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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Mike Forde

Mike watched as Holly ran off, and then proceeded to turn to the academy, he saw the main entrance and bolted in, hoping for a class to start soon. The two things he wanted t do: Learn all he needs to beat Drake, and battle!
Bai Kong

"Um, I would rather you not blackmail Hei about her crush on Cynthia," Bai stated, her cheeks turning red, following Zen. "Or, you know, tell anyone at all."

Seriously, Hei? Really? She's like a sister.

"Says the straight one," muttered Hei.

"And if you wanted, I could have paid for you, but that's obviously not important now," commented Bai, looking away awkwardly in a way that Cynthia usually called adorable. "Uh…As for why I have voices in my head, I have something called Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID. It used to be known as Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD, but that got switched…Generally, DID is caused through many factors: overwhelming stress; an ability to separate one's memories, perceptions, or identity from conscious awareness; abnormal psychological development; or insufficient protection or nurture during childhood are just a few of them."

"These factors generally have to take place during the early childhood years, usually before the age of nine," stated Hui with a yawn. "A few symptoms are, along with the 'multiple personalities', are depression, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, and amnesia."

"Jeez, what did you do, swallow a medical textbook?" snarked Hei.

"Not everyone can get DID though," stated Bai, ignoring Hei's remark as per usual. "I'm not sure what made me different from other children who have gone through a traumatic experience, but mainly, most kids do not get DID."

"I think you're just special," stated Hei sarcastically.

You will get more embarrassed if I tell Cynthia that you like her than I will.

"Shutting up now."

"Do you have any other questions?" asked Bai curiously, willing to answer questions.
Ace Nakamura

Ace looked at the girl on top of him. He helped her get off and handed her the crutches with his cheeks redder than a tomato. "I hope you aren't hurt", he said with concern in his voice. He looked around and remembered that Kayla's pokemons ran and she fell while chasing them. "Well we should get your pokemons back now. Pikachu and Flareon, go after them!" Immediately, they ran in search of Kayla's pokemons. "Let's go!"

Mike Forde

As Mike roamed the academy, coming around the dorms and stopping at his own for a while, he heard someone else walking by. Eager to just battle as obviously classes are not in session, he rushes to where the guy is. As soon as he sees him, roaming around the Suicune Dorm, he screams "You!!! You look tough, and I'm itchin to battle, so let's just do this!" Mike regains his composure just as the Adrian Steele turns toward him.
Holly Amarosa

Holly kept chasing Lumina until she eventually got to a dorm that looked like nobody had been in it for a while. "What's with this place?" she asked. She looked around and frowned. She must have went inside... she thought, feeling a shiver go down her spine. But how would she even open the door...? It's worth a shot... Holly whimpered and opened the door to the abandoned dorm, jumping when it squeaked. She stepped inside slowly and looked around. "Lumina?" she whispered. "Are you here?" The door slammed closed behind her, making her scream in surprise. "I wish that I had told Molly to come with me... I hope that she didn't get lost or anything..."

Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla stood up, still blushing. "T-Thank you..." she whispered. She looked down at the two Pokemon that had stayed with her and returned them to their Pokeballs. Kayla looked up at Shawn and Ace. "I guess we should go looking for the other two now..." she whispered, her face still a little bit red. She started to walk out of the cafeteria slowly, being careful not to trip over anything. That was so embarrassing! I can't believe that happened... I'm too clumsy...
"Alright, let's get a bit of practice in for the day." Adrian led his Pokémon farther away from the Suicune Dorm, where fewer people were. His own personal methods of training differed a lot from most other Trainers' -- while they would go and battle random Pokémon and capture those that didn't even want to be confined in a Pokéball, he would simply ask around for the strongest or smartest one around that was willing to battle.

Today, he had progressed some distance, when he encountered a Rattata that was foraging for food. He appeared out of the grass, looking very irritable. "Gods, this was already a bad day before YOU came along. Here I am, trying to get a decent snack, and someone like your filthy self shows up. Can't a simple rodent live in peace these days?"

"Hey look, I'm not out to battle you, so your day isn't going to be ruined." Adrian leaned on his cane, looking at the Pokémon straight in its eyes.

"Wait. Am I crazy or do you actually understand what I'm talking about?" The Rattata actually sat up and wasn't growling anymore. Instead, surprise in the extreme was registering on its face. "I thought only that green-haired guy could understand us, and he's never around."

"Apparently he's not the only one. And I'm a bit offended by being called filthy, thank you very much." Part of his mind wanted to laugh hysterically at the mere concept of talking to a rat. Another part of him took pride in his gift with communicating with anyone and anything he wanted to.

"Yeah, my bad. I'm used to more clumsy people coming up and disturbing my colony. All they do is pick us out one by one and try to catch us. But we're smarter than that. We gang up on them these days, and it's gotten easier since a few of our number evolved into Raticates recently." The Rattata puffed up his chest as a sign of pride. He also stood up straighter, feeling like he was invincible as long as the pack was behind him.

"Yeah, I'm up to help my Pokémon train. You know of anyone in the area who wants a good round? I'm not out to catch another Pokémon yet. The time isn't right for that." Adrian shifted his stance on his cane. If this Rattata was right, his colony shouldn't be too far, especially if he was talking tough about it in the open.

"Boss is always looking for a good fight. He's always wanting to show the others just how tough he is. He always says that if he loses he'll even let his conqueror lead the colony! How funny is that?!" The Rattata was obviously at the point of laughing about the whole thing. "He's as tough as an Onix, but he's going to end up in a Pokéballs sooner or later."

"Don't mind taking me over? I need to teach my Gastly and Shellder a couple lessons anyway." It was high time they met a tough opponent. If they were taken down a peg or two by the alpha Raticate, it would at least teach them to use their heads. If they won, they'd obviously come out a lot stronger anyway. Even so, if they were both taken out, he had his ace in the hole always by his side.

As Adrian suspected, it wasn't long at all until they came to the colony's center in the middle of a grove of large oak trees. It sat on top of a hill that commanded a view of the entire woods. And in the middle of the group sat the biggest Raticate that Adrian had ever laid his eyes on.

VS Raticate (level 28)

It didn't take long to get the big rodent's attention, nor did it take long to get him to fight Adrian's Pokémon. First, he sent out his Gastly, who disappeared as usual, before resorting to his usual antics of reappearing everywhere and annoying his foe half to death.

However, it wasn't before long that the agitated Raticate managed to nail the Gastly with a well-placed Crunch, which disrupted his form and made him a lot weaker.

However, his relentless attacks had taken their toll. He had already slowed down the Raticate by a lot, and also poisoned him. That being done, Adrian recalled the ghost before any more damage could be done, and sent out the Shellder.

This time, it was a brute clash of will, in which the Shellder pelted the rodent with rocks and ice repeatedly until the Raticate made a titanic effort and nailed him on his shell's weak spot with a powerful Hyper Fang attack.

No wonder that Rattata was bragging do much about this one. He's a beast! Adrian recalled the Shellder as well while the rodent was still paralyzed by the Gastly's slew of Lick attacks, poison, and Scary Face attacks from earlier.

Finally, he sent out Supernova. The Larvesta slowly creeped out onto the battlefield, as the Raticate made a herculean effort to get up again. Seeing what appeared to be a much weaker Pokémon on the field, he used all of his strength in a valiant (and failed) attempt to take her down in a full-body tackle.

"Now, light him up!" Adrian loved this strategy, and almost nobody ever saw it except for his toughest foes.

As the Raticate made contact with her scorching hot body, he was burned now as well as poisoned and partially paralyzed, effectively crippling it, because the Larvesta had used Morning Sun just before the attack hit, not only healing her, but heating her body so much that it burned the Raticate as his attack landed.

And then came the best part of the combo. While she was still powered up by the heat of her Morning Sun, she unleashed her most powerful Ember attack, right in the Raticate's face. The sheer power of the attack, coupled by the poison and the burns, along with the crippling paralysis, did the massive rodent in...

And the Larvesta remained completely untouched by the whole thing. All according to plan! Adrian had to admit that he loved it when he won, but still, it was Supernova's brilliant timing that led to this complete victory over his stronger foe.

She rarely battled, but she was powerful, and Adrian was always trying to make that a point to her. If she'd only step out and embrace her strength, she would be completely devastating on the field.


"There, all done." Thankfully, Adrian had brought enough healing items for the trip, both for the Raticate and for his own Pokémon, who were less hyper because of this whole thing. The oversized Raticate had taken down more than half a good Trainer's team, and both parties had reason to be proud of their accomplishments.

"You fought well, and I lost the bet with my colony. My teeth are yours." The Raticate stepped aside, so that Adrian could sit in the center of the hill among all of the Raticates and Rattatas on the hill.

"I can already eat well enough." By now, the colony had already gotten used to the fact that he could understand them all, and the humor was well-received. "Besides, I can't visit everyday, and I was only out for a good round today. You certainly gave us one!"

The Raticate stood up and made a gesture of pride, which was copied by a good number of his own kind. "Let it be known that this human... Adrian? ... this human, Adrian, shall pass freely along with his Pokémon friends through our turf! If he ever needs us, our teeth will be there to help!"

A loud round of agreement went through the colony. Nobody in the colony would question the biggest one around, and it was already proven that this was a Trainer that was helpful, strong, and completely understanding of them. He wouldn't have to worry about going through this area (even without any Pokémon) ever again.

And better yet, if he ever needed a mob of Rattatas and Raticates to help out... A good friend is worth a million times more than a good Pokeball.


It wasn't that long before he had reached the Dorm again, his fully-healed Pokémon in tow. They were all quite a bit stronger from the encounter, especially Larvesta, who seemed to simply radiate power during that battle. Well, they always say the timid ones are the most dangerous when they start to get things moving.

It was when he was closer to the Pokémon Center that was based very close to the dorm when some kid came running full tilt towards him and told him that he looked tough, and started trying to catch his breath. It was plain to see that this kid was obvious over-excited, like he just ate a whole bag of sugar or something.

He was about to straight-up ignore him, when the kid challenged him to a battle. Adrian slowly turned towards him, looking like the very definition of the words "calm and strong."

"Who are you?" He didn't even answer whether or not he wanted to battle. If that kid really wanted a battle, Adrian was ready for it. But he still would rather battle someone with more reason for battling other than the fact that he had crossed his path. This isn't some dumb 90's video game, where people fight for no reason at all.
Mike Forde

"Finally, I caught up with you!" Mike stopped to take a breath, as he was very exhausted. "I screamed for you, like, a million times!!! Anyways, I wanted to battle you because 1. you look strong, and 2. I really want to battle! I need the experience so I can finally beat Drake. Also,if you accept, do you any good battlefields? If not, we can battle right here!!!"
"Pokémon can battle everywhere. We've got the whole place more or less to ourselves. There are obstacles everywhere. Why not here? And we haven't even introduced. My name is Adrian Steele. The Larvesta you see here is Supernova." The timing couldn't have been perfect. Never had the Larvesta looked more cute or harmless in the entire time he'd had her.

And he knew that his Gastly and Shellder were more than ready to raise some hell for someone other than an oversized rodent right about now.
"I kinda saw you talk to a giant rodent, so how about a giant turtle! Go, Squirts!!!" A poke ball was thrown and opened, revealing Squirts the Wartortle. "Let's have a single battle, Squirts vs. your dinky little Larvesta! By the way, Mg names Mike...Miketastic, that is!!!"
"Haha... You won't be going up against this poor little thing!" Adrian smiled for the first time in ages. "She doesn't really like to battle. Let's see you go against someone that does."

He spoke with deadly calm. Sure, it was a bulky Wartortle that matched his trainer, and hopefully his ego. He took out a jet-black Pokéball from his side and released the Gastly, which instantly vanished. "You see, I am one who is fond of a fair battle. My Gastly should be able to take your Wortortle head on."

There was one good thing that his condition came with. One couldn't simply put down a cripple when his baby was on the line. All in the meantime, the battlefield slowly started warming up.

Steven Yew
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

A small duel
Near the Suicune Dorm

Yew came out of his room, enjoying the fresh air. He thought it would be quite helpful to take a walk. His legs were beginning to ache from sitting too long. Oh the joys of being an old guy... he thought as he began to meander through the buildings, Tetra at his side as usual. To this, Tetra replied, Remind me to tell you that when you are actually an old man! They both laughed. Tetra had a way of being able to do that.

As he was nearing the dorms, he noticed a couple of kids with some pretty powerful Pokemon battling unsettlingly close to the Suicune dorm. Yew looked worriedly at Tetra, and they both began sprinting to the site of the battle, Yew shouting, "Excuse me! Not so close to the dorms! Please use a battlefield! They're there for a reason!"

Professor of Pokemon history and mythology


Boxed Pokémon:

Fixed Float!


Kilik Chambers - Hallways->Abandon Lugia White Dorm

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Mana sounded upset. Kilik was questioning himself of what she had said earlier. He was too occupied with Tentou's evolution, so it was obvious he wasn't listening. Then suddenly, she runs off with Felicity. It's obvious she had something to say, even though she threw it out there as if it were nothing. Kilik can read facial expressions well, so it's obvious what she wanted to say was important. It's his fault she feels depressed. It's up to Kilik to ease the pain.

"Return for now, Tentou," Kilik states, returning Tentou to his Pokeball. He sighs, rubbing his head before beginning his search. Mana took this path, so I should follow along. The walk took a few minutes before Kilik stopped near the entrance. He found Mana, but hid as he saw a Zorua near her. Zorua's normally don't roam around this area. Mana follows the Zorua somewhere, so Kilik keeps up, quietly hidden. He didn't know where this Zorua was taking her, but it obviously wasn't good.

Eventually, everyone stops at a strange dorm. Strange... Why hasn't Kilik ever seen this room? Only one way to find out. When he hears Mana scream, Kilik charges in & finds her surrounded. He looks more closely, seeing them as no mere ghosts, but Pokemon. "Perfect..." What is wrong with this Zorua? He sends out Mistress to deal with the problem. "Deal them some Night Slash, if you will Mistress." Mistress smirks & targets each Pokemon with Night Slash, having too much fun.
Mike Forde

Mike sees a "kid" looking at him and Adrian, and glares at him and yells "Kid, just go. You have no idea who you're dealing with. Jusr let us have our battle!!!" Mike, what're you saying, he just wandered on the scene! "Sorry kid, just go, though. We are having our battle here, no questions asked!" Mike then went really serious and gave the guy a death glare, turning back to Adrian.
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Holly Amarosa

Holly whimpered when she heard the sound of more people in the dorm. "L-Lumina...?" she asked. "Are you there?" She gasped when she heard the sound of a Pokemon crying and started to walk around. She turned down a hallway and whimpered again when she saw Lumina surrounded by a bunch of ghost Pokemon. "Lumina!" she whispered. "Come here!" Lumina turned around and looked at her blankly. "Friends..." she whispered. Holly shook her head. "They're not your friends," she whispered. She froze when the ghost Pokemon suddenly surrounded her. "You're not taking her away from us..." they whispered. Holly started to cry and sniffled. "Someone help!"
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] ∣ Zen
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Path to Oak Town

Chapter Two: Part Two
Paths Crossed

"So, in essence, they're all you, they just... Separated into different personalities?" She asked with curiosity. "I suppose I can relate to that a bit..." She had turned her gaze to the sky. "Somehow, I can feel myself... Somewhere else... But I'm different there... Very different..." She was lost in her own thoughts for a few moments. "Do you believe in the Multiverse Theory? The theory that there is a separate reality for each and every different outcome of every decision we make, and that, in some way, they are all connected?"

Bai Kong

"Pretty much, yeah," agreed Bai to Zen's first question, but then had to think about her multiverse theory question.

"We did read Tsubasa and xxxHolic," stated Hei. "If that doesn't convince you, what will?"

"It is a manga, Hei," replied Hui dryly. "A very confusing one, but a manga."

"Are you saying that you didn't understand it?" asked Hei gleefully.

"The authors didn't even understand it. I, for one, am perfectly comfortable at not using logic and saying that a wizard, specifically Clow Reed, Yuuko, Fei Wong Reed, and Tsubasa Li, did it."

"That's more than one wizard."

"But the trope is singular."

"I wouldn't say that I believe it, but I wouldn't say that I disbelieve it either," stated Bai after thinking about the theory carefully. "I don't have psychic powers like you, so I can't really say that I feel another me in another universe, but I used to think legendary Pokémon were only myths and time travel was impossible, but, yet, on my journey, I've met several legendary Pokémon and I've time travelled. I guess that anything is possible, so I'm probably leaning on the believing side of the fence."

"I bet five bucks that the next time Nightmare and Hei get together, we're going to travel to another universe."

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] ∣ Zen
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Path to Oak Town

Chapter Two: Part Three
Paths Crossed

"I have to believe it." She paused for a moment, and at the mention of legendary Pokemon, her eyes widened slightly. "I see... And just how many of those legendary Pokemon have you seen?" She shook her head slightly. "Your life sounds hectic and eventful." She gave a glance in the direction they were heading away from. "I still don't see how you can enjoy that woman's company. Everything about her bothers me. Her demeanor, her expression, her attitude, her thoughts..." She shook her head. "If she had her way I'd probably be miles away from here." Her expression for that moment was almost a glare, as if she wanted the woman to see it, even though they were already pretty far from there. Oak Town was getting larger as they approached. "I don't care what anyone says or thinks, I'm not leaving this place. It's the only area where I've gotten a trace of anything from this search. If it comes to fighting, I'll fight to my last breath to continue this search. And I don't think I'll die very easily either."

Bai Kong

"Um, I've seen Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, Keldeo, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Cresselia, Darkrai, Latias, Latios, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, and Mewtwo," listed Bai off the top of her head. "So, I guess eighteen. Now that I think about it, that is quite a lot." Bai rubbed the back of her neck while grinning sheepishly. "I wonder why."

"Because we are awesome?" stated Hei with a grin.

"It's because you are very kind to everyone," stated Hui, ignoring Hei.

I can't be the only trainer that's been kind to everyone. It's not like I'm anything special.

"Hey," said Hei sharply. "Stop that. You may be less awesome than me, but you're still awesome."

"Cynthia saved my life," said Bai firmly, ignoring Hei's statement. "I will forever be in her debt, but she hasn't collected that debt yet and has only helped me more.

"Now, as for why she may want you to leave, would be because you have attacked people." Bai shrugged. "I'm going to assume that they did something to deserve being attacked if you have attacked people, but after saving my life, Cynthia is less sympathetic to any reasons to harm another human being. I'm sure you would be too towards reasons into harming another Pokémon, if you saw a young Pokémon heavily injured and left somewhere to die."

The last sentence was said casually; although, there was a darkness in her eyes as she stated that. For once, her other personalities fell silent as Lan began to cry.

Bai closed her eyes and tried to soothe Lan.

Sorry. Sorry.

"The pain," mumbled Lan. "I don't like the pain."

I know. I'm sorry.

"Cynthia wouldn't try to kick you out unless you had really harmed a person," stated Bai, while trying to soothe Lan. "By really, I'm going to assume a broken bone, not including the nose because those are really easy to break, or by sending someone into a coma or killing someone."

Suddenly, Bai thought of something and she started rummaging through her pockets in her pack. She smiled when she found what she was looking for and grabbed some string in another pocket. She took out a feather from the pocket and started to make the feather into a charm so it would hang on the string, making a necklace.

"Sorry this isn't great, but do you want a Lunar Wing necklace?" asked Bai towards Zen. "Maybe it'll give you good luck on your search so that you may find what you are looking for faster and easier."
Mike Forde

"Wha- what?! A teacher!!! Oh great, Mike, now you've done it! I am so sorry, Mister! Please, let us battle here, we were about to start our battle, and it just seems like a hassle." Mike was now feeling very stupid, talking to a teacher like that. He only thought of the battle, nothing around him. This will help in his training, as he must learn to pay attention to others' not only opinions during battle, but lives, as well! "Okay, Adrian, let us begin our battle! Also, please mister teacher, don't interrupt our battle, we'll try not to mess anything up!" Mike gave a happy smile towards the teacher before getting serious and returning to Adrian.
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Mana Murasaki
The Espeon girl

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As Mana screamed, she felt another lick but this time on her arm. Mana was about to cry when she suddenly heard "Deal them some Night Slash, if you will Mistress." being said by a very familair voice. She turned to her left to see Kilik and a Zoroark. Mana calmed down but still had tears in her eyes. "K-Kilik...?" Mana said quietly. Had he followed her or had he heard her by coincidence?

Mana was calm until she got attacked. "Hey! This is not what I agreed to!" the little Zorua came back downstairs. "You told me to bring her here so you could have some fun! You never told me you would actually hurt her!" the little Zorua shouted fiercely. "We are not hurting her! We are just messing a little~" A Haunter showed up in front of her. "But she is scared!" The small fox Pokémon ran towards Mana. "Kyaaaaahhhh!!!" Mana screamed again when she felt something pushing her around. "Leave her alone!" the little Zorua jumped in front of Mana but easely got tackled away. Mana watched as the little Zorua was trown away.

Mana was as pale as a sheet and it was probably obvious by now that she feared ghost Pokémon. She always had feared them ever since she got attacked by a Gastly when she was younger. "Go awayyyy!!" Mana tried to protect herself with her arms. The pushing got less once some Pokémon were taken out by Kilik's Mistress.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Roxas Jaden Asakura
Team Rocket member
Dorm Room - Room 5

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Jello was behaving weirdly for some reason. It made Roxas wonder if Jello hated him. He wasn't going to bother with it too much though because Alice was the only person that mattered to him at the moment. She forgave him for his stupidness the other day but Roxas started blushing once again. He actually wanted to go on a date with her but was too embarrassed to even ask. He also knew that Alice was sick but still hoped she would say yes. She should get some fresh air to recover anyway. "You should take better care of yourself..." Roxas said with a concerned and worried tone.

"A-Alice..." Roxas forced the red-haired girl to look in his face as it was reddening. "W-Would... you... uhmm..." Roxas looked away as his face couldn't get more red and his heart was pounding like a raging bull. He even started to shake, that's just how nervous he was at this very moment. "W-Would you like... to go on a date with me...?" He said rather quietly. "I-I mean... I know that you're sick... but you need fresh air too... it will help you recover..." Roxas glanced at her from his eye corners.
