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Trick 'r Treat Challenge (Open for Feedback!)

[PokeCommunity.com] Trick 'r Treat Challenge (Open for Feedback!)

Hex Maniac Alli | Y
trick// no healing items

[PokeCommunity.com] Trick 'r Treat Challenge (Open for Feedback!)

[PokeCommunity.com] Trick 'r Treat Challenge (Open for Feedback!)

Foxy ♂ lv. 15
[ Scratch | Ember | Flame Charge | Howl ]

[PokeCommunity.com] Trick 'r Treat Challenge (Open for Feedback!)

BB ♂ lv. 15
[ Leech Seed | Astonish | Trick-or-Treat (heh!) | Confuse Ray ]

BB solo'd the gym because Foxy was poisoned and apparently you can't leave the first gym to heal so just a fun fact for all of you that think you can escape Viola's web. You can't. Except me. I won. :) I'm moving on to go trick-or-treating at Professor Sycamore's, but I won't be able to use his treat, boo hoo. See ya next time.
broh, I'm back to challenges, broh! And a great broh timing at that, broh! I'm so hyped to start playing, broh :D

Username: JayD
Game: Y
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Night on Elm Street
Trick: Your Pokemon must all learn at least one ghost or dark type move. (It's ok if they can't tho) But I'll Bulbapedia your ass if you're lying about them not being able to :v
Treat: Gengar or Haunter if you can't evolve it.

1. Drillbur's Chainsaw Massacre
2. Murder at Masquerain Manor
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Manaphy (Or Sigilyph if I'm not allowed legendary Pokemon) <- Reply to me for this one, Necrum :)
4. Porygon's Cyber Death Game
5. Five Nights At Ursaring's
6. Heatran,

Hey, hey, hey! It's fat Albert!
Username: Waters_Echo
Game: Crystal
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Uh... I don't actually think... that I've ever... seen one? I honsetly can't name one that I've seen? Uh... I think I may have seen a bit of one, once or twice, but it was incidental and I have no idea what they may have been
Trick: All team pokemon must remain within five levels of each other. If a new team pokemon is obtained that is more than five levels below the others, deposit your team and go raise that pokemon until it's caught up. HM-users being carried with you must remain within ten levels of the weakest team member, but are exempt from the deposit rule (you still have to primarily raise the newcomer on their own, though (no powerlevelling via switch-in against strong opponents where it can be avoided)
Treat: Arbok (or any available snake-based pokemon if arbok is unavailable)(ekans, arbok, onix, steelix, dunsparce, seviper, snivy, servine, serperior)

1. Scizor's Chainsaw Massacre
2. Murder at Sneasel Manor
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Xatu
4. Alakazam's Cyber Death Game
5. Five Nights At Feraligatr's
6. Gengar
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Username: jdthebud
Game: Black
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Texas Chainsaw Massacre is only horror film I've seen, but I enjoyed it.
Trick: You can't use status healing items or berries (including Full Restores). Revives are allowed. During the Elite Four only Full Restores and PP-restoring items/berries are unbanned.
Treat: Nidoking

1. Bisharp's Chainsaw Massacre
2. Murder at Basculin Manor
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Archeops
4. Victini's Cyber Death Game
5. Five Nights At Darmanitan's
6. Serperior

Hello, Hello, it's been a while since I've been around here!
Hello Hello, been awhile since i did a challenge

Username: MachoPony
Game: Crystal
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Shaun of the Dead (don't like horror, at least this one is funny)
Trick: If possible your pokemon cannot have any attacking moves of their own type (so no magnitude on geodude for example)
Treat: Gardevoir

1. Sneasel's Chainsaw Massacre
2. Murder at Murkrow Manor
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Noctowl
4. Magneton's Cyber Death Game
5. Five Nights At Houndoom's
6. Nidoking
Username: A Moon Gust
Game: FireRed
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Toy Story 2
Trick: If you have more than 4 pokemon at the time: Your highest level pokemon must be below a lower level of a gym leader's lowest level pokemon when you fight them. For the Elite Four, you must start it with no pokemon beyond level 45
If you have 4 pokemon or less at the time: The levels of your pokemon combined can not pass... when facing...
16 Falkner
44 Bugsy, Whitney
88 Morty, Chuck
120 Jasmine, Pryce
150 Clair
Treat: You have to use a flying/normal type available to you before the first gym badge in your final team

1. Houndoom's Chainsaw Massacre
2. Murder at Electabuzz Manor
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Ludicolo
4. Linoone's Cyber Death Game
5. Five Nights At Omastar's
6. Gardevoir

Give a hard trick, please. : ]
Also, do we make another post if we are done with our challenge or edit our sign up post
Thank you for the trick DyingWillFlareon
If you guys did not notice, I made it so that the first letters of my first five pokemon on the team spells out "Hello"
Username: DyingWillFlareon, hello hello! ^-^
Trick: You cannot fight Gym Leaders or Elite Four with a type advantage Pokemon. Type advantage moves are fine on other teammates.

I am using the classification from pokemondb.net and serebii. Tell me if I made a mistake writing this so I follow the challenge correctly.
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Username: DyingWillFlareon, hello hello! ^-^
Game: Silver
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Not too big on this genre, but I do watch the series A Haunting if that counts?
Trick: You cannot fight Gym Leaders or Elite Four with a type advantage Pokemon. Type advantage moves are fine on other teammates.
Treat: Your choice of Eeveelution.

haven't heard of some of these movies before sorry
1. Typlosion's Chainsaw Massacre
2. Murder at Haunter Mansion
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Ampharos
4. Espeon's Cyber Death Game
5. Five Nights at Victreebel's
my trick is far too hard. i have to beat falkner with level 6 pokemon, bear in mind the first TRAINER in the gym has a level 9 spearow. never mind falkner himself and a level 9 pidgeotto
Trainer: Eve
Badges: Zephyr, Hive, Plain
Trick: "You can't use status healing items or berries (including Full Restores). Revives are allowed. During the Elite Four only Full Restores and PP-restoring items/berries are unbanned." - jdthebud
Treat: Gengar - JayD (... wait. We got. jdthebud... and... JayD?? .`C. wat)


Faraday: Five Nights at Faraday's
Feraligatr, M, lv.30, quick claw
Scratch, water gun, leer, bite
- I forgot totodile line evolves into feraligatr at level 30 o`_o

Jade: The Mystery of the Jade Idol
Haunter, M, lv.31, -
Lick, confuse ray, hypnosis, night shade
- *sighs about gastly line's absolutely abysmal gen.II level-up movepool* actually, it's pretty shoddy until gen.IV... Ghost type moves. GH OST TYPE MO VE S EVERY W H E R E. Actually not even 'everywhere', that would be an improvement, more like a thin scattering. I need TMs for this. Pity he can't learn the elemental punches until he's a gengar.

Einstein: Einstein's Cyber Death Game
Kadabra, F, lv.31, -
Ice punch, teleport, recover, psybeam
- because wormholes and speed of light and abra line teleport. She's cool.

Teammates remaining:
1. Scizor's Chainsaw Massacre > Bug-catching contest
2. Murder at Sneasel Manor > 7 badges
3. Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Xatu > surf

We missed the Bug-Catching contest by eleven minutes o`____o
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my trick is far too hard. i have to beat falkner with level 6 pokemon, bear in mind the first TRAINER in the gym has a level 9 spearow. never mind falkner himself and a level 9 pidgeotto

Sorry, I'll change the challenge:
The levels of your pokemon combined can not pass... when facing... (only if you have 4 or less pokemon)
If you have more than 4 pokemon, then do the original challenge, I will edit my post soon.
16 Falkner
44 Bugsy, Whitney
88 Morty, Chuck
120 Jasmine, Pryce
150 Clair

JD, what are your thoughts?

MachoPony, what is your current team? I might be able to give you some advice for the gym. I don't think this trick is too hard personally, since I have a similar one myself (cannot heal with items, can only heal in centers and at home), so perhaps I can help you work through it.

He was referring to my challenge. I did not realize that he would have one pokemon by the time he reached Falkner which is my fault. I edited the challenge though so I hope that fixes it.
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He was referring to my challenge. I did not realize that he would have one pokemon by the time he reached Falkner which is my fault. I edited the challenge though so I hope that fixes it.

Oh, whoops! Thanks for clarifying then! ...So I have been doing the wrong trick the whole time... 8D
Trick: All team pokemon must remain within five levels of each other. If a new team pokemon is obtained that is more than five levels below the others, deposit your team and go raise that pokemon until it's caught up. HM-users being carried with you must remain within ten levels of the weakest team member, but are exempt from the deposit rule (you still have to primarily raise the newcomer on their own, though (no powerlevelling via switch-in against strong opponents where it can be avoided)

I always leave my HM slave in the PC until I need it, do I still need to level it up when it's time for me to use it?
I always leave my HM slave in the PC until I need it, do I still need to level it up when it's time for me to use it?
It's mostly if you intended to carry one for a longer period of time (for instance, in an open slot prior to completing your team) You'll have to make the call on it yourself, I guess. (I suppose in XY HM users aren't usually needed for extended periods) Don't train them because you'll only take them out specifically when you need them? Train any you intend to use more than a certain number of times? Dunno. We don't know your play style (we ourselves tend to keep a squad of non-HM pickup zigzagoon with us in our XY games, so)

Trainer: Eve
Badges: Zephyr, Hive, Plain, Fog, Glacier, Storm, Mineral, Rising, League1
Trick: "You can't use status healing items or berries (including Full Restores). Revives are allowed. During the Elite Four only Full Restores and PP-restoring items/berries are unbanned." - jdthebud (to be honest, this entire time we've used like. two regular potions. And that was just because we didn't want our pokemon to faint of poison in the times when we were unable to immediately teleport to the pokecenter)(in other news, teleport is awesome)
Treat: Gengar - JayD


Faraday: Five Nights at Faraday's
Feraligatr, M, lv.53, mystic water
Slash, surf, screech, bite
- wait, feraligatr can't learn waterfall in gen II?? Also, bite kind of sucks

Jade: The Mystery of the Jade Idol
Gengar, M, lv.52, charcoal
Lick, confuse ray, hypnosis, fire punch
- He's better now.

Einstein: Einstein's Cyber Death Game
Kadabra, F, lv.52, amulet coin
Ice punch, teleport, recover, psychic
- maybe we should replace ice punch with thunder punch and give the ice attack to the ice pokemon. On the other hand, only one of the two had a decent SpAttack and it is not the ice type (why must sneasel be one of the pokemon cursed in genI-III with two Special types and absolutely abysmal SpAttack...)

Lesage: Lesage's Chainsaw Massacre
Scizor, F, lv.52, quick claw
Metal claw, wing attack, focus energy, slash
- murder

Tezcatl: Guardian of the Aztec Temple: Tezcatl
Xatu, M, lv.52, -
Fly, confuse ray, future sight, psychic
- I need more hold items

Trounson: Murder at Trounson Manor
Sneasel, F, lv.52, king's rock
Slash, fury swipes, screech, faint attack
- this moveset sucks

Who wants to have fun guessing who/what we named our pokemon after, or why? It is very fun, considering gender was irrelevant and two of them were named for more than one person/thing.
Good Old Phone Guy: Ummm... Hello, hello... I found this... this old dusty challenge. We used to play lots of challenges in our old restaurant. Well... But after that... you know... that incident we had to stop and... kind of... take care of all we had. This one had to survive for long time. Can you "take care" of it on your Night Shift? I'll be gone for few days, so please, please do it. And... Good luck.

Username: Janp
Game: Pokemon Black
Favorite Horror/Thriller: Real Life
Trick: There are 5 original Animatronics in FNaF so you can only use max. 5 of your Pokemon during Gym/E4/Champion/Rival battle
Treat: Snorlax (Gardevoir if you can't get Snorlax)


I picked Pokemon I never used before in regular gameplay, so I hope this will be fun.
Also, I hacked Eevee as my starter, so I can start right from the start (weird sentence).

Adventure begins:
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