Rocket.

Random Fusion encounters was turned on, I have since updated my rules to account for them.

2.A. Eventually Fused Pokemon can be found in the wild, if one is encountered it burns that route. If it is the first encounter it can be caught, if it is second then the Fused Pokemon must be killed, and it'll count as a failed encounter.

Immediately my first encounter on route 4 was a Rattata/Hoppit Fusion, where it looks like I will get quite a few Rattata in my Box huh. Really getting around that Dupe clause game.

I then unfused him when I found out about the Wonder Trade and sent the Rattata away to see what I'd get since I can do it once per badge. I got a LV6 Golurk/Smeargle out of it, and from talking to the lady I know I get better wonder trades the stronger the Pokemon I send away. Makes me wonder about algorithm of that.

Found a guy who was willing to teach Water Pledge to Sweet Bubble for only 500 Poke, way better than spending 2K to get back Water Gun, now if only he was willing to teach Grass Pledge to Grounded Vines. Sadly only starters are eligible.

Also in that Pokemon Center I was given EXP Share for having Fused more than 5 times, and found a trainer willing to give me a Charmander for any Water type.

I first considered Pyukmuku who will never learn a water move, and is fused with Hoothoot, but I'm rooting for Indra's Scorned and would like to keep him.

Next up is Magikarp who I likely won't use, so I ended up deciding to sacrifice him for my Charmander.

Although I had to think carefully what I want to fuse him with since it'll be a permanent one until Johto Post game, and decided I would put it off until tomorrow and boxed him for now.

I then fulfilled the mini quest of showing off a Johto Pokemon with my Hoppit, it unfortunately only worked with Pokemon who were unfused, good thing I had my Hoppit as Tyrogue doesn't count fused and cannot not be unfused due to being a trade Pokemon.

I also received a mini quest to find somebody in one of the routes near Cerulean and deliver a letter and finally I can't even accept the last mini quest as I need at least an old rod apparently.

I also found a part of team rockets password which will likely in the full thing be allowed to turn the random fusion chance back off if I desire in Mt Moon.

...kia's Pu...

The bike being a measly 100K instead of a million made me laugh, technically possible after all. After I eventually exploit the money trick at the 5th gym I might even be able to try it. Until then I need to hoard my money and have not even a fraction of that amount.

Spent all of my money on 10 more Pokeballs and another 5 Fusion Items for 300 each, at which point with my 9 Poke decided I'd sell my HP Up so I had some cash reserves. At which point I bought another 10 Pokeballs and was left with 2.9K

Still far from the 20K I'll eventually need, but at least I have the essentials of Pokeballs covered, and some more fusion items.

Tomorrow it's the Rival fight at Nugget Bridge, Nugget Bridge itself and then the Gym. Here's hoping that I continue my no death Streak.

Team going in
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
Username: Ahri
Game: Platinum
Challenge type: Single
Optional Rules:
-Must nickname all pokemon
-Pinwheel forest clause applies only if the encounters are signifficantly different(basically separate routes clause with some limitations)
-Dupes clause(can't catch any pokemon that I caught once before, including their evolutions. If first encounter on a route is something I caught before, the encounter doesn't count so I can try again for something I don't have already.)
-A blackout means game over and the challenge is considered failed and I have to start over.

Update 1:

Picked Chimchar as my starter and named it Goob, did all the beginning bits, obtained pokeballs and backtracked to Lake Verity and caught a Starly that I named Bun.

On Route 202 I caught a female Kricketot and named her Miss Woop. Trained my pokemon up, battled the trainers and went to Jubilife. Did the stuff in the city, got my Poketch & whatnot. Before going to Route 203, I caught a Shinx on Route 204.

I went to Route 203, battled my Rival whose name I left as Barry, went for my encounter and got an Abra that teleported away so I basically missed out on 1 encounter. Made my way to Oreburgh gate, caught Cherry the female Zubat. Reached Oreburgh, found out the gym leader's in the mines so I went up to route 207 hoping for a Machop for my upcoming gym challenge. The encounter was a Geodude I named Bruh.

I trained up my pokemon to level 16, stored Miss Woop the now level 10 Kricketune in my PC and proceeded to the mines. Didn't catch anything in the mines as all the encounters were Geodude and Zubat and the one Onix I found I accidentally fainted. Made the gym leader go back, defeated him using Goob and Bruh and got my first badge.

Went back to Jubilife, fought the Team Galactic grunts, made a visit to the TV station and then left for Floaroma town.

Reached Floaroma, picked some berries, planted some berries then went towards Valley Windworks where a little girl asked me to save her dad.

I caught Float the Buizel in the grass patch at Valley Windworks and decided to train up my team as the upcoming battle is a potential run ender. Bruh the Geodude got massacred by a wild Shellos with a crit Water Pulse making him the 1st victim. Float the Buizel also got murdered by a Shellos in the same place only 1 level after it was caught.

Anyways, I battled the Team Plasma Grunt, went back to Floaroma to beat the guys in the Meadow and get the key then went back to Valley Windworks and chased Team Plasma away.

After all that was done I went up to Route 205 and caught Jelly the female Shellos. Made my way to Eterna Forest and took advantage of Cheryl to train the newer team members.

Caught myself Dew the male Budew in Eterna Forest and, as I was training my team and battling trainers, Cherry fell in battle 1 level before evolving. Dew also met his end only 1 level after I caught it.

Made it to Eterna City, got a Draco Plate from behind the statue, sent all the fainted team members to my Valhalla Box and went to take on the Gym. I then beat up the Galactic folks in their Eterna HQ then got a bike from the bike shop and an egg from Cynthia. Hatched the egg into Benedict the male Togepi and went back to the Fishermen on Route 205(East) to level Togepi up.

After some Underground spelunking I set off to greater things and went to play in the Old Chateau where I caught Rick the male Gastly. I then went down the Cycling road side if Route 206, battling trainers. I fainted the Machop encounter in the grass then made my way into the hidden part of Wayward cave where I caught Nom the female Gible. It is there that Benedict lost its life to a wild Geodude's Self Destruct as I made my way to retrieve the Earthquake TM. RIP!

I used the other entrance to Wayward cave where I fought all the trainers and trained my team some more. Afterwards, I did more Underground digging and got myself an Armor Fossil. I then made my way to Route 207 and back to Oreburgh where I revived Wall the Shieldon from its fossil form. Battled my way through Route 7 then entered Mt Coronet where I caught Guru the Meditite.

Came out on Route 208 where Doofen the male Bidoof joined the team. Battled more trainers then went to Hearthome City where I entered Bun in a Cool contest and won a ribbon. I then took on the Gym and obtained Caramel the female Eevee from Bebe.

Doofen, Guru, Rick and Wall are currently living in my PC Box 1.

I went out to Route 209 where I battled Barry and then went to catch another pokemon and I ran into a Ralts that I accidentally fainted... again... guess I'm not meant to have a Gallade this game... I decided to train my team up a bit more to bring everyone to the same level as my Luxray and Monferno and that is when Jelly the Gastrodon got 1 shot by a critical hit Magical Leaf from a Roselia. And I stopped to write this as I deposited Jelly into Valhalla...

Active team:

Male|Level 31|Blaze|Hasty @Fist Plate
Cut|Flame Wheel|Rock Smash|Mach Punch

Male|Level 31|Intimidate|Impish

Male|Level 29|Intimidate|Quirky
Thief|Double Team|Aerial Ace|Wing Attack

Female|Level 27|Sand Veil|Quiet @Draco Plate
Dragon Rage|Sandstorm|Earthquake|Rock Tomb

Female|Level 25|Run Away|Bold
Tackle|Quick Attack|Sand-Attack|Growl


MISS WOOP(Level 11 Female Kricketune)
RICK(Level 15 Male Gastly)
DOOFEN(Level 18 Male Bidoof)
GURU(Level 20 Male Meditite)
WALL(Level 24 Male Shieldon)

In Valhalla(RIP):
BRUH(Level 5-Level 16 Male Geodude)
FLOAT(Level10-Level 11 Male Buizel)
CHERRY(Level 7-Level 21 Female Zubat)
DEW(Level 10-Level 11 Male Budew)
BENEDICT(Level 1-Level 19 Male Togepi)
JELLY(Level 11-Level 30 Female Gastrodon)
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Finally time to take on my Rival on Nugget Bridge, made a proper Nuzlocke Card at last, granted still need to figure out how to play with the badges.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Starting off and I'm surprised Blue hasn't already fused his Pidgeoto, well it makes it easy to decide that Sweet Bubbles will just Rock Tomb him.

It might be faster but it does very little damage, and Rock Tomb takes out roughly half it's HP and slows it down, and even baits my Rival to waste his Super Potion.

Unfortunately luck turned against me then as I missed Rock Tomb and got Sand Attacked. Whirlwind thankfully brought out Indra's Scorned who set up a reflect and then took out Pidgeoto.

Blue then sends out his first fused Pokemon, a Fighting/Normal combo of Rattata/Mankey against a Water/Flying Pokemon.

Hey if the AI wants to hand me this victory, who am I to say no.

I then get to see his starter, but Indra's Scorned is admittedly still low on HP after the last two, even if he is super effective against a Grass/Fire.

Sadly all my other Pokemon with the exception of Grounded Vines my baby are in a weird mix of being Super Effective against one time and weak to the other.

So I'll use a Fresh Water and see what he does, a missed Sleep Powder means I have the opportunity to Mud Slap a few times to set up a knock out.

Sadly a Razor Leaf soon hits as does a sleep powder and with no Awakening's owned, I take the risk to swap into Aesculapian where I plan to use Venoshock and hope for the best and Glare is an option.

It starts off with a hit bite that lowers me, but next turn I go first and my Venoshock takes quite a bit out and misses with Ember. Unfortunately next turn it goes first and ember hits bringing me to low HP, and I go next and bring him to red.

It seems to be a gamble if I want to risk who goes first, I've lowered his accuracy twice as well, but it's a question on who goes first.

Sweet Bubble has two more speed, and there should be zero reason to open with a Grass move against a Bug/Poison type. I'll risk swapping and seeing how that helps.

A missed sleep powder and I go first with Water Pledge to finish him off, finally Abra is up and apparently Teleport got modded to be a two turn attack here? Still it's no match against Sweet Bubbles who hands me the win.

A full clear with no deaths against Blue, wonder how long I can keep this up.

Of course Blue is also Cheap and gives me 300 Poke, considering the Fresh Water I used, I made a profit of 100 off him

Now for Nugget Bridge which should be less worrying and I clear it with little difficulty, occasionally running back to the Pokemon Center rather than rotating as much.

I soon get a quest to show a researcher an Abra and to my surprise and luck, I find a Kakauna/Abra encounter as my one and only encounter for the route and soon catch it after it hardens twice. I wasn't entirely sure if Teleport still allowed one to escape outside of trainer battles, so I decided to start off with a Pokeball, the mud slap scared me when it brought it to red, as rather than Bug/Psychic like I guessed it was a Poison/Psychic, and a base power 40 with a LV20 vs a LV8 almost ended up killing that encounter.

Thankfully the next side quest only requires me to encounter every Wild Pokemon on the route rather than catch anything, so I set to work on that next,

Do so, and there is a new quest to find the special encounter on the route Bunnary and catch it, as I still want to do this despite this being a Nuzlocke, I've decided to add a new Rule, I can catch Pokemon for Quests but they cannot be used in Battle ever and must be released immediately after being used, as they are an extra Pokemon.

I then proceed to hunt down and catch Bunnary using the Poke Radar show it to the Quest Giver and then promptly release it.

Did enough quests to earn Amulet Coin which I promptly gave to Nycteribiidae to help earn me money until I can get to the easiest way to earn money in this game. I might even be able to buy some actual Awakenings and other status items in the future, although first I need another buffer of 10K.

Oh my God, I wasn't expecting to see Joey just outside of Cerulean and he even fused a Raticate into Rattata and made the Rattata the dominant one. That's an amazing joke, got me to chuckle.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Finished clearing most of the rest of Route 24 and ran into someone offering a Balbausar/Rattata fusion for any LV20. When I have an extra LV20 I catch on one of my routes I'll trade it over, as it is, I won't be able to break that fusion until Johto post Game, but hey having all the starters as choices is great.

I also finally made the decision to fuse Charmander and the Abra I caught for one powerful glass canon, Fire/Psychic has no quad weaknesses and I'll put my faith in them. I nicknamed the new fusion Agni, for he shall burn all who oppose him, and vanish before they can attack back. Saying goodbye to Aesculapian for now, but if someone dies he'll likely come back out.

Time to go see Bill and see what that results in this fusion.

Bill tests the fusion process with a Human head and Pokemon Body, with a Rhydon this time I see. Wonder if it'll keep Human's immunity to Pokeballs, assuming you keep your full intellect that'd be one power move. Then again Pokemon may not live as long.

Route 25 sadly has no grass, rocks to break or even something to surf on. No Pokemon from that route besides the plethora of trade options.

Cerulean Cape meanwhile has no grass, but can be come back to later so that I can surf on it and catch some Pokemon. Route 25 also has something to come back to when I have cut, there's an TM there. What's worst is that someone is blocking it and if I had run back more steps when he first challenged me, I could have collected it early.

I would go take on Misty now, but I'd rather first go to Vermillion City and relearn Vine Whip which got mentioned to me earlier, I could also grind to LV23 and maybe get Mega Drain for Grounded Vines which would be a better move than Vine Whip, but I'm not sure I want to be that much stronger than Misty. Well we'll see what I learn on the route to Vermillion.

Strength for a TM on Route 24

I then proceeded down to Route 5 towards Vermilion CIty, delivered a love Letter to one of the girls there and was given a Pokemon Egg in return, I then proceeded to hatch it to find a Teddiursa/Togepi fusion that I dumped in the PC and moved on.

Some running back forth soon found me an Oddish that I caught, and I tried to teleport back to see if it worked in this fan game since I had multiple statuses on various Pokemon. Apparently Teleport requires a Badge in this game? Was not expecting that. Back down to catch my next Route 5 Pokemon.

After looking for a bit, I checked the pastebin to see if I'd caught everyone here. Nope both Bellsprout and Jigglypuff hadn't been, so I settled in for a grind to find them, thankfully the Poke Radar makes finding rare Pokemon a lot easier, also appears they can only be found when using it.

Unfortunately for me, it looks like a Guard won't let me pass, likely not until I get the Cerulean Badge, which leaves me with either the option of fighting Misty without a Super effective move or grinding, as this is a Nuzlocke, time to go grind Grounded Vines to LV23 which should give me Mega Drain.

Before Misty updated team
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I know Grounded Vine can do this with Sandstorm to increase Evasion and then Mega Drain repeatedly. Let's do this.

Once again only allowed two Pokemon and I choose Grounded Vines and Sweet Bubbles, honestly I'd forgotten that fact.

Man this fight went horribly wrong. Managed the first one easily, but a Water/Grass fusion where an Oddish/Starmie takes away my Grass advantage and they resist ground to boot.

Water Pulse did a ton and confused me to boot, after which I hurt myself rather than attacking.

I used a fresh water to heal myself, but when I tried to attack the following turn the Water Pulse crit and I've had my first Death in Grounded Vines.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Time for Sweet Bubbles, unfortunately from realizing that Oddish is the Head, it means that it's the primary typing meaning that this thing is a Grass/Psychic. Absolutely not something I was ready for. Here's hoping Sweet Bubbles can pull this off.

Decided to then attempt a Mud-Slap fight, as Sweet Bubbles was tanky, even Mega Drain couldn't easily kill it. A couple of Mud-Slaps and Fresh Water was my only hope to salvage this.

Thankfully it's stupid enough to use Water Pulse several times, helping to prolong this fight. Unfortunately though even with 3 Mud-Slaps it hasn't missed once

4th and 5th moves were finally misses, although 6th hit and I used my first Super Potion to fully heal and it's time to go on the offensive.

Her 6th attack missed and I was fully healed and prepared to Drain Kiss my way to victory.

I attacked with a drain kiss which put her in the red, and she hit me doing a chunk of damage that was partially healed. She super potioned, but I crit and put her back at red with full HP, to add insult to her she even missed.

Another Drain Kiss and it's my Victory, although with it I mourn my first loss.

And of course I've lost my Ground Type right before the third Gym

At least Armoured Core knows Ground Moves, even as a Rock/Fighting
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I lost Armored Core to a Rematch Claffa/Butterfree on Route 6, Gust took a 1/3 of his HP vs the half he took as he was Super Effective and it was Neutral with Gust. Sadly I forgot that Gust was Special so I underestimated it and it promptly crit and killed him on round 2. Used Aesculapian to get my revenge and finish him off, but they were both super effective against each other since Gust hurts Bug, even if Poison hurts fairy.

Honestly scared to rematch them again despite the plentiful EXP due to the possibilities of other Crits, honestly surprised Agni did so well in winning the first time, even if he ended up in red and any crits would have killed him.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Guess it's time to move on, and I lost my Rock and Fighting coverage and desperately need that Ground type coverage. Well lets see what I can catch on Route 6, and then Diglett cave before I decide what to fuse and add to the team.

Finally made it to Vermilion where I traded a Meowth for a Slowpoke which I shelved, more to take off the encounter list and to have more options when fusing and considering my team comp.

Surprisingly it even came with a hidden ability Regenerator, sadly not quite as useful in Set Mode, but healing a 1/3 of my HP when I swap it out is still great. Wish it counted for switching in as well.

I then wonder traded Kakuna away, safe knowing that all of this had already been determined and I was trading a computer so I wouldn't break anything, and that I'd get a Pokemon the same LV back. Got a Poliwag/Bonsly Fusion.

Then explored the city, I found the Move Remember who I heard so much about who only charges 1K a steal for sure, sadly the members who needed it are now dead.

Also found somebody who was willing to give me 15K for a Balm Mushroom a quest reward I got early on for collecting Mushrooms, yay for finally being loaded. I'll absolutely have enough for the money exploit in the 5th Gym if I ever need it now. As I have enough Pokeballs, Fusion Items and I can backtrack to Mt Moon as there are no barriers for the Fresh Water.

Also got a sidequest to go back to Vermillion and Pewter for Planks and Bricks, I think I'll do that after I get Cut. It'll make backtracking more easier through Diglett Cave.

Although first to go check out the Hotel sidequests for here and then backtrack to Cerulean to claim the one I couldn't before with my Fishing rod. I can also fish in towns and such for my Nuzlocke experience as well now.

Found the Pikachu I wanted to find in route 6, unfortunately for me Venoshock crit it, at which point it died at full HP. So I botched encounter one. Here's hoping try two works out better for me. Thankfully I haven't seen a fusion in the wild for a bit, as that would botch this whole route.

Found a second Pikachu, this time after Paralizing it, I decided to just try a love ball at full HP which sadly failed, I then swapped to Nycteribiidae despite being weak to confuse him, when he eventually hurt himself I tried another love ball which worked and burned out the route.

First fishing in Vermillion got me a Magikarp which I caught since I traded my last one away, I then continued to try to fish to see if I could get the old boots that a fisher man had lost, at which point I found and caught Shelder as well. Thankfully I pulled out my LV6 Rumba Golurk/Smeargle wonder trade so that I could weaken the LV5's after I paralized them for easy catches.

Also collected the Old Boots after some more fishing which I traded in back at Cerulean and I got a Wooper boxed as well.

Then ran back to Mt Moon and stocked up on 45 Fresh Water.

All of this didn't matter though as I fought a trainer with a Eggecute/Digglett fusion, since I was 3 Levels higher and a tank I tried attacking it with Water Pledge, sadly Bullet Seed hit 5 times and Crit to boot. Truly Sweet Bubbles was to good for this world.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Caught a Sparrow route 11 and promptly traded it for a Farfetched and then went back to Route 11.

After quite a bit of thought I decided to fuse my Slowpoke/Pikachu together and add them to my team as Makara, I'll grind him up with EXP Share and he'll be needed for Diglett Cave. I can only hope he does great work together with the rest of my team.

Say hi to everybody.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

I had high hopes for him, unfortunately for him after I grinded him with EXP share to LV17, I started throwing him against rematch Fire type trainer. He was doing well two shotting them consistently. Unfortunately though he put a Growlithe/Nidoran into less than 10% which made the Reversal attack hit very hard and take out over 70% of his HP taking him down. It didn't help that it was 3 levels higher than his 19.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Truly I hadn't expected to introduce a Pokemon and kill it off in the same update like this. Welp back to the drawing board for a good Water type for Diglett Cave, currently exploring the St.Anne and with the amount of fire types here, a good Water type would be great as well.

Annoyed I went back to the PC to fuse a new Water type, after scrolling through my options carefully and thinking about it a NidoranM/Magikarp fusion will work well and it's not like I'll throw him out before he's an actual Gyrados.

Say hi to Drakolimni
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Man do I hate the occasional Water time I stumble into, I just don't have a good answer to them anymore, I generally swap away from Agni into Indra's Scorned to eat a hit and then settle for a long battle where I usually use up a fresh water to heal him and win that way.

Going to call it a night here in the St. Anne, hopefully next Session I'll have a Gyrados/Nidoking, as I plan to go buy that moon stone and grind him up to LV20

Team as I'm closing
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
Agni continues to be my MVP and sweeps enemy trainers with ease, his Confusion wiping out his foes. I'd switch but I worry about losing someone else. I think I may keep him up front until I get Magikarp to 20.

Yea I send Nycteribiidae out against a Poliwhirl/Machop fusion, I'm super effective and using wing attack and I can't even take out half it's HP and it's Seismim toss's meant after two strikes I had to swap to Indra's Fury who then had body slap take 45% of it's HP. I then tried to finish it off with Peck and was left paralyzed at 4HP, thankfully Peck landed anyway, but man is everyone else disappointments compared to Agni who casually oneshots them.

Huh maybe I underestimated how hard it could hit, this rematch has it body slam and do over 60% damage to Nycteribiidae, back to Indra's Scorned for the finisher.

Yea, I had to to use two fresh waters to win the next rematch, I should just grind in the Grass for a bit with those two, and Aesculapian, and consider possible replacements for them honestly.

Time to move on to other opponents, like this guy giving me the other fossil. Agni even took a Critical Bite which was super effective and lived, granted it was an Omanyte LV20 to his 26, but still proud of him.

Found someone who wanted to trade a Drowzee for a Seal, I did so as I've found trades usually have hidden natures, and having more Water Coverage in case the worst happens is more important than having Psychic coverage.

Found another somebody who wanted to trade a Growleth for a Shelder, after some thought I agreed as if there's ever water in a town I can fish up a replacement, I also have no fire backup in my PC but several water, and there's that quest asking me to show a Fire/Water type as well. Although a little regret at it having it's hidden ability as Growlith's Intimidate would have been far better than Justified.

Decided to fuse the combo into Rex the Growlith/Seel fusion and add him to the team
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

He starts off Water/Fire, but when he evolves into Dewgong he'll become Ice/Fire, and be a good counter to Dragon types, just so long as they don't have Rock moves.

Then decided to backtrack to Cerulean and fight a couple of earlier trainer rematches for easier Grinding and evolved 3 of my earlier Pokemon, took off the EXP share to make it easier and dumped it back onto Magikarp.

I'd just evolved Indra's Scorn not to long ago but unfortunately his evolution did not last long.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

I had a brain fart and swapped away from seeing a Water type in an Seel/Pikachu fusion, forgetting for a second that it was also Electric Type and thus quad effective on Indra's Scorned. At last the Lightning hit him, and the Electro Ball one shot him from a Pokemon 2 levels higher than him.

They refused to go out alone though, and with Innards out took them from full HP to 0 in an instance.

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Man has St. Anne changed my Pokemon with the Evolutions and Deaths, here's my updated team.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Rival fight time, I forgot he attacked right before you talk to the captain. Or I remembered he was a St Anne fight I just thought it was a bit further.

Drakolimi soloed it even lower LV than my rival, just needed to give him one Perism berry for his trash, he used his Oran Berry and I used a Super Potion. I'll give him a Perism berry to hold next time.

Finally went to Diglett Cave, and apparently the NPC's there weren't trainers so I worried for nothing, welp onward to catching two Diglett's, having a backup in case it dies won't be bad considering how few Ground Types I have.

I then fused it with a Oddish and named it Quake, time to now go back to Pewter and get that Lumber and wood and then explore my way back forward, also can stop and turn my Fossils to Pokemon.

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New team heading back, and once again I have 6 members
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
Nice I certainly wasn't expecting one of the side quests to just be Cut an Old Man's tree's and have it be over 20 of them. Your first reward is lemonade but if you talk to him again he gives you Sheer's which can cut trees, at which point I ditched Cut for Rock Smash again for Agni.

Thankfully HM's are just something you can freely forget in this Fan Game, although you theoretically could get stuck as a result.

I claimed the Plank and Bricks and fought two easy Pokemon Battles for them.

The next side quest was back in Viridian Forest now that I had Cut, which had me dealing with a swarm of Beedrill, I threw down Nycteribiidae up front and proceeded to take on the swarm.

I wasn't expecting it to be a double battle, but Drakolimi easily backed him up and won, but man are Double Battles glitchy in this game. Thankfully no crashes and my save file wasn't corrupted, but it did things like skip my enemies turns after I knocked them out, and was rather glitchy when I was learning a new move.

Thankfully Vermillion is easy to go to if I think I missed a worthwhile one.

Oddish evolved into Gloom for my Quake as well.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

I look forward to seeing it become Dugtrio, I've seen it's Vileplume/Dugtrio combo, but I'm saving the Gloom/Dugtrio combo as a surprise to me.

Found a Blackjack mini game that Cost 2K to play, thankfully it doesn't force me to save when I lose, so I'll just keep resetting until I win, abusing the power to reset the world to my advantage.

Lost 1 time and then won the second round and got a Nugget, so 2K for a 5K item which can only be done once. Overall I'd say that went well, even if in reality it would have cost 4K for a 5K item if I hadn't save scummed.

Apparently each of the gambler offers the blackjack mini game upon losing, which looks like it'll help make a decent chunk of money, help make for the amount I blow on move tutors and such as well which is nice.

Finally strong enough to repeatably fight the Clefairy/Butterfree Trainer with Drakolimi and win with Trash easily, so I grinded Quake up to LV26 with EXP share.

Evolved Quake into Dugtrio/Gloom and it's time to go take on Surge
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Time to fight Surge with this team
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Can only bring 3 Pokemon so I'll bring Quake, Agni and Aesculapian for this Gym Battle

Quake started by almost killing the Krabby/Voltorb fusion which sure let it do some damage but Surge then wasted his Super potion while I healed the damage with Mega drain, finished that flawlessly.

Unfortunately his next Pokemon was more of a worry, as he ran a Pidgeotto/Pikachu Combo, and I had neglected to teach any Rock moves to Quake like Rock Tomb which would have solved this issue.

Instead I paralized it while it wasted it's turn lowering my accuracy, now the question who is smarter to throw out? Aesculapian or Agni? Aesculapian is weak to flying, but he's also less valuable than Agni who is also relatively fragile. So it's who I'll throw out.

Thankfully it choose Quick Attack, and didn't hurt Aesculapian much, who's rocky helmet hurt it the same. A crunch, brought it to half, unfortunately it's static paralyzed me and it's Gust soon did similar to me leaving me at 60%. It wasted a Super Potion as Crunch mostly brought it back to 60% rather than 40%, was worried paralized would kick in.

With both of us paralized it's very RNG now on who will win

Crunch brought it to red, and me to yellow with a gust. Time to use my own "Super Potion", go Fresh Water!

It crit taking 40HP, unless it crits again I should be good to take it down now.

Curse you RNG, Paralized while it gust to put me at 12HP, looks like it's second Fresh Water time, funnily enough we are now at the same items used.

Electro Ball Crit sadly brought me back to 31, what's with him critting so often, RNG stop favoring him so obviously!

Another Electro Ball leaves me at 16HP, and I finish it off with Crunch, just in time for Shed Skin to kick in and heal me, right when I'm about to switch.

His last Pokemon is Pure Electric, Raichu/Electabuzz, so back to Quake.

Quick Attack isn't to bad, but I start with a low Magnitude of 5, and then it double team, I hope RNG doesn't favor it again.

Magnitude 6 killed it even with another Quick Attack and it's my win over Surge without anyone dying.

With that I was given Teleport HM which apparently replaces fly, I guess that's why Agni's Teleport said don't have Badge as I can teleport anywhere I've been now.

Then Wonder Traded an extra Beedrill away and got a Starmie/Snubbull Fusion, after which I threw Golurk/Smeargle and my Bonsly/Poliwag into the daycare if I ever need to use them they'll be a bit higher level.