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Which generation has the best protagonists?

I love Serena but I'm not too fond of Calem, and I love Rosa but I dislike Nate. That means I'd probably have to pick Gen VII, since I love both of the female designs and am still pretty happy towards the male designs. It just barely beats out Gen II for me, because I feel like Gold and Ethan blend together (assuming they're supposed to be different characters like Kris and Lyra) and I can't tell the difference.
Yeah, I can see not being as big a fan of Calem's design. I like him but not so much the hat haha. Serena though is awesome!

Unova is where my heart will be forever though, potentially. Even if Nate's hair is like a bird's nest I still love all four of them. ❤️
Platinum Dawn is my favourite protagonist but I'm not as keen on Lucas and the HGSS protagonist designs are both downgrades from GSC.

My favourite is probably Gen 3, in particular the designs for Emerald May and Leaf.
Gen 3 had the best protagonist ever, Leaf, and the only male protagonist worth talking about, Wes from Colosseum, so I guess 3rd gen.

A few other gens had one great protagonist each: Gen 4 had Dawn, Gen 5 had Rosa, and Gen 6 had Serena, but otherwise, the protagonists from those games were forgettable at best.
Gen 3. May and Brendan are great because they are powerful rivals keeping you on track, but also incredibly helpful because that's just their nature. I especially love how they contrast with Wally, as they are like your equal while Wally falls behind.
Brendan/May and Wes from Gen 3 are my favorite. Having a beanie that looks like white hair was really cool looking and the fact that I thought Brendan had white hair since I was a kid always stood out in my mind. White hair is usually my favorite. I also like the fact that Brendan/May are children of Prof. Birch. It's like they're trying to help their father with his research. Like one big happy family in the world of pokemon. As for why Wes is my favorite protag it has to do with the fact that he's like an anti-hero. He snaggs pokemon to purify them and cure them, then uses them to thwart evil. Along with his trenchcoat, shades, and futuristic bike topped by the most smugg looking smile at the beginning of Colosseum is what makes him my absolute favorite.

My second favorite protagonist are from Gen 5. I prefer Hilbert's design over Nate's because the pokeball cap along with colors of his outfit; the blue jacket, olive jeans, and orange shoes, just looks so good. On the contrary I like Rosa's design more than Hilda's because of her twin hair-donuts (idk the name of that hairstyle but it seems very pokemon-like.) I also like that the BW1 protags have a good relationship with other characters. It feels like there's a real friendship between Cheren and Bianca, as well as leaving an impact on N and his worldview.