Probably just my favorite moment in all RGB and possibly PokeSpe as a whole.
This is indicating that there was a theif before Blue showed up..... Interesting. 8D
Heehee.... Pidgey Poo....
This statue has made me cry before. But I won't spoil it for the couple people who are new. :3
Get it? Because Caterpie is rarer in the Red Version? Haha.
Green had a PokeDex before Red. JoyKiller Fact for ya.~
This is what you look like in ORAS when you're out collecting legendaries. :P
There's over 700 now, best to leave that to a certain someone with too much
non-mangaquest time on her hands. >w>
I forgot how Pika wins and thought it was going to go like the anime with the fire things.
Red and Misty did Tag Team battles before it was cool.
This is me in 95% of the Pokemon games I play.
Just look at all their faces.
It's where the Rockets take their force to the extreme.