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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]


Arti watched as Wess followed his Quagsire out. He didn't seem to notice he had left the other three. Actually, nobody even noticed Arti had even come back. He awkawrdly walked backwards and left the dorms. He decided it was best to just leave, as he was so confused about the others behaivors. He headed off towards Oak Town, to get his shopping done before midnight. The lights in the stores that were still open and the pokemon center gave him a beacon to look for in the otherwise dark night. Larry was beside him, illuminating the dark around the two, about one meter in diameter.

They walked for about 5 minutes, when they heard a screeching noise. Something black and blurry appeared in the sky, outside of Larry's range. Larry increased his light, and the bird pokemon screeched again and flew out of the light. Larty couldn't extend his illumination any further, so the black bird remained unidentified. Arti dismissed this encounter, and continued on. This was a mistake, and the bird flew down and scooped up Larry. Arti froze, trying to come up with a way to save him, while Larry electrocuted the bird with an electroweb. The bird dropped him about 3 meters, but he managed to not take much damage from the fall. Meanwhile, the birds wing was covered in electric webbings, and it thrashed to get them off. Arti came to his senses and started commanding Larry.

"Use pursuit!"

Larry jumped at the bird, who was losing elevation. He slammed into the side of him, but did no visible damage. He was simply too small for any physical attacks...

To be continued......

Kilik Chambers - The Plains->Rocky Mountains & Caves

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The journey ahead was already getting darker, but thankfully Yuki's Ampharos form was helping light the way. "So Kilik any specific reason we going up their?" Jack asks. To be honest, it was just to get Kilik's mind off of his father, & specifically tomorrow. Getting a Deino was just an extra opportunity. "Me I think i need a powerhouse for my time," he continued. "A Rhyhorn maybe?"

"It's, well- It's just to find myself a Pokemon!" Kilik answered quite in a rush. He still didn't feel comfortable telling Jack & Ruby. It's too soon to talk about for him. If they weren't gonna be able to make it tomorrow... Who cares? They're always too busy to spend time with Kilik anyway? It's always an inconvenience, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't...

"We've arrived," Kilik announced, setting first foot on the mountain path. It didn't matter where they went, any cave would do fine. Just so long as they encounter a Deino. "Keep that light up, Yuki." & so went Kilik with Jack & Ruby, the adventure begins. As for Tentou, he was stilll keeping close to Kilik.
Jack Jacobs
Rocky Mountains

"Well...." Jack paused and scratched his head for a second before answering Ruby's question "I have a total of 13 pokemon" Jack always thought one of the goals of being a trainer was to catch lots of pokemon but in comparison to most people at the Academy Jack had alot. "Other than Blade here I have my Charizard, Haunter, Pansage, Pinsir and my Skarmory" Jack always loved talking about his pokemon but just listing them out made him feel accomplished in a small way especially knowing that he had more strong pokemon in his box.

Kilik had also answered the question Jack had asked, but in a rushed manner as if he was trying to hide something but before he knew it they had arrived at their destination, the Mountains.

The light emitting from the transformed Zorua was extremely helpful so the path was lit well and clear so the darkness was off no concern for Jack again. Now the only concern was waking up a angry pokemon from its sleep...
Valorie Ryder - Academy Grounds
A somewhat exhausted young lady sporting wavy, long blonde hair, a slightly frilly purple shirt, a white mini skirt, and the half-cape of a dragon master made her way back to the academy. She hadn't slept the night before, and now she was just pushing things. She sure hoped she wouldn't find herself sleep walking again.

It was dark, and getting cold. She had no jacket, though the half-cape admittedly helped a tad. She didn't care about that though. She'd stayed in the frozen plains with Selene once, and that was a wretched place to have to stay outdoors in. As she stepped onto the academy grounds she looked around, trying to get her bearings. It was dark, and she found herself slightly lost. Where was the entrance she was looking for again? She didn't particularly want to have to walk around the school after entering the wrong one...


It was times like this she wished she had better night vision.
Meep (Suicune Dorm Room)

... Mph... Wha... What the...?

Meep's sleep was interrupted by something repeatedly pounding his chest. As he opened his eyes, he saw that Heart was jumping around on the bed.

"What are you doing, Heart?" Meep asked the energetic Eevee. "You shouldn't be awake at this time of night. Come on, get back in your bed..."

Heart stopped jumping at the foot of the bed and looked at Meep for a few seconds, then hopped onto the floor and proceeded to dart out of the slightly ajar door to the halls. Meep did nothing but stare at the door for a moment with his jaw hanging open. He couldn't believe what he just saw. What had gotten into Heart tonight? Maybe she was just a little hyper tonight. It could have been that she still wanted to explore since she fell asleep when they did earlier. Whatever the reason, it was much too dangerous for her to be out at midnight by herself. Without any more hesitation, Meep threw the covers off of himself and got to his feet. He then grabbed his bag, academy map, and Pokeballs, and ran out into the halls to chase after his Eevee. By the time he arrived at the dorm lobby, he realized that he was still in his red-and-black striped night garments. His fashion sense wasn't important right now, though. He scanned the lobby area for any signs of Heart, when a small shaded figure ran outside through the automatic door. He ran outside to chase after it, glad to see that the light posts along the path were still active at this hour. After chasing the small figure for about a quarter of a mile, it slowed its pace to a stop, allowing him to finally catch up. Just as he thought, the figure was in fact Heart. It seemed that she was exhausted after all of that running. Meep knelt down and picked her up.

"Heart, what were you thinking?" Meep scolded Heart. "You know how dangerous it is to wander around in the middle of the night! We were lucky that the paths are still lit, or you could have gotten yourself completely lost!"

Meep was going to continue, but Heart looked up at him with her big scarlet eyes while whimpering slightly. Seeing that she was genuinely sorry for her actions, he couldn't help but give off a heavy sigh and give her a gentle, reassuring hug.

"I'm sorry for scolding you like that, Heart," Meep apologized. "I was only worried about you, is all. I don't know what I would do if anything were to happen to my most precious friend..." After wiping away some stray tears from his eyes, his frown turned into a small smile. "Anyway, it seems like you tired yourself out with that little chase of ours. How about we get back to the dorm before the lights decide to turn-"

At that moment, the light posts running up and down the path began to go out. In about a second, Meep and Heart were flooded by the darkness of the night. Meep brought an open palm to his forehead, somehow expecting that would happen. Heart's whimpering started up again, this time a little louder and more frequent. Meep wanted to start whimpering as well, but he didn't want Heart to see that he was as scared as her. Staying as calm as he could while caressing Heart with a rocking motion, he grabbed the Pokeballs from his bag with his free hand and tossed them out in front of him. With a luminescent flash, Fluffernut and FoxFire appeared in the middle of the path.

"Alright, guys, we have a little trouble on our hands right now, but nothing we can't solve as a team. FoxFire, just for Heart's peace of mind, could you watch out for any sign of trouble?" FoxFire gave a firm nod to show her loyalty. "Thank you. And Fluffernut, I guess that just leaves you with the job of lighting our way home."

Fluffernut gave a few small hops and started to rub against his wool... But nothing seemed to happen. Not even a spark. Fluffernut covered his face, embarrassed about his lack of static charge.

"Hmm... You may have used up your excess static during our walk from the cafeteria to the dorm. It was a pretty long distance between the two places. We haven't been asleep for that long, either, so your coat hasn't had enough time to recharge with static. There's no reason to be ashamed about your wool running out of juice. I'm sure it happens to a lot of Flaafies. So cheer up and wear the smile that makes you so enlightening!" With Meep's words of encouragement, Fluffernut did just that, looking as if he hadn't a problem in the world... Which was how he usually looked, so Meep couldn't tell if his pep talk actually helped perk the Flaafy's mood or if he just immediately forgot what he was so embarrassed about.

"Well, since Fluffernut needs to rest for the night... FoxFire, would you please use your Will-O-Wisp and be our guiding lantern?"

FoxFire didn't hesitate to obey, as blue balls of flame burst into existence on the tips of each of her nine tails. Meep gave a nod of appreciation as he began walking down the dark path alongside her and Fluffernut while Heart was curled up in his arms, pressing herself against his chest.

After she grabbed the key from Kayla, Rosemary started running towards where she thought the Suicune dorm was. Why didn't I pay attention to where it was earlier?!, she thought as she ran around the campus grounds. Maybe I should go back and ask Jasmine to help me...,she thought. She shook her head and kept running. "I'm going to prove that I can be responsible!",she said, coughing as the key almost went down her throat. She stopped running for a while, putting the key down so that she could catch her breath. "If I was a dorm... where would I be?", she asked. Suddenly she saw blue flames appear out of nowhere. "I might as well ask someone for help..., she said, picking the key back up and running towards the flames. When she got closer, she saw that they were coming from a Ninetales. "Hi there! What's your name? I'm Rosemary. Do you know where the Suicune dorms are?, she asked.
Meep (Academy Path)

After walking for some time, FoxFire stopped dead in her tracks. Everyone else followed suit. She began to scan the area around her for... something. Meep was starting to feel worried about what FoxFire was looking for. Suddenly, she quickly spun around, baring her fangs. This action made Meep's heart pause for a second. He decided to turn around as well and see what was making FoxFire so tense. Nothing could be seen for a moment, but then a small Skitty scampered into the dim light and up to FoxFire. Meep wasn't informed of what Pokemon could be found around the Academy, so he thought it was a wild Pokemon until he noticed something shiny dangling from her mouth. FoxFire, although not letting her guard completely down, hid her fangs from view and regained her composure. It seemed as if the Skitty was trying to talk to her. Once the unfamiliar Pokemon had ceased her mewling, FoxFire closed her eyes for a few seconds, then nodded. Before she could do anything else, however, Fluffernut rushed up to the Skitty to introduce himself, holding out his hand in a friendly gesture.

It seemed like that Skitty was talking to FoxFire, Meep thought to himself. I wonder what she wants? I wish I could just understand what they say... It'd make guessing what they want at times so much simpler...
Haru awoke yet again.Why can't I stay asleep? he thought to himself angrily. He realized that there was one thing that he had to do.I'm going out for a night on the town.He set out the Raiku dorm, angry for the fact he couldn't sleep.He heard of a place in the entrance package he recieved called Oak Town. That's where I'll go.He threw all four of his pokeballs out."Torch,Twitch,Void,Geronimo!" he called out,listing out the pokemon he released."I set you guys out because I need some travel buddies." he explained to them.However, Torch wasn't a big fan of the sneering scyther, for the fact he hurt one of Haru's friends.He growled at him, which earned a blade swipe through the air."Knock it off you two!" he shouted.They automatically knocked it off.

He started walking reading the map he had recieved in the package, with his motley crew of four behind him. After a couple of hours of walking in the right direction, he saw this tired looking blonde girl.YES! Another person! he exclaimed in his mind.He hurriedly walked up to her."Hey.I'm Haru.I'm new here.What's your name?" he quickly fired the questions off.
Valorie Ryder - Academy Grounds
The girl had no pokemon walking with her, but between the dragon master half-cape and the suicune dorm jacket that was currently left open she was clearly a trainer.

Valorie looked up at Hath, being a tad short. She seemed out of it, and her expression was slightly vacant for a moment as if she weren't sure what she was doing. Who was this boy, and--Oh... He was a student! Well that explained that. Valorie did her best to pretend she wasn't exhausted by standing up straight and looking Hating in the eyes.

"Oh, um... hey! I'm Valorie, Ryder."

She paused a moment.

"I'm going to become the best trainer in the world someday. What do you want to become..?"

Well it seemed like a good conversation starter anyway. She was too lazy to try very hard, and so she had more or less just started... talking about what was on her mind. She was also too tired to question why the boy had chosen her in particular, in the middle of a road no less, to talk to. It wasn't like he was rude or anything, so she just sort of rolled with it.
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"I wanna save the world.You know,defeat Team Rocket or something like that." he said in his 'heroic voice'."Nice to meet you Valorie.I'm a Raiku yellow. I barely made it in, but Proffesor Oak said he saw something in me, just like most of the other yellows.Anyways, this is my team.Torch, Twitch, Void, and Geronimo." he said gesturing to the owner of each name."I caught Geronimo earlier tonight.I was in the forest with another new girl named Kayla.He kinda injured her leg, so I can't take him out everywhere." he started to ramble on not making any sense."Anyways, I hope we can be friends." he eventually said, ending his spurt of words.
Mark walked away from his dorm for awhile till he was in the main courtyard. This was like a main hangout spot for him and it was usually where he'd meet up with his friends when the day had started. Heck, maybe he'd run into someone. Everybody walked by here. He still never got a reply from Valorie unfortunately. Must have been busy. He could worry about that later though. He just needed some fresh air.

Snype of course enjoyed the night. Not only was it a perfect time to get a good scare on people, but it felt like home to him. He'd crawl around through the night if his trainer had allowed him too. His eyes were practically glowing in the night.

Mark took out each of his Pokeballs and let his Pokemon out.

"Alright everyone, it's getting late so why don't we get a bit of training in before we all head to bed?" Mark said to his Pokemon. They each agreed. Snype jumped down off of Mark's shoulder and joined the large group of Pokemon. He of course decided to train with Len. He was practically his buddy after all. Able ended up bumping into Kara. For whatever reason the two of them had a competative look in their face. They both decided to train in close quarter's combat by exchanging blows to each other with their claws.

Commodore was at a bit of a stalemate though. Shedinja really wasn't doing anything. It just kind of... floated there... Either it was really cocky since it was invincible to anything but its weakness, or it was just really empty headed. Commodore was sort of at a loss.

Mark went to each of the small groups of pokemon and instructed them properly, starting with Snype and Len.

"You two keep it up, Snype why don't you practice using Detect a bit? Len, try hitting him with Dig. See if you can get the jump on him." Mark suggested. The two nodded and proceeded to do so. Mark went over to Kara and Able.

"You two keep at it! I still got a few moves to teach you two so make do with what you got! Kara you did great in that last battle. Good job holding your own ground!" Mark said. Kara nodded with a confident smirk as she continued to spar with Able. Able was playing around with Kara mostly, purposely keeping her speed on the low so that Kara had a chance to catch her. She increased in speed as they got further in their training.

Commodore and Shedinja were an issue though. Mark still needed to figure out what to do with him... Shedinja was really fragile and unless he knew what his opponents moves were, he was pretty boned. Well, guess he could have one Pokemon scout out for moves and then throw Shedinja out there. Still, Mark kind of wished that Shedinja would do something else other then sit there. Come to think of it, it needed a nickname...

"Hey Shedinja, why don't I name you... Specter! Kinda of generic but hey it works!" Mark said. Shedinja just sat there like an empty shell.

"...I guess he likes it..." Mark thought. Commodore gave Mark a look as if asking "What am I supposed to do with him?" He was mostly worried of hurting the poor thing. One little poke and he was done.

"Why don't you try firing a couple of basic beams. At least what he's resistant too? Target practice! Test out your aim from a long distance! Specter over here will come out unscaved and you'll be able to improve!" Mark suggested. Commodore tipped his head and proceeded to do so. He decided to use Signal Beam for his training.

Mark continued going back and forth through all of his Pokemon, helping them train in the courtyard. This was certainly a productive night.
Valorie Ryder -
Valorie just sort of stood there for a moment. Save the world... from Team Rocket? But only Team Aqua and Magma were out of their minds enough to try to destroy the world! That was their niche! Nobody remembers you, Cyrus.. Regardless, it seemed a tad eccentric. One person? Save the world from the mafia Team Rocket? Valorie may have been from Unova, but she'd heard that Team Rocket was really into the trafficking business. They weren't some wackjobs trying to change the world, which ironically made them a lot harder to get rid of.

"Like... Get rid of them? How're you going to do that?"

Valorie seemed perplexed, to say the least.

"I used to hear on the news that they thought Team Rocket might try to set up shop in Unova..."

Of course, that was /before/ Team Plasma came back and iced half the region. Team Magma and Aqua really need to just sue. Haru went on to explain that his scyther had injured a girl earlier. This seemed to startle Valorie, her eyes widening a bit. She took a step back in response. The notion of a pokemon attacking people was apparently scary to her.

"Er... You should really get that thing trained! ...Before someone gets hurt worse..."

She had of course neglected to tell him about her own pokemon, perhaps distracted or not having thought much about it.
Haru just laughed."When my team is complete and fully evolved,we will all burst in their headquarters and take on every single grunt and admin in that buidling, even Giovanni.We'll win, mark my words." and then he switched to the second subject and grew dead serious."I'm already working on it.It was before I caught it.I'm going to make sure that Geronimo never hurts anyone again.Honestly."He turned his natural light hearted self the second after he finished that sentence."Your the third person I've met on this island next to Kayla and the secretary in the main office.Lucky you.Third times the charm."he laughed at his own joke."So can I see your pokemon?What dorm are you in?"
Kenshin Ren
Kenshin walked over to the edge of the nearest pool of water inside the cave. He normally didn't do this with people watching, but what the heck. He may as well.

"HEY! LAPRAS!" he called out.

The cave was quiet for a few moments. Kenshin turned to Olivia.

"...You aren't too cold are you?" he asked. Things might only get colder when, let alone IF Lapras arrives. The air seemed to become a little chillier though, and the water began to bubble up before the large Dinosaur like Ice/Water Pokemon showed up. Kenshin turned around and looked up at the creature.

"It's him..."

He slowly began to walk towards the Lapras. Lapras seemed to be watching him as he did so.

"Hey," he greeted the Lapras. He pulled out a white pokeball with a red trim on it. A Premier ball huh? That's nicer and fancier than a normal pokeball. "I thought I'd use this for your pokeball. Just to help you adjust and all. Hope you're ready."

Oh hey, things were about to get started.
Alice Crenshaw
Academy Grounds

After a while of running, Alice slowed down to catch her breath. Her heart was beating faster, and her face was reddish, although it was because of exhaustion, not because of her previous blush. Jello had caught up, however he was less tired than her trainer because of his lack of, well, limbs that moved. The purple Solosis hovered up to her trainer and proceeded to talk to her.

"Listen, Alice...I know you said it was nothing but...whatever happened out there?" he asked, "It didn't seem like nothing. Did that Roxas kid do anything to you?"

"N-No, he didn't." Alice said timidly, as her face regained her natural colour, "Apart from teaching me how to battle, he did...nothing else..."

"Then why did you run away from him like that?" Jello said, still convinced that Alice was hiding something. The girl said no word, which troubled Jello more. "Come on, you can tell me. What happened back there?"

"I told you -it's nothing!" she replied, with her eyes closed. "Let's just go back to the dorms...I gotta sleep."

"Fine. Have it your way, Alice." Jello said. Something was going on with her, no doubt. But if she didn't want to talk about it, he was not going to push it. It is not the first time Alice acted like that, and he knew she was confused. As the girl walked back to the Entei Dorm, with Jello following her, the two said nothing to each other. It was certainly an awkward moment.

Soon Alice reached her dorm. She entered her room and closed the door after Jello was inside.

"Alice...I'm sorry." Jello said.

"It's okay, Jello." Alice said and smiled at him, "I know you're just worried about me because you're my best friend." She gave him a quick hug and then switched into her black pajamas. After that she grabbed Jello and got into bed.

"I love you, Jello." she whispered, "And thanks for worrying, but I tell you, there's nothing to worry about. Good night."

"Night, Alice. I love you too." the purple Solosis said before they both fell asleep.

Ruby Sapphire Fiona Destiny - Rocky Mountains

Ruby listened to what Jack had to say, he was talking about his other pokemon, seems like he had a Charizard too. 'That sounds awesome.' Ruby commented with a slight smile on her face. 'I have a charizard at home too, but... He kind of has a short temper.' Ruby rubbed the back of her head as she giggled a little, then slowly stopping.

'I also have a Arcanine, and a Latias... And a Delcatty, and i shouldn't forget my Swampert...' Ruby quietly spoke, but loud enough for both Kilik and Jack to hear. 'My sisters take care of them while i'm away from home, but that doesn't make me worry or miss them less...' Ruby looked at Hikari who was almost falling asleep on her shoulder.

'And you Kilik? Do you have pokemon at home?' Ruby asked him, after he mentioned that they were almost at the mountain. Thanks to Yuki there path was lit up, so it was less dangerous, even though Kilik seemed to like the danger.

Kilik kept acting kind of suspicious, which questionated Ruby, but he probely wouldn't tell, so Ruby would just wait untill he told it himself, she did tell him that he could tell her anything.

Roxas Jaden Asakura - Outside the Pokemon Center

Roxas was suprised when Alice apologized to him and then ran away. 'W-what's... With her...?' Roxas asked Obilivio, a little weirded out. 'Maybe she didn't like it you hugged her?' Obilivio suggested. '... Jaden, Luna, please return.' Roxas took out two of his pokeballs and returned his dark yellow colored Pikachu and his Pink Umbreon.

'Have a nice rest, guys...' Roxas said before he putted his pokeballs away. 'What are you going to do?' Obilivio asked him after awhile. 'Going back to the dorm and make us some food, i guess.' Roxas rubbed the back of his head, asking himself why Alice would've ran away, getting quite irritated from himself.

'Let's go.' Roxas said as he started walking, how Roxas acted suprised Obilivio a little, but he followed anyway. 'Are you okay?' Obilivio asked him, but Roxas ignored him, or just didn't hear it. 'Roxas!' Obilivio shouted. 'Huh?' Roxas turned around and faced his Lucario. 'You're alright?' Obilivio chuckled a little. 'This is the first time you're frustated about something like this.' Obilivio said.

Roxas turned around and started walking again, on his way to the Suicune Dorm. After Roxas made dinner for him and his pokemon he cleaned the dishes and went to bed, only Obilivio out of his pokeball this time.

Arti gritted his teeth. This looked pretty bad. He ransacked through his memory of type effectivesness.

Okay....Larry is bug and electric...and the bird is obviously flying type. So electric attacks will help, but the birds pecking and wing attacks will hurt Larry a lot....

Meanwhile, Larry was still trying to attack the bird. He dug into his feathers and bit him. The bird responded with a "crow!" and pecked him off. Larry tumbled to the ground, spitting and electroweb to cushion his fall. Arti finally came up with a plan.

"Okay! Larry! Use electroweb on the crow, and follow up with a screech!"

Larry shot his electroweb, but instead of screeching, he jumped back onto the bird and started biting again. The bird got tangled up in the sticky electricity webbing, and plummeted to the ground. Larry held fast, and kept biting and shooting webs.

"Larry! Stop!"

Larry ignored Arti completely, and fell to the ground. The bird landed on top of him.


Larry finally crawled out from underneath the bird, still spitting web on him. The bird was all tangled up, and eventually fainted. Larry stopped at that point, and looked proudly at Arti.

"No! Bad Larry! Bad!"

Larry shrunk back at his master's chastising. He won, right? Shouldn't Arti be happy? Its not his fault Arti is bad at battleing...

Arti pulled his pokeball out of his pocket. His eyes spoke for him.

"Do that again, and you're going in the damn ball."

Larry frowned, and turned around. He continued towards Oak Town, trying to leave Arti behind. Arti easily caught up to him.

"You have to do what I say, Larry. I don't care if you think its wrong, but you ruined my whole plan."

Larry ignored him and kept walking. They arrived shortly, and Larry was exhausted. Arti picked him up, and put him on his shirt. Larry clung to his clothing, and ceased lighting the air as the man made lights illuminated the area. Arti made a beeline to the pokemon center, where he would leave Larry until he was finished recovering. He walked in and left Larry with one of the nurses. He told her of his injuries, and walked out. He was pretty mad at Larry right now.

Arti went to the department store first. He bought a lot of clothes, trying on just about everything they had. He bought all of the tooth and hair supplies he needed, and even a new scarf. He got a pair of comfortable shoes and a suitcase. He checked out, and all of this racked up to about 12,000 PokeDollars. Satisfied, he looked at the clock.

It's only been like 15 minutes...right?

Arti gagged. The clock said 3:42 A.M. Five hours after he started shopping. Jesus, Larry was going to be livid. He packed everything into his suitcase, and rolled back to the PokeCenter. Larry was in his pokeball. The nurse he left him with gave him back.

"We were starting to get worried about him," she said, "you left quite a while ago."

Arti put his hands over his face, rubbing the sleepiness off.

"I know.....I got lost in time....I'm so sorry...."

The nurse smiled, and checked her watch.

"Oh, its okay. He really needed the rest, he took a pretty big fall by the looks of his bruises..."

Arti tried to smile. But he couldn't find it in him. He felt terrible.

"Yeah, a...Murkrow fell on him." Arti finally remembered the name of the bird. Its was pretty rare in Unova, an overseas pokemon. "Well, thank you, but its late. I should go back to bed."

Arti awkwardly left, and started walking back. Luckily, no wild pokemon attacked him. Back in his dorm, he collapsed in his bed, next to Swadloon. He left his suitcase on the floor by his bed, not even bothering to unpack or brush his teeth. He fell asleep around 5....wishing his classes weren't until later in the morning...

Valorie Ryder - Road to Oak Town
Normally, such brazen confidence might have elicited a giggle or a snickered from Valorie, but quite frankly she was too tired for humor as well. If this boy wished to bring down a criminal organization that had thus far proven immortal she certainly wasn't going to stop him from trying.

"Well, alright... I guess I'll see you in the news then--"

Valorie was interrupted by a mysterious voice. A yamask proceeded to rise from what seemed like the ground. It seemed to be the source of the voice.

Shu (Valorie's Yamask): "Careful kid, or you could end up like me."

Valorie glanced at the pokemon before gesturing at it.

"Weeell this is Shu. He--um... He knows telepathy."

Valorie began to dig around in her satchel for a pokeball, but Shu didn't seem to be done.

Shu (Valorie's Yamask): "I used to be a boy like you--Now I depend on an everstone and a /master/ to keep me from turning into a /monster/."

Valorie just sort of developed this embarassed look on her face. After Shu seemed to finish, she turned her gaze downwards. Cue anime sweatdrop.

"Sorry... He's eccentric. Let me show you my other pokemon!"

A grumble was heard from Shu as Valorie pulled out another pokeball. She tossed the ball and it opened up to reveal a mamoswine. The large mammoth pokemon just sort of looked down at Haru.

"This is Mamoswine. He's pretty friendly--Just don't hang around his feet."

She took out another pokeball. This time, it opened to reveal a Haxorus. The large, armored dragon type promptly hunched over and growled at Haru and his pokemon in an aggressive manner before being promptly scolded by Valorie.

"Thi--No! Haxorus! Not a battle! Bad!"

She totally shook her finger while she spoke too. The dragon pokemon seemed to stand straighter in a reluctant manner, falling silent.

"Sorry... She has been kind of angry ever since she evolved recently. I don't know why."

A third pokeball was removed from her satchell. Did Shu even have a pokeball? It didn't seem like it. This time, a Jellicent came out of the ball and just sort of floated there, seeming to become casually aware of Haru and his pokemon.

"This is Jellicent...Whatever you do, keep your distance. She's...um... I haven't been able to train her not to eat stuff that walks into her tentacles."

Without further comment, Valorie took out yet another pokeball and sent out a flygon. The flygon showed off it's powerful wings before literally striking a pose.

"This is Flygon. She likes people."

Simple enough. Once again, Valorie pulled out another pokeball. This was her sixth pokemon. She threw it and out popped... a charizard. The pokemon snorted, flames seeping out of her nostrils.

"This is Charizard. She has a bit of a temper, but she shouldn't be a problem~ My Dad gave her to me as a Charmander after he came back from a business trip in Kanto--She was my first pokemon."

...And then Valorie took out yet one more pokeball. Oh snap! She had seven pokemon! Though to be fair, it was unknown whether Shu even had a pokeball. Valorie tossed the pokeball and out popped... a /giant dragonite/! Well, a very large one anyway. The dragonite stood at around 12'1 feet and towered over even Mamoswine. It leaned over a bit, becoming curious in Haru's general direction.

"This--This is Dragonite. A--um... A strange man gave me her as an egg. I hatched her myself. She's actually still just a big baby though. She thinks of me as her Mom."

...Sheesh. Valorie had a somewhat intimidating team of very powerful looking pokemon around her. Shu was the only one that wasn't fully evolved, and he seemed to deliberately refuse to.

Olivia Wolf - Beach Cave
Wild Zubat and Koffing appeared! Olivia followed behind Kenshin. Luckily, she had her long hair to help keep her warm as the air seemed to become freezing. Regardless, she hugged herself in an effort to preserve body-heat. Olivia watched as Kenshin seemed to summon the lapras, which rose out of the water rather quickly. She supposed it must've happened to be around at the time.


She seemed somewhat impressed, to say the least, though she had no idea what a premier ball was or what purpose it served. She decidedly held off on asking though, allowing Kenshin to concentrate on his goal. She for one was eager to see how this went. Now... hadn't she been looking for pokemon too? She didn't say anything to Kenshin but Lapras wasn't exactly her type. She desired cute pokemon, pokemon she could fawn over. She would have to see if she couldn't find something of the sort while they were there, though it felt like it was probably night by now.
Ryan's Arrival

Ryan Newson was the new 'Pokémon Legend Studies' teacher at 'The Pokémon Trainer Academy' and having had to fly all the way from Pummelo Island on his Charizard was not his ideal view of 'Business travel' but he wanted to make a good impression for Professor Oak, even if that meant travelling for 18 hours. So arriving on his Pokémon would seem like the best way to show how he cares for his Pokémon and the chemistry they have built. Just as he saw the outline shape of the island that had been on the letter he had received telling him that he had got the job he then realised.

"Where even is the school?"

With it being far too dark to see from the height he was at Ryan decided to tell his Charizard to lower so he could see what was down on the island.
However in doing so Charizard proceeded to fall towards the land in a diving motion.
Ryan thought that Charizard was just pulling another trick on him.

"Very funny." Ryan said, sarcastically.

After a few moments of dive bombing towards the ground, Ryan leaned forwards and saw that Charizard had almost passed out.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Ryan as he fell closer and closer to what seemed like impending doom.

Then all of a sudden Charizard adjusted himself slightly to slow down the fall. Ryan closed his eyes, braced for the impact and then.


The impact that Ryan had expected didn't come, instead it was a much softer landing than he imagined.

"Wha?" Gasped Ryan as he opened his eyes. "I'm... Alive?!"

Ryan began looking around and saw that he was on some sort of beach.
It was then that Ryan realised something was missing.

"Charizard!" He yelled.

He turned his head as if to expect Charizard to be next to him, but that wasn't the case. Charizard was about 40 feet down the beach that they had crashed into. He didn't look good.

"Hey, buddy." Ryan said, calmly. "You okay? That was quite a fall you took there!"

Charizard said nothing, just rolled over and faced Ryan. He smiled, and Ryan smiled back.

"You did great! You must of flown miles! Well but I should of let you stop. Next time, Charizard, you will stop! Okay?"

Charizard just grunted.

"Good!" Said Ryan. "Now, into your Pokéball and rest!"

Ryan returned Charizard into his Pokéball.

"Right." thought Ryan. "Where is this blasted school!"

He set off inland in hopes that he would stumble across someone. He checked his watch. The time read 21:24.

"Well, it's too late to go looking for it now." Ryan thought. "Perhaps I'll just find a clearing in this wood and camp out here until morning. Besides, what's the worst that could happen here near a school anyway?"

He was about to find out.........
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Dante Redson --- Location-Heading to Entei dorm

Dante and Bagon continued on the way to Entei dorm as they noticed some student around the dorm as they got close. Both Dante and Bagon continued on walking, and walked by the students and entered Entei dorm. As the both of them walked into the dorm and headed for the dorm room.

"Okay, Bagon", Dante said to Bagon calling the dragon back into his pokeball. "Time to go to sleep. Return."

Dante continued onto his dorm room until he decide to go to the dorm lounge and relax for awhile.