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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Calnith Sol NeverWind Location-Plains:

Calnith was at first intending to go straight to the academy and go straight to sleep but he decided against that and figured maybe he'd venture about. He wasn't going somewhere as if he had something planned to do he was just walking and thinking. The drama that had been at the school had seemed to cool off and no one seemed to pay him any mind like they used to. Calnith wondered what he should do next. His old plans were tossed out the window and nothing seemed to interested anymore not even training. This was strange and his Pokemon began to get a bit worried about him, mainly Shinryu, Colossus and Cerberus. The Houndoom himself was walking beside his trainer along with Nightwing perched on his right shoulder.

Calnith then stopped for a moment and thought about what he wanted to do. Cerberus then looked up to his trainer and licked his hand to get his attention. The red haired teen looked to his Houndoom and noticed he was trying to get him to look forward. Calnith then looked up and noticed two people standing not that far from him. It was a boy and a girl and the girl seemed to be shivering like crazy. Why were they out at night without a jacket or something.

"Come on Cerberus let's see what's going on," He said as he began to walk over to there direction with the Houndoom close to him. As Calnith walked over to them the Murkrow on his shoulder started to crow as if to say hello. Honestly it was rather annoying seeing as Nightwing was on Calnith's shoulder and the Murkrow was crowing right next to his ear.

"Hello," He said as he walked over to the two with a wave. He noticed the girl's shivering was worse than he thought. "Here take this you look like you're about to freeze to death. My name's Calnith Neverwind by the way," He added as he took off his red jacket and placed it around the black haired girl. This was strange for Calnith he was acting nice, there was something wrong with him.

"What brings you two out here?" He asked as Nightwing then flew off his shoulder and landed on Cerberus' head.

Ruby Sapphire Fiona Destiny - Rocky Mountains

Ruby startled when Kilik shouted out "A Latias?!" Ruby rubbed the back of her head after he said cool, in a cold way though...

'Y-yeah, i saved her from a evil organization when they were chasing her, ever since then she never left.' Rube explained shyly. 'Team magma...' She then mumbled. 'Anyways! What kind of pokemon are you looking for here?' Ruby asked Kilik, after she heard Jack mumbling, but he sounded like he was not believing her, but Ruby didn't feel like convincing him.

Then suddenly, she heard a cry, a pokemon cry. 'What was that?' Ruby asked, but it was kind of a stupid question since she can hear pokemon speak, for her it wasn't a cry, for her it was a pokemon speaking. 'Hehe... Never mind...' Ruby said, following Kilik and Jack to the pokemon, was it a Deino...?
Ryan had been searching for a clearing a lot longer than he had anticipated. He guessed it had been at least 2 hours since he had crash landed on the beach. He ached all over from the fall and the endless walking, it also didn't help that he had not eaten anything since leaving home about 20 hours ago.

Ryan continued searching for a clearing although, inside, he half knew that his search was all pointless. Ryan was just about to fall on his face and lie there from tiredness then he saw something up ahead. What was is?

"A cabin!" He yelled. Ryan ran towards the cabin with energy that he hadn't thought himself capable of after no food or sleep in almost an entire day. Ryan knocked on the door of the cabin. But there was no answer. Ryan tried the door. But it was locked.

"Now what." Ryan thought. "I could just lay down here and wait for someone to come by. Yes... I think I'll do that!"

So Ryan sat up against the cabin and waited. Infact he waited so long he fell asleep, into such a deep sleep however that he didn't notice the Misdreavus that was floating on the roof of the cabin just above his head.
Kenshin Ren

He blinked. Oh yeah. That bikini, while nice, definitely must have made her cold.

"Um...Yeah sure. We can leave now."

He pocketed his new pokemon and lead the way back out of the cave.

"...Looks pretty dark right now."

He turned back to Olivia. "What time is it anyways?"

If there was still time, they could probably get a pokemon for Olivia too. Otherwise they probably spent too much time in the caves for Kenshin's Lapras. Oh well. If it was too late they could get Olivia's pokemon tomorrow.
Mark eventually made it to the Pokemon Center and got all of his Pokemon healed up. As per usual he let Snype out of his Pokeball and left Kara out as well. Kara quickly glanced over to Snype with a small grin on her face. Snype had no idea what the deal was but it got him kinda weirded out. She seemed to be looking at his eyes though, almost envious.

Mark didn't have much else to do and alot of the shops were pretty much closed. He'd already trained his Pokemon a decent amount for the night so all that was left was to head back to the dorms.

"I'd say we got alot done today huh guys? I bet you we can go even further tommorow! After classes, how about we go and battle a few students and put our training to the test? Maybe even catch another Pokemon!" Mark said. Snype nodded in agreement. He hadn't battled in awhile and seriously needed to get back into shape.

On the way to the Dorms, Mark noticed in the distance a Dragonite... a bit bigger then usual also. As far as Mark was concerned, there were only a few people in the academy that owned a Dragonite, And Mark had a good feeling of who this one belonged to.

"Hey Val!" Mark called out as he ran over to her.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard​

Roberto stayed still and quiet as Lucia slept on. She always went to bed early and it was rather dark out and there wasn't much to do. The Scizor just stared at her for some time as he pondered the days' events. As he thought about all the he and his trainer had done he couldn't help but continue thinking of that gremlin that was there. That ghost was nothing but trouble, he was dead sure about that! Still, he needed to know just what plans the little cretin had. Where was his room? What was his schedule? Who were his allies? All of that had to be learned as quickly as possible if he had any chance of keeping Lucia safe. He waited for some time as Lucia stepped and he finally judged that enough time had passed before he reached over and clutched a pokeball that was on the dresser in a claw and brought it into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He opened it up and released Samuel into the room.

The dark type looked around and glanced up at Roberto, "What is the meaning of this Roberto? Are you tiring already?"

The bug shook his head, "I need to head out. Watch over Lucia until I return."

The Absol stared at him, "You're joking. I can't believe you. He is just an innocent ghost. Let me rest and do your duty."

Roberto angrily snapped his pincers, "This is my duty! I must make sure Lucia is kept safe and if it means I need to leave to better study my enemy than so be it."

With that Roberto opened the bathroom and went to the door and left the room and shut it behind him. Samuel growled, mostly at the fact he was in no condition to open doors without breaking them open and lay down on the ground as he looked at Lucia. He sure hoped that bug didn't cause too much trouble.

Roberto soon got outside and quickly spread his wings and caught a breeze and flew up onto a nearby rooftop. He quickly sprinted across them until he finally located the boy. Luckily the pokemon he had were busy practicing so he could crouch on the rooftop, watching silently. He saw the Sableye getting rather beat up and almost chuckled at the sight, but then the boy recalled the two battlers an Roberto moved quickly to stay in the shadows and followed him to the pokemon center. He stayed secluded in the trees until the boy left, once more with his Sableye and Roberto had to manuever to get back on the rooftops and then had to move along trees to follow.

The boy was heading to the dorms and then went off in another direction. Roberto still kept to the trees as he saw him approach a girl. Was this an accomplice of his? He moved in just a bit closer, enough to hear a bit of their conversation. Thankfully they were alone out here so he wouldn't have any other noises distracting him and masking their words.

Meep, interesting name. Well, he did seem to have a habit of zoning out. Not like that bothered Skye in any way. Rama snickered at the other Pokemon coolly. He rolled his teal eyes at them discouragingly, trotting over to Skye and barking about something. Skye glanced at him and nodded. Rama snorted. "Probably a good thing you housepets are on a leash," he stated with a casual growl. "You wouldn't be able to touch me if you all tried at once." Skye rolled his eyes at his Pokemon's cool arrogance before smiling at Meep.

"Nuh-hice to meh-meh-meet you," he murmured, watching Fluffernut with a semblance of curiosity. "You ha-ha-have truh-hained thah-hat one weh-well." Skye smiled at the mention of Heart though. He understood how it felt to raise babies. He glanced at the Skitty and shook his head no. "Thah-hat looks to beh-be one of theh-heh-heirs," he replied, jerking his thumb toward where the other girls had disappeared to. Realizing the boy must have been by confused, he gently picked Rama up from the ground. The Pokemon yelped in indignation but relaxed when he realized it was just Skye. "Thih-his is Rah-Rama, my Zuh-Zorua." He didn't mention that he had no Pokeball.

Pala suddenly squeaked from his backpack and Skye grinned to himself as the little polar bear poked her head out. "Tha-That's Pala, a Cuh-Cubchoo," he explained when the beady black eyes looked at Meep. Sniffling, she waved a large furry paw.
Meep (Entei Dorm Lobby)

Meep nodded as he listened to Skye introducing his friends. The Pokemon he was currently holding didn't seem too fond on meeting the strangers its trainer was talking to. The one that resembled a Teddiursa, however, looked as if it was glad to meet some new friends. Heart was looking down at it and was swaying her tail in return.

"Forgive me if I come off as a little nosy," Meep apologized. "It's just that I've never seen a Pokemon native to the Unova region in my life. I can't help but admire their exotic presence. As for Fluffernut here..." He gave a quick glance over to Fluffernut, who was still performing his juggling act without trouble. "He actually taught himself the tricks that he knows. Back in Celadon, my family runs a little daycare for residents that are too busy with other business to look after their children or Pokemon, so he uses his talents to entertain everyone during the day." Returning his focus to Skye, he then reaches into his bag and pulls out two apples that he and C.J. hadn't eaten earlier, offering one to both Rama and Pala. "Anyway, I'd like to offer some apples as a gift, in honor of our new friendship! I don't know what food Pokemon from Unova prefer to eat, but I'm hoping that these will satisfy you. They were grown and picked all the way from my mother's garden in Kanto!"
Valorie Ryder - Road to/from Oak Town
Charizard raised a claw to her chest in a mildly egotistical manner and snorted out black flames. She seemed proud of herself. The fire lizard fondly remembered when she had evolved. Her trainer had fangirled over her new more dragon-like appearance. It had been one of the best feelings in the world.

Haxorus didn't seem inclined to take any nonsense from a pokemon and promptly stood tall, in a rather intimidating manner, showing off it's full, battle-armor clad height and battle-axe head. It made a point to growl in a rather lone tone. However, it seemed to relax a bit after Scyher was called away.

Meanwhile, most of Valorie's pokemon seemed... confused. A handshake was a pretty human gesture. Some of Valorie's pokemon couldn't even return it if they tried. Mamoswine in particular just sort of blankly stared at Void in response. One pokemon was an exception however, and that was Dragonite. While initially confused, the large dragon pokemon reached out and took Void's hand, before pulling the other pokemon into a hug.

...Valorie's cheeks turned a light red. Well golly! I wonder where Dragonite learned that gesture! One could figure that it had hugged Valorie on more than one occasion. Regardless, Valorie turned around and pointed down the road.

"It's that way..!~ You can't miss it. It's getting late though... You know there's a pokemon center and a pokemart at the academy right?"

She paused a moment. When she continued, a smile took over her expression

"Oak Town does have really good food and drink shops and a TM store, though..! I go there sometimes to pick up a smoothie--"

She was interrupted by a familiar voice. Mark might notice that Valorie was wearing a half-cape, a common practice among dragon masters. It looked very official, not crude or home-made at all. Where... did she get that? Valorie looked up and turned her gaze towards Mark, raising a hand to wave at him. Dragonite had a much less controlled reaction.

"Hey Mark!"

The large pokemon abruptly took off as if it were a dog that had just spotted a particularly interesting looking squirrel. It stopped less than a few feet from Mark... and immediately picked him up, hugging him as if he were a long lost friend. Valorie just sort of went blank at this for a moment before glancing back at Haru.


Olivia Wolf - Beach
Olivia looked around and squinted. The sun was down completely. Yet, traces of light still littered the sky. She was trying to figure out without a clock of any sort, just by the light levels. SO HARDCORE, rite?

"Um... I'd guess... between nine and ten?"

...She then pulled up her poketch and just... checked it. Her expression glowed with satisfaction. It seemed she had been right.


Just then, a male voice interrupted Olivia's thoughts. It had said hello. She looked up and around before spotting Calnith. He approached and proceeded to not only offer Olivia his jacket but go out of his way to wrap it around her without waiting for a response. Olivia's cheeks promptly turned a nice pink despite the cold. Oooh snap, bad boy steppin' all over yo' turf, Kenshin.

"Oh--thanks...~ I'm Olivia, and this is Kenshin."

She gestured at Kenshin briefly, hugging the jacket around herself. She certainly wasn't ungrateful.

"We were out enjoying the beach, and looking for Pokemon. What about you?"
Kayla and Holly

Jasmine looked over at Rama and then over to Yuri, frowning. "Jasmine, just drop it.",Yuri said. "Fine...",Jasmine said looking at the ground. Rosemary started jumping around and jumped onto Kayla's head. "Holly, I don't think you've met my pokemon yet.", Kayla said. Holly turned and looked around. She looked at Jasmine and Yuri. "Are they alright?",she asked. Kayla looked at Holly and laughed. "Don't worry. That's how Yuri stops her from getting into fights.",Kayla said. Holly looked over at them for a second before turning back to Kayla. "OK...",she said.

Kayla giggled and took Rosemary off of her head. "This little cutie is Rosemary!",she said. Rosemary jumped out of her arms and landed on Holly's shoulder. "Hello!",Rosemary said. Holly looked at her and smiled. "She's so cute",she said, petting Rosemary on the head. Rosemary purred and snuggled up to Holly. "It looks like she likes you! But then again, she likes everybody!",Kayla said, laughing a little. Molly came out of her pokeball yawning. "Hello, everybody...",she said. Yuri looked up, wagging her tail, before turning her attention back to Jasmine. Rosemary looked at Molly and raised a paw in greeting. "Hi!",she said. Jasmine looked up and frowned. "Hi...",she said, kicking at the ground. "Don't mind her. She's just in a bad mood.",Yuri said, still biting on Jasmine's tail. "Yeah she's just a little miss grumpy pants!",Rosemary said. "I'm not in the mood, Rosemary.",Jasmine said. Kayla laughed a little, while Holly kept petting Rosemary.
As Mark ran over to Valorie, he noticed that her Dragonite was actually heading toward him. He remembered that Dragonite saw him as a father like figure. Snype jumpped off of Mark's shoulder so that he wouldn't be in the way and Kara flew a bit of a distance as well. Mark quickly stopped in his tracks as Dragonite pulled him into a big hug. He couldn't help but smile. Dragonite was such a peaceful giant and still had the personality of a young child. It was cute.

"Haha, I missed you to Dragonite!" Mark said happily. He looked down at Valorie and quickly noticed she was wearing a half cape.

"Hey! I like the new look Val! Dunno why but the cape really suits you! Reminds me alot of Lance... where did you get it?" Mark asked, still being hugged by Dragonite. He looked over to Haru, of course not knowing who he was. He would have waved but his hands weren't exactly free from the hug.

Snype looked up at Dragonite and waved at her.
Calnith Sol NeverWind Location-Beach:

"Well it's nice to meet you Olivia and Kenshin," Calnith said with a smile as he then pet his Houndoom. He wondered why they were out so late wearing so little. Must have been enjoying themselves so much they lost track of time or something. There was a nice breeze that blew some of his hair into his face. The memory of catching KingClaw popped back up into his head when he looked at the ocean water. Man was that such a long time ago and a lot of things had changed this then.

"It seems a bit late to be enjoying the beach anymore and when it comes to pokemon I've heard there are Tynamos around here which are pretty strong Pokemon since they can avoid their type weakness with their levitate ability," He commented as he thought about it. Catching a Tynamo would probably help deversitise his team but he already had enough Pokemon to train. He was lost in his thoughts for a moment almost forgetting what Olivia had asked.

"Oh me? I'm just having a stroll around the island before I go back to the academy and go to sleep. Recently though my Metang evolved and I caught a Skorupi," The red haired teen said as he released the newly evolved Metagross and the newly caught Skorupi. As the Metagross appeared it looked to Olivia with a bored expression on its face before it then tucked it's legs in and floated over to Calnith. Calnith then stepped onto the Metagross now floating a bit above the ground with it. "This is Colossus and the Skorupi is Razor," He said introducing his Pokemon.

"So find any good Pokemon?" He asked as Colossus then started to spin around like a top just to annoy Calnith. The Metagross stopped once Calnith stomped on his head.

Ellie looked at the two girls and mewled patiently. 'Where would you like me to put you?" Then she mentally facepalmed, realizing that they likely couldn't understand he r. She pointed her tail toward the doors, trying to get them to point at it.

Meanwhile Pala squealed with joy, stealing the apple from Meep. Instantly the sound of delighted chewing could be heard. Skye laughed and nodded his thanks. Rama huffed at the food and planted it in his trainer's free hand. Not without disinfectant. This was apparently human grown after all. Skye nodded apologetically now and gestured to see if Meep wanted to follow the girls inside.
Kayla and Holly

Holly stared at Ellie, tilting her head kind of confused. Molly looked over at Ellie and and thought for a second. "You can put them on the bed.",she said, yawning a little. Holly looked over at her for a second and nodded. Kayla looked over at Holly for a second. Then she turned over to Yuri and Jasmine. "If I let go of your tail, do you promise to behave?", Yuri asked. Jasmine looked at her and rolled her eyes. "OK fine. Just let go of me already. My tail's falling asleep.", she said. Yuri nodded and released her grip on Jasmine's tail, yawning a little. "Never do that again.",Jasmine said. "Learn how to behave and we'll see.",Yuri said. Rosemary yawned and jumped onto Holly's head, curling up to go to sleep. Holly reached up to pet her.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard

Roberto watched silently as the big dragon hugged the boy and the pokemon and trainers began to interact with each other. The Scizor just watched silently for a few seconds before his eyes narrowed in on the girl. He looked over every inch of her. He studied her height, weight, her hair, her clothing, her body posture, her facial features, everything. He then studied her pokemon making sure to memorize their species as well as any distinctive features he could find. He felt a breeze go through the trees as he reinforced his grip on the bark. Dragons, never good. This girl seemed to be a dragon-type trainer and those were always the worst. Whenever a human specialized in one type of pokemon they would know all of their capabilities as well as know how to best train them.

It was obvious know that the two knew each other very well and there was no doubt that the girl was an ally of his, and if that was so then she was an enemy of Lucia's. His frown grew as he calculated the distance. Could he be able to fire a Hyper Beam at the group and at least give them a warning? No. He knew there were rules in this academy and he didn't want to do anything too drastic that would force Lucia to be expelled. He would just sort this information in his head for now and head back to Samuel and tell him what he had witnessed.

He had moved and was ready to open his wings when suddenly the branch under him gave way with a loud snap and he fell for a bit before he reached out with his pincer and gripped the tree tightly. His heart beat in his chest as he mentally berated himself. It had been far too long since he had tried to spy on others. He needed to get out of there. The breeze was still there though so he opened his wings and glided through the trees and managed to get onto a strong branch and ran through the trees, making sure to keep his wings open in case another branch broke under him. He couldn't believe that he had just gave away his cover! He had acted like an initiate back there! He finally slowed down as he found his way onto a rooftop of one of the dorms and panted softly as doubled over. He really needed to train tomorrow, most definitely.

Kilik Chambers - Rocky Mountains & Caves

*image removed**image removed**image removed**image removed*​

As the group was heading towards the sound of a Deino, Kilik was overhearing what Ruby was saying, especially about that Latias she mentioned. "Y-yeah, I saved her from an evil organization when they were chasing her, ever since then she never left." An evil organization, huh. That already sparks an interest in Kilik. Stopping an evil organization has suddenly become a new goal for him. Like there's any other evil organization out in this Academy right now, right? Anyway, Kilik continued his way to the sound of a Deino, still hearing over Ruby who mumbled something. Sounded like Team...Magma. Sounds sinister. What eveil organization could be out there now? "Anyways! What kind of pokemon are you looking for here?" Ruby continued. That was a stupid question. The cry of the Deino should've given her the answer. Speaking of Deino, Kilik, Ruby & Jack were getting closer to the source.

When they arrived, they found a Deino blasted to the ground by an Axew & Druddigon. Both Pokemon started laughing maniacally at Deino, who didnt look that beat up. Either way, they seemed like bullies, & Kilik stepped in front of the Deino. "I got this," he exclaimed, sending out Tentou to the battle. Deino noticed this & cried weirdly. Like Ash's Torkoal from the anime.

"Feel free to join in anytime now," Kilik pointed out to Ruby & Jack. He could use the help after all. After they save this Deino, maybe he'll want to come along with them.
Kenshin Ren

Of course he wasn't expecting someone to meet them outside the cave. And...Yeah Kenshin couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous of Calinth offering his jacket to Olivia like that. But he at least seemed nice. He had stayed silent as Olivia and that guy were talking for a bit. His facts weren't too off about the pokemon he was describing. And he was at least introducing his pokemon.

"...I caught a Lapras," he replied weakly. Then he pointed to Pikachu on his shoulder. "This is Pikachu. He did...most of the work."

Granted he was being very modest. But he couldn't be too off with that comment.
Jack Jacobs
Rocky Mountains

Every step they took led them closer and closer to the sound of the pokemon Kilik was chasing, and the other sound Jack was hearing was Ruby's story which to be honest he still couldn't get past the Latias thing.......was Ruby that good or something. Upon arrival though it was obvious that the Deino was in trouble "Even in the pokemon world you have bullies" Jack shuck his head and watched as Kilik stepped up to defend the pokemon.

"I don't like your tone young man" Jack joked as he was rushed by Kilik to help him out in this little battle. Jack reached for a pokeball from his waist not even thinking about bothering Blade for this little battle with these wild pokemon, plus it would be well needed experience for anybody who he used to fight. He eventually made his choice and sent out Grip, the pinsir, to go and assist Tentou in the battle and despite his feeling about this late night trip Jack wasn't going to stand by and pass up the little fight.

"Anytime your ready Kilik" Jack smirked as he watched Grip stretch and prepare.........
Meep (Entei Dorm Lobby)

Seeing Skye gesture over to where the two other girls were taken, Meep just discovered that there would be a problem trying to get back to his own room

"Oh no. I just realized something," Meep sighed out loud. "FoxFire must be burned out from keeping her Will-O-Wisp active for so long, and with Fluffernut's coat still discharged from earlier, it'll be next to impossible getting back to Suicune dorm without any light..." Feeling somewhat embarrassed but without any other options, he looked up to Skye and asked him, "Seeing as how it's too dark outside to safely walk around... Is there any chance I could stay here for the night?"
Rosalyn Smith
Academy Grounds

Rosalyn was about to pull back from the hug when she felt Jimmy put his arms around her to hug her back. This was a first for her, the first time she had ever been hugged back by someone other than her family, even if it was extremely rare. That fact and the fact she liked her best friend made her blush a bit more, but it also made her extremely happy.

The fact he had hugged her back meant he was acknowledging that he didn't have to be mean to her like he was to other people.

"Thanks Jimmy" she said softly before pulling back from the hug after a minute. "You really are my best friend" she smiled at him finally getting the blush off her face. As she looked up at him "So Jimmy, what do you want to do before it gets to late?"

Genevieve Molyneux
Oak Town

Genevieve smiled and giggled shaking her head at her boyfriends words as she grabbed his hand. "It's okay, we can get him something tomorrow or something" she said as she took a lick of her strawberry ice cream. "It is really sugary, but yours more so than mine, that's a lot of chocolate" she said looking first at his chocolate ice cream than her own strawberry.

"But Strawberry is my favorite" she grinned taking another lick of the ice cream, "are you sure all that sugar isn't gonna keep you up tonight?" she asked looking at the darkening sky above them.