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[Updated] The 50 new Pokémon in Pokémon GO

For what it's worth Wingull appears on the christmas loading screen so it and Pelipper will probably be in this update. Also saw Shroomish so happy about that.

I wonder what the region exclusives will be.
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I updated the list. A few have been delayed - unfortunately for me it includes the Lotad line! :( Bagon, Aron, Wingull also not in sight.

Region exclusives - Plusle and Minun possible - not confirmed if they are area or time specific.
Don't know why they couldn't have dropped them all in one go :\

I'm kind of disappointed with this honestly. I'm livid for new Pokemon in the game, but I went out and the Pokemon were nowhere near as common as Gen II was when they dropped. I still got a few (and I LOVE the weather update), but most of them seem to be Gen I and II trash I don't need