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[Challenge] The Ones that got away v3


🦆 quack quack
  • 5,750
    • he, they
    • Seen Feb 23, 2023
    This has been a Spotlighted Challenge. Here's how it works.

    Spotlight period: June 1st to August 31st, 2022

    The ones that got away

    Who among us hasn't seen a Pokémon be announced, or seen it in a video or a meme and think "Oh my gosh, it's so cute / cool / pretty!" but then when time comes around, you've never actually used it? Maybe it just came in too late in the game or maybe it was a version exclusive for that game you didn't have, maybe you haven't played the older generations in a while.

    If you have any Pokémon that you wish you could use for the main campaign but hasn't, this is the challenge for you!

    How does it work?

    First things first, you make a list of Pokémon you haven't used before but you wish you could use. It can be a list of Pokémon one by one, it can have broad statements of a theme, or a mix of both.

    For example:

    Then me or someone else will pick your team members out of that list.

    The rules

    1. Your team must be chosen with the process above, and cannot be changed during the course of the game. If for whatever reason, you find that a member of your team cannot be obtained, you may request a new Pokémon to fill its slot.

    2. You may hack those Pokémon in the game, but they must be legal. That is, they must have valid abilities, valid movesets, be able to be obtained at that level in some form or another, and so on. In the case of ROM Hacks use the game's documentation to determine legal moves and abilities, if it is disclosed to you.

    3. If any Pokémon on your team requires a method of evolution that's impossible, gated behind the post-game or is Feebas, you may hack that evolution in. A good rule of thumb for figuring out when to do these evolutions is that first evolutions should happen around the low 20s and second evolutions around the high 30s.

    4. You may consider TMs infinite for the purposes of this challenge - that is, after obtaining one you may hack in 99 of them or just edit that move directly in Pokémon that are able to learn it. You may also hack in any TMs for your Pokémon that are only available in the post game, as soon as you get your 6th badge, or in Alola's case, when you reach Poni Island.

    5. You may also catch or hack in Pokémon for HM purposes in games that have them, under the condition that they're never used in trainer battles.


    We consider the game to end at the following points :
    • RBY, FRLG - Defeat your rival at the Indigo Plateau
    • GSC, HGSS - Defeat Lance
    • RS, ORAS - Defeat Steven
    • E - Defeat Wallace
    • DPP - Defeat Cynthia
    • BW - Defeat Ghetsis
    • B2W2 - Defeat Iris
    • XY - Defeat Diantha
    • SM - Defeat Kukui
    • USUM - Defeat Hau in the championship match
    • SwSh - Defeat Leon
    • Hacks - To be determined by the player, usually the Champion or other "final boss"

    That said, we naturally encourage you to keep playing if you want. Here are some harder endpoints if you want a little spiciness:
    • RBY - Capture Mewtwo using a normal Pokéball
    • FRLG - Complete the Sevii Islands side-quests and rematch the Elite Four
    • GSC - Collect the Kanto Badges and defeat Red
    • HGSS - Collect the Kanto Badges, rematch all gym leaders and the Elite Four, and defeat Red
    • RS - Capture Rayquaza using a normal Pokéball
    • E - Defeat Steven
    • ORAS - Complete the Delta Episode and rematch the Elite Four
    • DP - Capture Giratina using a normal Pokéball
    • Pt - Complete the Stark Mountain side-quest and rematch the Elite Four
    • BW - Rematch the Elite Four and defeat Alder
    • B2W2 - Rematch the Elite Four
    • XY - Finish the Looker Bureau side-quest
    • SM - Finish the Ultra Beast side-quest, get to the Battle Tree, and defeat Red/Blue
    • USUM - Finish the RR side-quest, get to the Battle Tree, and defeat Red/Blue
    • SwSh - Defeat Hop for the second time in the Slumbering Weald
    • Hacks - To be determined by the player, usually the Champion or other "final boss"

    Sign-up form

    An example form is as follows:
    Username: your username
    Game: the game you'll be playing
    Pokemon that got away: the list of Pokemon, in a spoiler
    Parameters: Any restrictions you'd like the person picking the team to keep in mind. Stuff like number of Pokémon, whether you can hack / trade stuff in, type preferences, generation preferences and so on. A lack of parameters means "anything goes".

    Here's my sign-up as an example:

    Username: Circus
    Game: Renegade Platinum
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: I'd like 6 Pokémon, with at least one of each region and preferrably of different types.

    The Records

    The following trainers are currently attempting the challenge:

    The following trainers have completed the challenge:


    Challenge originally created by sammuthegreat
    Endpoints were cribbed from the Monotype Challenge Thread and the last The Ones that got away thread, managed by The Undisputed Era and Sydian respectively
    Last edited by a moderator:
    I can't decide what challenge to do next, so let's do this one. I put either Pokémon I've never used, Pokémon I've only ever used for a short amount of time and Pokémon I haven't used in a while or on PC at all.

    Username: Janp
    Game: Ultra Moon
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: I would love to get a team of 6 Pokémon. I don't mind if their types overlap a little bit, but please don't make a team, where 4 or more members share a same type please. I wouldn't mind if there was at least 1 Pokémon available before facing the first Trial.

    EDIT: I forgot to include your team:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    Last edited:
    Hmmm this looks like a fun challenge, I'm in!

    Username: Lordecoxinha
    Game: Platinum
    Pokémon that got away:

    Parameters: Hmmm a full team of 6, if possible of different types. I don't mind if there are two of the same type, but would like some coverage. Also, if you pick Rotom, feel free to specify a form. Or not, your call :P

    Username: Janp
    Game: Ultra Moon
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: I would love to get a team of 6 Pokémon. I don't mind if their types overlap a little bit, but please don't make a team, where 4 or more members share a same type please. I wouldn't mind if there was at least 1 Pokémon available before facing the first Trial.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    Hmmm this looks like a fun challenge, I'm in!

    Username: Lordecoxinha
    Game: Platinum
    Pokémon that got away:

    Parameters: Hmmm a full team of 6, if possible of different types. I don't mind if there are two of the same type, but would like some coverage. Also, if you pick Rotom, feel free to specify a form. Or not, your call :P

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Thanks for the team. I think it looks great. I'll have to trade in Turtonator when I reach Blush Mountain, since it's Ultra Sun exclusive.

    Your team is:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    Thanks for the team. I think it looks great. I'll have to trade in Turtonator when I reach Blush Mountain, since it's Ultra Sun exclusive.

    Your team is:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Thanks, it looks really cool!

    Hope you have fun with your team, I personally love Mawile, Weavile and Dhelmise.
    Apologies for the deleted comments, but I tried to click the spoiler button and it instantly submitted a reply without me finishing, so I did the tag manually

    Username: Sorvete
    Game: Moon
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: I'd like a team of 6, preferrably with minimal type overlap
    Apologies for the deleted comments, but I tried to click the spoiler button and it instantly submitted a reply without me finishing, so I did the tag manually

    Username: Sorvete
    Game: Moon
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: I'd like a team of 6, preferrably with minimal type overlap

    Here's your team and best of luck! If you can't obtain any for any reason, just say the word.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    In case the images aren't showing:
    Monotype Grinding is hurting my brain atm so I figured why not take this on! Especially because there are a TON of Pokemon I've never/haven't used in ages.

    Username: Valroxen
    Game: Volt White
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: Team of 6 for sure, don't overlap types a lot, if types are overlapped make sure its not on a monotype/the same dual typing, don't have loads from the same generation, if you are gonna pick a legendary do only one of the ones listed.
    Monotype Grinding is hurting my brain atm so I figured why not take this on! Especially because there are a TON of Pokemon I've never/haven't used in ages.

    Username: Valroxen
    Game: Volt White
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: Team of 6 for sure, don't overlap types a lot, if types are overlapped make sure its not on a monotype/the same dual typing, don't have loads from the same generation, if you are gonna pick a legendary do only one of the ones listed.

    Here you go, hope this team's alright

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3


    With that said, here's my first update

    The ones that got away - Pokémon Moon

    -No items (x-items, potions, etc) allowed in battle
    -No using of Pokémon Refresh
    -Cannot exceed the next Totem's or Kahuna's highest level
    -Set mode

    Part 1
    I decided to start off this run today and came across the thing that's probably the most challenging part of this run: half of my team evolves at a pretty late stage, being in the range of 39-42. This means I'm gonna have to carry first stage weak Pokémon until essentially Poni Island. I guess that's what happens when you submit Unova Pokémon with your form.

    Anyhow, I chose Litten as a starter and played normally up until I could access a Pokémon Center, where I hacked my team members in as eggs. I had everyone have beneficial natures, random IVs, and Elgyem have its hidden ability Analytic. I fought all the trainers in the Trainers' School pretty easily and got everything on par to Ilima, which required a lot of switch ins against Smeargle, but I finally beat it at -1 accuracy and a few Acids from Shelmet


    Venturing through route 2 I battled all the trainers and headed towards Verdant Cavern for the first trial. The trial site was full of Rattatas and Raticates, which Clefairy had an easy time with. I also collected the Brick Break TM in the cave, which I intended to use against Totem Raticate. I immediately taught it to Teddiursa.

    I led with Jeor the Teddiursa and proceeded to click Brick Break. It barely didn't KO, and in the next turn it got ganged up by the totem and its ally and fainted due to a crit. I sent out Clefairy next and finished it off with Disarming Voice.


    I fought all the trainers again on route 3 and battled Hau. He only had Pikachu and the starter, so it wasn't a challenging fight. My fight with Hala was also a breeze. With Clefairy and Elgyem I was able to defeat him by spamming super effective moves and not much else.


    That is where I stopped and I plan on taking on Akala shortly.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Teddiursa (Jeor) | Adamant nature | Quick Feet
    Moves: Scratch, Feint Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Brick Break
    lv. 15 @ Silk Scarf

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Tynamo (Hydra) | Naughty nature | Levitate
    Moves: Spark, Thunder Wave, Tackle, Charge Beam
    lv. 15

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Shelmet (Smooch) | Modest nature | Shell Armor
    Moves: Acid, Absorb, Bide, Curse
    lv. 15

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Sandygast (Sunspear) | Quiet nature | Water Compaction
    Moves: Astonish, Absorb, Sand Tomb, Sand-Attack
    lv. 15

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Clefairy (Stellar) | Modest nature | Magic Guard
    Moves: Disarming Voice, Brick Break, Sing, Work Up
    lv. 15

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Elgyem (Jimmy) | Quiet nature | Analytic
    Moves: Psybeam, Growl, Heal Block, Miracle Eye
    lv. 15
    Well, guys...Here it is:


    The trick to do it really quickly is playing on an emulator and holding the speed up button all the way. Sometimes you make mistakes and one or two mons die, but it's not a nuzlocke so who cares :P

    Lost once to Roark (Tyrogue and Geodude are just not enough to handle his team), once to Cyrus in the Distortion World(every Gyarados I found was the death of me until I gave Thunderbolt to Froslass. Cyrus' was not an exception, but I managed thanks to Skarmory) and once to Cynthia (she somehow knew I was carrying Thunderbolt and Mirror Coated Froslass to oblivion) but other than Cynthia, Platinum tends to be an easy game.

    Also, I used a randomizer to make Tyrogue one of the possible starters and allow Graveler to evolve by level. Skarmory and Jigglypuff are post-game, so I hacked them in after beating Maylene and Crasher Wake, respectively.


    This challenge is really fun, I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did!
    Okay so I realised catching Giratina with a common pokéball was the extra challenge for DP, not Platinum...Which means I wasted around 300 pokéballs for no reason whatsoever.

    Just finished Stark Mountain and the E4 rematches, that should be it now.



    Hopefully this time I'm actually done lmao
    Username: Pumpkaboo92
    Game: Red ++ (only using kanto pokemon though)
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: anything goes
    Username: Pumpkaboo92
    Game: Red ++ (only using kanto pokemon though)
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: anything goes

    No ones given you a team yet so I'll swoop in for ya.

    Fearow, Vileplume, Rapidash, Lapras, Marowak, Alakazam :3 Enjoy!
    Username: enderkool
    Game: Pokemon Sun
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: I need one to replace my starter with please.
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    Username: enderkool
    Game: Pokemon Moon
    Pokemon that got away:

    Parameters: I need one to replace my starter with please.

    Cutiefly can replace the starter or grimer either or. Most you get early, the latest one, unless you trade in, is the Sandslash.
    grimer, Flareon, Cutiefly, Sandslash, Drifloon, Psyduck
    Update #1

    - I hacked all six Pokémon in before I got the starter so I discovered you can actually do the rival fight with members of the team if you're hacking. Which is nice to know.

    - For the most part the trainers were a nice challenge for my team - I'll admit I'd forgotten Renegade Platinum is a Drayano hack - which is nice. I was afraid that by getting the full team early I'd be in a bit of an easy position.

    - Scouting for Roark was ... a trounce. Apparently I really do need to grind, which is less nice since grinding sucks but that's what happens when experience is diluted across the party.

    - I ground to level 17 (1 levels above Roark's ace) and went to the battle ... Tyrogue dealt with Nosepass and Tropius killed everything else. Welp. Although to be fair, I had a stacked deck against this gym leader in particular - what with having water, grass, fighting and steel at my disposal.
    Badges: 1/8

    - Valley Windworks was a team effort, but I managed to scrape by a first try victory. And then I figured out that I'd read the Tyrogue evolution conditions wrong so I got Hitmonlee instead of Hitmonchan :c

    Nothing that can't be solved with a quick PkHeX though.

    - Gardenia was interesting - I had Magnemite set up Light Screen and then had Grimer kill a lot of stuff. Roserade stopped the Poison Jab sweep so Tropius came in and softened it up so Hitmonchan could come in and start killing things with Expert Belt Fire Punches.

    The only reason it didn't kill Cherrim was because of parahax, but eventually Duskull picked up the slack. It also managed to burn Breloom (neatly stopping any Poison Heal shenanigans) but of course there were Spore shenanigans going on, so the last few turns were mostly just stalling until burn killed Breloom for me.
    Badges: 2/8

    - I got lost in Wayward Cave and then I lost to Aaron because of Sleep hax. I swear to god, if Aaron still has Sleep Powder in the Elite 4 (in a game without Sleep Clause) I will choke someone.

    - Fantina was surprisingly easy. Magnezone set up Light Screen and killed half her team, then I had to futz about for a while to get rid of Spiritomb but eventually Muk came in and just Paybacked everything to death.
    Badges: 3/8

    Fantina seems like a good place for a first update, so let's stop around here. Next stop is Solaceon town, which is nice since the Lost Tower has the Reaper Cloth for Dampé and after that Veilstone City, which has a lot of stuff like Leftovers, King's Rock for Holiday, Earthquake and a lot of other TMs

    Pokemon Volt White TOTGA Challenge - Update 1

    So to begin with I'm quite happy with the team I was given, especially since in Volt White the evolution levels for Deino and Zweilous are lowered and Beartic gains the fighting type. Especially interested to see how the final team turns out.

    So most of the basic intro stuff I sped through because its irrelevant and long, I picked Oshawott as the starter because Samurott gains the Fighting type which is one of my teams more prominent weaknesses, it would also give Bianca Emboar who is now Fire/Ground which would also cause my team issues and I see Bianca as the easier of the two.

    After all the intro battles I went and hacked in eggs for each of my different team members, giving each of them one or two egg moves but nothing they wouldn't be able to learn or take it over the top. So now we introduce the team: Carly the Shroomish, Sasha the Eevee, Jelli the Solosis, Zaria the Scyther, Gemma the Cubchoo and Hewdraw the Deino. Ironically they were all girls because of something during the egg making process.

    It was very easy to get along with the team, Hewdraw particularly strong because she starts with Dragon Rage. After listening to some comfy Accumula Town music and some more tutorials we battled N, the team easily dealing with whatever he had to offer. The same went for the second Bianca fight and also the second Cheren fight once we reached Striaton City, so after some slight grinding in the Dreamyard its time for our first gym battle, Cilan!

    Gym Battle 1: Cilan
    Honestly the Gym Trainers were more difficult that this fight itself, with each of the grass starters and mmmm monkey all taken out in one shot by Gemma with Ice Punch so yeah.... onto the next city!

    Trio Badge obtained! (1/8)

    Team Plasma in the Dreamyard proved no threat, though all the new TMs picked up are nice to have. Next up we battled Cheren again by the day care and once again won with relative ease, then leading into having to take on Team Plasma again in Wellspring Cave now.

    We continued to move to Nacrene City where Sasha had to be given the Everstone, to stop the evolutions into Espeon and Umbreon and then following more fighting we had our second N fight in front of the Nacrene Museum which was actually quite a struggle at some points, which had me certainly concerned for the Lenora battle but our saviour came in the form of an evolution! Carly had evolved into Breloom and I was ready for the fight!

    Gym Battle 2: Lenora
    Lenora's team is very strong in BB/VW with a double intimidate lead of Stantler and Herdier, an incredibly dangerous Sap Sipper Bouffalant amongst others I was very worried going in. My strategy was to send other Pokemon in first to set up a stronger defence/status conditions and then come hammering in with Carly later. This plan worked to a T as Carly came in a picked up every kill in the fight, one shotting most of them.

    Basic Badge obtained! (2/8)

    I finished the session by taking on Team Plasma in Pinwheel forest, where I actually struggled as I reached the end, barely making it out of my first potential whiteout thanks to Zaria.

    The Team

    The ones that got away - Pokémon Moon

    -No items (x-items, potions, etc) allowed in battle
    -No using of Pokémon Refresh
    -Cannot exceed the next Totem's or Kahuna's highest level
    -Set mode

    Part 2
    I picked this up today from where I left off at after Hala. Had a quick trip to Ten Carat Hill and grabbed the TM for Acrobatics... only to find out no one could learn it. Disappointed, I headed down to Hau'oli for a boat trip, and once we arrived at Akala I had a quick battle against Sina. The Delibird went down on two Psybeams and Glaceon died to a couble of Brick Breaks.

    At Paniola Town I fought Hau with no problems, except his Dartrix stuck around for a while and was annoying to deal with, but it went down. I was headed towards Brooklet hill for my next trial when I got stopped by a shady kid. He had a Type: Null which took some hits to go down but Thunder Wave definitely helped. I also ended up checking my team's Hidden Powers at the ranch and got Water for Shelmet, Ice for Elgyem and Flying for Clefable. Sandygast was Bug which I didn't find all that helpful.

    I grinded a bit for the Water trial, evolved Shelmet and it was time to face Wishiwashi. I led with Tynamo and began to fire off Sparks. Wishiwashi turned me into a Water-type with Soak and called in a second Wishiwashi, not schooled. I ignored it and continued to spam Spark, as the totem used Growl. I switched to Charge Beam to fight off the attack drops but it continued to use Growl. It got knocked down into the non-schooled form without even attacking me, so I managed to win that fight with no problems.


    Heading down to the Royal Avenue I had a brief encounter with the Masked Royal, who looked strangely familiar... I didn't pay much attention though and went to take the Fire trial. I had Accelgor up front to try out the damage output of HP Water and it did about 1/5. I let it die to Flame Burst and brought out Sandygast, which killed with Bulldoze.


    Lurantis was next and I was worried with my current team. I made some moveset adjustments and went it.

    Let with Clefairy and used Protect to waste the Power Herb. Trumbeak was called in the next turn and I used Thunder Wave on Lurantis, who clicked Solar Blade again. I let Clefairy die and bring out Sandygast to Sand Attack. I manage to fire off two before Lurantis killed it, so I bring in Elgyem. Analytic boosted Hidden Power Ice does just under half, and after a few turns of Synthesis healing I managed to bring it down with Accelgor in the end. This fight took a couple of tries, with this one being won by mostly luck from Paralylis and accuracy drops. Probably one of the hardest of the run going forward.


    After the trainwreck that was Lurantis I headed down from Heahea towards Diglett's Tunnel and reached Konikoni. Read a letter from Olivia and went to challenge her at the ruins. I led with Teddiursa and set up a couple of Bulk Ups before clicking Brick Break. It took out both Nosepass and Boldore, and Lycanroc was last. It used the Z-Move on my 1 HP bear, which was amusing. I brought Sandygast out but it died to a crit Bite, so I sent out Clefairy and paralyzed it. I set up a Minimizze and started spamming Brick Break. It took a few turns, but I dodged some Rock Throws and won in the end. Second Grand Trial done.


    Next up is Ula'ula, and I'm hopefully gonna get more evolutions.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Teddiursa (Jeor) | Adamant nature | Quick Feet
    Moves: Scratch, Shadow Claw, Bulk Up, Brick Break
    lv. 27 @ Silk Scarf

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Tynamo (Hydra) | Naughty nature | Levitate
    Moves: Spark, Thunder Wave, Tackle, Charge Beam
    lv. 27

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Accelgor (Smooch) | Modest nature | Sticky Hold
    Moves: Struggle Bug, Mega Drain, Acid, Hidden Power Water
    lv. 27 @ Silver Powder

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Sandygast (Sunspear) | Quiet nature | Water Compaction
    Moves: Astonish, Bulldoze, Mega Drain, Hypnosis
    lv. 27 @ Big Root

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Clefairy (Stellar) | Modest nature | Magic Guard
    Moves: Disarming Voice, Brick Break, Thunder Wave, Minimize
    lv. 27 @ Eviolite

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Elgyem (Jimmy) | Quiet nature | Analytic
    Moves: Psybeam, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, Hidden Power Ice
    lv. 27

    The Ones that got away in Pokémon Ultra Moon

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    PART 1

    After playing through Ultra Moon several times, I can safely say one thing - it hates me.

    Anyway... Starting the game as a girl named Denca, I quickly caught Yungoos. I went with a 18th century German names and named this Yungoos Adelaide. I don't have a great memories of Ilma's Yungoos, because I wiped on it so many times during my Nuzlocke runs. But Adelaide barely did any damage and couldn't survive more than 2 attacks. I was curious and checked her IV stats in PKHeX and she has 4 stats below 5, I think she even has Attack or Defense equal to 0. Her best stat is Sp. Defense at 14. Not really a great start. At least she has Strong Jaw as her ability.

    I had to come up with a strategy against Emily and Ilma. My plan was to use 6 Sand Attacks, heal with Potions, boost my own attack with Work Up and then beat the opponent. But... But... Emily's Popplio, Ilma's Yungoos and literally everyone just ignored 6 layers of Sand Attack and kept landing their attacks. I also saw more critical hits in 4 hours it took me to beat Melemele than in my last year of playing Pokémon. Both Emily and Ilma took me few tries, until I got lucky enough to set up Work Up and survive to land a hit.

    I challenged Ilma's Trial on level 16 and I didn't even touched boosted Alolan Raticate. And of course any time I went with attacking move, Raticate used Bite and flinched Adelaide. I grinded all the way to level 20 to evolve into Gumshoos, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to beat Alolan Raticate. I used the same strategy again, but only 2 Attack boosts were enough to beat Raticate.

    I skipped all trainers between Raticate and Hala and went straight to challenge the Kahuna. And he was even worse than Raticate. His Machop kept landing critical hits even through Sand Attacks and easily beat Adelaide with 2-3 hits. I had to buy X-Defenses and X-Speeds to had any chance not just against Machop, but also against Crabrawler. I was able to beat him with +6 in Attack, Defense and Speed.

    I caught Mawile in Ten Carat Hill and called it a day. I can't wait what this run has in store for me.


    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Adelaide, Sassy Female Gumshoos
    lvl 21, Strong Jaw @Slik Scarf
    - Tackle
    - Work Up
    - Bite
    - Sand Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Ones that got away v3

    Dorothea, Calm Female Mawile
    lvl 11, Intimidate
    - Fairy Wind
    - Astonish
    - Fake Tears
    - Bite​
    Pokemon Volt White TOTGA Challenge - Update 2

    Following on from the pretty easy fights that were Cilan and Lenora, we were getting pretty close to Burgh. After defeating Team Plasma and crossing the bridge we arrived in Castelia, where first order of business was Water Stones. After honestly a strong performance as an Eevee, Sasha finally gets to evolve into Vaporeon (with like 0 water type moves till level 28). Next we had to grind so the Battle Company it is, which was hella stupid and annoying which is basically how the whole stretch between Castelia and Desert Resort went. Just before Burgh Sasha also did manage to learn Water Pulse so that was pretty cool.

    Gym Battle 3: Burgh

    This was a significantly more difficult fight than Lenora and Cilan were, thanks to Burgh having all fully evolved Pokemon and my team not exactly being too strong.

    Sasha was once again extremely useful in the fight thanks to being +2 Special Attack from Work Up and taking out both Scolipede and Yanmega with Water Pulse. She was out basically most of the fight absorbing damage like a BEAST.

    Zaria was also a complete beast in this fight, taking out all the other Pokemon with Wing Attack thanks to it being boosted by Technician. However I did have to swap around a bit with her thanks to some scary moves like Rock Slide on Scolipede and Air Slash on Yanmega. Either way we came out on top.

    Insect Badge obtained! (3/8)

    Next up were easily the two most frustrating fights so far: Bianca and Cheren.

    Bianca wasn't actually all that bad, I was just making some dumb plays and she got lucky with some critical hits. Its the doubles format that is the most annoying to deal with for me there.
    Cheren however was a completely different story. More unlucky crits, and the rotation battle just cause so much irritation in a fight that with properly planning should have been really easy. But we pulled through and continued onwards.

    Through the Desert Resort we managed to have both Jelli to Duosion and Hewdraw to Zweilous, where the latter learned all three of the fang moves too. We then arrived in Nimbasa City, did even more grinding, used Thief on a Grimer to get the Toxic Orb for Carly so we can abuse poison heal and then blasted N into oblivion after a Ferris Wheel ride. We also saw Gemma finally evolve into Beartic, where she'd be useful in the upcoming battle.

    Gym Battle 4: Elesa

    This was not exactly an easy fight, but certainly wasn't too hard either. Ampharos I managed to take out with Carly using Bullet Seed and some useful heals from both Potions and my plethora of healing forms. Gemma then came in, got lucky with the Quick Claw and stopped the Emolga from being irritating. Carly came back in and abused a pretty disgusting combo of Drain Punch, Leech Seed and Poison Heal to take out her Raichu. Jelli was next in to deal with the Manectric but after a Volt Switch to Galvantula I took the risk of trying to take it down (I was +1 thanks to Calm Mind) and it payed off, after a very lucky Thunder miss. From there Hewdraw rounded the fight off by taking both Manectric and Zebstrika out, winning us our fourth badge!

    Bolt Badge obtained! (4/8)

    I considered going to Driftveil but decided to call this session quits for now.

    The Team
