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The Square-Enix ☆ Fan Club

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Dont feel bad Sakura is just that we need to share it equally because this is a SE fan club not a KH fan club :S

But yes.. KH does rocks!

Do you like that you see some FF characters in the KH series?? Did you even realise that they were FF characters when you first saw them in KH?
I usually feel like the only person who doesn't typically like the FF characters in KH because they're only ever used as plot devices. Only one done well was Zack in BBS. (Although Aerith's had her moments--I think I just say that because I like her though. u_u;;) Oh, and the Moogles are great.
Oh I am pretty sure I gave up after I got beaten in the scrap yard as Lightning, Ill just check (It may have been after I beat a flying boss in a citadell or big building that was falling down.)

Oh. Nvm, my old xbox red ringed and I havent figured out how to put the old HDD into the new xboxes (damn it.) I'll just have to start off again if I want to. (There goes 10 hours of my life I'll never get back.)
Maybe I'll just youtube all the cutscenes considering thats all I was really interested in anyway!
Oh, that area's pretty tough, I think. Especially the boss. :(

I don't think you can use old HDDs with new Xboxes. ;_; That suuucks.
spoiler: BBS, 3D

spoiler: 3D


spoiler: BBS

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: MARLUXIA YOU CREEPY. sorry hun but it had to be said D8 and as far as I know, DiZ just shows up in TWTNW with his encoder-thing and he suddenly is all ~repentant omg~ and I'm like "well now you pulled a 180 now didn't you" and yeah. I'm going to say he just woke up one day, looked in the mirror and said "wtf."

we discussed this in vms and I got the mental image of Marluxia cuddling a Cherrim and I was like "awwwww...wait what no marulxia's mean ):"
.__. It's true. Marluxia is super creepy. There is no getting around that, haha. though i get creepy points too because I actually ship Marluxia/Namine. Although now I have a much better otp for her so that's good.

he would have a cherrim and he would totally pretend that he didn't like it at all to save face but it would secretly be his favourite.

um as far as KH goes i still ship mostly yaoi and Ven/Nami does this make me a horrible person ;_; but I don't think I hated the KH girls because they ~got in the way omg~ I think it was because they just didn't do anything. But now I realize that at least as far as Kairi and Nami go they really couldn't do anything in KHI and CoM respectively. Kairi was in a lost-heart coma and Namine was essentially a prisoner omg. and larxene is a sadist omg and she sort of scares me ;__;
not at all! I only mentioned the yaoi thing because it's the only reason I can think of that I thought girls in fandoms were ~IN THE WAY~ and that's just such a dumb reason for disliking characters. xD; My KH OTP (Marluxia/Axel whee) is stil m/m so I can't very well judge hahaha. It disappoints me how most of the KH girls are treated in canon since they're all great characters and they have so much potential but they rarely get to do anything so everyone just hates on them. And I can understand that, I just wish they could DO more. ;_; It's why I like Aqua so much. Instead of being the damsel or just messing around with things when she wasn't supposed to, she was the ONLY SUPER CAPABLE ONE in her trio. <3 Larxene is a crazy ***** and I love her for it but she is not a people person and she actually isn't all that capable but at least she never once lies about which side she's on, so she's one of the few KH characters who you can see right through. That's kind of refreshing. XD
spoiler: BbS, KH3D, Days
spoiler: Days, 3D, BBS

spoiler:BbS, KH3D

spoiler: 3D, BBS

spoiler: BBS

spoiler: BBS

spoiler: 3D, BBS


spoiler: BBS, Coded

spoiler: BBS

spoiler:if it's just general stuff why are we putting it in spoilers omg. and bbs spoilers
spoiler: well, I meant general series spoilers. wait, are we conversing in these too? how do we even manage???
Oh god, Terra's gonna be absolutely untolerable for a while after he comes back. :/ Think all the emo guilt that Riku had during COM and multiply it by a bazillion because at least Riku just messed things up for a few months and in like 3 worlds. Terra nearly caused the collapse of everything ever.
spoiler: Days

...now I feel bad for turning the entire club into ASDFJKL KINGDOM HEARTS. DX butbutbut I really don't know that much about FF I'm so sorry you guys ;___;
Still debating splitting this club, hmm. 8/ But where would the other Square-Enix stuff go?? I mean it's pretty much KH/FF central but TWEWY comes up sometimes. And maybe someone, somewhere will eventually want to talk about Dragon Quest idk (lol). And "Square-Enix Except For KH Club" is pretty lame. XD;
I don't reply in this club for a few days and what do I find? Wall of text fodder.
I'll try to make a brick wall then, starting from the first post I didn't reply at. Apologies if your scroll button gets agoraphobic! I'll just have to increase the scroll space a little more.

I was a member of the last KH SE FC and yeah, Saku-chan told me about there being a new one~ May I please partake in discussions/fangirling/ avoidance of spoilers pertaining to Dream Drop Distance? Which I need a 3DS for
Oh I remember you! I assume you don't remember me but I do, I think you were really active in the KH club back then. And *goes to check* I was right, we actually had a conversation once two and a half years ago. Please you are absolutely encouraged to partake in whatever you will! And I'm actually still saving up for a 3DS this very moment, getting one precisely for KH3D. :3

I'm gonna start marking my spoilers with what's spoilered since they aren't even all KH3D spoilers by this point so there are some parts of conversation that other people can jump into as well.
Oh good, it's actually a brilliant idea to label which games the spoilers are for, so that if you've already played that certain game, you can peek. Or at least know what specific game you'll just be spoiling yourself with, haha.

Also... KH is kind of taking over the general S-E thread and I feel like that must be alienating people. :( It's mainly just that 3D is out and we're speculating but it's not like other S-E games haven't been coming out too. Is this tolerable for everyone or should we maybe be looking at splitting up the club back into FF and KH separately? /flinging idea
That is a huge problem, I don't want to alienate people at all! But yes 3D is largely increasing the KH-centric activity. I'm actually starting to consider going back to separate clubs, I'll make sure to be active in both of them and force encourage people to do so too! There's actually tons of things to talk about FF, now that I think of it. But there are dedicated TWEWY fans or maybe even Dragon Quest fans and they'd get left out if we go splitting the club into its major components so I don't know.

The laughs are always what get me, haha. ;_; I know it's just to make it loose and not so serious sounding but it also sounds like he's just brushing it off, aww.

spoilers for: KH3D
I always thought he does that whenever the interviewer gives him a weird look with his Nomura answers. Yes he has trademark Nomura answers that tease more than clarify pretty much. But yeah, I don't want him to brush off something as huge as BBSv2!

spoilers for: KH3D, BBS and Days

Namine just had more to do in the games than Kairi, so she got more development by default. :( It kinda sucks since I like Kairi a lot too but
spoilers for: KH3D
Yeah, and Namine had more decisions, both life and game changing, to make in her appearances that effectively give way for development. Kairi was just handled wrong imo, and it really does suck. I don't even know why I like Kairi anymore, but I still do.
spoilers for: KH3D

I would've been fine with Roxas/Namine if they'd done something with them in Days. They had the chance to make it so they met somehow and it would help explain why they suddenly decide to be friends at the end of KH2 and it'd explain their connection but they didn't do that so they had no connection which is why it was disappointing. :(

spoilers for: re:coded, BBS
That is a prime example of how many wasted plotlines, short events and directions they could've taken for Days but just didn't. I wish they allowed more headcanon into Days, not much time in between the illustrated days within the game to place events that one would have like to happen, like what you just described. I really wished that happened. But since it didn't and I can't convince myself to think it did, I don't like Roxas being paired with Naminé.

spoilers for: Re:Coded, BBS

spoilers for: 3DS. like. massive spoilers. all the end-game bosses. XD

Really? I... I didn't think Re:Coded had good gameplay at all. XD; They took the command system from BBS so I went in expecting great things but it didn't port very well to the DS and I found the controls difficult and I just... I dunno. I wasn't very good at it, and I just chalked it up to bad controls/gameplay because I'm never not good at a KH game. But I also pretty much advised all my friends to not bother with the game unless they "needed" to play it, so I don't really know anyone who could confirm my assumption. XD; That game made me so worried about KH3D because it uses the command system too but they made it all better for 3D.

But yeah, you are literally the only person I know who actually liked (and not just "tolerated" Re:Coded). XD;

massive spoilers for: KH3D

It actually felt fresh, the platforming was sort of cool, the BBS + Days fusion was okay, but honestly, I don't know why I enjoyed it enough. Haha, maybe I just wasn't that serious of a KH gamer and just liked its uniqueness and random quirks, like the huge references to KH, the random but drastically different mini-games and being a bad copy of COM and such. Well, to each his own, I suppose. I actually wouldn't mind just knowing the plot of Re:Coded and opting not to play it, haha.

I'm the only person? I don't know what that says about me, haha.

I think the Osaka team is the BBS team which did 3D and is probably working on other stuff. They've renamed all the teams since they started work on FF13VS so I don't even know what's up anymore, but I know whichever team previously worked on KH is working exclusively on VS now. So one would think they'd be the same team.

I think Osaka might be mostly handheld games? Honestly, though, if they'd just get a freakin' move on with KH and let the Osaka team handle the numbered sequel, I'd be absolutely okay with it. >:|

It actually might've been easier to read that way but I already started with quotes so... /continues D8
Oh is that so? What happened to the numbered KH team, whatever they were called? I always thought Osaka = console KH and other teams = spinoffs but I think I'm mixing them up. Gah this is all confusing.

Oh haha I guess that made it more inconvenient. I still think that post would have been too lengthy because I had both yours and Sakura's posts quoted for almost every '@' you can see there. But yeah. My apologies.

This would not surprise me at all. They also said they weren't making a BBSFM. It came out one year later.

"Ven, I thought you were supposed to get all the colours before going back to start. You're missing green though..."
"Uhhhh there's this... special rule, where if you go Red, Blue and Yellow in that order, you don't have to go get Green. You just get... uhhhh... less points. Yeah."

spoilers for: uhh... Days and BBS
Man what is up with the false info they're feeding us? But yeah, FMs are easy money for them, so if they're not busy they might as well earn some more dough from the same title. Just don't include a false secret ending this time. Or better yet, apply the rule for easy money to BBSv2! :D

That is so AI Ven, in all his dumb and adorable glory. And I agree with what's inside the spoiler tag, haha.

spoilers for: BBS

Marluxia had no heart and I'm of the opinion he didn't try very hard to get it back or pretend he did have one or anything like that. So when he was using Namine, he didn't feel bad or good about it, he just used her like a tool because she was the easiest way to get what he wanted. That's not okay, but DiZ had a heart and feelings and would have had to look at Namine every time he gave her orders and go "oh wow, I am abusing this girl who looks younger than 14; but if I remind myself she has no heart, it's TOTALLY OKAY." So I think that makes it a lot worse. (Honestly, in my last post, I think I completely forgot about the fact that Marluxia had no heart when I was trying to justify why I didn't mind his actions but hated DiZ's. Wooow. /fail XD)

spoilers for: KH3D
spoilers for: BBS

I actually found that pretty fitting for his character. The fact that he was a Nobody freed him from any conscience that could halt his plans. But DiZ is entirely different, and yes he is really awful for doing all that to her without thinking twice.

spoilers for: KH3D, BBS, Re:Coded and Days, too, I guess

spoilers for: KH3D

"No you're not! Everyone's a somebody. His tone turned indignant, as if he was insulted by how little she thought of herself." OH MY GOD. ;_; HE WOULD. HE WOULD BE LIKE IN TEARS AND THEN THINK SOMEONE ELSE WAS SAD AND JUMP TO COMFORT THEM. dying. i definitely ship this now. so hard. (And then later "Call me Ven!"... that's our wifi password in this house hahaha. XD;)

I always wondered what happened with Sora and how he treats Kairi for him to no longer care as much. Since KHII the games have slowly turned into a big "heck yeah we agree with what [most of] you fans really want" for the inseparable duo, Sora and Riku. And I'm actually slowly accepting this as part of the franchise, even though I'll probably still be cringing with what you described there Lightning, haha.

I actually loved that one-shot fic, thank you for sharing it Sakura. :D
I needed more reasons to love Ven (definitely my favourite character in BBS), and I actually feel like playing BBS one more time now and enjoy it much more, haha.

- - -

...I give up. Too many replies to make. ;-;

Oh yeah, Super Mario RPG! That was made by Square. So I want to talk about that. Has any of you played that game? I assume you have, Tori. I'm actually playing the game right now. Maybe you want a sequel (like me) or just find some specific part of the game interesting, or if you haven't checked it out yet then just say what you think about it.
Don't feel bad. KH rocks!

Dont feel bad Sakura is just that we need to share it equally because this is a SE fan club not a KH fan club :S

But yes.. KH does rocks!

Do you like that you see some FF characters in the KH series?? Did you even realise that they were FF characters when you first saw them in KH?

Thank you dears~ i am so sorry omg asdfjkl

Well, Sephiroth in the first KH threw me for a loop. Even though I think he was FM only and as such I probably saw this on youtube He's creepy, he just shows up out of nowhere and doesn't talk or anything, he just fights omg. And Cloud in KHI was...well, the first thing I thought about him was "WTF IS HE WEARING" and then I had to fight him i think? I might be mixing this up with CoM asdfjkl and gah. Cloud what happened to all of your character development omg. But by KHII he's all better. Somewhat. and omg Aerith <3 I love her, she's amazing XD and then there's squall leon and he's awesome as usual and gah I can't express all my feelings for the FF characters or this will be my longest post ever and that is saying something

BUT. My favorite FF character in KH and my favorite FF character overall is ZACK SKDLGHSDL:KFHSDGLKFJSLDKHFKSDHG:LKSDFJHSDLKFHSKL:GHSD:KFJSDK I HAVE ALMOST AS MANY FEELS FOR ZACK AS I DO FOR VEN OKAY I just asdfjkl the only game I've bawled more over than BbS is Crisis Core because

spoiler: Crisis Core

God. So there are my shortened because this is going to be a loooooong post anyway feelings about Zaaaaaack. <3

I usually feel like the only person who doesn't typically like the FF characters in KH because they're only ever used as plot devices. Only one done well was Zack in BBS. (Although Aerith's had her moments--I think I just say that because I like her though. u_u;;) Oh, and the Moogles are great.

Oh, that area's pretty tough, I think. Especially the boss. :(

I don't think you can use old HDDs with new Xboxes. ;_; That suuucks.


I wish I could play FFXIII. lol Saku doesn't own a xbox nor a ps3 so she is inherently fail

spoiler: BBS, 3D

spoiler:BbS, KH3D

spoiler: 3D


spoiler: BBS


.__. It's true. Marluxia is super creepy. There is no getting around that, haha. though i get creepy points too because I actually ship Marluxia/Namine. Although now I have a much better otp for her so that's good.

...hun what on earth possessed you to ship marulxia/nami? DID XEHANORT DO IT. VENXNAMI OTP. butbutbut ZACKXAERITH OTP butbutbut SORIKU OTP ASDFJKL

he would have a cherrim and he would totally pretend that he didn't like it at all to save face but it would secretly be his favourite.

so so so he would like cuddle with it at night and then during the day he would completely neglect it omg ;; kasdhg;dslkfjklsdhfkjgka your drawings are the best drawings asdfjkl

not at all! I only mentioned the yaoi thing because it's the only reason I can think of that I thought girls in fandoms were ~IN THE WAY~ and that's just such a dumb reason for disliking characters. xD; My KH OTP (Marluxia/Axel whee) is stil m/m so I can't very well judge hahaha. It disappoints me how most of the KH girls are treated in canon since they're all great characters and they have so much potential but they rarely get to do anything so everyone just hates on them. And I can understand that, I just wish they could DO more. ;_; It's why I like Aqua so much. Instead of being the damsel or just messing around with things when she wasn't supposed to, she was the ONLY SUPER CAPABLE ONE in her trio. <3 Larxene is a crazy ***** and I love her for it but she is not a people person and she actually isn't all that capable but at least she never once lies about which side she's on, so she's one of the few KH characters who you can see right through. That's kind of refreshing. XD

O-okay, because I know some of the fandom jumps on the yaoi fangirls for supposedly "making the fanbase look insane" but I'm not a crazy yaoi fangirl I swear ;; and I think that's the main reason why everyone hates on the KH girls, they just haven't done anything. yet. EXCEPT FOR AQUA ASDFJKL SWEETHEART <3 as I've previously mentioned, Larxene scares me asdfjkl. and really? She isn't a people person? NOOOOOO. I'd never have guessed! XD well at least she isn't like xehanort, where you have no idea what he's doing and then juuuuuust when you think you've got him figured out, he jumps on you and

spoilers: BbS


spoilers: BbS

spoilers: Days, 3D, BBS

spoilers: Days, BbS...erm... KH3D

spoiler: 3D, BBS

spoiler:3D, BbS

spoiler: BBS


spoiler: BBS

spoilers: BbS

spoiler: 3D, BBS

spoiler:KH3D, BbS


spoiler: BBS, Coded

spoiler:BbS, Coded

spoiler: BBS


spoiler: well, I meant general series spoilers. wait, are we conversing in these too? how do we even manage???

spoiler: because we are totes awesome am i right

spoiler: Days

spoilers: Days

Well, you at the very least should've left the 3D off. We wouldn't want you to get sick over a video game! -hugs- Hun, I didn't understand the majority of those cutscenes and I'm not even on anything asdfjkl. yeah that's probably why asdfjkl. Do you even remember the whole game XD

Still debating splitting this club, hmm. 8/ But where would the other Square-Enix stuff go?? I mean it's pretty much KH/FF central but TWEWY comes up sometimes. And maybe someone, somewhere will eventually want to talk about Dragon Quest idk (lol). And "Square-Enix Except For KH Club" is pretty lame. XD;

omg hun i'm sorry should i just shut up and stand in the corner omg

I don't reply in this club for a few days and what do I find? Wall of text fodder.


I actually loved that one-shot fic, thank you for sharing it Sakura. :D

You're welcome dear. That's one of my favorites XD
Last edited:
...now I feel bad for turning the entire club into ASDFJKL KINGDOM HEARTS. DX butbutbut I really don't know that much about FF I'm so sorry you guys ;___;

Nooo don't worry! I'll just make sure to throw in questions and stuff that can related to both.

I usually feel like the only person who doesn't typically like the FF characters in KH because they're only ever used as plot devices. Only one done well was Zack in BBS. (Although Aerith's had her moments--I think I just say that because I like her though. u_u;;) Oh, and the Moogles are great.

I've only played KH1 and some of KH2 but that's exactly how I found the FF characters (and Disney actually) were used. Odd plot devices that were used as just extended cameos.

I know now there are a lot more original characters, but yeah I like my FF/Disney worlds separate ><.

Also, Destiny Demon could the opening post be changed to either make open questions or include a FF question? I had to rewrite these for my application.

Talking about these.
@SwiftSign: Yeah I think if the SE club isn't broken into its components, having more general topics would do it good. Or at least a specific franchise topic should have its own appropriate counterparts.

Thank you dears~ i am so sorry omg asdfjkl
It's alright Sakura! Don't feel bad, we all love Ven and if we love a specific thing this much, I'm sure we'd all be willing to write amazing walls of text about it. :D

Well, Sephiroth in the first KH threw me for a loop. Even though I think he was FM only and as such I probably saw this on youtube He's creepy, he just shows up out of nowhere and doesn't talk or anything, he just fights omg. And Cloud in KHI was...well, the first thing I thought about him was "WTF IS HE WEARING" and then I had to fight him i think? I might be mixing this up with CoM asdfjkl and gah. Cloud what happened to all of your character development omg. But by KHII he's all better. Somewhat. and omg Aerith <3 I love her, she's amazing XD and then there's squall leon and he's awesome as usual and gah I can't express all my feelings for the FF characters or this will be my longest post ever and that is saying something

BUT. My favorite FF character in KH and my favorite FF character overall is ZACK SKDLGHSDL:KFHSDGLKFJSLDKHFKSDHG:LKSDFJHSDLKFHSKL:GHSD:KFJSDK I HAVE ALMOST AS MANY FEELS FOR ZACK AS I DO FOR VEN OKAY I just asdfjkl the only game I've bawled more over than BbS is Crisis Core because

spoiler: Crisis Core

God. So there are my shortened because this is going to be a loooooong post anyway feelings about Zaaaaaack. <3

Sephiroth's actually also in the original KH. But yes he is creepy in the first one, even though I didn't like his voice actor there. And you do have to fight Cloud even though the outcome was pretty much the same, win or lose. I was already familiar with FFVII and Vincent Valentine back then so I knew the clothes referred to him (and I think it looks cool for him to be in this garb). But yeah KH, and even Dissidia, did throw away his character development. I thought he was the same in KHII, haha. Speaking of KHII, I was annoyed that Aerith sounded awful in it. I absolutely adore Aerith and she deserved a better voice actress than that (she did get one eventually, see Crisis Core). Leon was also pretty cool even though I never finished VIII, and I can say whatever character development he got in VIII, it certainly showed in the KH series since he seems less glum and more friendly.

Zack is indeed awesome. Crisis Core will never be the same if he weren't there.
And Aerith x Zack!

spoiler: Crisis Core

I wish I could play FFXIII. lol Saku doesn't own a xbox nor a ps3 so she is inherently fail
We only recently got our XBOX 360 fixed, too, and I never got to play FFXIII before it became non-functional. At least I get to play it soon. Hope you somehow get to play FFXIII eventually, Sakura.

spoiler:BbS, KH3D
spoiler: BBS, KH3D

spoiler: KH3D

spoiler: BBS

spoilers: BbS
spoiler: BBS, KHIIFM

spoilers: Days, BbS...erm... KH3D
spoiler: Days, KH3D

spoiler:3D, BbS
spoiler: 3D

spoiler:KH3D, BbS


spoiler: KH3D, BBS

spoiler:BbS, Coded
spoiler: BBS, Coded

spoiler: BBS

spoilers: Days
spoiler: Days

omg hun i'm sorry should i just shut up and stand in the corner omg


You're welcome dear. That's one of my favorites XD
Again, don't worry about it! And I am quite grateful.
It's alright Sakura! Don't feel bad, we all love Ven and if we love a specific thing this much, I'm sure we'd all be willing to write amazing walls of text about it. :D

I just feel bad about alienating all the Final Fantasy people omg. erm I could probably write walls of text about Crisis Core if that would make everyone happy ;__;

Sephiroth's actually also in the original KH. But yes he is creepy in the first one, even though I didn't like his voice actor there. And you do have to fight Cloud even though the outcome was pretty much the same, win or lose. I was already familiar with FFVII and Vincent Valentine back then so I knew the clothes referred to him (and I think it looks cool for him to be in this garb). But yeah KH, and even Dissidia, did throw away his character development. I thought he was the same in KHII, haha. Speaking of KHII, I was annoyed that Aerith sounded awful in it. I absolutely adore Aerith and she deserved a better voice actress than that (she did get one eventually, see Crisis Core). Leon was also pretty cool even though I never finished VIII, and I can say whatever character development he got in VIII, it certainly showed in the KH series since he seems less glum and more friendly.

Okay, well, I think I still must have seen this on youtube, because I don't remember doing this fight omg. And yeah, a couple of years after I played KHI I got a (used) copy of FFVII and saw Vincent and I was like "Oh. Right." I never did understand the giant wing, though. Pretty sure that's something that Vincent doesn't have? Idk? :/ he was still pretty mopey in KHII but not quite as much as KHI and Dissidia omg. zack needs to be in dissidia it would make me feel better omg. I never finished VIII either, lol. but I prefer KH!Leon over FFVIII!Leon/Squall, though.

asdfjkl i know. I don't think annnnnyone likes Aerith's voice in KHII. CrisisCore!Aerith-voice, however, is fantastic and spectacular and omg she is just too awesome okay

Zack is indeed awesome. Crisis Core will never be the same if he weren't there.
And Aerith x Zack!

spoiler: Crisis Core

ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK <3 <3 <3 omg I have three otps between FF and KH and ZackxAerith is one of them asdfjkl. SO CUTE

spoiler: FFVII, Crisis Core

We only recently got our XBOX 360 fixed, too, and I never got to play FFXIII before it became non-functional. At least I get to play it soon. Hope you somehow get to play FFXIII eventually, Sakura.

I'll probably end up getting the PS3 because it's likely KHIII will be on it, if it ever comes out omg so I might get FFXIII and the sequel (?) to it I completely forget what it's called asdfjkl.

spoiler: BBS, KH3D

spoiler: KH3D, BbS


spoiler: KH3D

spoilers: KH3D

spoiler: BBS

spoilers: BbS

spoiler: BBS, KHIIFM

spoilers: BbS

spoiler: Days, KH3D

spoilers: Days

spoiler: 3D

spoilers: KH3D

spoiler: KH3D, BBS

spoilers: BbS, KH3D

spoiler: BBS, Coded

spoilers: BbS, coded

spoiler: BBS

spoiler: BbS

spoiler: Days

spoiler: Days, KH3D

Again, don't worry about it! And I am quite grateful.

asdfjkl I will try to talk more about FF. I mean I have tons of feels for Crisis Core and FFVII but I thought maybe those were considered too mainstream and I'd get yelled at for talking about them. i have self-esteem issues okay ;___;

Hun, have you ever read this one? I linked this one to Lightning earlier but I'm not sure if you caught it or not. Spoilers for Birth by Sleep, btw.
Sakura you should just put all the wall of text for KH into a spoiler soo it doesnt take up the whole page >.< and I can more easily find things I can talk about!
I think Im going to watch Crisis Core tonight, It's animated isnt it? /hopes its that movie I read about and not a game.

My favourite thing that I've seen with Zack is when
Advent Children Complete Spoiler

That was awesome.

I thought the FF characters fit well into KH myself, but then again I hadnt really played FF before I played KH so I just seemed right to me but my god;
Trying to fight Sephiroth was probably the hardest thing ever, I could not beat him, he literally just pwned me way to hard and there was basically nothing I could do.. (Why is he so strong!)
Also Im not sure Zack's a spoiler to crisis core as it happens for FF7 anyways.. but..

Also I agree with SwiftSign on that some FF questions should be added to the sign up sheet. It would make it more fair on people because when I did it I was like.. I swear this was a SE club not a KH club.. am I mistaken.. ??
Sakura you should just put all the wall of text for KH into a spoiler soo it doesnt take up the whole page >.< and I can more easily find things I can talk about!

I'm just going to
stand in the corner
-corner of despair omg-

I think Im going to watch Crisis Core tonight, It's animated isnt it? /hopes its that movie I read about and not a game.

You're thinking of Last Order, dear. Crisis Core is in fact a game. Starring ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. omg

My favourite thing that I've seen with Zack is when
Advent Children Complete Spoiler

That was awesome.

omg omg i know and in the first AC I was so sad that they didn't put him in hardly anywhere and then in ACC there he was. I WAS SO HAPPY OKAY.

I thought the FF characters fit well into KH myself, but then again I hadnt really played FF before I played KH so I just seemed right to me but my god;
Trying to fight Sephiroth was probably the hardest thing ever, I could not beat him, he literally just pwned me way to hard and there was basically nothing I could do.. (Why is he so strong!)
Also Im not sure Zack's a spoiler to crisis core as it happens for FF7 anyways.. but..

Which Sephiroth? KHI!Sephiroth or KHII!Sephiroth? and I don't think everyone on earth has played FFVII and/or Crisis Core so I'm going to spoiler tag it anyway XD

Also I agree with SwiftSign on that some FF questions should be added to the sign up sheet. It would make it more fair on people because when I did it I was like.. I swear this was a SE club not a KH club.. am I mistaken.. ??

Yes, I think that some FF questions need to be added, just to make it fair. asdfjkl why why why did i turn the entire club into my feelings for ven/bbs whyyyyyy
I'm just going to
stand in the corner
-corner of despair omg-

-goes and joins Sakura-
Its okay darling Ill come be your friend its just to make it easier on me xD.

You're thinking of Last Order, dear. Crisis Core is in fact a game. Starring ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. omg

Ugh I knew it was something. I probs wont play Crisis Core then.. Wait what platform is it on?

omg omg i know and in the first AC I was so sad that they didn't put him in hardly anywhere and then in ACC there he was. I WAS SO HAPPY OKAY.
Yeah I think ACC was much better, everything was just so much cooler in it! My god, favourite thing ever!

Which Sephiroth? KHI!Sephiroth or KHII!Sephiroth? and I don't think everyone on earth has played FFVII and/or Crisis Core so I'm going to spoiler tag it anyway XD
Umm does it matter.. They were both impossible! well not really but really REALLY hard!!!
Yes, I think that some FF questions need to be added, just to make it fair. asdfjkl why why why did i turn the entire club into my feelings for ven/bbs whyyyyyy

Naww darl!! *hugs* Its okay! We just think it should be a bit more general SE then just KH. But we still LOVEE KH!!
-goes and joins Sakura-
Its okay darling Ill come be your friend its just to make it easier on me xD.

-sniffles- okay dear :)

Ugh I knew it was something. I probs wont play Crisis Core then.. Wait what platform is it on?

Crisis Core is on the PSP. It and BbS are the only reasons I have a PSP, asdfjkl.

Yeah I think ACC was much better, everything was just so much cooler in it! My god, favourite thing ever!

I just have all the feels for ACC. Maiiiinly because of all of the Zack scenes they added in. omg zack sweetheart <3 and um there's more blood. A lot of blood. asdfjkl that just makes it feel more real though.

Umm does it matter.. They were both impossible! well not really but really REALLY hard!!!

Erm well KHI Sephiroth, to me, looked a bit more difficult than KHII Sephiroth. But that's just me.

Naww darl!! *hugs* Its okay! We just think it should be a bit more general SE then just KH. But we still LOVEE KH!!

this is just what happens when I love stuff too much
this shouldn't be a thing


Hi! Welcome to the fanclub!

-is distracted by avatar-

asdfjkl akuroku otp
*Hugs Sakura* You're allowed to love things, we love how much joy it brings you.

Im never going to get a PSP ill just have to find me an emulatorrrrr.

Yeah so much more blood! Im going to have to re-watch it for sure.

Yeah I didnt lvl up enough to fight in him KH2 but in KH1 I could barely knock 3 health bars from him before he ripped me to shreds, he was impossible!!

Welcome CoraCora,
Just when you're joining clubs dont bother asking for permission youll always be welcome and accept, just jump straight into the discussion!
Ok, I check this thread after weeks of forgeting, and I find 2 pages filled with mostly fangirl text-walls xp

Anyway, today's my b-day! Decided to get a 3ds instead of waiting till the end of summer for to get it along w/ kh3d
*Raises hand* I'm a boy...well biologically speaking. Mentality not so sure. Yet I do suppot the adorable and sexy boys. Ok I'm shutting up now.
*Raises hand* I'm a boy...well biologically speaking. Mentality not so sure. Yet I do suppot the adorable and sexy boys. Ok I'm shutting up now.

I am automatically distracted by the Akuroku. or Soriku. or anything really, as long as they're pretty. asdfjkl does this make me a bad person.

Ok, I check this thread after weeks of forgeting, and I find 2 pages filled with mostly fangirl text-walls xp

-corner of despair omg

Anyway, today's my b-day! Decided to get a 3ds instead of waiting till the end of summer for to get it along w/ kh3d

Happy B-day! yaaaaaaaaaay 3DS. I got mine like the instant that KH3D was announced, lol. But I also got it for the eventual Animal Crossing game and also Kid Icarus but all this is off topic omg

Yeah so much more blood! Im going to have to re-watch it for sure.

I was going "omg can he survive losing this much blood" and then I remembered that he's essentially a super soldier and then I lol'd.

Spoiler: Advent Children

spoiler: Advent Children


Yeah I didnt lvl up enough to fight in him KH2 but in KH1 I could barely knock 3 health bars from him before he ripped me to shreds, he was impossible!!

I think that I am in fact at the maximum level in KHII is it 99 or 100? Can't remember so it's totes easy to beat anything asdfjkl. as for KHI I really don't remember fighting Sephiroth and I think I would remember fighting Sephiroth am i right so I can't speak for that.
Please post relevant things when replying in Other Clubs, Try and make your post at least close to being on topic.
But yes the animation in ACC is amazing. Also do try and keep it clean if possible.

Yeah thats what they said! It was cute, Cloud was all like DAWWWW.
ACC Spoiler

Oh rly? Well thats just cheating! He's still pretty tough though isnt he?
In KHI he's at the Colosseum and is just a beast from hell.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bro! I hope you enjoy your 3DS and get some mad enjoyment out of KH3D!!
Please post relevant things when replying in Other Clubs, Try and make your post at least close to being on topic.
But yes the animation in ACC is amazing. Also do try and keep it clean if possible.

Yeah thats what they said! It was cute, Cloud was all like DAWWWW.
ACC Spoiler

Oh rly? Well thats just cheating! He's still pretty tough though isnt he?
In KHI he's at the Colosseum and is just a beast from hell.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bro! I hope you enjoy your 3DS and get some mad enjoyment out of KH3D!!

Wait thought my post was relevant since people were talking about Advent Children.
Wait thought my post was relevant since people were talking about Advent Children.

I was talking about the first one about being a male..?

The other one was better, definitely agree with the amazing animation, does remind me a lot of the cut scenes from the newer games though!
They should totally just take all the cut scenes from newer games and turn it into like a movie, they wouldnt even have to add all that much to make it tie together!!
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