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Why were these hacks removed?

  • 2
    • Seen Aug 8, 2022
    Why were these hacks removed?

    IMPORTANT: Following a takedown request, the following hacks have been delisted from PokéCommunity:
    Pokémon Glazed
    Pokémon: Giratina Strikes Back
    Pokémon Flora Sky
    Pokémon Stranded
    The downloads and discussion threads for these hacks will no longer be accessible, and staff will be unable to return questions regarding accessing this content.​

    They are all decent hacks. If they were removed due to the base emerald ROM with the correct CRC32 being difficult to find, I may be able to remedy that issue, as I recently found one after hours of searching.
    I think the first 5 words will help you there.
    "IMPORTANT: Following a takedown request"
    I think the first 5 words will help you there.
    "IMPORTANT: Following a takedown request"

    Yeah, I saw that, but it here must be an actual reason besides 'someone asked for it'. WHY was a takedown request made, and why was it granted?
    Nintendo or someone related to them and it was granted because Pokecommunity don't want to have to deal with any legal issues surrounding the games
    Yeah, I saw that, but it here must be an actual reason besides 'someone asked for it'. WHY was a takedown request made, and why was it granted?

    Yeah, that someone being Nintendo/Game Freak, the legal owners of the Pokémon IP, seems like a perfectly valid reason.

    They sometimes decide to take down rom hacks, and request sites that have those to remove them. The exact criteria nobody knows, it's usually (but not limited to) rom hacks / fan games gaining way too much popularity.
    Is it confirmed the takedown request was Nintendo/GF? I didn't think it was.
    I had heard rumours that fake takedown requests had hit some other sites too.
    Transparency on the issue would be great, but as the update says not to question staff on the issue, I didn't wanna probe too much!
    Is it confirmed the takedown request was Nintendo/GF? I didn't think it was.
    I had heard rumours that fake takedown requests had hit some other sites too.
    Transparency on the issue would be great, but as the update says not to question staff on the issue, I didn't wanna probe too much!
    When Janna first got the takedown request, she and the admins looked into it to the best of their ability to verify that it was a legitimate takedown request from Nintendo/Game Freak, and as far as they could tell, it was indeed real and not fake.
    When Janna first got the takedown request, she and the admins looked into it to the best of their ability to verify that it was a legitimate takedown request from Nintendo/Game Freak, and as far as they could tell, it was indeed real and not fake.

    thanks, I appreciate the clarification and information!
    Would it be possible to bring back the discussion threads, with all download links redacted? They contained information that would be useful to those who had already downloaded them.

    If not, is it permitted to create new discussion threads for any of these hacks, so long as we don't link to the patches?
    Would it be possible to bring back the discussion threads, with all download links redacted? They contained information that would be useful to those who had already downloaded them.

    If not, is it permitted to create new discussion threads for any of these hacks, so long as we don't link to the patches?
    As far as bringing back the old threads but with certain redactions goes, that's not a possibility. I don't know all the details myself, but the reason why the admins removed the threads in their entirety is because Nintendo/Game Freak's demands gave them no other realistic choice, it wasn't just the download links they had issue with.

    In regards to new discussion threads being made, I can't comment on that and I do not have the authority to permit/not permit them anyway.
    I'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet since the notice also says, "staff will be unable to return questions regarding accessing this content" I always assumed (since joining the forum about a year ago, anyway) that this was the collective administration's way of saying "Don't make threads about these games! Don't ask us about them!" (which is understandable given the takedown requests).