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[Challenge] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Username: ZeoStar
Version: Dark Rising
Single/Ultimate: Single
Optional: Nickname
Shiny Clause
Duplicate Clause

This probably isn't a great idea. If I pass even the first gym I'll consider it an accomplishment.

Edit: Dead at the first gym.

Level 20 Heatmore with drought set up with Fire Punch and Thunder Punch killed my entire team. That was brutal. -_-

I may still try this game on a non nuzlocke
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Username: Kung Fu Ferret
Single/Ultimate: Single
Version: Fool's Gold (ROM hack of Crystal with different typed versions of all Pokemon out of the first 251)
Nicknaming theme will be SMITE gods, also Dupes Clause is always in effect, blacking/whiting out is a game over, shiny clause (because, shiny odds are significantly higher than they normally are, in this hack), and this last rule is a bit of a mercy rule due to some of the difficult battles... Instead of having being only able to faint once, each Pokemon will have 3 "Lives".
I will roll a six-sided die to determine my starter.
1 or 2 = Chikorita (Fighting)
3 or 4 = Cyndaquil (Ice)
5 or 6 = Totodile (Flying)
I rolled a 4... Cyndaquil it is!
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Username: Peq
Version: Starting with Blue
Single/Ultimate: Ultimate

Let's see how many of these I can do!
Username: Pumpkaboo92
Version: red, crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Black 2 (Into Black), Y, Ultra Sun, Shield
Single/Ultimate?: Ultimate!
Extra rules: I will be fusing this with my time warp run, just so everyone knows, that and I will fuse these two also with the story challenge! I will most likely post here, then time warp then write out a chapter in story challenge, (and possibly somewhere down the line, do a comic of this whole thing.)
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Looking like the threads still up- Sign me up too! :>

Username: DyingWillFlareon
Version: Blue
Single/Ultimate?: Single!

Additional rules-
* Dupes clause always in effect
* Shiny clause- JK im playing blue :(
* No hacks for trades: I won't be evolving my eventual inevitable Graveler :')
* Food themed names, because I'm not that creative with names!.....

Update 1:

Update 2:

Update 3:


Final Party:

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Emerald Nuzlocke, Team After First gym!

Team After 3 gyms!

Team After 5 Gyms!

Team after 6 Gyms!
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Team After 8 Gyms, Made some adjustments, realised it's an awfully balanced team but thinking yolo lmao.

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Game Set match, Lost only 3 pokes all game and all 3 were just getting smushed by OP opponents. Didn't realise Gyarados would out speed Magneton because I'm a derp.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

Zap Braff's Moveset and Level I put in as an honor thing because he did a lot of work.
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Team After 4 Gyms, This rom hack is sadly very easy, the trainers and gym leaders become under leveled compared to you very easily

[PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
This is my first post in this forum, and I've expressed interest in performing a nuzlocke, for the first time. I certainly hope to be able to see how far I can get. So here is my submission form.

Username: superherokid
Version: Leaf Green, Soul Silver, Ruby, Diamond, White 2, Y, Ultra Sun
Single/Ultimate?: Ultimate. I know half the games I couldn't finish, but that's part of the challenge.
Extra Rules: *Must nickname all pokemon
*Duplicate clause
*Shiny clause (But cannot use unless it's the first pokemon caught in a region)

I'll see how far I can go. I've tried a monotype challenge with my brother, the only pokemon other than the type being HM slaves, in Fire Red. Let's see what's going to happen.
Just started the challenge!

I began my journey, and beat my rival! Went to catch all the pokemon I can at that point, and I am currently training them. After 30 minutes, here are my first ones.

Jetstream (Squirtle) Lv 11
Nutty (Rattata) Lv 6
Spearow (Accidentally pushed cancel on the option to nickname. Oops!) Lv 6
Skye (Pidgey) Lv 6
Buzz Buzz (Weedle) Lv 5

I haven't yet beaten my rival west of Viridian City. I need to make sure I can take him down, and tear up his pokemon, easily. So I'm working to grind, to ensure that my Pokemon can survive. I've seen some Nuzlocke videos where someone has half his team below level 8 when they fight the rival in Cerulean city. I don't want that to be me.

I don't want my beloved Pokemon to die! Let's go! *insert Viridian City them song*
Just beat Brock, in grand style.

Unfortunately, I lost Buzz Buzz while training outside of Viridian City.

Here is my team, about to tackle Route 3 and Mount Moon.

Guess that's what happens when you name a Weedle after a character in Earthbound that dies in the beginning.

Just a piece of advice: In a Nuzlocke... Don't get greedy.

Jetstream (Wartortle) Lv 19
Spearow (set to be renamed later) Lv 15
Skye (Pidgey) Lv 15
Nutty (Rattata) Lv 15

List of the deceased

Buzz Buzz (Kakuna) Lv 7 (Getting greedy during training to a Rattata outspeeding me, for the first time in the fight)
New Update!

I've arrived at Mount Moon, and after a respite to make sure my new friends are up to date, I am here with the update!

Jetstream: (Wartortle) Lv 26
Spearow (To be Renamed) Lv 17
Skye (Pidgey) Lv 17
Nutty (Rattata) Lv 17
And newcomers
Lola (Nidorina) Lv 17
The Rock (Geodude) Lv 17

In the box
Fishsticks (Magicarp) Lv 5

Buzz Buzz (Kakuna) Lv 7

I am keeping Fishsticks in the PC so that he can be an extra backup surf slave. I will also keep an eye on both Skye and Spearow so that I can keep an extra Fly slave. Although my list of Cut able pokemon aren't as present. I maybe only have Nutty and Lola. I was going to keep Buzz Buzz for such a task, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Made it out of Mt Moon, got past the Rival and Nugget Bridge. No casualties to date now. And I lucked out with an Abra! Had three weedles show up on route 25, then got the Bellsprout.

Here's my fresh team

Jetstream (Wartortle) Lv 30
Lola (Nidorina) Lv 17
Skye (Pidgey) Lv 17
The Rock (Geodude) Lv 17
Mindwave (Abra) Lv 13
Pepper (Bellsprout) Lv 13

Fishsticks (Magikarp) Lv 5
Mankey (Another cancel click. Oops!) Lv 10
Spearow (Hehehhe...) Lv 17
Nutty (Rattata) Lv 17

Buzz Buzz (Kakuna) Lv 7

Things are looking great here. Got an extra water and flying type to help out with Surf and Fly if something happens to Skye or Jetstream.

Although I'll need a bit more training for my team to be able to manage enemy threats.
Did a lot more work on my Leaf Green Playthrough. Other than Buzz Buzz, I haven't lost anyone. It's come close, but I've vanquished my foes every time.

Jetstream is at Lv 37, while the rest, Lola, Skye, Mindwave, Pepper and The Rock are all between lvs 26-28, and I just got to Rock Tunnel.
Username: Pumpkaboofan4life
Version: Yellow, crystal, omega ruby, pearl, Black 2, Y, Ultra Sun, Shield
Single/Ultimate?: Ultimate!
Extra rules:
All:Dupes clause and Shiny clause are active, may catch shiny and can skip dupes (3 tries then must catch.)
Crystal:Cannot use Hold items
Omega Ruby:Cannot use pokemon amie.
Black 2:Hidden Grotto's are seperate to the route they are on.
Y:Cannot use mega evolution
Ultra Sun:Cannot use Z moves
Shield:Cannot use Gigamax. (Can use dynamax but only that.)
Received Chu the pikachu lv. 5
Beat Leo
Caught Eo the Pidgey, lv. 2
Caught Kee the Mankey lv. 5
Caught Queen the Nidoran Lv. 4
Caught Free the Caterpie Lv. 5
Battled trainers and Free evolved into Metapod
Battled against wild pokemon, Free evolved into Butterfree
Battled Trainer in gym, used Kee with Low Kick
Battle Brock, used Kee, one hit with geodude, 2 low kicks with Onix
Got badge
Spoiler: Pokemon

Chu the Pikachu Level 9
Eo the Pidgey Level 9
Kee the Mankey Level 11
Queen the Nidoran girl Level 10
Free the Butterfree Level 10