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The odd thread: swimming competition

In a harsh rainfall day some pokemon decided to have a swimming competition. Who you think will win?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • 312
    TO THE


    Every week, beginning from sunday, i will post a very odd poll( off course pokemon related).
    In that poll there will be a odd questions but for the sake of fun,
    the answers will be more odd

    Pool of week 1 :SWIMMING COMPETION​

    In a harsh rainfall day 8 pokemons decided to have a swimming competion.
    1= healthy pikachu(blind)
    2=unhealthy horsea
    3= genius geodude
    4= healthy quilfish(he is over fat)
    5=masked pokemon(like to be a ugly psyduck)
    7=mad machop
    8=golduck(broken legs)

    who will win? Vote.
    remember to post why you decided to vote that particular pokemon
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    I would probably say mad Machop.

    Blind healthy Pikachu won't be able to see where it's going and will end up swimming the wrong direction.

    Unhealthy Horsea will be too weak to swim and won't be able to continue.

    Geodudes are weak against water and I have never seen a Geodude on water.

    Healthy fat Quilfish will be swimming slow I'm assuming.

    Pidgeys don't swim.

    Golduck with broken legs won't be able to swim at all without its legs.
    I would probably say mad Machop.

    Blind healthy Pikachu won't be able to see where it's going and will end up swimming the wrong direction.

    Unhealthy Horsea will be too weak to swim and won't be able to continue.

    Geodudes are weak against water and I have never seen a Geodude on water.

    Healthy fat Quilfish will be swimming slow I'm assuming.

    Pidgeys don't swim.

    Golduck with broken legs won't be able to swim at all without its legs.

    Mad machop,
    Good choice...
    Lets see who will get the highest vote stay tuned with the
    Odd Thread.
    I went with the masked pokemon (aka an ugly psyduck) because ugly or not, it could still swim. I don't think looks would effect its performance.
    golduck (broken legs) has my money thats fuckin easy cash

    it'll realize that it can just fly instead of swim and so will finish first since that's faster than the other pokemon swimming
    Qwilfish is a water type here and unlike Golduck, it doesn't need legs to swim and it is healthy so I'd said it wins.
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    Mad machop and handicapped golduck seems to have taken lead but who will be the winner?

    Thinks have just gotten interesting, and yes don't forget more 6 days left, who knows? What might will happen on the remaining days?

    I want to say only one think from my heart
    Thanks for your votes, and the viewers don't only look try to contribute please
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    Why is Machop mad? Is he mad at the rain? Is he mad because he isn't good at swimming? Or is he mad because someone said he wasn't going to break a swimming world record, and he wanted to prove them wrong? Or is he mad as in insane? Too much mad makes me too much sad.
    Probably the masked Psyduck. I mean what has being ugly got to do with swimming ability?
    Why is Machop mad? Is he mad at the rain? Is he mad because he isn't good at swimming? Or is he mad because someone said he wasn't going to break a swimming world record, and he wanted to prove them wrong? Or is he mad as in insane? Too much mad makes me too much sad.

    Ha!ha! I think he is mad because he was a champion wrestler many years ago. One day a hitmonchan came and took his championship that he couldn't bear.
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    I voted for the masked Pokemon since it appears to be a Psyduck because Psyduck not only is a water pokemon and like most water types is able to swim, but he also has mysterious psychic powers that may surface during the competition and give him the upper hand. Psyduck is Pokemon not to take lightly, Misty's is proof that even the worst Psyduck can outperform expectations and carry the day.
    The winner is "unhealthy horsea", if you see than everyone has no chance of completing the race even but that horsea can complete it. Below these are the pokemon who can be doubted

    Blind healthy pikachu: he is blind, he can't see anything including the race track

    Mad machop: he is mad, he might have forgoten about the match

    Ovet fat quilfish: he couldn't even move, he is over fat

    Psyduck: psyducks can't sqim

    Pidgey: can't swin

    Geodude: it is harmful for him to swin, so he willn't swim

    Handicaped golduck: he will get drown because his legs willn't favour him on the waters

    Unhealthy horsea: he can try hard swimming and take the win

    Hence, the winner is horsea.

    Meet the new poll on "pokemon trivia".
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