Well, that's really the point of Border Patrol and such... The U.S. does not have room for everyone. I support anyone seeking refuge from problems which threaten their existence, and wish them luck in their time here, but you can't take care of everybody. Family and your country first, then take care of immigrants. I hope not to sound too callous to people, but many people come over here basically top mooch off of the work of other people. *coughMEXICANScough* Despite the sucky condition of our economy and such, we are still one of the best countries in the world today, by living standards. (IMO, it's actually pretty sad.) So, basically, it's fine to come on down, just pay the taxes, get a job, and try to go home when- if- your homeland improves.
Notes: Politics and borders tend to be difficult things to talk about. The mexican comment was only intended for the people who crossed the border illegally and basically do suck off of everyone else's work. Also, this is a blunt interpretation of my views of the subject. As the conversation wears on, I will likely be pointing out specific points, etc. of what I mean when I say ________ <insert here>
And, uh, [/Disclaimer] XD