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[Discussion] B????????????L?????????????A??????R?????G?????H????A????G????????B????????R?A???????A???????A?????S?????????F???????H???G???????????J?

Realizing that the the deep and penetrating sense of dread had finally left his psyche alone, Ihsaan attempted to wipe his now wet and salty face. Being a very level-headed person, he decided the best way to go about this was using the arm with all the spikes on it. His swearing as a graze opened up below his eye was drowned out by the overwhelming voice in Ihsaan's barren mind-space.


These almost primal words reverberated through Ihsaan's skull. It seemed to originate from the only thing that was holding the 'island' together. The tree.

"What. How. Who are you? Am I crazy?"


"Fair enough. Your name is Hannah now." said Ihsaan whilst pinning his Hannah Montana poster on a spike he conjured from the tree bark. A similar spike appeared on his foreleg.

"You're the best of both worlds, bud, never forg- Wait, what the-"

The destroyed abyss around Ihsaan was restored in a synchronous folding motion.

"That's a relief. Anyways Hannah, how's your day been?"


"I don't think we're quite there yet-" said Ihsaan scoffing at the tree as a massive tentacle grabbed him from behind. It wrapped around him or, rather attempted to. The large spike that weighed the brown child down skewered the tentacle and Ihsaan was showered with tentacle fluids.


Ihsaan merely sighed and collapsed on the collapsed tentacle.

"I'm not sure I even want my soul anymore,"
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Aquacorde punches her attackers as they each reach her. Something begins to smell burnt. It's not her, yet, but it could be. Aquacorde feels her way around the area- the walls seem less hot than the floor or ceiling, so she rips one open at random.
Salzorrah ponders for a moment. She could turn the pies to stone, but that seems a waste of power. She could use the iron armor to break the oven, but Safe-chan and my kids gave that to me. That's disrespect, man...

She calls out to the great Tentacle in the sky, and ask for advice!

"Oh great Unholy Tentacle, what do we need to do to get out of this situation?"

For some strange reason, an idea popped in her mind, as if the Unholy Tentacle himself has given a hint!


Salzorrah beamed up and said "The tentacle has spoken!"

She proceeded to scream like Spongebob and Patrick did in that one episode where they got stuck with Squidward in the Kelp Forest, and sat there, doing nothing.
Event I

I have no idea how I got here, nor where I was heading. What I do know, is that my LOW-GROUND LEVITATION power can not carry me across large apocalyptic gaps in the ground. I could perhaps attempt to levitate up along the sturdy tree stem, or drop the menacing CHAINSAW I'm currently TELEKINETICALLY swinging around in my neck-chain and instead focus my powers on making a tree branch reach down and pick me up.

But the much easier solution is simply to cut the tree down. No match for the CHAINSAW. The tree falls and bridges the gap between myself and SAFE GROUND. As the world crumbles around me, I roll my eyes and levitate across the wood into safety.​
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Perhaps ripping the walls of an active giant stove isn't the smartest thing to do. As you tear away the metal with your claws, you pierce the gas tank and a massive burst of flame explodes out of the wall, burning all the evil pies to a crisp but also burning off the blindfold on your face. Thankfully your other items are safe.


Showered by the demonic juices of the tentacle, the poster on Hannah's trunk now appears stuck to her and irremovable. Hannah's leaves all turn yellow though, so she does kind of look like her now.


Your karate skills successfully fend off the pies, just enough for you to make a break for it and run out of the oven. However you notice that Carl has began munching down on a piece of one the pies - hopefully he doesn't get sick.

Your bravery and reasoning makes the pies suddenly realize who the real enemy is, and they all lay down their tentacles and nod at you. Releasing the inner Braveheart within you, you rally the pastry to revolt against their pie-eating overlord and destroy the hot cage that confines them. After multiple tries, you and your troops manage to burst down the door of the mega oven, successfully escaping. After a long and arduous journey you manage to reunite the kidnapped pies with their people at their home village. You are showered with praise and adoration by the pie people. A giant tentacle soufflé appears before you, seemingly their leader. He hands you a giant golden sword. "This was my father's, Jim E. Pie's. You are destined to have it, pie savior." he says, kneeling down.


Your super dank 1000 degree glowing knife video lands you a whole lot of ad revenue, filling your pockets with virtual cash. Too bad it's going to be a dead meme soon.

Your laser bullets swiftly destroy all the pies in the room, in an impressive yet simultaneously pathetic feat of self-pity. However, the heat in the oven causes the tentacle holding you midair to dry up and turn to dust, dropping you to the ground in a pile of lipids and skin folds. The hay from your hay bag has all caught on fire, but your goat is still eating it. Suddenly, a burst of fire comes from its orifices. Its fur turns red and lava cracks appear on its body, and it lets out a mighty bleat; it is now a fire goat.


The pies cheer happily as you throw yourself voluntarily into one. After a few moments, the flames on your skin die out, but you can't get out of the pie anymore. Suddenly, you feel a massive hand grab the pie you are in, and take you own of the oven. Peering through a crack in the dough you see that it is a revolting giant creature, with strange orange hair and a stranger Australian accent. The creature tosses the pie into its mouth whole. After a tumbling ride through its digestive system - which you thankfully go through unscathed, thanks to your plant-based high fiber content - you find yourself thrown into a giant pool of water, smelling a little less than fresh.


The pies are all happy with the chocolate you give them and all return to being normal pies in the oven. Suddenly, a large hairy hand opens the oven and grabs a handful of them. You quickly use the distraction to get out and escape. As you stumble far away from the creatures, you notice that your bottle is lighter than usual.


The light from the giant oven, being artificial thankfully fills your battery to 2/3 of its full capacity. You and your pie henchmen defeat the other pastry monsters and make your way out safely, the pies mistaking you for a mafia member with your tie and following you as their godfather.


The pie reel back as you pose sensually, and the oven turns off. One of the pies back away, pulls out a cellphone and dials a number. "I can't ****ing do this gig, boss!" You hear it complain on the phone. "We ain't paid enough to deal with this ****!" The other pies nod in approval and all leave the oven from the back door, throwing disgusted glances at you. You... win...?

You succeed at the event. I don't know how, but you make it out and absolutely nothing of note happens except your victory. Blarzigord works in mysterious ways.

Who are you rolling your eyes at? The tree does not appreciate that sass, young lady. It suddenly gets back upright, swatting you upwards like a fly and sending you tumbling across the plains. The tentacles graze against your face as you land, dazed. After a few moments, you realize you're missing one of your teeth. Guess you won't be looking so hot at next year's high school prom.


Simply thinking about this vile 'thing' makes one want to vomit and put it of the misery which is its existence.

Vermin, you have been gifted with the power of STORING ANYTHING IN YOUR BODY and SPEAKING EVERY LANGUAGE.

BUT, your powers only work by putting items in your body orifices. You also cannot stop yourself from blabbering random words nonstop.

Blarzigord has gifted you with a KNIFE, and an INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL ON HOW TO LAND JOB INTERVIEWS.


As you walk through the confusing, mesmerising world that is blarzigord's realm, you slowly notice the sky turning a dark blue color. And then suddenly, a red color. The green.
Then purple. Wait, is there a party happening anywhere? You look down at your feet and the floor is now a checkered rainbow of colors, alternating to the beat of a swanky song playing in your head.

"YOU THERE!" a groovy voice calls out in front of you. "YEAH, YOU!" It appears to come from a faceless and irresistibly seductive man with brown hair and in a white suit, perpetually dancing as he speaks. He doesn't even break a sweat as he poses magnificently before you. "I, MACINTYRE, SON OF THE HOLY ONE, CHALLENGE YOU... TO A DUEL!" He strikes another pose. "SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!"

[PokeCommunity.com] B????????????L?????????????A??????R?????G?????H????A????G????????B????????R?A???????A???????A?????S?????????F???????H???G???????????J?

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>> Event II

When the tentacle grows violently from its multiple smoller blue ingredients, ADVENTURE promptly denies it proximity. She is upset about the recent rude behavior from a log that by all natural logic should be dead and not be flinging people around, and so she has little patience for this new nuisance. The CHAINSAW awakes again by TELEKINETIC PROWESS and puts a jack in the GIANT TENTACLE. Not chopping it off at the base though, that would be unnecessarily rude. Just a small warning cut near the top.​
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The challenge is set, and Fifi is down for challenges. Unfortunately he isn't nearly inebriated enough to dance without caring, but what is life besides making the most out of bad situations. It's a good thing he decided to wear his special cultist robe with the flared jeans underneath, because things were about to get funky.

Busting out a few safe moves to start with, just to get into the groove of it, he began to feel the music in his blood. This groovy stranger was probably winning at this point. But Fifi had a secret weapon.

Shoving a pancake in his mouth as gracefully and sneakily as he could (in a move that is most certainly not a dab, thank you very much), he started to ignite his limbs. Now he could perform his riskier moves with some pizazz to hide his failures. Muttering foul and arcane words to the great tentacled one such as "blaraggarafh", "yggrafft", and "the reports are due Tuesday" he prayed for a victory and he finished with a sliding dab.
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Godzil bursts onto the scene, waving a knife and a book around. "Taco Tuesday!" He exclaims, shoving the knife into his own ear. It seems to vanish, leaving him unharmed, the book following shortly thereafter. "I'm not usually one for parties, be they wingding, hoedown, hootenanny, or shindig, but as the kids say, 'Ain't no party like a Blarzigord dance party!'"

He decides to grab a few bottles off the shelf as he watches the others dance, discreetly tucking them away for later. "Hubba bubba, this party is off the chain! Time for me to show my moves, which are highly embarrassing and silly, and you'll never see me perform them in real life!"

I could explain his odd flailing, but his odd habit of saying random words will have to suffice. "Clap your hands three times! Now clap someone else's hands three times! Make a puppet with your hand and talk to your neighbor. Jump about, twist and shout, whip it out, touch your elbow to your nose, bring your booty down to the ground, jump up, make a sound, stomp your hooves, turn around!"
Oh, a club scene, eh? A duel?

I eye the lithe man in front of me, dancing away the night as if he were originally an Adobe Flash-animated Skype emoji. Simply put, his moves are wack, but I know better than to cut someone down if I'm barely any better.

"Alright, Mac," I start, palming at the side of my neck as I force a cocky grin. "I'll square up, big boy."

Admittedly, I need a drink in me before I dance, and quite usually, I find myself lost in a crowd, panting and damp with a missing shirt and my pants on backwards. And as I look around, this desolate club scene is definitely not popping off. What an awful venue.

I had to quickly consider. Mac definitely had the moves of a coordinated gay man, and I've had many a muggy, strobe-lit foray into that territory, but what if ripping off my tank top and undulating my hips granted me no favors?

It was best to go safe, and as I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, I tried to channel none other than my hero, Charles Washington, the ladykiller with the highest drive and the sliest jive this side of the tracks. Attempting to remember some of his saucy, aerodynamic, and physically-challenging prowess, I aimed to mimic his moves to the timing of the funk on air.

But as soon as I set out to clap into my two-step, I went into a literal knee-jerk reaction, stomping into a high-step. As my body was so accustomed to the exercise routine I often perform at home with the wife, the muscle memory took over, and I realized too late that my routine had taken a turn for the aerobic.
Salzorrah swoons over MacIntyre.

"Omg, it's really him! AHHHH!" she said to herself with excitement.

She obliges MacIntyre's request, and jumps high above into the air. She does what the kids call "an acrobatic fucking pirouette off the floor" and does a barrel roll up in the air, scoring some major Big Air points. She does a corkscrew towards MacIntyre, fast approaching. She stops right before she hits him and in mid-air, slightly hovering over the ground, and kissed him on the cheek. As she does that, she lands on the floor like a cat, graceful and unharmed.
Event III

It seems the warning cut did wonders, because next thing I know, I'm not violently violated by the big blue tentacle arm. Instead I find myself in pie hell.

"In knew I shouldn't have been so nice to gimmepie..." I groan regretfully as a particularly moist pie envelops me in its tasty innards.

But wait! The CHAINSAW is still attached to my neck-chain, and I could control it to slice the pie open. Naturally, I do so. For good measure, I also slice every other pie in the hot vicinity in at least three pieces each. No more gentle warning cuts.

Who thought it was a good idea to gift the LIMBLESS TELEKINETIC with a CHAINSAW? As I solemnly hover above what may or may not be an oven plate drenched in pie remains, I feel invincible.
"My hair! Aaaaahhh!!" He shrieks, shaking his upper body viciously in his poor attempt on putting out the blazing fire, while riding roller skates at great velocity. The heat hasn't gone off, and stems were easily cut by the poorly handled 1000 degree box cutter, leaving trails of incinerated outlines on the separated pile of woods. He would make a decent lumberjack, but not for long as he stumbles over to a pond, successfully putting an end to his problems.

Wet, the boy strips to dry himself and hangs his clothes on a nearby boulder. Waiting for time to pass, he chooses to give a look on his surroundings.

"This is... myself. Heh, I kinda expected this." His skinny appearance leaves so much to be desired, staring at his own reflection makes him curl. "I don't know where I am, I don't know how I ended up here. All of this is far beyond for a dream, either..."

Still staring, he eventually notices an oddity from the pond. It lights up into different hue after every seconds, and while it is weird, it piques his interest. He equips all of his, now dried belongings and sets out to seek for the originating light.

To his surprise, he discovers checkered dance panels lighting up rhythmically. A lone man in white points his finger towards him, "I, MACINTYRE, SON OF THE HOLY ONE, CHALLENGE YOU... TO A DUEL! SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!"

Feeling engaged and a little confused, the boy reluctantly draws out the giant box cutter behind his back and brandishes the blade at him. He had no idea that Captain Falcon is actually Scottish.

"I-I'm so sorry man!" He apologizes, with a charge and a leap.
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He stared at the dancing challenger. Unfortunately for him he wasn't much of a dancer. But he was willing to give it a shot. He looked at his tiny partner on his shoulder and an idea hit him. A children's show he had watched had given him the new light to beat this sucker.

He whispered into his friend's ear and gave them a nod before letting them into his pants.
As his partner moved, he proceeded to do the Squirrels in my Pants Dance from the children's show Phineas and Ferb. After the mad flailing subsided, he let his partner out as he gave him a small apology

The little tentacle didn't mean any harm and has learned it's lesson now. Through the power of fear you have taught it to respect chainsaw wielding amputees. Unfortunately, a bigger tentacle saw your treatment of the smaller tentacle and decided that it was your turn to learn a lesson. The bigger tentacle beat the crap out of you.


McIntyre is offended that you consider dabbing a dance move and that you assaulted his eyes with not one but two of the things (that first one was definitely a dab. He has deemed you "totally uncool bro" and called his bouncer to chain you up and prevent further embarrassment. It's for your own good!


"Dude, those old school moves a fresh, man!" McIntyre declares, climbing onto your reinforced shoulders and proceeds to vigorously pelvic thrust. Later that night you wake up in McIntyre's room with his contact details scrawled on your arm in glitter pen ink.


McIntyre doesn't pay you much mind, but a legion of hillbillies with no understanding of setting have gathered, imitating your strange dance moves and following your commands, mistaking you for the mic guy at a square dance.


Your out of place aerobics earn you some strange looks and people who are fun move further and further away from you as you continue. Aerobics is not without its benefits though and you feel them already.


Everything that happened after that was a blur. Now you've woken up in another room with blurred vision, a headache and mild nausea and covered in pie with what appears to be a cyborg slumped against the wall across from you.


You again? Your affronts to tentacle-kind have to stop! Blarzigord is also rethinking the TELEKINESIS and CHAINSAW combination.


McIntyre ignores your sudden knife-attack, continuing to lambada by himself as a tentacle appears out of nowhere and wraps impossibly tight around you. The scenery becomes a blur as you are whisked across he room and placed in the naughty corner.

McIntyre is nodding at your intense moves, your friend is less than impressed though. You neglected to mention that you were going commando and it demands you pay for your error.



Unsure of how long you had been there, you stumble out of the club in a daze only to find yourself plummeting through a dark, murky void. Eventually you hit something soft and sticky, the mysterious substance breaking your fall.

Thankful for the safe landing, you try to get up, but you soon realise that you're stuck in place. What's more, hundreds of eyes are now opening in the distance and making their way towards you, growing ever larger. Eventually you realise that your stuck to a giant web, as a swarm of enormous spiders comes into view. Spiders with tentacles.

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"Look it's kind of bullshit that you would just discriminate on a dance move like th-" and before Fifi could finish his sentence he vanished from the room. Landing on something sticky and knowing it wasn't his birthday, he began to worry. The glowing red eyes didn't help.

As soon as the spiders came into view he knew he was in trouble. He would already be slow enough in the web without this giant chain, and he doubted the vore line would work twice. But he was nothing if not full of dumb ideas. Mustering up his courage and removing his bell-bottom jeans he was going to make one more stupid move.

Bouncing off the web like the cartoon trampoline it should be in his master's realm, he jumped on the back of the largest spider he could see and shoved his jeans through it's mouth like reins. Giddy up, Cowboy, because this was going to be a bumpy ride.
Godzil stumbles out of the bar, his posse of loyal hillbillies at his back. They're making plenty of noise, but Blarzigord has granted Godzil the ability to understand their language. "Hoo, doggies! That there was a rip-roarin' good time, I tell you what!" They respond with a chorus of whoops, hollers, and "git 'r done!"s.

Suddenly, the ground gives out! "Zounds!" Godzil exclaims as he falls. Fortunately, he lands in a soft, pliable net that breaks his fall. Unfortunately, he is restrained by the sticky net. Even more unfortunately, the sticky net is actually a spider web! And here come the spiders!

Several of his redneck henchmen fall victim to the spiders, but their sacrifice slows the oncoming horde, giving Godzil time to metaphorically pull a solution out of his ass, by literally pulling his knife out of an orifice pocket. The knife, blessed by Blarzigord, makes short work of the webbing, freeing Godzil and his hillbilly henchmen.

"Alas, my fallen friends! Thank thee for thy sacrifice, noble hillbillies. Nay, hill-Williams! We will honor your deaths with a barn raising and cider drinking later!"
Hannah was already not so thrilled about her sudden hairdo change and being teleported alongside the slimy Ihsaan did not help with her mood.


"I feel for you Hannah but I'm as lost as you- Wait. Is that pie? Praise Blarzigod, it's pie. I'll grab you a slice Hannah no worries," said Ihsaan, as he stumbled towards the group of totally-real-and-not-evil pies.


"Geez, stop being such a diva, remember what your daddy taught you- HOLYMOTHEROFGOD,"

The Maple Pecan Pie that Ihsaan had been eyeing a few moments ago, latched onto his face with maple glazed tentacles completely shattered his spectacles, piercing his right eyelid and leaving some parts of his face with smaller grazes and cuts. His throat was bombarded by a tsunami of maple pecan slime that began entering his windpipe. Ihsaan's survival instincts, although rarely used, still existed. His nose grew longer and sharper instantaneously, which left a decent sized hole in the pie. Luckily, the spike that had appeared on his arm ran from his wrist to beyond his knuckle; perfect for making maple pecan kebabs. He held the pie triumphantly over his head before falling over and puking slime all over the floor.


Ihsaan would have responded with a quick and witty remark as he always does but he began to be bombarded by an assortment of flavors. Blueberry, key-lime, chocolate mousse and matcha all entered his windpipe. The world began to fade when suddenly the writhing stopped. Barky roots clutched each of the pies and crushed them, Hannah had finally paid her debt.


Ihsaan began weeping and running away as Hannah finished off the rest of the pie attackers.

A fiery explosion knocked Ihsaan away from the demonic stove and at the feet of the dancing madman, Macintyre, who began to issue a challenge to our pie gorged hero. However, Ihsaan was in no mood to dance, he had just lost his best friend.

"BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH," yelled Ihsaan as he vomited a cascading wave of multicoloured juices onto the demon's nicely polished shoed. He then lifted his head and gave a meek smile to the still dancing creature.
Salzorrah, whom apparently was with Bardothren in McIntyre's room, sticks with the cyborg, both figuratively, and literally, and basically follows what Bardothren did in the above post. Again, she would've thought of a better post, but she confused af... and maybe a little sore and wet down there, idek
He attempted to struggle in the webs as he apologized to his small friend for neglecting him.
With his brass knuckles broken it was harder to do, but he prepared to protect he and his friend the best he could with whatever moves he knew.