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Tool: Tile Helper Advance (v0.3|25.6.14)


  • 28

    Tile Helper Advance

    Have you ever noticed how annoying tile-inserting actually is? Well, today this might come to an end. I have created a tool which automatically reduces the tileset to 16 colors and to GBA colors. After the conversion, you can edit the palette (or not) and export it as either IrfanView-Palette or AdvanceMap 1.92/1.95-Palette. The AdvanceMap palette can be instantly imported in the AdvanceMap blocks-editor! Also works for Pokémon Sprites etc etc too of course :)


    -Export AM palettes
    -Edit palette in tool
    -Tilesplit (double, X/Y)


    You need the .NET Framework 4.0 to make this tool work! For XP users I can compile the program in .NET Framework 3.0, just write me a PM if you need it!

    Last edited by a moderator:
    Lovely tool. :D
    Will be quite helpful for pipz who want to add new graphics into the game.

    Good job on this~ ^^
    • Like
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    Yes a new update x) The tool supports now a feature which is very useful:
    Tilesplitting - Removing double tiles, removing X/Y flippable tiles and more!


    Download link (Version 0.2|25.06.14)

    Planned stuff for v0.3: Improve Speed :o
    Yeah that is a pretty cool feature, makes me really want to use this for added convenience. I can see it really coming in handy with Centres/Marts/Gyms where tile splitting is particularly prevelant.
    One question:

    Which heavenly being sent you down to earth and told you to make this tool?

    Can really see much potential in this, especially since this doesn't handle the ROM itself, just what goes into it, so there won't be any margin for bugs. Also, I see much potential in this as a tileset-ripper lol

    Just a question: Is there any limitation for the size of the image being tile-split? Like, can I do over 320x320 tile-splitting?
    The image-width and height must be a multiple of 8. Thats the only (GBA) limit ;)
    I only have to improve performance for such big sizes, but I will probably succeed in that too. :D
    This is great, good work! The removal of double and flippable tiles is really handy, though it'd be nice if there was an option to disable the removal of the X/Y flippable tiles, since in some cases it makes it harder to actually make the blocks. In your example image for example, it'd take me a while to figure out which tiles should be flipped so I can get the blocks I want.
    Kay I will add checkboxes so that you can choose whether tiles should be flipped ~ Done.


    Yes, again... ^^
    This time I improved the speed by ~400 times (!) and you can choose whether you want normal tilesplit and/or X/Y flip. Look this .gif to see the new functions =>


    Download link (Version 0.2|25.06.14)

    Planned stuff for v0.4: User wishes ^^
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    This is awesome, thanks so much for this, I'm about to try it out :)
    Mind if I translate the thread and post it on WAH?
    I get this really strange error, it won't let me save my tileset?? I have absolutely no idea why?

    Tile Helper Advance

    Have you ever noticed how annoying tile-inserting actually is? Well, today this might come to an end. I have created a tool which automatically reduces the tileset to 16 colors and to GBA colors. After the conversion, you can edit the palette (or not) and export it as either IrfanView-Palette or AdvanceMap 1.92/1.95-Palette. The AdvanceMap palette can be instantly imported in the AdvanceMap blocks-editor! Also works for Pok?mon Sprites etc etc too of course :)


    -Export AM palettes
    -Edit palette in tool
    -Tilesplit (double, X/Y)


    You need the .NET Framework 4.0 to make this tool work! For XP users I can compile the program in .NET Framework 3.0, just write me a PM if you need it!

    YAY! I've been doing it manual for days until I found this post! Whoah! Thank you very much for sharing!
    I would like to contact the creator of this tool, if anyone knows him, please send me private tell. Thanks.