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  • 17,600
    • Seen May 9, 2024
    ..no. stop. stop right now. you're embarrassing yourself even more by making me think that you think i can't tell when you're kidding around.

    I hate it when people write "/shot" at the end of something. hbu? any words or phrases that people typically use that just make you roll your eyes?
    I used to do it. All the time actually. I don't do it anymore though; I don't remember the last time I put "/shot" at the end of my sentence.

    Though I guess "/brick'd" is pretty much the same thing. Still, I don't use that often and when I do it's only when IMing someone (or rather one person. I don't remember using it on anyone else recently) or on Plurk the latter not being very often if at all. I don't remember the last time I had put it in a post.

    As for things that bother me nothing really. I've grown accustomed to most typing quirks probably because chances are I have likely used all of them at least one during my time.
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    The smilies o3o or :V. Every time someone uses them I ask them outright to explain what it means because it makes them squirm since neither have a real definition, they're just meaningless filler meant to look cutesy.
    This thread is stupid. /thread

    But no, seriously, I actually use it a lot though not in a serious manner. I usually just use it when I'm being silly. Like /thread after a stupid comment that has no relevance to the topic whatsoever, or /stupidunfunnycomment or some ****.

    You know what annoys me more? Those stupid-ass hashtags, people that constantly use memes as a source of comedy because they clearly lack the creativity to make up their own jokes or come up with their own retorts, and Youtube comments. So much lack of intelligence it's astonishing. Convoluted mess of douchebaggery and general idiocy and immaturity. I've gotten used to it though and reply to stupid comments on a regular basis. Makes me feel superior, but honestly, when I read most comment trees I feel my brain cells slowly offing themselves one-by-one.
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    Never understood the /shot thing..

    Hash tags are the worst though, especially when people overuse them on Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook. Homg #it'slikethey'retryingtoannoyyou #sunsets #icecream #smileyface
    One of my better online friends does it quite often, and I used to be like 'um what are you doing' because it would be like word/shot and I wouldn't understand why he was attempting to substitute said word for the word shot until he explained it to me. n_n; Another one of my friends does it now and it doesn't really bother me because I do something similar sometimes but otherwise it's just another one of those nitpicks that people do on the internet like emoticons, so why should I care?
    The smilies o3o or :V. Every time someone uses them I ask them outright to explain what it means because it makes them squirm since neither have a real definition, they're just meaningless filler meant to look cutesy.

    o3o does have a meaning. The o's are eyes and the '3' is a mouth kissing you. Essentially, it's a face kissing you xD
    [PokeCommunity.com] "/shot"

    As for :V, I hate that thing so much too. I've tried countless times to find an explanation for this sorcery, but have failed miserably xD
    Same goes for :L. I mean, :| should suffice, why the L? ;_;
    I don't have any problems with typing quirks, unless I don't know what they mean and I have to go look them up on Urban Dictionary or something. Like the term handegg that was brought up in TCTI and I was all confused. xD
    I actually use "/brick'd" sometimes at the end of phrases though, so meh.
    Did you make this thread because of me? u__u

    Admittedly, I abuse /shot. A lot, actually. And maybe I shouldn't. But it is far too terrible of a habit to break! That being said though, I don't get annoyed with anything people say except YOLO.

    Seriously, screw YOLO. u_u

    Also ":)"

    ...It looks sarcastic and extremely rude. XD
    I use /shot sometimes when I say something sarcastic, even though I abbreviate it as "*shot*" instead.
    Nope don't really use /shot but I use other things as I'm too used to my MSN emoticons (ya still using MSN instead of skype or whatsapp... lol), like /swt (sweatdrop) or /run (see my running onion avatar!)
    I don't quite understand the meaning of /shot.

    I don't have a big problem with alot phrases , except YOLO and using hashtags outside of twitter. I hate YOLO cause people overuse it and misuse it too.

    Here's an example

    It's just annoying.
    I've used "/shot" a few times before, but I felt weird using it. Every time I wrote that I imagined myself literally getting shot after speaking, and... I don't know, it put me off, ahaha.

    Not sure if this counts, but I hate when people tYp3 l!k3 di3 b3cuz 0UcH !T'5 hARd 2 r3aD... Honestly, why? It takes forever just to type that out and decode it! I thought most people preferred to abbreviate things? Make up your damn minds lol. Also, I don't like it when people say "doe" for "though". That's just flat out stupid.

    These smilies: o3o , o-o , ^______^

    Also ":)"

    ...It looks sarcastic and extremely rude. XD

    ^ This. I'm never even sure if the person actually means it, and I get that feeling more often than with any other smiling emote, for some reason !

    As for the /shot, I do use it at times, though really not so often at all. But I know people who use stuff like :

    "__________ //TRUCK//"
    "__________ //BUS//"
    "__________ //TRAIN//"
    "__________ //PIANO//"
    "__________ //WALL//"

    ...That's really annoying, even though it's mostly french people, but still.
    And sometimes what they say isn't even funny enough that they will be....crushed by a...piano ? Rolled over by...a train ?! Ugh...
    Then there are those who say "Desu ~", "Kawaiiiiiiiii" abusively etc...

    That's about it I think, I'm not 100% sure but yeah. xD
    Not really a word or phrase but... when people over-use smilies in posts, especially the ones that mean nothing. If you've got more :) or :p or, God forbid, o3o in your post than you have sentences then we have a problem. One or two every now and then is just about alright but when you're so unable to get your point across that you need to use little pictures every two words to express yourself, we have a problem. It's especially annoying when people add more to the emotes than they really need - stuff like :DDDDD instead of just :D or xD;;;;;;;;; instead of xD. And then there's stuff like owo or ;A;)// or WHATEVER which just makes no sense at all.

    Also, hashtags outside of Twitter. Just no. Although I do find "#yolo" funny on occasion.
    I personally dont find YOLO funny. Usually people say something dumb like " I slept in till noon today because YOLO" It's just dumb, overused and not humorous at all. Hashtags are also kinda pointless, I never got the fascination with those.