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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

The Persian simply shook of her paralysis, and glimpsed in concern at her child. "Jerry!" she shiftly shifted her gaze at the Sableye and Nincada, angry as could be. Somehow, somehow this was their fault.

She jumped at them and growled, but was flung to the floor with a flash of yellow. Butler was behind her, confused and in a grog. He has gotten up and unconciously activated Volt Tackle, and was now shining with a bright electricity. He giggled at the blobs of color he saw.

"Cerberus again make the fire more intesne push the flame tornado onto the Scizor," Calnith commanded as he smirked. Cerberus let out a howl and then did the same tactic again except for one Houndour in the air. The flames, however did not only push the tornado it also penetrated it which was a win win situation for Calnith. Either the flame tornado would take the Scizor out or Cerberus's intensified flamethrower attack coming through the tornado at random area's hitting the Scizor.

"Keep it up Cerberus do not hold back," He shouted. Cerberus then made his flamethrower attack as strong as it could possibly get. Calnith smirked there was no way Blade could get out of this.
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(Very XD)

Skye waved farewell to Bri and turned away, heading in the opposite direction. Then he paused and repacked his backpack, placing Pala inside. He put the top over hear head, causing her to peek her head out in confusion and stare as she was lifted up. Now Skye started to jog. His eyes glowed with excitement. "Looks like you're ready Skye," Rama stated happily. "Ready to find answers."

"Mm," Skye agreed. He knew plenty about Pokemon, from books, experience, and lessons. But there was always more that could be learned, understood, unlocked even. The stories that were left in places, in people. He wanted to know them, to find them and then make his own story. It was an odd goal but to him, the journey was fun. And the knowledge gained... was better than money.

Besides, beating trainers earned cash.

The area around the abandoned building was quiet, people were clearly afraid to make noise. Or even Pokemon were afraid, who knew?

Skye released Ellie, who surprisingly did not fly off the handle excitedly. Even she knew to be careful during this time, especially with the Soothe Bell on. Pala was looking around curiously, too interested to make noise. Skye sighed to himself. "Leh-het's geh-het stuh-started. Or-Origin Finding." The Pokemon nodded and Skye observed the decrepit building. Psychic and Ghost types are likely drawn here by the spirits that likely stay here... could somebody or many people have died here? Or is this just a place that feels safe? Dark types are mostly feared or looked down upon in some cases. So this place would seem like a haven.

Shrugging to himself, he entered the building. Whatever it took, he would get a lot of information and some strength. He wondered if a Pokemon would be involved too. He coughed a few moments after his Pokemon. The air was dusty and slightly wet. "Have to feel bad for old buildings," Ellie remarked dispassionately.

"Eh-heh, it suits us just fine!" A Zorua was padding along the hallway, the normally red parts of its fur blue. She saw Rama and grinned.

"Hey, we're identical," they said together and laughed. Skye smiled at this. They came closer

THe Zorua sat back, pawing one ear. "What's with all the humans here today?" she muttered. "Couple of kids have been here already, a couple the other day. The two today though, man one of them was stupid, had to be carried out all bleeding and stuff..."

"Thuh-hat kih-hid," Skye remembered seeing them rush past. Zorua shrugged.

"Eh, he's probably still alive. He left blood on the carpet though," the Dark-type added, pointing at the dried stains. Ellie winced and Skye nodded.

"Whuh-hy are you heh-here?" Skye asked suddenly, feeling suspicious.

Zorua shrugged. "I'm bored. People don't talk to me because I'm a different color and stuff. I gotta fight all the time so... it's cool not too, I guess...." Her eyes narrowed. "Hey will you try that?"

"No way," rama replied playfully. "One of me's enough." Ellie snickered. Zorua relaxed.

"Okay then, we shall be awesome buddies then... or something." Skye laughed. It would be worth visiting here again to meet this Pokemon again. They were still walkin when Skye suddenly paused. Something was tingling against his chest. The boy looked down and picked up his pendant, the gem in the gold having a small, pale blue light around it. "What's with the light show?" Zorua asked.

SKye shrugged. "Ih-hit's neh-never done thih-thih-this."

"Well it is a protective charm," Ellie commented, sniffing around. "Maybe it's finding something we haven't yet."

"Probably is," the Zorua remarked. "Come on, let's get moving. You guys will need to be in a safe spot until nightfall."

"Why then?" Ellie asked as they followed the shiny Pokemon down the halls.

She just grinned. "Everything starts up at night. Few Pokemon are out now. And when it's dark out... she roams the halls."

"Shuh-he?" SKye repeated.

Zorua shrugged. "A little dead girl. Supposedly when she visited this island with her father, she was killed by a rampaging Pokemon. This dorm was built over the place where she died. Don't know why she's here," the Pokemon commented, entering a room and shutting the door after them. "Don't really care. But she enjoys scaring people along with the Pokemon she met. Something called...Rotom I think."

"How will we be safe in here anyway?" Rama muttered, looking around. Zorua pointed toward a Chingling and an Abra, the latter of which was sleeping.

"Chingling's my buddy. She doesn't like violence so it's fine." Skye wasn't so sure about that but the Zorua wouldn't offer anything else. He needed a rest anyway. It wouldn't do to have another incident mid-mission. So he sat down and let Ellie take guard. She seemed up for it.

(Rotom is not a legendary. I doubt he'll appear anyhow, unless Jack wants it to.
Turning to Vince, Sel noticed that he was dressed beach-appropriately unlike herself, and if he went to the Icy Plains like that would probably end up turning into an Abomasnow or something.

"Yeah, same here...I could use to get a jacket and a proper pair of boots on before we go..." she stood up just as the Zorua settled in front of them. For some reason she just didn't like that Pokemon after it had turned into her...it was too creepy...so she turned away and looked over to Ri who was busy practicing a very complex-looking combo of Fighting moves and whistled to him, gesturing over as he looked up. In doing so she missed what the Zorua said, although she could have sworn she'd heard the word 'love' in there somewhere...she glanced back and caught the blush on Vince's face as he mumbled something under his breath that she couldn't hear...

She suddenly found herself blushing for no apparent reason and began fussing around Ri, examining his new Lucario form as she hadn't had time in the Hospital...now she understood why Valorie hated talking about Mark, it didn't half get to you easily! And that was even assuming there was anything there with Vince and herself...there so obviously was with Valorie and Mark...turning to Vince with a wide smile she coughed once. "Ready to get going?"

Setting the empty can of Soda Pop down next to her, Brogan noticed a reply message from Jenna. Smiling slightly, she tapped her X-transciever and opened it up, glancing up briefly to see that Jack had knocked out that boy's first pokemon and his Blade was now in the centre of a twister of fire...huh, interesting technique. Eyebrows slightly inclined she looked back down to her message...and was instantly hurled back into her foul mood.

"Why is it that every time I get a message from you Bro I just know that it's going to be negative and negative-r! There's really NOTHING good about the school? You hate it so badly?! If it weren't you I would find that difficult to believe...you know B, real life isn't Champagne, Caviar and Butlers...this will be good for you I think. As luck would have it I'm in Johto right now, I need to nip to Sinnoh before I can come back to Kanto but I'll let you know when I'm home and see if I can get a visit arranged - it'll give me time to sort out the mess that is my appearance too, I know how much you hate it when I let myself go! And boy have I let myself go...well, you get back to your lessons and training and next time, call me! These messages are so impersonal. Love you - Jen xx"

Snorting in derision, Brogan angrily tapped off the message - she loved her sister but sometimes she could be such a judgmental cow - deciding that she'd reply later when she didn't want to wring Jenna's scrawny neck. How dare she make those judgments! For her, life was all Champagne and Caviar and Butlers - not that she particularly liked Caviar but that was beside the point - and she liked that life. That was how she was born to live and this...this was all nonsense...

As she thought, she scowled down at the empty Soda can she was slowly crushing in her hands, and suddenly felt that she was being watched. Turning her head slowly she saw Mackenzie watching her with a bizarre expression - rather than saying anything she simply stared back at her indifferently, one eyebrow slightly raised. If anyone were to talk first, it wasn't her. If she had felt like speaking first, that would have been a different story, but she didn't so she wasn't going to, simple as that really.
"Its one all now" Jack said as he returned Blade to his pokeball before the flames could engulf him, he admitted that Blade was beaten but was not willing to let Blade who was already hit hard by the Hyber Beam to get covered in flames. "Go Rocky" Jack released his Onix who began staring down on the little Houndour menacingly. "Rock Polish!" Jack shouted as Onix's body began glowing white and now was moving much quicker than before.

"Now Screech" Onix began circling the Houndour letting out a loud roar out of his mouth straight at him.
Vincent Post

<Hey Bro his not going to fight because he and the girl want to go to the icy plains> Shade said speaking for Vince as he jumped on Vincent's shoulder.

"Yeah I would love to fight you but when Ty is feeling better so we can have a good match," Vince said as he knelled down to the Zorua's level. He then heard Selene ask him if he was ready to get going.

"Yeah let's get moving, hey Calinth I think you should go back to Ty," Vince said as he stood back up. "So let's go," He added smiling to Sel.

Calnith Post

"Hmm an Onix eh? He thinks he'll win due to type advantage? Cerberus let's so them no matter the type disadvantage you can win move out of the way of the screech," Calnith said. Cerberus tried to get out of the way of the screech but the loud noise got to his sensitive ears.

"Cerberus stop the Onix use shadow ball!" Calnith shouted. Cerberus shook his head trying to ignore the noise and then let out a large ball of dark engery at Rocky.
Snype flinched as the Persian mother jumped lunged toward them. He opened his eyes when he noticed a bright flash of light coming from Pichu, which had just used Volt Tackle on the mother. Snype wasn't interested in fighting the mother Persian... they seemed nice enough to be reasoned with.

"Stop it! What's your first priority? Fighting us or caring for your injured son?" Snype said.
The shadow ball attack hit nothing to do about that hard to miss a target so big even with rock polish in effect but thankfully screech had affected the Houndour meaning a dramatic drop in his defense. "Rock Polish one more time" Jack shouted as Onix's body began glowing brightly again increasing his speed once more. Big and Fast a destructive combo "Now use Bind" Rocky began charging towards Houndour now like a train looking to wrap the little dog like pokemon with his massive rock body.

Time in RP: Midday
The Persian growled menacingly at the Sabeleye before being shocked by the Pichu again in disorganized walk.

Butler walked towards the Sableye, still activated with the Volt Tackle. He giggled and went in for a hug of sorts, raising his arms up.
Calnith Post

"Tch, he's got Cerberus wrapped up by that giant rock snake," Calnith said as a plan then popped up in his head. "Cerberus now use sludge bombs in the Onix's eyes and then shadow ball in the same spot!" Calnith commanded smirking.

Cerberus turned his head and then let out two sludge bombs at Rocky's eyes as he had a clear shot. Cerberus then prepared to shoot shadow balls. If this plan went well the Rocky would be blind and the battle would be Calnith's
Snype noticed Butler was running toward him, but still had Volt Tackle activated. "Nononononono!" Snype pleaded. But Butler jumped onto Snype and hugged him. Snype took in several jolts of electricity. For a baby pokemon, he sure packed a punch. "H...hey there little guy...!" Snype said as he fell down onto his back. The static caused Snype's fur to stand straight up. He looked like some bedroom monster. Able simply chuckled and kept an eye on the Persian.

"Miss, we aren't interested in fighting... would it be better if we brought you something else to trade for Butler here?" Snype said to persian, still hugging Butler. "We'll bring something for Jerry as well."
The Persian lay there motionless, being consumed in unconsciousness. Jerry, however, slowly got up and stared at their intruders. He blinked, and was very curious. He slowly walked over to them on all fours and became face-to-face with them. He was no doubt harmless for the moment, but oddly started to follow them out of the cave.
"K...huh?" Snype said as he noticed a meowth walked up to them on all fours. Curious... but Snype felt uneasy about leaving his mother there... to imagine the feeling of her son being taken away... Snype felt obliged to do something... "...Jerry was it? Here we'll get something for your mother. Are you hurt at all?" Snype asked Jerry as they walked out of the cave.

He planned to get something from Mark or Klu to help the Persian down in the cave. She was baddly hurt. Though Butler was keeping a tight grip on Snype... he could feel the static flowing through him. They eventually got outside of the hole and saw both of their trainers waiting for them.

"Snype! Able!... and Butler!" Mark exclaimed.
Rocky had the Houndour in its clutches and he wasn't even affected by the sludge that had been fired into his eyes "Guess the genius over there didn't know Rock types are highly resistant to poison type moves" Jack smirked as whatever Calnith's plan was had failed. Rocky squeezed the Houndour tighter and tighter until the pokemon shot out two shadow balls at his head. Rocky fell over releasing Houndour from his grip while he fell straight unto the ground.

"Crap I figured even if it wasn't very effective the sludge still would get to the Onix," Calnith muttered as he felt Shinryu tap on his leg. He looked down to ShinRyu who had a determined look on his face. "You think Cerberus can win this?" Calnith asked his Gible who shook his head yes.

"Cerberus! Do not falter Shinryu believes you can win this!" Calnith shouted as Cerberus started to look weakened. The Houndour's ears perked up as he heard his trainer and began growling at Rocky.

"Now use double team and circle the downed Onix while sending some Cerberus along its body onto its head!" He ordered as he watched Cerberus created clones of himself and they circled Rocky and some of the ran up his body onto its head. "Now use shadow ball!" He commanded as Cerberus began shooting shadow balls at Rocky. Calnith could tell that Cerberus was damaged by the large rock snake and had to end this quickly or Shinryu would.
Sel nodded with a small smile and gestured to Ri to follow them as they walked away from the beach, shooting the odd inquisitive glance over at Luna every now and again. She really didn't want to ask him straight out about what was going on...but Selene didn't do very well with prolonged curiosity and usually prided herself on being forthright and straight speaking. The longest she could go without finding out something she was interested in was a few hours, perhaps a day or two at a push...but this wasn't like normal things she got curious about. This was to be handled with sensitivity and care and more tact than usual.

As they passed the Lugia Dorm, Sel looked around and stopped walking, gazing at the building thoughtfully. "I want to go back in there," she said suddenly, looking at Vince steadfastly - she hadn't been able to confront any of her fears due to Ty's mishap...she wanted to go back in. She looked at Vince steadily, wondering if he wanted to get dressed first...either way she was going back into that Dorm, without him or not.

Vincent could see out of the corner of his eye as they walked Sel giving him looks as if she wanted to know something but he didn't really ponder on it.

<You want to go back?!> Shade questioned shocked that Sel wanted to go back in there. Vince let out a small sigh as it was cool to have a talking pokemon but at the same time Shade did like to talk a lot.

"Alright Sel if you want to go back I'll go get changed I'll be back right back," Vince said as he ran off to his dorm. As he started off Shade jumped off and then stood in front of Sel.

<So between me and you, do you "like like" Vincent> Shade said as he began walking back and forth with a smirk on his face. When Xack reached his dorm he had a strange feeling Shade was up to something. He quickly changed into a blood red T-shirt and jet black skinny jeans. As soon as he was done putting on his black and checker board wristbands he began running back.
Waving Vince off, Sel smiled after him for a moment lowering her hand slowly before she became aware of Vince's Zorua standing in front of her. She couldn't help but take a step back somewhat before inwardly cursing herself - she had to be braver if she was going to go back in there!! She couldn't let this stand in the way...yes, the Zorua had more than freaked her but it wouldn't again...

"So between me and you, do you 'like like' Vincent?" it asked her, and Selene instantly flushed, her mouth gaping open slightly in surprise. She realised she was stood like an idiot not saying anything and closed her mouth, her expression flustered, "I umm...well...I mean I don't know him anywhere near well enough!! I only met him the other day! I..." she bit her lip slightly, frowning. Did she like like him?! She didn't know...she just felt it was too early to tell! Today was the only time they'd really hung out without being attacked or hospitalised or something! "I like what I know so far...but then, Vince...you just never know do you...he's a typical teenage boy flirting with anything remotely female..." she said quietly, figuring that if she changed the subject and took the emphasis off herself the Zorua would drop the whole topic while she waited for Vince to return.

<You're probably right about him flirting with every girl he seems like the type of guy but are you sure he's not just doing that to hide his feelings? I'm good at reading people it's probably just a way of keeping people at a emotional distance so he doesn't get hurt or something> Shade said as he rubbed his body against Sel's leg. <No need to be afraid of me Sel I'm really nice once you get to know me> He said smirking as he noticed Vincent came back.

"Alright I'm ready to get going," Xack said smiling at Sel as Shade jumped on his shoulder and smiled at Sel also. "Shade you lived in there so why not show us around?" He suggest as Shade let out a small yawn.

<Yeah I would love you show you guys around my home. It's a really nice place once you get past all the ghost pokemon trying to hurt you> The Zorua said jokingly. Vincent the walked to the door and opened up and began walking in.

"Let's go," Luna said happily kind of excited to go back in.
At Shade's words, Sel paused with a frown. Huh. She hadn't thought of it that way...that would seem to make sense...she instantly felt bad, having automatically explained Vince's flirtatious nature as his liking to play around with girls and just generally being a teenage boy with hormones...thinking that there could be a deeper reason like that...well, it made her feel somewhat shamed to have been so judgmental initially.

"Maybe you're right..." she said uncertainly, trying not to flinch as the Zorua rubbed against her leg - her jean legs were still rolled up so his fur was stroking her skin "That could well be true Shade, but I'm still kind of weirded out from looking at you and seeing myself staring back...but yeah, you aren't too bad I suppose," she smiled down at him before noticing Vince had returned, looking up at him.

She grinned and followed him into the Dorm, taking a deep breath...okay...okay, no need to be afraid at all...there was no-AH! oh...just a creak, nothing attacking her...there was nothing to be afraid of. She had her Pokemon with her...nothing could harm them...

Pausing abruptly, she narrowed her eyes slightly looking ahead of her...there...there was an Abra in that doorway! It was...it was adorable!! Slowly, so as not to startle it, she took Ryan's pokeball from her belt and released him...crap! The Abra had teleported away! Growling, Ryan looked up at her in confusion as though wondering why she had released him for no apparent reason.

"I just love your company..." she answered his questioning look, turning to face Vince. "I am getting that Abra before we leave. Come on, let's have a look around for it..." she walked around, peering off the main corridor into rooms before noticing a small movement in the corner of one of them. Peering inside, she saw Abra stood perfectly still, apparently having sensed her and Vince nearby. Looking at Ryan, she made a stiffening motion as though she was paralysed and gestured to Abra, telling him wordlessly to use his Thunder Wave. Getting the hint, Ryan used his Thunder Wave and caught the Abra in the back - Abra were fast but obviously, thought Selene with a smirk, Ryan was faster.

"Okay Ryan, use your Thunderbolt but don't go too far, we just need to weaken it remember!" she could see the Abra trying to make itself Teleport away but it was stopped by it's Paralysis as Ryan's Thunderbolt hit it square on. After a moment, Selene made an abrupt movement with her hand signalling him to stop and threw a PokeBall at the Abra. After shaking a couple of times, the ball stopped moving and Abra had been caught. Grinning widely, Sel picked up the PokeBall and smiled down at the Abra - she couldn't wait to get training it! So cute!

Ryan ran up to sit on her shoulder and Selene turned to Vince and Shade with a sheepish grin, "Sorry for the detour...I just needed that Abra...where are you taking us now Shade?" she asked, clipping the new addition to her belt and walking over to Vince and Shade.