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[Other FULL] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Lerian Volran: A first day for the history books!

A young man with muscles encasing too much power for their size, asymmetrical differently colored eyes, and big furry white wolf ears exited his dorm room and stretched. "Ugh, I wish I had gone to bed earlier, I hate sleeping in." Lerion felt pretty good despite how tired he was, he was clean and he used so much shampoo he figured none of the girls would smell him, and thus he would have peace. His good mood was almost ruined when he remembered the headmaster briefing him on his first day. "Your teacher is Ryuu-Sensei, tomorrow morning you will." "Wait...sensei...are we in Japan? I thought-" "Quiet boy! Tomorrow morning you will report to the school pool, I'm not exactly sure why but that is where Ryuu plans on giving you all your lesson, I trust him to handle it." The headmasters smile never wavered for a moment as he silenced Lerion and proceeded to usher him out of his office. Ehhh...that guy gives me the creeps, nothing seems to phase him.

The half-awake Lycan exited the school building and began to make his way to the pool, along the way he stopped several times when various interesting and confusing smells assaulted his nose. Fire? Another Wolf fighting someone? A Fish Lady?!? Maybe this school won't be so fun after all... When he made it to the pool he noticed no other students were there, just some guy looking really nervous and a lot like a human. "Excuse me sir, are you Ryuu-uhh Sensai? I'm the newest member of class 3C I'm here for my first session, what's going on?" As he asked his ears continuously twitched from all the noises he was hearing, but he figured he shouldn't get involved without talking to the teacher first. After all this is a school for monsters, maybe all this crazy sh** is just games or hypothetical exercises for the place.
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Kion Gavin[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Gavin scanned the forest several times, and he couldn't say he liked what he saw. There was the Youkai Academy Staff trying to subdue a first-year student in one hand. In another, there were students fighting their own in what seemed to be a battle to the death in the graveyard (which was rather fitting, given the setting), as well as a similar battle happening on campus. Then, of course, there was a battle between a student and a Fairytale operative.

"This...this won't do." Gavin said aloud, carving a wooden mask out of a tree with a few murmurs of fire-based spells. "Things are so wrong. It shouldn't be like this. It CAN'T be like this." While he didn't feel it in the moment, the more he thought about what was going on, the angrier he got. It seemed that the anger management practices that he'd been exercising were starting to fail him. He clenched his teeth together to try to null the fire that was building inside him. By this point, his arm was exposed from the incredible flames that were spewing from his arm. This was strange to him, however, as he was unsure as to why he was being so easily angered by all of this. He just had to fix it himself. That's what he told himself. He just had to get on the student council and make things right. That's what he told himself. He just had to scare the school a little and make them realize that there was a bigger threat, and they'd come around. That's what he told himself. But as he thought about his plans more and more, he started to doubt himself. All of these different events weren't small, they were rather major. There was no way that the day would end without at least one child dying. This was an incredible failure for the academy. The anger existed because he started to realize that his plans may not amount to anything at all. They were the mere shenanigans of an average student, in the larger scheme.

When Gavin was done carving his wooden mask, he held it up. "With this, I should have the power to take on Fairytale...and Youkai Academy by myself." He placed the mask on his face, and grasped it firmly against his face. Despite him being an amateur, it was quite a clean carving. It didn't look particularly messy, and had a smooth surface and outlining. The eyes were just wide enough to see the pure redness of Gavin's demonic eyes, making sure to conceal any of the skin other than his eyelids. "Goodbye, my friends," Gavin started in pained breath. "I didn't expect my time at this Academy to end so quickly, but it looks like this is it."

Gavin removed the mask from his face and returned to the cover of his hood, sprinting back to the spot where he started the fire, noticing a few small flames and embers here and there. It seemed that the two that tried to subdue him earlier called for backup. They seemed to be getting ready to search for him, but he found them first. He recognized them, some of them were teachers, but most of them were security. There were about eight of them in all, possibly more. He was hoping there wouldn't be anybody there, but now that he was outnumbered and possibly underpowered by comparison, he needed to do his business immediately. He took a deep breath, bit his lip, and said in a low voice, "Dammit...I hope this works." Again, he pressed the mask against his face and started to chant.

"Kai wies ton roku sa ees ne," he said in a tongue unfamiliar to the Academy Officials. He didn't expect them to attack. Well, it was more as if he hoped they wouldn't attack. Things were out of his hands at this point, and chances were very high that something could go wrong, even if he did end up casting the spell correctly. A wind current started to flow around Gavin as he started to levitate into the air. The officials didn't attack, which wasn't so much because they were scared as it was because they knew that, given Gavin's earlier deeds, defensive tactics to an unknown spell would be much smarter. Gavin closed his eyes, however, as he was relying more on hope than logic, retreating to his Chi practices rather than his usual cunning. "Ben zayg ois do ren kil lees pwe dommin nikki refe," the sigil on his arm was spreading as he spoke, and by the time he had reached refe, it had almost covered his entire body, save for his a small portion just before where his shoulder once was. There was no turning back now. He let out yet another sigh, which was lost in the intense winds that surrounded the mage. He was mulling over whether he would regret the decision or not, but it didn't matter, because the decision was already made. "Me."

With the final word spoken, the mask started to shine, and the sigil engulfed the entirety of Gavin's body. His expression was impossible to decipher, hidden behind the emotionless mask as it was. The wind stopped completely, and everything was silent. It was as if the world had stopped. Moments passed and Gavin remained suspended in air, until finally the sigil started to recede quickly. It were as if one had pressed rewind on a type chronicling the sigil's progression, until finally, it was gone completely. It didn't end there, however. Blood spilt from Gavin's mouth but before it could drip from his skin, it disintegrated into small droplets of fire. After a few moments, it was as if no blood had been there at all. Gavin didn't seem to react at all, however. It was as if he were catatonic, or a statue. He didn't even react as an arm systematically rebuilt itself in place of his old one, in a rather horrifying display. Each component of the arm, blood, veins, flesh, skin, and nails, grew from the healing wound that was his old arm. It was a fascinating display to be sure, but it was equally as grotesque.

So why didn't Gavin respond to all of this? Because Kion Gavin was no more. As was stated by Beelzebub himself, one that is fully consumed by the sigil will lose himself. There were no known exceptions to this, not even Gavin. As far as it mattered to those aware of this information, the body that existed was merely a husk in a mask and a sweatshirt. This was indeed a strange case, as what happened next should not have happened. The body raised pointed its left hand at the group as it descended from the sky, and in less than a moment's notice, a lightning bolt shot from his hand, creating a crater in the ground followed by a magnificent colossal boom. The officials were incapacitated, no doubt. The husk eerily kept its eyes tracked on the crater, and then it almost robotically turned its attention to the forest, walking further in with its destination in mind.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll looked warily at the unknown person. She had made a comment about there being one person that was smart when she had tried to stop the inevitable fight. Before she could respond a girl she didn't recognize ran up and started sniffing the strange woman's hair. Now I have to wonder who's stranger she thought nervously. Suddenly though the girl ran and pushed past Cheryll knocking her to the ground before fawning over another student. Looking up ignoring the pain from her arm Cheryll saw violet lightning and gasped. Has something happened to Allister? she thought worriedly. The woman suddenly moved forming sharp claws of water before running at the group of 3C students.

Luckily Cheryll wasn't hit, and wasn't being noticed. She took this time to scramble to her feet picking up her book and quickly running in the direction she had seen the lightning. I hope nothing has happened to him, well, I hope all three of them are okay. They're my only friends, my first friends if something happened to any of them, I don't think I'd take it very well she thought straightening her glasses as she picked up her pace. As she ran closer to where she saw the lightning she took a deep breath and yelled as loud as she could. "ALLISTER!"
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Yuria & Marie

Struggling to move, Yuria raised one of his arms to his head to rub it, but he felt bandages on the wound. Moreover, he didn't feel any pain there anymore.

What happened? he asked himself with a wince. He took a moment to remember that he was being chased by some kind of psycho woman with an obsession for him, then she knocked him out—wait. She knew Yuria was a boy. Could she sense it somehow? Even his brother believes he's a girl.

He tried to move again, but was met with resistance in the form of a pair of arms wrapped around his torso. He couldn't remove them, nor could he slip away, because a pair of legs was wrapped around his own. An oval face surrounded by (not really) golden hair was laid against his chest, too. She's kind of... pretty, he thought. At least, until he realized that this was the very psycho that chased him down.

"Um... e-excuse me," he tried to whisper in an attempt to wake her.

A whisper, a noise that could only have come from the lips of her dearest; something was stirring. The words she could recognize, but their implications took a few seconds to process. The undeniably more-feminine-than-any-woman boy was speaking to her. Even with moments to spare, all Marie did was let out a weak moan from her lips and flicked open her soft blue eyes, moist with softness and blueness, like the softest soft and bluest blue one could possibly imagine, but maybe a little less soft because she had sleepies in her eyes, which she promptly rubbed out.

His eyes met hers, and her heart leaped into her throat — not literally. Marie grinned up at the young fellow-wench, wondering how she ended up in her current position. She discovered that she had fallen asleep in her attempt to heal him with the power of her love! It appears to have worked, given the lack of any more injuries on the back of Yuria's head, but it had drained her so much that she lost consciousness!

"Oh!" Marie exclaimed, her voice wavering as she tried to control her excitement. "Your body wakes for me! This is proof that our bodies know we're meant to be together!" Still with a predatory grin spread across her flawless features, the Lycan leaned down to leave her lips imprinted on his—"No!" she cried! Sitting back up, Marie began debating with herself about the troubles this could cause. What if she's moving too fast? Will he dislike her, or think she's "easy"?

Forget the "if"! her inner Demons argued, demanding that she make him love her!

But I can't do that! her Solars countered, believing that the lovely boy's free will was more important than their undeniable love for each other!

But what if you do it anyway, and just deny it if he says you did, if he doesn't like it! Her inner Slaad suggested, butting into the argument.

Courtship must be defined by law; take him to a court and convince them that you lost your marriage certificate, Marie's Modron added with an authoritative tone. He will be bound, and your love can flourish!

You can't be dishonest with your true love! the Lycan's Solar repeated again, having far less people on its side than the others.

It's not being dishonest; it's just taking the generous interpretation of the rules... the Devil on Marie's shoulder whispered, before slipping into the shadows again.

I concur. Get this tea party started by any means necessary, the Daemon added obscurely.

Marie's argument was ended by a realization. She leaned back down to Yuria's bewildered — and a little bit frightful — face, not to kiss him, but to ask him his name.

"I-it's Yuria Yukimura," he answered, t-trying to remain calm in the face of an obviously unstable woman. "What's yours?"

"I'm Marie Cardinal Taylor Raven Swift the Third, and I demand to be your wife!"
Christian Davidson

Apparently, this girl didn't realize that Chris was wearing a swimsuit. She immediately doused him with water, getting him pretty wet. While he was distracted by the spray, she quickly punched him in the gut. It hurt a little, but not as much as she probably thought. Right after that, another kid seemed to tackle her to the ground...or did he? It seemed that he wasn't in control of himself when he made contact with her. She shoved the boy off of her as she stood. Now was his chance!

Chris rushed forward, spinning around when he got close. As he finished the spin, he unleashed a side kick that would impact with her abdominal area. He then reassumed a defensive pose, ready for more. "Water may make the average Neko weak," he said to her, "But when you're raised to be in the water like I was, it doesn't do much but cool me off. Maybe you'd be better off if you found a different tactic." His smirk returned as he waited for her next move.

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]Raka Chaudri - Forest

The look on the boy's face told Raka that he never expected her to counter the spell with a barrier. Most mages did get cocky when battling lycans, but she didn't think that was the case here. The look most likely came from the realization that he couldn't win, not that he hadn't won. It was obvious that he was struggling with everything he had to stay up and keep fighting, quite admirable. "Whilst I don't see why it matters to you, and whilst I'm certain you won't share your own, I don't see why I should avoid sharing my name with you. My name is Allister Curtis," he said, answering her question. "and I am in no way pleased to make your acquaintance." The last comment brought a smirk to Raka's face. She was lucky to have found such a strong opponent, strong in more ways than one. A good enemy was just as good as a good friend.

Since he already knew her species, affiliation, gender, and fighting style, she didn't see why she shouldn't give him a name to go with all that. "Remember me as 'Rakshasa'".

Allister started to sway as he seemingly calculated his next - and probably last - move. Raka sorely hoped for him to "give it his all" for a final attack. "I'm probably going to have to stop using this now since I tried it on Oz too. I hope you appreciate the effort I'm going to here. Irum Caelum!" The sky above began to darken with clouds that hadn't been there before, clouds that began to swirl before unleashing a trio of great lightning pillars. Judging from what she had seen from him before, this definitely seemed like the final attack she was hoping for. "Be sure to give my regards to Oz after this, maybe give him a few of those nasty punches for me?" he said before finally going unconscious. The pillars of lightning spawned in a triangle formation with herself in the middle and were quickly closing in, leaving deep trenches in their wake. She had to move fast or this spell would fry her. She couldn't let that happen, especially knowing that Oz had survived this. Quickly realizing that making a barrier against this would be a futile effort, she sprinted for one of the rapidly narrowing openings. Even at her top speed it seemed that she would fall short so at the last moment she made a barrier around herself and transformed into wolf form giving her a smaller form and the extra boost in speed she needed to make it through. Even then she felt the spell touch the edges of her barrier.

Out of danger, Raka turned back into human form and looked back at what was becoming one massive pillar of lightning. Just for fun, she decided to try making a barrier in the middle of it and seeing how long she could hold it to see if trying to deflect the spell was a practical choice. At once she felt the barrier she had made quake under the force of the spell and, after a few seconds, be obliterated. If she had tried to deflect that spell she would be dead by now. Raka felt something roll down her forehead and touched it, seeing that it was a single drop of sweat probably from the intensity of trying to keep that barrier intact against that spell. "Irum Caelum, huh?" she repeated. The sheer power of it made her smile.

With the battle over, Raka's demeanor changed from high-off-the-thrill-of-battle back to serious Fairytale operative. She realized that the spell that had fascinated her so was quite showy and served as a beacon as well. Clever boy, she thought to herself while considering what she would do about it. There would be other students on their way now. She looked back to Allister and jabbed several points on his body before delivering a concussive strike to his head. When he woke up his limbs would feel like limp noodles and he would have a splitting headache at least. It would be lucky for her if the blow made him forget some things about this encounter or at least have trouble remembering them. She then debated as to whether or not she should cut his tongue out to keep him from speaking. In the end she decided against it because it would severely limit his spellcasting ability for their next battle.

Realizing that time was running short, Raka slung the mage over her shoulder so she could tie him to a tree deeper in the forest so he'd be harder to find. It seemed time was shorter than she'd thought, though, since she noticed a pair of scents approaching. One was easily recognizable as a Lamia, but the other was a little more difficult to identify. It was a familiar scent, though. After thinking for a moment she realized that it reminded her of a deva mage. She had only met a few in her life. Deva mages and a normal ones had similar scents, but there was a distinct difference between them. It was somewhat indescribable to the point that it might not be entirely scent-based. She soon realized that this second source was that difference. Since the only actual difference between a deva mage and a normal one was that a deva mage's powers were demonic in origin it could only mean that what was approaching was demonic itself. An actual being from hell or a mage consumed by one she couldn't actually tell, but she didn't exactly want to stay and find out. Allister was slowing her down so she stowed him within a thick nearby bush. At least he was somewhat hidden. With that done she sprinted away from the scene of the battle just as the Lamia shouted "ALLISTER!", heading for where she had seen Solo fall.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll panted as she reached were the lightning had come from. There was no sign of Allister, but it was obvious there had been a fight here. oh no, I hope he's not hurt she thought worriedly, though part of her knew he probably was to some degree. After all he wasn't here anymore. "Allister!" she called out again looking around even more worried, hoping for a response, but getting none. I know it was him that cast that spell. He used it when we were fighting Oz she thought biting her lip.

Looking around more Cheryll noticed there were plenty of thick bushes around. "maybe" she whispered to herself. Going to the bush closest to her she checked in it, there was nothing there. Taking a deep breath Cheryll went to the next on and looked. Again nothing. Cheryll spent the next several minutes checking the other bushes. Still finding nothing as she looked at the last one she hadn't checked yet. She was unsure if she wanted to find Allister there. Not finding him would mean he might not be hurt, or as hurt as she thought. Or that he had been captured. Finding him there meant that he was hurt and someone had definitely wanted to hide him. Pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose and brushing her hair out of her eyes Cheryll stepped towards the last bush and looked inside it, promptly gasping. "Allister!" she cried seeing her friend unconscious and injured. Grabbing his foot as she felt like she was about to cry she gently pulled him from the bush trying her best not to hurt him more. Once he was out of it she knelt next to him. please have a pulse, please have a pulse she thought putting two fingers to his neck sighing with worry and relief as she felt his pulse.

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Ryuu Higoroshi
Chapter 3: 3C's Homeroom teacher

Ryuu heard several noises coming from the woods and from the schoolgrounds. Something wasn't right here but he really didn't want to face Divine right now. The blush on his face faded when a student came up to him and introduced himself as a new student from class 3C. Ryuu looked up at him and smirked friendly. "Class is already over, we were swimming but... yeah." Ryuu rubbed the back of his head as he tried to continue but simply was unable to and decided to change the topic.

"Hey, what is happening outside these gates? I hear a lot of noises and..." Ryuu paused once again and scratched his cheek. "I suspect a woman to be there who I don't want to face at the moment..." He admitted but it was more mumbling that speaking. "Anyways, feel like checking it out for me, please?" Ryuu asked him.

(OOC: sorry... not much to post about right now.)


The Husk of Kion Gavin[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

The Husk seemed to be very specific in its search, not even bothering to look left or right even once. It was as if it were so sure that what it was looking for would be there that it didn't need to consider any other options. Oddly, its walking speed increased as time had passed, as if maybe, just maybe, something had changed since he'd seen it last. Eventually it reached jogging speed, and finally it reached its destination but, much to its dismay, it was too late.

The battle was definitely a fierce one, quite a bit of destruction but, strangely enough. There was no sign of any bodies, and even the craters and burnt terrain wouldn't result in a body so obliterated that it would be completely gone. The Husk looked about slowly but surely, but found nothing. Its behavior indicated mere confusion, it was impossible to tell whether it was frustrated or worried under the stoicism of the mask. It went on to study the destruction to see how the battle had gone, possibly to see if the search was even worth doing. The battle was clearly one sided, though there were clearly signs of mostly successful defensive measure on one end.

The search was cut short by a voice that seemed to be calling out for someone. "Allister!" It yelled. It seemed to belong to a female. It seemed to spark something in the Husk, as if it had had an air of familiarity. No, he definitely recognized it. When the voice came close enough, the Husk hid behind a tree and, once she came into view, it watched her movements closely. When she failed to find Allister on the battlefield, she soon turned to the bushes. In the beginning, the search seemed fruitless, and hopeless as well. However, in the final bush she seemed to have found something of interest. The Husk seemed to peer in closer, as if it had a rising sense of excitement. Out of the bush fell a boy of around the girl's age. When the Husk saw this, it pushed itself off of the tree and hovered over the boy, as well as the girl. The boy was the one the Husk was looking for, and he was injured quite a bit.

Intelligible noises could be heard under the mask. They sounded as if they were growls or random mumblings with deep breaths in between. The Husk started to grab its head and move its hands about wildly. It wasn't exactly easy to tell why exactly it was doing this, but it probably had to do with the downed mage. Tears started to drip from from its chin, and the movements of his hands became more wild. So wild, at one point, that he hit the mask on its face so hard that it had fell off. Then, as if his eyes had been replaced by bright flashlights, the redness of his eyes was replaced by a bright light, and as that light faded, there appeared a pupil, a red iris, and the regular whiteness that one would expect in one's eyes.

The Husk remained silent for a few moments and simply stared ahead. After a few wild blinks, it said, "Huh?" It looked around, seemingly confused about where it was, and thought to itself, Where am I? It scratched its head and noticed that there was a boy that was unconscious and covered in injuries, and a girl who seemed to be tending to him. When it noticed them, it was taken aback, and said, "Woah, what happ-" It noticed an oddity out of the corner of his eye, turned, and noticed the destruction of the battlefield. "CHRIST, WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" The person that was saying all of this didn't have the same mannerisms as the Husk, nor did it have the same demeanor or nature. It was likely that this boy wasn't the same persona as the Husk, but instead was a different person entirely.

"Uh..." The boy started, scratching his head. "We need to get this guy to a doctor." Even though he was talking to the girl, when they made eye contact he quickly looked away. "He...uh...he looks like he's hurt pretty bad."
Lerion listened attentively to his new teacher's explanation...but was much more interested in the lack thereof. "Aw man I missed my first class and it was at the pool? Sounds fun." He was surprised that Ryuu seemed more nervous than he did, even though Lerion was the new one around here, his ears twitched when the teacher mentioned a girl he didn't want to face? "Oh...well then I guess I'll go see what's going on for you sir." His ears continued to twitch suspiciously the whole time he walked away both at how Ryuu was acting and at all the strange noises and smells reaching him. Figures this place would be wierd, but at least it should be exciting.

Before too long Lerion began to draw closer to the nearest commotion and the scent of battle was quite clear in the air. In another few moments he saw a group of what he assumed must be students surrounding a woman and...attacking her? He was about to ask one of the students what was going on when another one with cat ears and a tail attacked the woman, who didn't seem all that fazed by his attack. The woman smelled like the ocean, almost fishy but...not in a bad way. Is she the one Higoroshi didn't want to face? Then maybe that's exactly why she's here. He wasn't sure if he should just attack her, it seemed like a fight but he couldn't fight his curiosity so he just went out and said it.

Lerion walked between two of the students and drew closer to the woman, speaking in a casual voice but ready to fight at a moment's notice if he had to. "Excuse me, pretty lady with the water? Are you here to see mr. umm I mean Ryuu uh...Sensei? Because if you are he told me he doesn't really want to talk to you right now, so you should probably come back another time, maybe when he's off duty and there won't be any interruptions." He couldn't help wondering if he had done something stupid when it seemed like most of the other students were staring at him in surprise, but he held his ground, hoping he'd actually been helpful. Announcing his presence embarrassed him more than he expected and his ears lowered closer to his head a bit.

Shaking his hair to dry off, Sorae was impressed.

He had expected a mermaid to only be able to function in water. As, that's what he was taught to believe, and as he was expecting; he noted that she dried up the water from surrounding entities, giving him a very interesting, but also frightful idea, and he pushed it to the back of his mind since he doubted that this woman would go to such extremes. He thought silently. He was at a crossroads now. He looked at the bow. It had hit, but the snapped string just wasn't good for what he needed. If he summoned, he would go back on relying on other creatures... but maybe... that's what he had to do.

But what if...

Sorae clenched his teeth. Tearing his headband away from his hair, he took on a cross-legged sitting position and got a coin from his bag. His hair stayed in a gravity-affected manner, meaning it was down to his collarbone, and soaking wet. Using his headband to dry his hands- he didn't have time to grab his towel- he squeezed the coin in his hand, feeling it take warmth, and put it on the ground. His third eye opened as his other two widened, staring straight at the coin. The coin itself turned into a very interesting specimen; a silkworm. Not just a silkworm; a silkworm cocoon.

He grimaced. A spider would've been nicer; he had never summoned a cocoon, although he had to admit that probably came with the living thing; and plus, now he had to do this himself. Noticing the kid who had just entered the scene, he grinned. Thank you sir, for stalling time. He crushed the cocoon with his foot, grimacing, and then took it apart. Squished worm guts weren't his favorite thing to look at, but Sorae tore a strand of the silk off, which happened to be clumped a bit; then he took the bow, undid the duct tape, and made a knot with the silk. This would make a more accurate shot than a duct-taped bow.

He stood up, leaning on the bow once again, but ready to swipe it away before another of Divine's attacks. Now, how to make these arrows more effective...?
[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll didn't look up as she heard footsteps approaching. She figured she probably should have but she was to concerned with Allister that she didn't bother. "who could have done this" she whispered to herself as she felt a few tears build up in her eyes. She wanted to know who had done this to her friend more than anything, but first she had to figure out how to get Allister to the infirmary. After all, he was a good three years older than she was, and Cheryll was weak. "I'll go get help"

"CHRIST, WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" Cheryll heard a voice exclaim and she jumped startled whirling around with wide eyes to see none other than Gavin standing behind her. But something was off, she didn't remember Gavin having red eyes. "Uh..." Gavin scratched his head. "We need to get this guy to a doctor" Cheryll looked confused at the way Gavin was speaking, and the fact that as soon as they made eye contact Gavin looked away from her. Cheryll couldn't help but feel a little hurt at that. "He...uh...he looks like he's hurt pretty bad."

Why isn't he using Allister's name Cheryll thought sniffling wiping away a few tears that fell. "Gavin...we have to get him back to the academy. He needs to be in the infirmary"

The Husk of Kion Gavin[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

The boy looked at the girl curiously. "Gavin? You must have me mistaken for someone else. My name's Terra, Terra Ignis." The boy, Terra, looked aimlessly in thought. The name Gavin seemed familiar for some reason, but he wasn't sure why. He was sure he hadn't heard it before, though, so he shrugged it off. He looked at the girl and noticed that she was crying, and his eyes widened. He wasn't sure exactly what he did, but he nervously started to wave his hands about as if there were some sort of misunderstanding. "U-uh, I'm really sorry! I don't know what I did, but I swear I didn't mean to do it!" Terra started to blink and look in every direction as his face lit up.

He then noticed that there was a mask on the ground. From where it was in relation to him, he guessed that it was his mask...or at least, that he was wearing it. Well, that or he happened to walk over it, and that was a viable explanation as well. He put the mask on in the back of his pants and turned his attention back to Allister. He put one arm under the Allister's legs, and the other on his back, and hoisted him. He let out a grunt as he did so, realized that, despite his size, this kid was pretty heavy. Maybe Terra was just weak, he didn't quite understand his own strength.

"I don't really know my way around here, can you lead the way?" He said, trying to endure Allister's weight.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Cheryll Renee Moreau

"Gavin? You must have me mistaken for someone else. My name's Terra, Terra Ignis." as he said this Cheryll sniffled more and looked confused. She noticed his eyes go wide when he noticed she was crying. What happened to him she thought. "U-uh, I'm really sorry! I don't know what I did, but I swear I didn't mean to do it!"

I don't like the way he's acting Cheryll thought as she watched him pick up a mask, and then Allister. Asking her to lead the way. Standing up Cheryll wiped some grass off her skirt. "Y-you didn't do anything" she sniffled starting to lead the way back to the Academy. "I....I'm just worried about Allister..." she glanced at her friends. "I'm also worried about you too...I know I didn't mistake you for someone else. I know your Kion Gavin, not Terra Ignis." she sighed. "I know that because your one of my best friends...you, Allister and Yorick, my best, first, and only friends!" when she finished speaking she turned away from him a few more tears falling.

"the academy's this way" she added her voice cracking as she tried not to cry more.

Terra Ignis [PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

This girl seems pretty sure that I'm this Kion Gavin person, what am I supposed to do about that? He considered changing the subject, but it seemed that there was little he could do to avoid talking about his mistaken identity. Despite what she said, he was doing something wrong. Simply by looking like Gavin he was causing her pain, and that bothered him. He looked at the girl sympathetically. He didn't know why, but it felt as if he shared in her pain, and seeing her in pain felt like a knife in the chest. This was all too strange.

"I, um..." He wasn't sure what to say exactly. He considered saying "I'm 100% sure that I'm Terra," but that might end up as putting salt on a wound. What was more, the more he thought about the situation, the more he realized what he didn't know. He remembered that he woke up in the forest saying "Where am I", but he started to realize that he couldn't remember anything beyond that point. In fact, the only thing that he was sure of was that his name was Terra Ignis. That was it. He didn't have any people in mind save for the girl that was accompanying him and the injured male, this Allister character. Other than that, he wasn't sure about anything. Anything at all. What was this Academy? What was the deal with the mask? Who was this Gavin person that the girl went on about? How did he grow up? What were his parents like? Did he have parents?

Terra started to twitch as pain came over him. There were literally thousands upon thousands of questions in his head that he was barely able to contain, and the more he thought about them the more confused he became. He looked to the girl and started to think. Maybe she could help him figure things out.

Terra looked forward to see a group of buildings coming into view. This must have been the Academy. "I...don't have a name to call you, Miss."
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The Yandere Mermaid

Divine was still pissed off at the Youko that just tackled out of nowhere, but he somehow didn't reply on her rant. The Neko boy, however, did answer her rant and told her that he basically was born in the water. Divine could only chuckle at that. "So it's like that, huh?" Divine pointed five of her fingers at her and started to grin. "Then I'll just change my strategy... no?" Divine shouted needles made from water in the boy's direction. Even though it was just water, these needles should be able to make holes in his body... like arrows or bullets.

Suddenly another boy joined them. Divine was getting sick of all the interfering people. "Excuse me, pretty lady with the water? Are you here to see mr. umm I mean Ryuu uh...Sensei? Because if you are he told me he doesn't really want to talk to you right now, so you should probably come back another time, maybe when he's off duty and there won't be any interruptions." Divine was stunned. Not by the compliment but by what Ryuu supposedly had said to this student.

"Ohhh... this did it... this..." divine balded her fists and seemed to be really angry. After a while of repeating "this" her hair turned from beautiful blue to red. "THIS DID IT!!!" Divine shouted as great amounts of water started to gather behind her and she kept trowing needles and blades made of water towards the boys. "I'M GONNA KILL ALL OF YOUU!!!" She shouted. This did it, this made her aggressive and murderous side appear.

[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Cheryll Renee Moreau
and Janie Thompson

"I...don't have a name to call you, Miss." Gavin, or as he was calling himself Terra said to her and Cheryll sniffled more. what could have happened to him to make him forget who he is she thought sadly and sighed.

"C-Cheryll..." she said softly wiping at her cheeks, but there was no point in doing that for she was still crying. "but...you called me Cherry" she added not glancing back at him. It was causing her enough pain that he now thought he was someone else, looking back at him would hurt even more. As the buildings of the academy got closer Cheryll pointed at one. "That's where the infirmary is" she said as she heard footsteps approaching and looked to see Janie was nearing them. Just what I needed today, her to make me even more upset.

"Well well, looks like one of your little friends is hurt" Janie smirked at her. "hmm, how will they be able to protect you if they can't protect themselves" Janie chuckled smirking even more at her.

"j-just...l-eave m-me a-alone" Cheryll stuttered out sniffling. "i'm n-not i-in t-the m-mood"

"Watch your back brat" Janie said smirking more if possible before walking off.

Terra Ignis [PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]

Man...this Gavin guy and Cheryll must have been pretty close, she's really torn over this. He looked down at the unconscious mage and thought, Him too. I don't think I'm making the situation better by being here. Terra felt a wave of relief rush over him as he Cheryll pointed out that they were close, and it was around this time that he really felt the weight of Allister. He actually hadn't been bothered by the weight until that point, though Terra was pretty sure it was because his mind was on other things. It wasn't long after this that a girl strolled by and verbally assaulted Cheryll. Terra felt like he should be more involved in these things, but there really wasn't anything he could do if his memory was shot. What was strange, however, was that even for an amnesiac he didn't feel familiarity in anything. Except the name Gavin, exactly, but it didn't feel as if he knew the name, exactly...it was a strange familiarity that he shrugged off because of how odd it was.

"She seemed nice," Terra said sarcastically. "On a serious note, though, you shouldn't let that girl treat you like that. I may not know much about the situation, but you have no reason to fear her." Terra was starting to grit his teeth under Allister's weight. "Uh, let's get to the infirmary." He hoisted Allister up and started walking faster and faster. He went into one of the school buildings and looked for the first room that might possibly be an infirmary. Lucky for Terra, the first one he found was it. He gently placed Allister on the nearest bed, disregarding and sort of permission from the nurse because the weight, by this point, was unbearable, and took the nearest seat he could found.

"So, uh..." he took a few breaths, "What academy is this, anyway? And do you know how that ki- I mean Allister got like that?"
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Kakusu - Bathroom --> Cafeteria

Struggling to remain conscious, everything seemed to be in a daze as he attempted to get to his sense. There was a weird, warped sound that was similar to someone talking although he couldn't make out a word of anyone or seem them well. The noises of the background battles as well as speech seemed to all blend together. He lay there for a moment, giving up on all of his want to stand up and fight. He wouldn't be able to stand... but he couldn't sit by and let that raven-boy live after the fact that he prevented him from eating.

He could make out the sound of an arrow whizzing into the figure who had just pushed him off and he knew if he just sat there, he could die. Pushing himself, where he felt was up, he managed to get to get on his feet and sway around. Felt a burning pain on his forehead and he fell into darkness.


A glowing mark appeared on his forehead, similar to a Celtic Knot and he felt a pain in his stomach, as if something was eating him alive in the process, making him feel even more hungry than he had before. This was a painful feeling, as if his insides were eating themselves and he wanted to find some food quickly. Falling down on all fours, he could feel his blood rushing... rushing... and his sweat literally boiling on him as he felt a mild steam come out of his orifices of his skin. Two tails sprouted out of his body and enveloped him as he took in his environment... he noticed one of his classmates and a weird cat-boy... he looked over to Divine and grimaced at her... he didn't know that she controlled water, which was his elemental weakness and didn't care.

He pointed at her as his stomach made a growl and he made a weak face despite the fact he was summoning some strength. "I... want to... eat cooked fish."
[PokeCommunity.com] Youkai Academy [IC] [T] [Best Rookie 1Q '13]
Cheryll Renee Moreau

Cheryll sighed as she sat down in a chair near the bed that Allister had been placed on. She was still worried, sad, and upset. But she had run out of tears to cry. Staring at Allister for a minute she sighed again glancing at Terra and then looking down at her lap. She could tell Gavin must have some form of amnesia, and was hoping it wouldn't be permanent. Though for now, it seemed her friend was now someone new, and that was making her nervous, shy, and uncomfortable. "T-This i-is...Y-Youkai A-Ac-Academy" she stuttered softly.

Looking back at Allister Cheryll spoke again unable to bring herself to look at Terra. "I d-don't k-know how h-he g-got h-hurt." she kept stuttering, and the fact that she was made her feel even worse. But she just couldn't help herself. "I...I j-just h-hope. H-he w-wakes u-up s-soon"