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Ultimate BW Pack for Pokémon Essentials

Animated or static sprites?

  • Animated (+ Looks better, - Large files)

    Votes: 463 74.4%
  • Static (+ Smaller files, - Looks worse)

    Votes: 159 25.6%

  • Total voters

Is there a way to make them big so the Pokemon Essentials can use them. and some of them have a black box and white box behind them

If I decide to add animated sprites, I'll use the .gif files I've used a couple months ago. They're all resized for use with Pokémon Essentials and I've used them succesfully without editing any script.

@ Maruno
If I could script at a decent level, I'd try to add those in. The community will have to wait a while, I think.

do you have animaited sprites re sized? is there a possibility if i could use those.
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I've got all animated sprites at the correct size and without transparancy issues. I'll add them as soon as possible. Expect the pack to be updated in three days.
I've got all animated sprites at the correct size and without transparancy issues. I'll add them as soon as possible. Expect the pack to be updated in three days.

Is this including the alternate forms?
Just thought I would throw in the sprites are missing for the pokemon with multiple forms


4 hours later... I have added all the alternate form sprites. This include all of the Unknown and their back sprites. I also have added the ??? Arceus and it's back sprites.



My upload kept timing out, so I just zipped a smaller file. Just add these to the battlers folder :)

Your link is not working, Please get another link. I cant wait, I feel like im going to freeze.. I really really need it.. :D
Your link is not working, Please get another link. I cant wait, I feel like im going to freeze.. I really really need it.. :D

I am going to hold off on re uploading it for now. Sorry. If P-Sign is updating it to have animated sprites I will wait to see if they are added in that update.

On that note, if I re upload it as it is omitted from the update, I will not be re uploading animated versions.
You included the moves and abilities without scripting them. Items is no different. They'll be added to Essentials eventually anyway, as will their effects. If you just want to get a head-start and knock up an items.txt/bunch of icons, go ahead.
Several month ago Venom-12 give me the moves.txt and the icons of the BW items. I attach them to this post (the rar file have both). Credits goes all to Venom-12

Take note on NormalGem and double PalPad (437 and 578) errors.


  • items bw.rar
    249.7 KB · Views: 32
  • items bw.txt
    67.9 KB · Views: 23
I will tell you how to use animated sprites.

press ctrl+h in pokebattle_actualscene

and find for 1.0 and replace to 2.0 thats all ;] for resizing them but you need to put many updates that they could update all time and not freeze in action but that i wont tell you :P
I see White backrounds on pokemon and not all pokemon are in the pack
Thank you so much! I was going to put all of this data in myself, then upload it...but you beat me to it! :P
This'll help me a lot :D
This is so awesome. Definitely using it. I'll credit everyone ^^

EDIT:Lots of transparency needs to be edited, need to stop the bobbing up/down of Pokemanz. I can fix most the issues myself, but the editor doesn't allow for importing gifs, so any quick way to fix transparency?

EDIT 2: Also Venom 12, sorry to say that resising isn't all that simple. When the Pokemon faints, it shrinks back to normal, when you view the Pokemon summary, it is also normal.

So really, the battling would be fine, if transparency is sorted out, and the Player Pokemon Bobbing is sorted out.
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i get white boxes around the pokemon when using the animated pokemon also in battle the postitioning seams messed up

I see White backrounds on pokemon and not all pokemon are in the pack

This is so awesome. Definitely using it. I'll credit everyone ^^

EDIT:Lots of transparency needs to be edited, need to stop the bobbing up/down of Pokemanz. I can fix most the issues myself, but the editor doesn't allow for importing gifs, so any quick way to fix transparency?

EDIT 2: Also Venom 12, sorry to say that resising isn't all that simple. When the Pokemon faints, it shrinks back to normal, when you view the Pokemon summary, it is also normal.

So really, the battling would be fine, if transparency is sorted out, and the Player Pokemon Bobbing is sorted out.

I thought all of the sprites had transparant backgrounds, so I'm sorry. I'll see what I can do about this ASAP.

It would be great to have a nice working download link.
This one should work:
Yeah, the sizing also gets whacked up when the pokemon dies or is attacked. Only the first frame has no transparency issues.
I thought id say that ive been fiddling about trying to erase the white for each frame, and there is 40-60 frames to edit for each pokemon. thats a lot of work. also you are missing .gif's for some pokemon, like zubat and magnemite.
EDIT: i was making a list of the missing pokemon, but there a lot of them. just making sure you are aware of this :)
EDIT2: these guys have ripped all the animations (*image removed*), so no pokemon should be missing from them. but they still suffer from black/white squares around them, and being too small.
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Yeah, transparency is a major issue.

EDIT: Took a look in Photoshop, the animations are all transparent. RMXP some how manages to screw it up.
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I know its most likely a lot of work to do but when the updated Pokemon sprites come out could also try to have them already re sized that way we could use the Reposition Sprites in the Editor that came with the Pokemon Essentials starter kit and with the already re sized pokemon sprites it wouldn't require as much searching and recording that would have to be done for the pokemon party screen and PokeDex. I appreciate all the work you have done to form this Ultimate BW Pack, so Thank you so much. :D