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[Challenge] The Nuzlocke Challenge

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 5,731
    This has been a Spotlighted Challenge. Here's how it works.

    Spotlight period: September 1st to November 30th, 2022

    The Nuzlocke Challenge

    With the revamp of the section, I decided to revive some of the old staples. I don't think I have to introduce Nuzlocke. It's one of the oldest and the most popular Pokémon challenges out there. It has simple rules, but can get complicated. Your Pokémon are just few pixels on a screen, but losing them can be quite emotional.

    Core Rules

    These rules are mandatory to follow:
    1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead and must be released (or permanently put in PC).
    2. You can only catch the first wild Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first wild Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances.
    3. All Pokémon must be nicknamed.
    4. The challenge ends when you first see credits roll.

    The first two rules are in effect only after you gain the ability to catch Pokémon.

    Optional Rules

    You can make your game harder/easier by applying some optional rules. There are some for inspiration:
    1. You can only use Pokémon you catch yourself, meaning gifted Pokémon are banned.
    2. Starter Pokémon must be randomly chosen. A common system is if the last digit of the player's Trainer ID number is 1-3, the player must choose the Grass-type starter; if it is 4-6, the Fire-type starter; if it is 7-9, the Water-type starter; if it is 0, free choice.
    3. A black out is considered as game over.
    4. The challenge ends after you beat Elite Four and Champion in a rematch.
    5. You have to play with SET battle style.
    6. Each Gym battle has a level cap. Usually, it's the level of the first or last Pokémon of that Gym Leader.
    7. You can only use same number of Pokémon as Gym Leader.
    8. You can't use healing items in battle.
    9. You can't use held items.
    10. You can only use one Pokémon type.
    11. You can't evolve your Pokémon.

    And many, many more rules. You can make your own rules to adjust the difficulty.

    Nuzlocke Variations

    Aside from optional rules, there are several Nuzlocke variants that change the core rules a little bit. For example:

    You can check them out in their respective threads, and find even more such variations in the Challenge List over here!


    Optional rules, if any:
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    After like, a year, here is my gold nuzlocke finished!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Cacaw lv 60
    Fly/Sand Attack/Gust/Quick Attack
    Quick Claw

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Mom lv 60
    Strength/Earthquake/Bite/Double Kick
    Soft Sand

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    UWU lv 60
    Thundershock/Zap Cannon/Screech/Swift

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Tippy lv 60
    Wing Attack/Dragonbreath/Iron Tail/Surf
    Dragon Fang

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Pineapple lv 60
    Mystic Water

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Pickles lv 60
    Shadow Ball/Bite/Psychic/Sand Attack
    Username: Ullion
    Game: Pokemon Black
    Optional rules:
    -Set mode always on
    -Not allowed to over level the next gym leader's ace pokemon.
    -Black out is game over
    -I think this is typical for Nuzlockes, but I am also playing with the dupes clause (where to my understanding, if my first area encounter is a pokemon i've already caught, it does not count as an encounter)

    I recently started up a retry attempt at a previously failed Nuzlocke run of Pokemon Black. Previous to that failed Nuzlocke attempt, I had only ever attempted a Nuzlocke once before; Firered with just the bare-bones ruleset. With only one serious loss, due to my own lack of discipline, I had found that game+ruleset to be a bit too easy to play through. I've heard that B/W are one of the harder versions to nuzlocke, and I also haven't played them since my very first play through of them back on their release. I figured this would be a good way to replay through the game while giving myself a good challenge at the same time.


    First Update:
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    Here we go looking for the spotlight.

    Username: Shooting Star
    Game(s): Brilliant Diamond
    Optional rules, if any:
    Hello, it's been a while since I last did a Nuzlocke Challenge. So I will sign up!

    Username: Celèste
    Game(s): Alpha Sapphire
    Optional rules, if any:
    - Starter Pokemon are randomly chosen, based on the last digit of the Trainer ID number
    - Not allowed to over level the next gym leader's ace pokemon
    - Also I forgot to add the dupe clause, I'm not sure if it is a normal rule so I'll add it here

    PS: Am I technically allowed to start the challenge as soon, as I post the sign up or do I need to wait until it's accepted? Also how is it with the updates? I'm really sorry, I'm new in this forum....
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    Hello, it's been a while since I last did a Nuzlocke Challenge. So I will sign up!

    Username: Celèste
    Game(s): Alpha Sapphire
    Optional rules, if any:
    - Starter Pokemon are randomly chosen, based on the last digit of the Trainer ID number
    - Not allowed to over level the next gym leader's ace pokemon

    PS: Am I technically allowed to start the challenge as soon, as I post the sign up or do I need to wait until it's accepted? Also how is it with the updates? I'm really sorry, I'm new in this forum....
    You can start when you want. In some cases, you can also post sign-up even after finishing a challenge. Good luck!

    And you know what? I should probably also do one Nuzlocke run. I'm currently doing a Genlocke, so I don't think I'll do a regular Nuzlocke, but I wanted to do Wynaut Nuzlocke Solo run for a while...

    Username: Janp
    Game(s): Heart Gold
    Optional rules, if any: I can only use one Wynaut that will be hacked in as starter. For the sake of my sanity, I'll hack it in on level 15, so it can actually fight. When Wynaut faints, I'll have to restart the whole game. Also, Red is the endpoint.
    You can start when you want. In some cases, you can also post sign-up even after finishing a challenge. Good luck!

    And you know what? I should probably also do one Nuzlocke run. I'm currently doing a Genlocke, so I don't think I'll do a regular Nuzlocke, but I wanted to do Wynaut Nuzlocke Solo run for a while...

    Username: Janp
    Game(s): Heart Gold
    Optional rules, if any: I can only use one Wynaut that will be hacked in as starter. For the sake of my sanity, I'll hack it in on level 15, so it can actually fight. When Wynaut faints, I'll have to restart the whole game. Also, Red is the endpoint.

    You'll probably want to hack Mirror Coat and Counter to be a different type, otherwise you could have some impossible battles ahead as Counter can't hurt Ghost types using Physical moves and Mirror Coat can't hurt Dark types using Special moves.

    Unless you want to rely on Struggle.
    You'll probably want to hack Mirror Coat and Counter to be a different type, otherwise you could have some impossible battles ahead as Counter can't hurt Ghost types using Physical moves and Mirror Coat can't hurt Dark types using Special moves.

    Unless you want to rely on Struggle.
    When I was theorycrafting the run, I haven't found any battle that would be straight up impossible because of typing, but both Morty's Haunter have pretty annoying movesets, that I'll probably spend few tries getting pass them.
    Hello, I started my Nuzlocke Challenge today! Since I don't know exactly in which form I'm supposed to post my progress I decided to make a quick team recap after every for me major battle (gym leader, elite 4 and the champion). If I should do a different approach about my progress, please do tell me. Without further ado, here's my first update!

    PS: Also I just wanted to thank you Janp for helping me out, when I didn't know how everything works with signing up!
    Hello again, here is my second update for my Nuzlocke Challenge!


    Nuzlocke Challenge - Update #1

    • Started the game and got Goku the Chimchar.
      He's a Lax nature (+Def -SpD) which isn't great to be honest, but it is what it is.
      I picked Chimchar because Sinnoh famously is kinda terrible as far as fire type goes (I know the Underground helps with that, but I kinda don't want to rely on that).

    • Got the free Potions from the Mart lady on Rt. 201

    • I was forced to wear the hat, one of the things I strongly dislike about the remakes.
      The orange scheme just looks awful with darker skin, just let me switch into something less garish.

    • Either way, I finished the early game tutorials and finally got Pokéballs.

    • I backtracked to Lake Verity and encountered Bidoof as my first encounter.
      Unfortunately, I accidentally fainted it.

    • On Route 201, I encountered Tommy the Starly on Rt. 201 and successfully captured it.
      It's a Timid nature (+Spe -Atk) which is awful, but we can deal with this, I suppose.

    • On Route 202, I encountered Dag the Bidoof, and managed to capture it.
      I'm very much not excited about this (I was hoping for a Shinx) but it is what is.
      I guess it can help for Roark since Bibarel is part water?
      Dag's Naïve (+Spe -SpD) which isn't that great either. I'm hoping future catches get better nature luck.
      It does have a good ability in the form of Unaware though, someone that can ignore stat changes is always useful.

    • I had a major fright with the school kids because I forgot the Abra had Charge Beam in this game.
      Tommy tanked a Charge Beam from an Abra and survived thankfully but, that could have went south really quickly.
      I managed to outspeed and KO but yeah, one of the reasons I don't love Nuzlockes: they promote a very defensive playstyle that's just kinda boring.

    • I did the Pokétch fetch quest and got the Old Rod in the Jublife Western Tunnel.
      From there I went to Route 218 found a Magikarp but Dag killed it with two crits in a row.
      Really not making me like you there, buddy.

    • So I backtracked to Sandgem and went to Route 219, and tried fishing there.
      After a long, long time fishing, I found another Magikarp and managed to get this one.
      Dragon the Magikarp is kinda bad (as all Magikarps are) but it has potential because Gyarados.
      It has a decent nature: Relaxed (+Def -Spe), it's not great, but defensive natures are usually at least decent in a Nuzlocke.

    • In Route 204, I got Rose the Budew.
      Lonely nature (+Atk -Def) is trash, but it has a nice ability in Natural Cure.
      Not that it matters because it died to a crit the very next battle.
      And this is what I meant when I said Nuzlockes promotes boring play, having to consider crits when grinding just makes thing take a lot more time than they have to.

    • I defeated Rival Two.

    • On Route 203, my first encounter was an Abra (!) but it broke the ball and fled immediately.

    • On Route 203 there's this girl that says she got an Oreburgh badge when all she has are:
      1 level 5 Starly
      1 level 5 Bidoof

      Either someone's lying or Roark went a lot easier on that girl for some reason.

    • On Route 207, I found Rhonda the Machop.
      It has the worthless Relaxed nature (+SpA -SpD), but it'll come in handy for Burgh.
      And after we're done with that, we can trade it for Abra if it's still alive.

    • Tommy died to a Revenge crit in the mines. RIP.

    • I got Pebble the Geodude on Oreburgh Mines.
      Not holding out much hope for this one, carrying it around mostly as a sacrificial slave.
      It got a Hardy (Neutral) nature for what's worth.

    • After some grinding, Goku evolved and Rhonda was strong enough for me to go to Roark.
      Rhonda killed Geodude pretty handily, and then I allowed Goku to set up on Onix so Cranidos went down in one hit.
      Badges: 1 / 8

    • As a reward for doing well, I trade Rhonda for Kazza, the Abra.
      Machop's just not that great of an option if you have Monferno.
      Kazza's got a Quite (+SpA -Spe) nature which is pretty good for Alakazam.
      Not perfect, but decent.

    • Apparently I forgot to try something at the Ravaged Path and I get a Psyduck.
      After Roark, and before Gardenia. Yay.
      I accidentally killed it anyways. If I did catch it, it'd probably just be permaboxed anyways.

    • I just realized that Abra will only start obeying us after we get 2 badges, but might as well carry it along.
      Abras take forever to grind anyways.

    • I got the Valley Key and Honey, from which I managed to get the encounters for Floarama Meadow and Valley Windworks.
      In Valley Windworks I found Combee male, so useless.
      Floarama Meadows was Silcoon which is marginally less bad, I suppose.
      Silk has a Brave (+Atk -Spe) nature which is also not great.
      I guess I can carry it around for now, maybe Beautifly will come in handy as sacrificial fodder at the very least.

    • I beat Mars with the power of exponential growth. Thanks, Rollout!
      In doing so, Dag, Kazza and Silk all evolved.

    • I evolve Kazza yet again since that's a trade evolution, and go for Honey in Rt. 205.
      There I found another male Combee :x

    • From there I went to Eterna Forest which, due the magic of Dupes Clause, guarantees either Murkrow or Buneary, both of which are good Pokémon.
      And, as predicted, we found Murkrow ... but Cheryl killed it.

    • Dragon died because someone gave Energy Ball to an Abra, so that sucks.
      At level 17 too.

    • When beating Cherubi, Silk managed to make Gardenia waste her Super Potions on Cherubi, which is nice.
      Silk also killed Turtwig and let Roserade at very low health.
      I could have soloed if I used an item, but I'm trying to avoid them if I think it's possible, so I just brought Goku in and killed Roserade.
      Badges: 2 / 8

    • I unlocked the Grand Underground.
      I'm not even lying, I got a Skull Fossil literally my first dig, lol.
      And not too much later I found another.

    • Since BDSP block Rotom until after the National Dex, might as well get the free Gastly in the Old Chateau now.
      Well, free ish since they're at the level where they get Curse.
      Thankfully, I managed to get Shadow the Gastly.
      It has a Brave nature (+Atk -Spe) which is disgusting, but it still has Levitate and Gengar is just great, so we make do.

    • And now I'm contemplating what to do for the Underground.
      There are I think 76 chambers, so I think I'll do 10 chambers per gym?
      This way I can get all of them by the end of the game.
      Which means going on a catching spree next update.


    Dead: 3

    Wynaut Solo Nuzlocke in Pokémon Heart Gold

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Attempt 1

    Okay, first attempt was fairly short, so I guess I could also put down my thoughts about the whole concept.

    It's boring. Out of all Solo Nuzlockes I've done, this is the most lazy and uninteresting one so far. Maybe it's because of the nature of Counter and Mirror Coat, or maybe because I was so overleveled, but there wasn't really a challenge and even the end was kinda anti-climatic. There was never a moment, where I would fear I could lose. The biggest enemy of this run were enemy AI and PP. I run out of PP after each battle, since my moves do barely any damage. And enemy AI uses anything but damaging moves. Even Encore didn't help that much.

    And so, I lost to Silver in Azalea Town, because I couldn't hit his Gastly with anything and I run out of healing before I got to Struggle. Next time, I'm going against him with more Super Potions and probably a different strategy.


    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Uno, Bold Female Wynaut
    lvl 17, Shadow Tag
    - Counter
    - Mirror Coat
    - Encore
    - Safeguard​
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    Hello everyone! I'm here with my third Update....

    Update #3

    I'm currently nuzlocking Pokemon Red ++. This is my current team, after defeating Koga.
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge
    Due to some technical difficulties, I won't be able to proceed on Brilliant Diamond.

    So I guess I'll change the focus from Brilliant Diamond to ... let's say, Omega Ruby.

    Also, for the fun of it. Let's do an Egglocke.

    Username: Shooting Star
    Game(s): Omega Ruby
    Optional rules, if any:
    - Every time I capture a Pokémon, it will be substituted by a level 1 Pokémon of similar strength (of final form, as defined by BST).
    - This includes gift and legendary Pokemon.
    - Just formally stating that Shiny clause is on (and shiny catches generate shiny eggs).
    It has been a small minute (Two years) since I attempted a Nuzlocke run. So I guess we'll see how it goes :D

    Username: Midnight Umbreon
    Game(s): Platinum
    Optional rules, if any: Shiny Clause, Dupes Clause, SET battle style, no gift pokemon
    It's not like I haven't played platinum before, but got dang, I forgor how brutal it can be

    Alright, here we are I beat the first gym XD:

    For all you who almost certainly don't know, I named them after hackers
    So huh, laziness won out and instead of the egglocke, I just did a normal Nuzlocke on Gold since turbo saves lifes.

    - Got A the Totodile
    - Beat Rival
    - Got A the Hoothoot on Rt. 29
    - Got A the Jigglypuff on Rt. 46
    - Got A the Rattata on Rt. 30
    - Got A the Bellsprout on Rt. 31
    - Got A the Geodude on Dark Cave
    - Got A the Gastly on Bellsprout Tower
    - Beat Falkner
    - Hatched A the Togepi on Violet City
    - Got A the Wooper on Rt. 32
    - Beat Bugsy
    - Beat Rival
    - Got A the Zubat on Ilex Forest
    - Got A the Drowzee on Rt. 34
    - Gastly died
    - Got A the Abra on Goldenrod City
    - Abra evolved, twice
    - Totodile evolved
    - Hoothoot evolved
    - Bellsprout evolved
    - Beat Whitney
    - Got A the Sudowoodo on Rt. 36
    - Geodude died
    - Beat Morty
    - Drowzee evolved
    - Got A the Shuckle on Cianwood City
    - Beat Jasmine
    - Beat Chuck
    - Victreebel and Noctowl died.
    - Croconaw evolved
    - Beat Bryce
    - Beat Rival
    - Beat Clair
    - Got the Masterball
    - Got A the Ho-Oh on Tin Tower
    - Beat Will
    - Beat Koga
    - Ho-Oh died
    - Beat Bruno
    - Beat Karen
    - Alakazam died
    - Hypno died
    - Beat Lance and finished the game

    Final team:
    - A the Feraligatr (Lvl 43) @ Amulet Coin
    ~ Strength / Surf / Bite / Ice Punch

    - Ho-Oh (Lvl 43)
    - Hypno (Lvl 42)
    - Alakazam (Lvl 41)
    - Noctowl (Lvl 26)
    - Weepinbell (Lvl 25)
    - Geodude (Lvl 23)
    - Gastly (Lvl 15)

    Final thoughts:
    - Alakazam and Hypno are broken due to the Punch + Psy combo in Gen 2. I could have avoided more deaths if I played more carefully and grinded more but that's boring and time consuming and part of the reason I don't really do Nuzlockes.

    Wynaut Solo Nuzlocke in Pokémon Heart Gold

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Attempt 27

    I take what I said in the previous update back. Let's see how "well" this challenge went...

    I unsuccessfully tried bruteforcing through Silver's Gastly with Struggle, but found myself short on HP because of Curse, once I reached Quilava. So, 2 attempts later, I decided to grind a little bit to one-shot Gastly with Struggle, so it can't set up Curse. My overleveled Wynaut still had somewhat harder time with Quilava, because it started spamming Smoke Screen.

    For Bugsy, I encountered another problem. His Scyther could either one-shot me or use U-Turn to hide from recoil damage from Counter. So I had to also use my Struggle strategy with high levels.

    Getting to Goldenrod, I could upgrade my strategy with new items. I'm talking about X items, because they could rise my defenses so I won't get killed by super-effective moves. And as you'll see, this was right call. For Whitney, the battle was pretty straightforward. Got pretty lucky with her moves and beat her easily in every run.

    Morty on the other hand... Oh Morty... There are several problems with Morty. First - half of his team is immune to my moves. I can't hit them any other way besides Struggle. But here comes the second problem - If I Struggle, the combination of Struggle recoil damage and Curse will kill me, while facing Gengar. It took me several days and even more attempts to try different strategies, but in the end, I focused on solving one fatal question - Can I start the battle with Struggle and then return to my moveset? Turns out I can. I can use Leppa Berries. They can ge aquired fairly easily, but they take 16 hours to grow up. Good thing about Leppa Berries is that if they are held by Wynaut, they can automatically restore one move from 0 to 10 PP. But there are even better items - Ether and Elixir. I can get both via Pickup ability. But they are rare, like 1% rare. So I caught 5 Sentret, got them to level 40 and grinded for items. In the meantime, I got loads of Full Restores and Full Heals that proved to be vital in healing Wynaut this early. And I could sell rest of the items to get more X items.

    Back for Morty. I started the battle with 0 PP, set up 6 X Defenses and beat Gastly and both Haunter. But despite my preparations, Gengar was still hard enemy to overcome. On one attempt, I entered the fight with half HP and Gengar easily beat me, on another attempt, Gengar landed a critical hit, on another I managed to beat Gengar, but died to Struggle recoil damage... In the end, I had to carefully manage my HP from the start and enter the fight with Gengar with full HP. Surprisingly, his Hypnosis wasn't even a problem, thanks to my Full Restores and Full Heals.

    Now, sections between Gyms and major battle were pretty boring. Nothing could really kill, but everything took way too long to die. So, let's skip to another Gym. Chuck! I thought this would be easy battle. Just come in and Counter my way to victory. But turns out Focus Punch is nice counter to Counter. Get it? Anyway... I had to quickly get my PP down to 0 and deal with his team using Struggle. It damaged me more than them, but in the end, I won.

    Similar story with Jasmine, but I actually only used Struggle on her Magnemite, because Steelix only took small portion of damage from it. But it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with. One Ether later and Jasmine is a history.

    Let's skip Team Rocket arc, because their pathetic Pokémon were no match for Wynaut. They were annoying with their poison, but had no chance against me. Pryce on the other hand was fun. His Seel and Dewgong has movesets centered around using moves while asleep and they have pretty even distribution of Physical and Special moves. So I started the battle with Struggle and only used Ether against Piloswine.

    Clair is interesting Gym Leader. All of her Pokémon are all-out attackers. That means it should be easy to predict their moves. In reality, her Gyarados completely shred me to pieces on my first attempt of her with critical hit. I went in on higher level on my next attempt and got lucky to set up my X items. Few Mirror Coats later and her team was gone.

    Elite Four was actually the moment, when the game got some good pacing. By pacing I mean I could use my moveset effectively in battles. Rival battle was good training, but nothing to write home about. Will's Pokémon had somewhat annoying movesets, but his Pokémon still prefer to attack me with damaging moves, so I got past him quickly. Koga hajd similar problem + his Pokémon could inflict annoyign statuses. I got into Counter battle against Bruno's Hitmontop, but otherwise his team was the easiest. Way too easy. But Karen... I got Morty flashbacks against her. Luckily, I could set up my X items easily against her Umbreon. I realized way too late her Gengar is almost invincible against my moves and then lost to his Destiny Board when I locked myself in Struggle. I prepared better on the next attempt and set up Struggle on Murkrow. Before I could take Gengar down, I had to stall until he wastes his Destiny Board PP on nothing. It took a while, but in the end, I beat Gengar and then quickly took down Houndoom too. Lance's team had offensive movesets, so it was easy to beat them. I did end up in red HP in the end (and multiple times during the battle), but I don't think it was that hard.

    With that, I'm new Johto Champion. But I wanted more. Since this post is getting longer and I don't want to repeat myself much, all of Kanto's Gym Leaders fell down to my cheesy overpowered X items strategy. Some battles took a while, because I had to get rid of my PP in the middle of the battle, but since I got pretty comfortable with my strategy, there wasn't really any problems. I ended up in red HP in almost every battle, but still managed to win. Oh and I got Leftovers, while going through Kanto.

    And so, I got to Red. My stategy was simple. I used damage calc to find out that Red's Pikachu will take about half of Wynaut's HP with its Volt Tackle. So I started by raising my Defense and healing in the meantime. I hoped Pikachu would KO itself, but it started using Thunderbolt instead after almost knocking itself out with Volt Tackle. So I raised my Sp Defense and then went into offensive. I beat Piakchu by bouncing its Thunderbolt back, beat Charizard with its own Flamethrower and then had long battle with Snorlax and Red's Water-types. For some reason all Pokémon that knew Blizzard used it almost exclusively. Which made things easier. His final Pokémon was Venusaur, who couldn't do anything to my Wynaut.

    And with that, the run was finished. Here's the screen of final moments:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Let's talk a little bit about this challenge. I was skeptical about it at first and the early game was way too boring for me. Wynaut couldn't be killed and inflicted small damage. It changed around the 4th Gym, when I really had to tap into my Pokémon knowledge and had to come up with new strategy. But, I have a bad feeling about this run. It was hard. Probably the hardest run I've ever done. And it will be hard to top. Where do I move from here? I have to say that the start of this challenge was very frustrating. And I'm not playing games to feel frustrated. I want to have fun. And feel challenged. I want to feel like I'm getting something out of the run. I want to understand the mechanics of the game on deeper level, I want to explore the boundaries of what is possible to do. That's why I don't feel like doing this solo run with Pokémon like Caterpie, because its moves doesn't really offer anything like this. It would be easy to just ban 99% of mechanics for a run and called it a hard challenge. But I don't think it's hard. Challenge like this feels like it was designed by a someone, who doesn't understand. So, what is left for me here? I could do more of these, but as you can see, I'll most likely just use X items to counter any disadvantages of my chosen Pokémon. After a while, these runs would get stale. And because I can pretty much play any Pokémon game on autopilot, while doing something else, there isn't really a point in doing so for regular runs. That's why I love out events, especially the ones Loomie comes up with, but as organizer, I really don't find much time to play them myself. I also recently figured out that I hate noting every encounter in nuzlockes down just to write about them here. But that's problem for my Genlocke. Well, I went a little bit crazy over here with my thoughts, didn't I? I just feel like I peaked with this run and can't really outdo myself. Anyway... Let's look at the lady herself that beat the whole Johto and Kanto on her own.


    [PokeCommunity.com] The Nuzlocke Challenge

    Regret 7, Careful Female Wynaut
    lvl 100, Shadow Tag
    - Counter
    - Mirror Coat
    - Encore
    - Safeguard​