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Trick 'r Treat Challenge (Open for Feedback!)

Username: Janp
Game: Pokemon Black
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Real Life
Trick: There are 5 original Animatronics in FNaF so you can only use max. 5 of your Pokemon during Gym/E4/Champion/Rival battle
Treat: Snorlax (Gardevoir if you can't get Snorlax)
Sweet i got snorlax
Hello hello,
Username: SubVirus
Game: Pokemon Yellow RANDOMIZED

Favorite Horror/Thriller: Paranormal Activity. Definitely not for the movie but for the lawls watching people freak out to the terrible acting and hardly anything going on Horror that makes people scream.
Trick: Each Pokemon in your team must know a Poison attack before the 5th Gym
Treat: Aerodactyl
1. Scyther's Chainsaw Massacre
2. Murder at Gengar's Manor
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Dragonite
4. Kabutops' Cyber Death Game
5. Five Nights At Ninetail's
6. Snorlax
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Y'all, give me motivation for this challenge. lol I should not have picked Y for this. idk why, but replaying gen VI just isn't all that fun to me. :( But I wanted the large variety of Pokemon choices...silly me.

I'm currently in Parfum Palace, for what it's worth. Hoping to get some actual progress made on Monday before Zestiria hits the next day cause I can guarantee you guys that it's gonna be ever harder from then on, lol.
Now that's just mean.

actually i just saw your water type is Lolbasculin

ok you can use HMs of any sort

To avoid double posting
Update 1

Current Team


Update 2:

Current Team V2

Johto completed!

Johto End Team
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I am pretty surprised with the lack of update posts, but that won't stop me!

I got a huge story with this one, brace yourselves ;) So i pulled the common mistake of not checking before picking my pokemon and got stuck with just a Patrat/Watchog for the first 4 gyms (double dumb points for forgetting Audino is everywhere). I wouldn't complain much but my trick told me I could never have my Pokemon faint so when i forget to save... bleh. I had the most trouble with Emolga lady, I usually have at least one revive slave slated for her. Anyway Work Up Ftw! Made it through Clay pretty fast with a shiny new duck and here i am!

Well, I forgot my ds somewhere and had to wait a week to play again. It was a nice break though :) oh and Charmander is being substituted for Drilbur because of hacking restrictions, I made sure to contact my treat guy about that.

Statistics etc.

Next update is the last one.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Trick 'r Treat Challenge (Open for Feedback!)

And so my Random Yellow version starts off with quite the amazing advantage over my rival.

Mt Moon

Update #3
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Trick: Each Pokemon in your team must know a Poison attack before the 5th Gym
Oh wow, that's mean, SubVirus o`co, making Janp's entire team have to have toxic (... because... poisonpowder vs toxic... on a whimsicott... isn't even a choice) Except that you can't even get toxic's TM- the only way any of Janp's selected pokemon can learn it- without surf, the HM of which isn't obtained until after the sixth badge?? (unless a pokemon with surf is brought into the game from outside) Uh...


Trainer: Eve
Zephyr, Hive, Plain, Fog, Glacier, Storm, Mineral, Rising
League1, League2
Boulder, Cascade, Thunder, Rainbow, Marsh, Volcano, Soul, Earth, Marsh?????*
Trick: "You can't use status healing items or berries (including Full Restores). Revives are allowed. During the Elite Four only Full Restores and PP-restoring items/berries are unbanned." - jdthebud
Treat: Gengar - JayD

*I have... legitimately NO IDEA why I have, technically, got two Marsh badges???
Like... I fought the first seven gyms, went and triggered Blue to get him back to his gym? And beat him... then... went to Oak? And he said... Fight all the gyms in Kanto instead of opening Mt.Silver???
So we went "? But... Blue doesn't go back to his gym unless you have the other seven badges?" And I have Save files of us standing next to each of the gym leaders? And then we rand around to each of the gyms and talked to the leaders? And? Sabrina fought us again?!

I am so confused. What kind of bizzare glitch is this even.

Oh wow, that's mean, SubVirus o`co, making Janp's entire team have to have toxic (... because... poisonpowder vs toxic... on a whimsicott... isn't even a choice) Except that you can't even get toxic's TM- the only way any of Janp's selected pokemon can learn it- without surf, the HM of which isn't obtained until after the sixth badge?? (unless a pokemon with surf is brought into the game from outside) Uh...

I'm totally fine with having all Pokemon with Toxic, but I didn't realize, that I couldn't get its TM before 5th Gym (For some reason I thought that Skyla is 5th Gym and I'll get Surf before battling her)

So if it'll be okay, I'll continue in normal playthrough and learn Toxic to everyone after I can get it.
TBH i didn't even look at his pokemon before making the trick, I just knew if push came to shove that toxic is widely compatible and still very useful.
I'll push it back to the 6th gym for the sake of fun.

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I finally got to some progress. I haven't done much, but I wanted to share how my game trolls me. So, I hacked shiny Eevee, because I wanted to have one shiny on my team. Everything was ok until I reached Pinwheel Forest. I caught one Cottone on my team and then... then I run into this little girl:


My luck :D

Anyway, I beat Cilan and Lenora and I'm now in Pinwheel Forest training.

And finally fabulous Trainer Card:
Challenge Complete

Trainer: Eve
Zephyr, Hive, Plain, Fog, Glacier, Storm, Mineral, Rising
League1, League2
Boulder, Cascade, Thunder, Rainbow, Marsh, Volcano, Soul, Earth, Marsh?????*
Trick: "You can't use status healing items or berries (including Full Restores). Revives are allowed. During the Elite Four only Full Restores and PP-restoring items/berries are unbanned." - jdthebud
Treat: Gengar - JayD



Faraday: Five Nights at Faraday's
Feraligatr, M, lv.70, mystic water
Slash, surf, screech, bite
- bite continues to suck

Jade: The Mystery of the Jade Idol
Gengar, M, lv.70, charcoal
Lick, confuse ray, hypnosis, fire punch
- He's better now.

Einstein: Einstein's Cyber Death Game
Kadabra, F, lv.70, amulet coin
Ice punch, teleport, recover, psychic
- still debating on the ice punch/thunder punch dilemma

Lesage: Lesage's Chainsaw Massacre
Scizor, F, lv.70, quick claw
Metal claw, wing attack, focus energy, slash
- murder

Tezcatl: Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Tezcatl
Xatu, M, lv.70, leftovers
Fly, confuse ray, future sight, psychic
- yeeeeesssss. Not so great for training, but yeeeessss

Trounson: Murder at Trounson Manor
Sneasel, F, lv.71, king's rock
Slash, fury swipes, metal claw, beat up
- metal claw and beat up help

We navigated Silver cave blind, per usual (and didn't even use the map we have sitting around somewhere)
Faraday slashed pikachu a bunch, and Red... used full restores on it. Like. four times. But it fainted eventually.
Venusaur was his counter to Faraday- we switched in Jade, hypnotised the big lug, then fire punched it.
For some unfathomable reason he chose to send in snorlax? No idea what posessed him to do that. His snorlax wouldn't be able to HIT Jade, but he would be able to hit IT, with hypnosis (which would put a damper on stat-raising), confuse ray AND fir punch. We countered with Lesage and had her use focus energy, then just hit it until it fainted. (maybe his algorithms said: Ghost/poison > Use psychic attack > don't use psychic type > snorlax has psychic moves [doesn't calculate that snorlax's psychic moves are rest and amnesia])
Another logical send in from Red: his charizard to counter our metal bug.
We counter this by sending in Tezcatl, then harass the charizard. It got in a decent attack or two, though.
Then his blastoise, which promptly fell to Einstein as she hit it twice with psychic.
Lastly, his espeon versus our Trounson. A metal claw and some slashes later and it fell too, leaving us the winner.

Awesome, considering how much higher his levels are than our team's levels!

I doubt I'll be able to finish this challenge, honestly. Zestiria has taken over my life, but I'm going to try to pound some more gyms next week when I have more free time. I work most of this weekend and in long shifts too, so that's...fun. ~_~
Okay so I really wanted to play this challenge, but this month has kinda sucked. One of the reasons I am on leave was that I had a trip to new Orleans, which was the highlight of the month for sure. However, right before my trip, my computer went completely kaput. I have been unable to revive it since. Sadly, my challenge required some hacking, which I hadn't gotten to when this happened. So I pretty much will not finish. I hope those of you who are playing, enjoy. Happy Halloween, everyone! And expect a Happy New Year! ;)
Good Old Phone Guy: Ummm... Hello, hello... I found this... this old dusty challenge. We used to play lots of challenges in our old restaurant. Well... But after that... you know... that incident we had to stop and... kind of... take care of all we had. This one had to survive for long time. Can you "take care" of it on your Night Shift? I'll be gone for few days, so please, please do it. And... Good luck.

Username: Janp
Game: Pokemon Black
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Real Life
Trick: There are 5 original Animatronics in FNaF so you can only use max. 5 of your Pokemon during Gym/E4/Champion/Rival battle
Treat: Snorlax (Gardevoir if you can't get Snorlax)
What about Red? Would he count as a Champion battle or do I have permission to use all 6 members on him?

I consider him as champion, so I would go with 5 'mons

EDIT: Completed my run. I feel like rushing the game in two days... wait, that's what actually happened :D Anyway, it was nice chilling run. My 'mons were overleveled for most of the gameplay, which was actually pretty nice since I had to finished the run today :D

And here's the SPOOOOOOOOOOOOKY Team:

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Mwahahahahahaha i'm Clutch!

Black 2 ---- Treat = Drilbur ---- Trick = Pokemon can't faint

I can confidently say this has been the most troublesome challenge I have ever done, but I won! After my update post I had some college visits and projects getting in my way, so i was blind and forgot to beat the tournament in Driftveil. I ran around for about a week trying to find the next story trigger only to find out i was walking, running, and biking right past it. Once that fiasco was over I caught Drilbur in Chargestone cave, beat the 3 other gyms, took about 30 soft resets to beat team Plasma, caught Vanillish in Giant chasm, pushed through victory road, and caught Druddigon while there. Wew... not done yet ;).

Since Audino proved useless and Druddigon wasn't high enough in level, I walked into the e4 with only 4 viable Pokemon. Vanniluxe swept the fighting guy (Acid armor ftw, what an upset xD), Excadrill swept the ghost and psychic girls, and Swanna pretty much swept the dark guy (girl?). The real problem came at Iris though, I could not for the life of me take out her Haxorus without a Pokemon fainting... It took me at least 25 soft resets, and it ended up being Vunillux with acid armor coming through again. ALL HAIL VANILLUXE!

Amazing Statistics:

The Ending Gallery:
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Since it's November 2nd now, I'm gonna go ahead and close this and let Necrum make any final touches once he gets back. Thanks for participating, guys!

First I want to apologize for how late this wrap-up is coming. Last month sucked for me, as I've already written about in an earlier post, so I won't go too much into all that mess. I meant to get on this sooner, but my teacher sprung a midterm on my class, so now I'm past that and I'm gonna get back into gear.

Okay so on to the congrats! All of you who followed through on this are to be commended! It probably wasn't the best challenge I ever made, but I always feel good when people complete what I design. I can't take 100% of the credit though as I probably wouldn't have been able to do this without Mama Syd to bounce ideas off of. I haven't decided yet if I want to do a Christmas or New Year event coming up, but I can promise it will be a much more interesting challenge. So, let's have a look at everyone who finished the challenge! Participants are listed by completion date, with faster challenges listed first:

1. A Moon's Gust - Fire Red
2. waters_echo - Crystal
3. Janp - Black
4. Blueredemption - Black 2

Wow, that's actually less than I thought finished, haha. No biggie though. Since there are so many participants with different takes on the Movie Titles, I thought it might be nice to pick the most interesting and gather them up as well!

Machamp's Chainsaw Massacre - itsScared: 4-armed slasher chaos? Yes please!
Murder at Mismagius Manor - Kostucha: An alluring alliteration of abject atrocity.
Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Samurott - AoTora: The creator put it quite perfectly, it's quite easy to imagine this Pokémon standing guard, always ready to fight!
Vespiquen's Cyber Death Game - Ahri: Vespiquen's hexagonal design seems to lend itself to some digital mayhem. Bravo!
Five Nights At Darmanitan's - jdthebud: Darmanitan has a perfectly goofy-yet-intimidating appearance to fill the shoes of Freddy Fazbear. Plus an alt form for some extra creepiness.

I hope those that played enjoyed the challenge. I thought it was a nice idea and I rather enjoyed the concept of more stylistic Pokémon selection over specific rules. Maybe more in the future? I am opening this thread back up for feedback, and it doesn't even just have to be about this. I just want to hear from you guys about what you want from the next event challenge. Don't be shy, now!
I continue to fail in checking the challenges forum regularly, saw that there was a new post in here from my "find all posts" page.

I will agree, the theme challenges I find to be really fun. It's a good change from the rule riddled challenges that occupy a lot of the "new" ones around. I don't have any recommendations for a new one though ;-; I am all for playing challenges, but I am in no way creative about making them. This might work though:

Since making challenges for every event is challenging, why not do an event that incorporates all of the current challenges? Have people compete over a month or two for how many challenges they can complete. If that seems to hard, which I think it could be, it could just be an informal "favorite challenge - challenge" but with a common theme, like Christmas Pokemon or something.

I wish I had more, it's all I can think of at the moment. Good luck with your classes Necrum!