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The ROM Hacking Documentation Project

Progress Report:

It's been a few days since the last report. I've been pretty busy with school, so expect fewer updates during weekdays.

Editing functionality is, for the most part, implemented, and all that's left is to propagate edits to the server. I would like to note that editing is very smooth and aesthetically pleasing.

Before moving on to the database, I would like to spend some time finalizing client side article and tree models.

Again, changes made can be viewed at the incremental release.
Hello Happy (belated) Thanksgiving

I would classify this as Information about Music Hacking

Inserting Midi Files into Firered:

Ensuring High Quality Audio for Firered:

Firered VoiceGroups and Corresponding Instruments:

Fire Red Music Values in Hex:

Inserting High Quality Cries with Sappy:
Um, lol. I need to work on this.

I've been terribly sick in the past few weeks, and missed a lot of school. I'm behind on a lot of other work, too.

I'll try my best to find time for this during the break.

Sorry for the delay again.