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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla smiled and looked at Shawn and Ace. "Hi there!" she said excitedly. She waved with one of her crutches. "My name's Kayla! I don't need any help, though. I was just looking for some people and now I've found some!" She smiled more and looked down at her Pokemon. Yuri yipped and chased her tail. Kayla looked up at Shawn. "Are you up to anything fun?" she asked. "If you are, then can I join you? I'm bored..." Jasmine snorted and plopped down at Kayla's feet. Kayla rolled her eyes at the Tepig and looked around. "Is anyone else with you?" she asked excitedly, feeling Rosemary and Primrose climb up to her shoulders. Kayla stumbled and fell to the ground, sending her crutches flying. She laughed and sighed. "You think these two would learn..." she muttered to herself, still giggling.
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Academy Grounds

Shawn saw that a couple of her pokemon perched on her shoulders and caused her to stumble and fall, her crutches flying. He quickly went to her side and helped her to her feet. "Are you ok?" he asked her, a little concerned. "She was even prettier up close," he thought as he helped her up. "Its nice to meet you, Kayla. Such a pretty name for a pretty lady." At that, he kinda blushed and cleared his throat. "We were actually gonna get something to eat first before planning our next move. Your welcome to join us, if you wish," he smiled. He was able to reach one crutch, which he handed to her before going further to get the other one for her.

Shawn handed her the other crutch before standing there, waiting for her response. Hopefully, she'll agree. He loved having more people join him, especially one as cute as her.

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Ace Nakamura

Ace watched as Shawn was talking with the girl. He suddenly felt a displeasing feeling. "Am I being third wheeled?" He cleared his throat and was ready to talk but his Pikachu surprised him by jumping to reach the ground "Pika Pika!". He almost lost his balance but he regained it. "Gosh talk about a first impression, So Kayla, what happened to you? You seem to be a little hurt", he asked with a warm smile. "And by the way, this is Pikachu my playful partner"
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Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla tilted her head. Pretty lady...? she thought. She smiled and took the other crutch. "Thank you!" she said happily. "But I'm not a lady... I'm only twelve..." She looked down at Rosemary, who was whimpering softly. "That didn't hurt you, silly," Kayla said softly. "Cats land on their feet, and that can't hurt. Especially not for a grown-up cat like you. Don't cry, Rosemary." Kayla smiled. Primrose snickered. "Crybaby," she muttered from behind her hands. Kayla sighed and looked at Ace. "Oh, this?" she asked, gesturing to her swollen leg. "This is nothing! I just got attacked by a Scyther in the forest a few nights ago!" She shivered. "My leg got an infection last night, but I'm fine now... I just have to be extra careful."
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Academy Grounds

Shawn shook his head as Kayla explained how she got hurt by a Scyther not long ago. "Those Scyther can be a real nuisance, especially wild ones. Maybe some day there can be a group that helps keep them in control so they can't hurt anymore people..." he thought out loud. As he looked at Kayla, he felt his stomach getting upset. He looked down at the ground for a moment, feeling bad about what he said to her for some reason.

He looked back at Kayla, smiling. "Hopefully, your injury won't keep you from exploring more of the island after we get a bite to eat at the cafeteria. Are you two ready?" he asked, ready to go there when they were.

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"Scyther, my Charizard would have slashed it easily. But that's still sad you're in those. Hopefully you'll get well soon", said Ace.
He didn't know what to say next. That was a little unusual for him to be at a loss of words. He noticed that Shawn was looking down, he was probably a little embarrassed, thought Ace. Suddenly, he felt a little sting at his stomach.
"I'm ready to go at the cafeteria." He looked at Kayla. "Will you go with us or you want to be alone?" He hoped she would go with them as he really wanted to stay with her for some time. That girl was just beautiful.
Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla looked down at the ground. "Yeah..." she whispered absentmindedly. She sighed. "Just don't talk about Scyther for a while. Or ever. I don't like them..." She smiled and looked between Ace and Shawn. "Let's go eat!" she said excitedly. "I'm starving!" She looked down at her Pokemon and smiled. "I'm sure you guys are hungry, too..." Kayla said softly. She looked at the two boys again and laughed. "I hope you two aren't worried about me or anything like that! I'm fine..." She started to walk towards the cafeteria shakily. "Stupid crutches... They make me look stupid," she muttered, laughing even more.
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - to the Cafeteria

Shawn smiled as he walked with Ace and Kayla to the building. He ran forward a little and held the door open for the others, letting it shut behind him as they headed for the cafeteria. It didn't look that crowded as they went in. Shawn turned to the others, still smiling.

"I'm not that hungry, so I'll go ahead and find a table for us while you two wait in line," he said as he walked away from them, searching for a table. He found one that was empty on one end. He placed his bag on the floor and sat down, waiting for them. He let his mind wander and thought about Sammy, wondering where she was. He pulled out a pokeball and released Zapper, who glided around as fast as she could, happy to be out.

He signalled for Zapper, who glided onto the table in front of him. "You remember Sammy, the girl with the Corphish?" When Zapper nodded, looking a little confused, Shawn continued, "Glide around and find her. Let me know if you do or not. Don't go too far, though. Look only at the beach, the academy, and Oak town, ok?" Zapper nodded and glided out of the cafeteria, searching the grounds for Sammy.

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Link Neal

"Okay guys, this is as far as i'm going to go with y'all." Link looked at the divide between the Suicune Dorm and the Raikou Dorm. "If you guys weren't so talented we could share a dorm" Link laughed. He dropped the bag that had killed his arm during the walk the dorms. "Let's meet up again sometime." Link smiled "You guys are my first friends, and I just want to thank you for that." He walked away slowly as a grin slowly spread across his face.

"Ahhhh" Link sighed as he fell back on to his bed. "I think that's the last of it." He said as he stared up at the ceiling. Link looked over at Holly curled up next to his head. "Hey bud, we made some friends already." Link smiled and rubbed the little glaceon's head. "I hate to disturb your rest, little lady, but, I wanna explore the campus a little bit. Any ideas of where to go?" Holly's ears perked up immediately. She jumped up and ran to the door. "Haha slow down Holly!" Link laughed. "You lead and i'll follow." Link opened the door and the little creature sprinted out the door. "Hey! Slow down!" Link exclaimed as he ran after Holly.

"Geez....ha....ha...it's...cold...." Link panted as he bent down to catch his breath. "Dang girl...Why'd you take me to a place so cold.... Oh wait..." He realized the reason. "Well if you really want I guess i'll deal with it for you." Link looked across the winter wonderland and he saw a beautiful girl with dirty blonde hair, standing there with a boy that was extremely ripped and had headphones around his neck. For some reason Link's cold face was now burning hot and the same color that the pokeball, Mickey rested in was. "We probably shouldn't disturb them..." Link said quietly. As he turned to walk away, in the corner of his eye he saw Holly running straight towards the pair. "Oh god..." Link said with terror in his eyes. He started at a slow jog but, ended up in a full sprint after his little friend. As he about reached the glaceon, he tripped. For what seemed like an eternity, Link flew through the air and then... he collided with the girl in all blue...​
Ace Nakamura
Ace was waiting in line with Kayla while Shawn went to find a table. "So hmm, why don't you go find Shawn at the table while I get the food? You should sit down and rest. Just tell me what you want"he said. He wanted her to rest a little because having crutches were awful and she already fell so better be careful. He noticed Shawn releasing a pokemon at a table nearby. He was looking forward to fight that boy.
Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla smiled and looked at the table that Shawn was sitting at. "Go on," she said to her Pokemon, pointing at the table. The Pokemon ran over to the table, knocking some people over as they did. Kayla blushed and looked around. She gasped when she saw the boy from earlier with half of his face bandaged up. He looked angry and looked around the cafeteria, muttering something repeatedly. Kayla hid behind Ace and whimpered softly. "U-Um... Just bring me whatever," she whispered, trying to stay calm. She whimpered again and squeaked. "Can you hide me while I walk to the table?" she whispered.

Sylvia Hanson

Sylvia again found herself feeling quite irritated when the, noticeably well-built, boy across from her started to mumble something about her outfit.
"What the hell is wrong with my outfit?!" The boy was quick to back-track over what he had said, apologizing for interrupting her and saying he could leave if she wanted, although he also introduced himself as Derrick. Sylvia made an effort to calm herself, it wasn't his fault Holly had decided to mess with her
"It's fine, I'm Sylvia" she was about to add an apology for her behaviour to that statement when she caught something out the corner of her eye, a Glaceon and more concerning the speeding form of it's trainer. Sylvia felt an impact as the newcomer tripped on the ice and collided with her and the next minute she hit the hard ice below her.

Sylvia had been calming down until the careless blunder had left the other trainer lying nearly cross-body across her torso.
This has not been my day...
"Get off of me already!" she said to the new boy. Her face to was becoming a slightly pink shade, not from embarrassment though, she wasn't happy.

Zayne Alta

"Dark Pulse!" Zayne commanded Aura, having released the Lucario to do battle with a nearby male Frillish. Aura formed a nefarious looking energy between his palms before launching the super-effective attack at the half ghost, half water-typed pokemon.
"Frill!" the attack hit it straight on, thankfully rather than fleeing it turned and levitated out of the water. Floating directly for Aura and Zayne.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
The Pokemon Trainer Academy

Derrick Fastolf

Icy Plains
Theme: Instant Crush - Daft Punk ft. Julian Casablanca

"Well... that was interesting..." said Derr as he did a small recap of what had happened just a second ago. First, this girl, who had now introduced herself as Sylvia, then, a Glaceon aproaching them and finally, a flying guy colliding against Sylvia.

He stared at both students as they lied on the floor for a while, then decided to kneel and lend his hands to both of them, "Sylvia?" said Derr as his hand opened in front of her, "Pidgey Boy?" he said whn extending his other hand to the boy that was on the floor with her.

Rudolph was perplex as well, not moving from his position until seeing Derr ofering to help both students. Rudoplh reached for Derr's pockets and gently tapped his horns at them until a clicking sound was heard twice. Ipso Facto and Nightwish so had to see this!

Upon appearing, Ipso Facto the Gible couldn't help but giggle upon the scene, while Nightwish the Frillish was... Well, it was Nightwish. Irresponsive to the situation. Derr didn't notice this, nor did he care.

He was trying not lo laught right now.
He failed.
He laughed.
Loud and clear for the whole world to hear when he extended his hands.
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Link Neal

"Get off me already! The girl yelled at Link. "S-s...s-so-..." Link scramble up as the words he tried to say got stuck in his throat. His face was now an even brighter shade of red than before. Link looked around and he saw Holly sitting there with a devilish grin on her face. He glared at her but, then realized his situation and Link froze up again. Oh god.... Okay calm down and try to talk normally. "H-hi-i my name is.... Uh L-link." Link became more embarrassed and before he knew it tears started to well up in his eyes.

As he looked down at the ground the boy who was with the girl, burst out laughing. He and his Gible where just standing there laughing at his little situation. More tears. Come on... Control yourself! Link just looked down and put his face into his arm. He couldn't show anybody how weak he was or that he was such a crier. Link lifted his head as Holly walked over and nuzzled him apologetically. "It's okay bud." He whispered to his Glaceon. "But i'm not sure if it's okay with her." Link pointed at the girl on the ground who seemed to be getting angrier by the second.

Sylvia Hanson

Sylvia climbed to her feet as soon as the boy was no longer lying on top of her, and she was seeing red.
"Honestly, I have been here for months now and today is the first day anybody actually pays attention to me! I meet one nice person who has vanished, a person who seemed to be decent who never showed up, some creepy pervert who stands ten inches away staring at you and now some random person has knocked me off of my feet and lied on top of me for 20 minutes! (overstating it)"

Sylvia breathed in heavily, noticing that the boy who had knocked her over was trying not to burst into tears, the other and his gible were still laughing uncontrollably.
"Okay... sorry but this has been a very confusing day. As I said to Derrick, my name's Sylvia."
Sylvia looked over the two boys in front of her for a moment, as well as their pokemon. Derrick had a Stantler, the laughing Gible and a Frillish whilst Link had a Glaceon.
"Glaceon huh? My first pokemon is a Glaceon... well she was an Eevee at the time."

Sylvia released Shiva, her Glaceon, and Frosty, her Vanilite, from their pokeballs to join the party. Frosty began whirling around the other pokemon eyeing them with an itnense curiosity before settling happily on the Stantler's antlers. Shiva on the other hand was sussing out the other Glaceon, with a huf she blew it off - as usual the arrogant pokemon was unimpressed.
"We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot... and I need to blow off some steam. Anyone up for a battle? If you want you two can team against me in a double battle, or we can make this a three-way battle."
Might as well...

Zayne Alta

Aura shot to the right as a white-blue beam of energy came flying at it, an ice-beam from the wild Frillish that was soon followed by a chilling, ghostly wind. The second attack, an ominous wind, knocked Aura backwards.
"Dark Pulse again!"

Aura launched another super-effective blast at the pokemon only to have a barrier erupt around the ghost-type.
"Interesting... so far it has used Ice Beam, Ominous Wind and Protect. No water-typed moves yet?"
Zayne considered his options briefly before calling his next attack
"Another Dark Pulse, that seems to be the best option right now."
Link Neal

Deep Breaths... Link tried to calm himself down. The laughter of the boy and his Gible rang in his ears but, he tried to ignore the chorus of jeers. He looked up and saw that the girl had already pulled herself up. She started to go off on the two boys and said something about not being noticed and suddenly being noticed and some other complaints. Hmm.. I wonder why no one noticed her... Link thought to himself as he watched the girl go on with her speech. She suddenly stopped and looked at the two boys. Then the girl introduced herself. "Okay... sorry but this has been a very confusing day. As I said to Dereck, my name's Sylvia.

Sylvia huh?... I kinda like that name She went on to say something about Holly and that she had her own Glaceon. I guess Holly's gonna have a little friend Link thought as he patted his own Glaceon on the head. Sylvia then sent out her own pokemon, a vanelite and her own glaceon. As soon as Slyvia's glaceon came out of the pokeball, Holly ran over to try and play with her fellow kind but, the girl's glaceon looked over Holly and completely blew her off. Link frowned and he looked at Sylvia who just stood there unemotionally. Holly looked crushed and came back to Link. "It's okay bud. You're too good for her!"

A double battle... Sylvia looked at Link and Derek. A battle? I haven't even trained yet... Sylvia had just asked the two if they would like to battle but, Link wasn't sure what to do. Then Holly looked up at him and started looking at him with pleading eyes. "You want to get back at Sylvia's glaceon ,eh?... Well alrighy then." He looked at Derek "H-Hey what do you w-want to do?
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"Thanks Lucia. I try my best. Heh... I'm building my team with a strategy focused on each of them assisting eachother even from within their Poke balls. I think I have a concept for my technique down but now I just need to set it into play. Haha...." Mark said. It felt good to get this kind of praise. More so from somebody in the Suicune dorm. Mark wished he was at that level of class but cant ask for everything it seems. "Hm... Classes might be starting soon. I'm going to have to check todays classes soon..."

Snype crossed his arms. "Well I won't give him a chance then. I'll just have to stand my ground until I find some way to convince him to lighten up." Snype said.
Ace Nakamura
"Can you hide me while I walk to the table?" she whispered.
Ace was so surprised he couldn't even manage to give an answer. Why would she ask to be hid behind him? But he noticed she was whispering and was hardly trying to stay calm. He didn't want to bother the girl by asking useless questions if she wasn't at ease. "No problem Kayla! You can count on me for whatever you want", he said smiling.
Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla smiled weakly and kept hiding behind Ace. "If that boy with the bandage on his face comes over here, will you help me get away?" she asked softly. The boy glanced in her direction quickly. Kayla squeaked and started to walk to the table slowly, pushing Ace in front of her. "That boy kind of hates me and my cousin..." she whispered. "So I think that he's going to try to beat us up..." She heard tiny footsteps under her foot and looked down. "Yuri, what are you doing here?" she asked. "Shouldn't you be keeping the others under control?" The Lillipup shrugged as best she could and yipped excitedly. "I'll protect you from that guy, Kayla," she said, growling. Kayla tilted her head.
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Cafeteria

Shawn was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Kayla's other pokemon at the table with him. He sat there, absent-mindedly rolling Zapper's pokeball between his fingers, waiting for her to come back. "Hope that Sammy can be found," he thought, finally seeing that there were other pokemon nearby. He felt more like a babysitter than a trainer at this point.

Zapper soared through the air, circling around the major buildings in her search. She searched the main building, the dorms, the beach, and the battlegrounds thoroughly, but Sammy was nowhere to be found. She even searched the edge of the forest where they rested on their first day, but to no avail. She only had one place left. She zoomed around, gaining more height, and proceeded as fast as she could to Oak Town.

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