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When do you usually update your computer?

I hold off on graphics card drivers because they update those like twice a week and I heard FFXIV doesn't always play nice with the latest drivers. u_u
do you have nvidia or amd for graphics drivers? nvidia releases two versions of their drivers, studio and game ready. they're effectively the same, but game ready is a more like a "beta" channel that goes out first while studio tends to be far more stable with thorough testing.
I put off updates as long as humanly possible until it finally forces me.
Often enough, but not immediately. Usually within the week that little update icon will start to bother me and I'll just do it lol. Used to cause me quite a bit of issues on Windows back in the day but for the most part I'm okay updating now.
I usually do it whenever is convenient. Generally, if I am going to be doing something with my computer, I'll run updates first, so that it doesn't interrupt me later on when I'm actually doing the thing I want to do.
Whenever Windows puts the figurative gun to my head with that orange dot by my power icon. I leave it to the weekends, mostly.
Whenever it tells me it needs updating, unless I'm right in the middle of doing something, in which case it can wait until I'm done. This means a lot of optional things like graphics drivers never get done, but I figure if they're important then I'll find out about it as and when I need to do them. Failed laptops have taught me not to delay Windows updates, but I'm not so motivated as to seek out the ones I won't find out about unless I look for them. Even though I have a very expensive gaming laptop, that's more for the features it has than for gaming.