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What are you reading?

Am rereading REWORK by Jason Fried and Heinemeier Hansson, Founders of 37Signals.

An incredibly fantastic book, one of my favourites. Written as a compilation of blogs so it's easy to pick up and put down on the go.
I am reading Alone in the World by Hector Malot right now. It is very well written/translated which makes it a very nice read. In the past I watched the movie, but never got around reading the book.

After this book, I am planning to read the first Discworld book.
Currently kinda juggling four books that seem pretty interesting to me:
- "The Ilias" by Homer
- Hans Fallada's "Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frisst"
- Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and
- "The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft"

Just what have I gotten myself into? {XD}
I'm reading Johann Hari's Chasing the Scream - The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs. Pretty interesting if you're curious about how addiction works and how differently it works than what people think.
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks - I read way more than I watch movies, so reading the novelizations would be the only way that I could experience Star Wars.
I'm on the last of the 5 Earthsea books, The Other Wind. Once that's done I'm going to move on to a Tanith Lee book called The Birthgrave. For some reason I've never really read any of her books so I thought I would give her a try.