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[Mixed] The Spirit Forest


Reach for my hand~
  • 971
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Spirit Forest


    Welcome to the Spirit Forest! This is my Trade Shop, focusing mostly on event Pokemon but also rare shinies (such as the star of this shop!).

    Please read the Rules and FAQ carefully before you decide on whether you would like to do business with me. If it's clear that you haven't read my rules, I might just altogether choose to ignore your request. If you've already been through that and just want to see what I'm offering, click here!

    Credits to SpiffyDC for letting me commission this awesome artwork!​

    Trainer Info

    This is my Trainer info for all of my game carts. For shinies caught or bred by me, they should have these details.
    [td] Pokemon HOME
    Trainer: Firebolt | 642373
    Trainer Shiny Value: [None]

    Pokemon Y
    Trainer: Norris | 64521
    Trainer Shiny Value: 3613

    Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
    Trainer: Norris | 49276
    Trainer Shiny Value: 0646[/td][td] Pokemon Sun
    Trainer: Norris | 335134
    Trainer Shiny Value: 1145

    Pokemon Ultra Sun
    Trainer: Norris | 099142
    Trainer Shiny Value: 1541

    Pokemon Crystal (VC)
    Trainer: Norris | 06713
    Trainer Shiny Value: 0419[/td]


    • NO HACKS! No exceptions. I thoroughly hack check all of the Pokemon that I both receive and offer.
    • Don't ask me for cloning services. We have a cloning thread in Trade Corner. For gen 7 trades only, I will be more than happy to clone a trade Pokemon for myself and return the Pokemon to you (more below in the FAQ section).
    • Keep all trades to this thread; don't PM me unless I explicitly ask you to (such as when I might try to organize a trade time).
    • For 3DS trades, please add my Friend Code (5327-1652-0643) before our agreed time of trade, preferably as soon as you post your offer. It makes trades much smoother.
    • You can ask about my Generation 6 Pokemon and events to trade in XY/ORAS, but I make no promise that I still have them available on those carts.
    • I will not accept any 6IV shiny Pokemon unless they were self-obtained and/or you have proof that they are legitimate.
    • I reserve the right to place any Pokemon received from trades in my Trade Shop, unless otherwise agreed on before the trade occurs.
    • I also reserve the right to reject any offers made without giving a reason.


    Below is my FAQ guide, set up as a Q&A sort of thing to help give more information about my Trade Shop.

    When is it the best time to organize a trade with you?
    Weekends! I work full-time Monday to Friday, so weekends are the easiest times to catch me on. Just a note about my timezone, especially for you American folks; my Friday afternoons are your Thursday nights/Friday early morning, which also means that I may not be available mid-to-late Sundays as I would already be asleep preparing for a wonderful Monday start.

    How are you able to trade away so many of these Pokemon?
    Just a note, all of my gen 7 and earlier Pokemon are cloned. Unless explicitly stated by me, the Pokemon you're receiving in a trade is a clone and will continue to be available in my Trade Shop. I don't believe in hogging rare events to myself, so I'm more than comfortable dealing with clones.

    What can I offer you?
    Pokemon shown in my Wish List are guaranteed to catch my attention; I'll even offer my featured Trade Shop Pokemon! Otherwise, I appreciate events I do not have or otherwise valuable Pokemon, and you may also offer to trade these for the featured Trade Shop Pokemon (please note that I still might reject the offer, but it won't hurt to ask!). For my breedable shinies and normal event Pokemon (including the Mythicals), I'm happy to accept Rareball or breeding leftover Pokemon.

    Dex completion?
    I have a full living Pokedex of gen 1 to gen 7 Pokemon, which means that I can help you complete yours! While I won't sit there and trade dozens of Pokemon, I can help you nab those last few peeps you might be missing (including Legendaries and Mythicals).

    I really like something in your shop, but I'm not sure I want to give my Pokemon away.
    For gen 7 trades, I absolutely do not mind if you would like me to clone any Pokemon you offer me and return a copy to you, so feel free to bargain with your biggest hitters! Just give me a heads-up before the trade so I know what's going on. However, please use the cloning thread if you want to clone your Pokemon in gen 8.

    The Spirit Forest?
    The name comes from the location in Jugdral (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War) where Sigurd meets Deirdre for the first time; Deirdre is the name of Julia's mother (the girl pictured in the banner), and is also the name of my own shiny Celebi! I really couldn't think of anything else to name the guardian of Ilex Forest...

    What's with this trippy background?
    I actually tried to find something that could work as a wallpaper that matches the forest theme, but I stumbled across this instead and you have to admit, it looks spirit-ish...enough.

    Okay but what about this featured shiny Celebi you've hinted at like three times so far?
    Well, I'm glad you asked!​
    [a id]shortcut_offers[/a id]

    The Spirit Forest's Featured Pokemon - Shiny Celebi!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Spirit Forest
    Onto the star of the show: shiny Celebi! I obtained it in Pokemon Crystal VC after a few years of on and off soft-resetting, and I'm so happy to be able to finally offer it as a Pokemon for trade! Due to the special circumstance of being able to clone Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal, I'm able to offer a few exciting things with this Celebi:
    • Your own nickname! So long as it isn't "Deirdre" as well, I can nickname this Celebi to whatever you like before I transfer it!
    • Due to how transferring Mythical Pokemon from VC games works, Celebi will come with guaranteed 5 IVs!
    • In the same vein, I'm also able to offer Celebi with any Nature of your choosing. It will come with Timid by default/if not fussed.

    However, I am offering this Celebi under the following conditions:
    • As mentioned in the FAQ, you'll have to offer something nice for it!
    • Strictly one per customer. I'm offering this Celebi for you and only for you, so if you decide to trade it away anyway, I won't be replacing it.
    • Celebi will come in a Poke Ball with my Crystal OT and ID. Sadly, that can't be helped.

    My Trade List

    Click the link below to see my trade list! It contains full information about the Pokemon I am offering and the ones I am especially interested in (LF: Wish List).

    As mentioned in the FAQ, the shiny breedables and most of the standard events (i.e. the non-shiny ones or very common events) are available for minimum asking; anything you can offer will be appreciated! The rarer shiny events though are subject to what you would like to offer.

    Once you know what you want and what you would like to offer, please fill in the form below:
    Pokemon You Want:

    Pokemon You're Offering:
    Pokeball It's In:
    (Any other information you would like to add here)

    Please include this information for each Pokemon you're offering. You can leave some bits of information out if it's obviously a specific event or if it's a breedject, but I would ask to always include IVs; I basically don't accept 6 IV Pokemon unless I have strong reason to believe it's legit (i.e. it's self-bred shiny and you're a reputable trader, or it's a non-shiny Pokemon that I can use for breeding). The more information you give me, the easier I'll be able to immediately accept your offer!

    Thank you for looking at my shop, and I hope to see you around here!​
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Spirit Forest
    Credits to SpiffyDC for letting me commission this awesome artwork
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    Hey there :)
    Are you looking for some gen 8 stuff on home? I've got a full living dex there also with a couple shinys and many g max shinys as well. Also I got the gen 8 legendaries for trade.
    Also got on home some rng legendaries like 5 IV virizion, 6 IV terakion, 5 IV shiny cobalion. But sadly I can only trade via home.
    Your event pokemon are still in gen7/bank right? Then they could be transfered from your bank to my home if you're interested in something I have.
    Hey there :)
    Are you looking for some gen 8 stuff on home? I've got a full living dex there also with a couple shinys and many g max shinys as well. Also I got the gen 8 legendaries for trade.
    Also got on home some rng legendaries like 5 IV virizion, 6 IV terakion, 5 IV shiny cobalion. But sadly I can only trade via home.
    Your event pokemon are still in gen7/bank right? Then they could be transfered from your bank to my home if you're interested in something I have.
    Hey! Most of my stuff is still in USUM/Bank, but from what I've tried so far, I'm not able to offer the Mythicals or shiny events (my gosh these restrictions are so weird), but the idea you're suggesting...is that even legal?! 😳

    I have nothing as of yet that I'm specifically looking for in gen 8, but a Zacian would definitely be cool! I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for yet, but Gmax shinies and/or RNGed Pokemon sound fair!
    Hey! Most of my stuff is still in USUM/Bank, but from what I've tried so far, I'm not able to offer the Mythicals or shiny events (my gosh these restrictions are so weird), but the idea you're suggesting...is that even legal?! 😳

    I have nothing as of yet that I'm specifically looking for in gen 8, but a Zacian would definitely be cool! I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for yet, but Gmax shinies and/or RNGed Pokemon sound fair!

    If they are still in pokemon bank I can send you the code to transfer them from your bank to my home, only Problem is the code is only 3 minutes valid. But I did this several times before, it works fine :) (and is totally legal :D ). That's the only way to trade events/mythics via home.

    Things I'm interested:
    -the two shiny poipoles
    -shiny tapu lele,bulu and fini
    -shiny genesect

    Things I can offer:
    -shiny kyurem

    Shiny gmax:

    Also the very rare shiny fossils (not breedable and shiny charm does not work)

    Shiny cobalion

    Say what is interesting for you and what infos you need it would be to much to type that for all now^^
    That's actually ingenious; proof again that Game Freak shouldn't have put that weird restriction XD

    I'm definitely interested! I need to post-pone this trade until tomorrow morning (like 9 hours?), but do you need any information beforehand to clone your Pokemon; that is, if you would like to clone them first? I can't offer cloning on Home of course, but we have a Gen 8 cloner now!

    I realise that GMax Pokemon naturally come with very high IVs, and I'd say that so long as the pokes don't have suspicious OTs or nicknames, I think I'll be happy with them. I'll have a proper list ready tomorrow, and even set up a dummy Home account to circumvent the minimum three person trading restriction for Trade Rooms.

    Thanks for being my first customer!
    That's actually ingenious; proof again that Game Freak shouldn't have put that weird restriction XD

    I'm definitely interested! I need to post-pone this trade until tomorrow morning (like 9 hours?), but do you need any information beforehand to clone your Pokemon; that is, if you would like to clone them first? I can't offer cloning on Home of course, but we have a Gen 8 cloner now!

    I realise that GMax Pokemon naturally come with very high IVs, and I'd say that so long as the pokes don't have suspicious OTs or nicknames, I think I'll be happy with them. I'll have a proper list ready tomorrow, and even set up a dummy Home account to circumvent the minimum three person trading restriction for Trade Rooms.

    Thanks for being my first customer!

    Room trades take a long time, I think 3 minutes for one trade and then it's not said that the right person get the pokemon. In my experience it's more easily to do it with the GTS. Like you put a crap pokemon (like a metapod lv 11-20 works very well for that) that's not common on the GTS for the pokemon you want (for example kyurem). I just need Info about what pokemon it is, gender, level and your home username. But we can do however you like.

    Most of the g-max have my OT (Lukas) and are not nicknamed (but have the german name! If that's a Problem I can nickname them the english name if you want)

    In 9 hours here it's 5 AM that's a bit earlie ^^ 9AM CEST should be ok for me but tomorrow I'm flexible
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    I'm able to clone the pokemon myself in gen 8 :) I would do that if I have your agreement. Just say which ones you like so I can prepare everything.

    Room trades take a long time, I think 3 minutes for one trade and then it's not said that the right person get the pokemon. In my experience it's more easily to do it with the GTS. Like you put a crap pokemon (like a metapod lv 11-20 works very well for that) that's not common on the GTS for the pokemon you want (for example kyurem). I just need Info about what pokemon it is, gender, level and your home username. But we can do however you like.

    Most of the g-max have my OT (Lukas) and are not nicknamed (but have the german name! If that's a Problem I can nickname them the english name if you want)

    In 9 hours here it's 5 AM that's a bit earlie ^^ 9AM CEST should be ok for me but tomorrow I'm flexible

    Oooh, my list of likes then would be:
    • Zacian
    • Snorlax
    • Drednaw
    • Gengar
    • Alcremie
    • Dracovish
    • Dracozolt

    German name is perfectly fine! The details of the Pokemon I'm most likely going to be putting up is Ekans, Poke Ball, level 16 and with my username, Firebolt. I've prepared the Pokemon you're looking for as well, ready to transfer.
    Gen 8 trades now available! I'm opening a poll to decide on what giveaway I should do to celebrate the opening of the shop: vote here! All generation 1 through 7 Pokemon are on the table, and I'll be specifically breeding the Pokemon in my Sun game!
    A lot of Pokemon I'm interested in here, so apologies for the long post!

    Pokemon You Want: (in order of interest)
    for my gen 8 game: shiny celebi, shiny solgaleo, shiny lunala

    for my gen 7 game: mew, marshadow, zeraora, shiny dialga, darkrai, victini

    Pokemon You're Offering:
    Pokeball It's In: cherish ball
    OT: Nintendo HK
    ID: 06096
    Nickname: Mewtwo
    IVs: HP, special atk, speed
    Nature: naive
    Shiny: yes
    Ability is unnerve, obtained from Hong Kong/Taiwan event in 2016. My best offer for shiny celebi

    Pokeball It's In: master ball
    OT: Rynelle
    ID: 02920
    Nickname: Zekrom
    IVs: def, special atk, speed
    Nature: relaxed
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for shiny solgaleo/lunala, SR'd for it myself

    Pokeball It's In: master ball
    OT: Rynelle
    ID: 02920
    Nickname: Kyurem
    IVs: def, special atk, speed
    Nature: bold
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for shiny solgaleo/lunala, SR'd for it myself

    Pokeball It's In: pokeball
    OT: Rynelle
    ID: 02920
    Nickname: Froakie
    IVs: HP, attack, special def, speed
    Nature: jolly
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for mew/marshadow/zeraora/darkrai/victini, ability is protean, breedject

    Pokeball It's In: pokeball
    OT: Rynelle
    ID: 02920
    Nickname: Slakoth
    IVs: HP, attack, def, special attack, special def
    Nature: jolly
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for mew/marshadow/zeraora/darkrai/victini, breedject

    Pokeball It's In: repeat ball
    ID: 62869
    Nickname: Relicanth (FRE)
    IVs: def, speed
    Nature: adamant
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for mew/marshadow/zeraora/darkrai/victini, breedject

    Pokeball It's In: pokeball
    OT: Sabrina
    ID: 55946
    Nickname: Archeops
    IVs: attack
    Nature: jolly
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for mew/marshadow/zeraora/darkrai/victini, breedject

    Pokeball It's In: quick ball
    OT: Rynelle
    ID: 02920
    Nickname: Clamperl
    IVs: attack, def
    Nature: adamant
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for mew/marshadow/zeraora/darkrai/victini, breedject

    Pokeball It's In: pokeball
    OT: Japanese OT
    ID: 35328
    Nickname: ラティアス aka Latias (JPN)
    IVs: no perfect IVs
    Nature: naive
    Shiny: yes
    Offer for shiny dialga. Got it from wonder trade, but seems legit given the bad IVs. Feel free to check though
    Last edited:

    These all sound wicked! I'd be happy to trade for all of the Pokemon you'd like.

    Do you have Premium Pokemon Home? I'm afraid that'd be the only way I'd be able to trade directly to your gen 8 games for Solgaleo and Lunala, otherwise if you have Bank, I could also trade them to gen 7 and let you handle the trade to gen 8. As for a time, it's getting a bit late to organise this now but I should be available most of the time for the next few days.
    Yep, I do! My only potential concern is that since the shiny legendaries I'll be trading are Pokemon that I had cloned in gen 8 after I transferred them from gen 7, they could be identified and deleted by the server? But I'm assuming that since I'll just be leaving them in my PC boxes, it should be okay. And that sounds great, I should be available most hours of the day on most days, except for Friday (I live in the US) from 3-5 pm CST.

    Edit: This'll also be my first time trading via Pokemon Home (didn't even know that was a thing lol), and I just read that there are four different methods. Is there one in particular you prefer?
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    Hi! I'm a gal who lost my 3DS and consequently the Pokemon on my S/M game, so I've been working hard to trade and build up my Homedex. I have some shiny fossils if you're interested!

    Pokemon You Want: VOLCANION (very much), Naive Hoopa, Magearna, Regigigas, Arceus

    Pokemon You're Offering: Dracozolt
    Pokeball It's In: Poke Ball
    OT: Lucky
    ID: 331813
    Nickname: Dracozolt
    IVs: Defense, Special Defense, Speed
    Nature: Brave
    Shiny: Yes

    Pokemon You're Offering: Arctozolt
    Pokeball It's In: Poke Ball
    OT: Scebs
    ID: 723592
    Nickname: Arctovish
    IVs: HP, SpA, Spe
    Nature: Adamant
    Shiny: Yes

    I also have a shiny Dracovish and Arctovish, but sadly I can't speak to their legitimacy because they're 6IV and favorably natured :(
    (I was also wondering if you were interested in a hyper trained Level 100 shiny Type Null, my Winter 2013/Summer 2012 Keldeo, a 3IV Timid Beast Ball Lunala, Arash Mamoswine, or a SMR 2011 Shelmet? I can post the specs for the ones you're interested in)

    (Home FC: BQHXVXJXTMKW, Trainer Name: Windy)
    Yep, I do! My only pot ential concern is that since the shiny legendaries I'll be trading are Pokemon that I had cloned in gen 8 after I transferred them from gen 7, they could be identified and deleted by the server? But I'm assuming that since I'll just be leaving them in my PC boxes, it should be okay. And that sounds great, I should be available most hours of the day on most days, except for Friday (I live in the US) from 3-5 pm CST.

    Edit: This'll also be my first time trading via Pokemon Home (didn't even know that was a thing lol), and I just read that there are four different methods. Is there one in particular you prefer?
    Don't stress about the clones, I believe that it's only an issue if multiple clones are put into the same account; the clone check doesn't compare Pokemon in different Home accounts yet.

    That's all good! The particular trade method we'd use requires the Premium version of Home; Solgaleo and Lunala can't be traded in SwSh, and Home itself prevents trading event Pokemon through the GTS, so the only way around it is to transfer the Pokemon directly from my SuMo cart to your Home account (which is why Premium is needed). We'll have to clarify exactly which Pokemon are being traded from/to which games, but I believe we'll be able to sort that out just fine!

    Hi! I'm a gal who lost my 3DS and consequently the Pokemon on my S/M game, so I've been working hard to trade and build up my Homedex. I have some shiny fossils if you're interested!

    Pokemon You Want: VOLCANION (very much), Naive Hoopa, Magearna, Regigigas, Arceus

    Pokemon You're Offering: Dracozolt
    Pokeball It's In: Poke Ball
    OT: Lucky
    ID: 331813
    Nickname: Dracozolt
    IVs: Defense, Special Defense, Speed
    Nature: Brave
    Shiny: Yes

    Pokemon You're Offering: Arctozolt
    Pokeball It's In: Poke Ball
    OT: Scebs
    ID: 723592
    Nickname: Arctovish
    IVs: HP, SpA, Spe
    Nature: Adamant
    Shiny: Yes

    I also have a shiny Dracovish and Arctovish, but sadly I can't speak to their legitimacy because they're 6IV and favorably natured :(
    (I was also wondering if you were interested in a hyper trained Level 100 shiny Type Null, my Winter 2013/Summer 2012 Keldeo, a 3IV Timid Beast Ball Lunala, Arash Mamoswine, or a SMR 2011 Shelmet? I can post the specs for the ones you're interested in)

    (Home FC: BQHXVXJXTMKW, Trainer Name: Windy)
    The two Pokemon sound cool, and I can trade you what you want for those! Like I mentioned above though, event Pokemon can't be traded in Home, so the only way I'll be able to give them to you is through the Premium subscription version of Home. The rest will be very easy to sort out!

    Thanks for your patience friends, I've been really busy with life stuff and all the stuff on the news doesn't exactly give the mind any time to relax. Hope to be able to make it up to you with some killer trades!
    Okay, that's definitely a relief! I just double checked by putting a clone in, saving, and exiting, and it seems like as long as only one clone for a given Pokemon is in Home at a time, the system doesn't detect anything weird. The Pokemon I offered in exchange for shiny celebi, shiny solgaleo and shiny lunala are already in my Sw/Sh game, so I can only trade via those games (or via Home for the event Pokemon). All the rest I can trade via gen 7. As for the event Pokemon that you have multiples of, I'm specifically interested in the impish mew, darkrai with OT GF, and the relaxed victini. I'd also like the six Pokemon I'll be trading via gen 7 to be cloned as well, if it isn't too much trouble.

    And no worries about the response time- totally understandable! My Home FC is LCMWUTTSMVKB.
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    Pokemon You Want:
    Marshadow (MT Tensei)
    Zeraora ( Fula City)
    Keldo (Impish)
    Victini (GF)
    Arceus (Machina)
    Manaphy (Hasty)
    Mew (GF)
    Greninja (Ash)
    Shaymin (GF)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Eternatus
    Pokeball It's In: Ultra Ball
    OT: kizme
    ID: 272610
    Nickname: Eternatus
    IVs: 238, 137, 137, 161, 109, 109, 197
    Nature: Naughty
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Mewtwo
    Pokeball It's In: Ultra Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 162299
    Nickname: Mewtwo
    IVs: 215, 139, 140, 179, 127, 192
    Nature: Bold
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Type: Null
    Pokeball It's In: Pokeball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 162299
    Nickname: Type: Null
    IVs: 202, 137, 150, 76, 119, 115
    Nature: Bold
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Eternatus
    Pokeball It's In: Dusk Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 355542
    Nickname: Eternatus
    IVs: 252, 125, 126, 162, 123, 216
    Nature: Rash
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Golduck
    Pokeball It's In: Pokeball
    OT: 666
    ID: 460262
    Nickname: Golduck
    IVs: 202, 128, 139, 138, 129, 146
    Nature: Quiet
    Shiny: yes
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Macargo
    Pokeball It's In: UltraBall
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 162299
    Nickname: Macargo
    IVs: 160, 72, 167, 45, 119, 115, 160.
    Nature: Hardy
    Shiny: Yes
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Tapu Koko
    Pokeball It's In: UltraBall
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 162299
    Nickname: Tapu Koko
    IVs: 172, 152, 125, 165, 99, 150
    Nature: Rash
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Tapu Lele
    Pokeball It's In: Dusk Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 162299
    Nickname: Tapu Lele
    IVs: 172, 112, 97, 128, 171, 179
    Nature: Calm
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Tapu Bulu
    Pokeball It's In: Ultra Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 162299
    Nickname: Tapu Bulu
    IVs: 172, 173, 145, 113, 135, 125
    Nature: Calm
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Tapu Fini
    Pokeball It's In: Ultra Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 162299
    Nickname: Tapu Fini
    IVs: 157, 113, 144, 114, 196, 121
    Nature: Gentle
    Shiny: No
    (currently in Pokemon Home)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Torkoal
    Pokeball It's In: Ultra Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 152125
    Nickname: Torkoal
    IVs: 282, 186, 317, 77, 193, 206
    Nature: Calm
    Shiny: Yes
    (currently in Pokemon Shield)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Machamp
    Pokeball It's In: Dusk Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 152125
    Nickname: Machamp
    IVs: 322, 326, 197, 132, 206, 166
    Nature: Brave
    Shiny: Yes
    (Ability: Guts)
    (Currently in Pokemon Shield)

    Pokemon You're Offering: Slurpuff
    Pokeball It's In: Dusk Ball
    OT: earlyspring
    ID: 152125
    Nickname: Slurpuff
    IVs: 305, 196, 208, 180, 186, 206
    Nature: Brave
    Shiny: Yes
    (Ability: Unburden)
    (Currently in Pokemon Shield)

    Wasn't really sure what you might or might not want, so put a list of wants and a list of offers. Hopefully we can work something else. My apologies if time wasting.

    have a few other shinys + Legends kicking about but don't really want to let them go:


    SW FC: SW-6779-6565-0485
    Pokemon You Want: Reshiram

    Pokemon You're Offering: Bulbasaur
    Pokeball It's In: Moon Ball
    OT: Takato (My Pokemon Shield)
    ID: 844301
    Nickname: Has no nickname.
    IVs: 6IV
    Nature: Modest
    Shiny: N/A
    Chlorophyll ability
    Maybe something else if I have it, I can't offer shinies or legends unfortunately. I will be trading though Pokemon Home.
    I just really want a Reshiram to have in Shield and I don't really know what to offer for one.
    Home FC: KTHLGAENPNYB Trainer Name: Takato

    I did also post this in 2 other places, depending who is willing to trade, I will edit saying I got it.
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    Would you be interested in a Zarude code, if I were to trade for more codes?
    I'm interested in shiny poipole.