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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Roberto vs Snype Joint Post

Snype would not throw off Roberto so easily. Yes, it was a cheap move, but he was angry now, he was acting off of base instincts and his instincts screamed at him to go at the vulnerable areas, to kill his foe now and end this as quickly as possible. What the Sableye said was just idiotic. "You are like him! You are just like the one who killed him!" He screamed out as he quickly pushed himself back up from the floor and this time aimed a Metal Claw right for his gut.

Snype clashed claws with Roberto once. He was hit right in the gut, causing his breath to be sent right out of his mouth. Snype sneered at Roberto and attacked him again with Low Sweep. Snype was feeling the fight get to him and was getting exsausted from the heavy beating he was getting.

"Hah... right... and I guess if it were any other Pokemon, their whole species would get the blame?" Snype said

"Yes! Because you are just slimy little cretins! You are an infestation! A giant purple fungus on this world! I will not allow your kind to harm anyone else!" He screamed out. The attack hit right into his legs again, but this Roberto stood strong.

This time… I will not be beaten!" With that Roberto used a Steel Wing, aiming his wings for one of Snype's arms.

Snype used Detect once more to avoid his steel wing. That move was way stronger then Metal claw so whatever he could do to avoid heavy damage, he'd take it. Snype rolled to the side and quickly turned around. Roberto was still stuck in a mindset of revenge. Any other Sableye would go through the same thing it seemed. This guy would kill Snype if given the chance.

"So what then? You would kill me right here now now? Is that it?" Snype said. He used Low sweep again but tried to change it up. He jumped up and aim to give Roberto a kick right across the face.

Mark was getting worried. Roberto was getting really vicious... but Snype seemed to be retaliating just as well. He had a bad feeling about this.

Roberto cried out as he was hit and he staggered back, rubbing at his face. "Because it's the truth! I know all about your species you little germ! Kill… perhaps not. Force you to go into surgery, yes!" He snarled as he readied another Steel Wing and ran right at the ghost again. "You are not fit to live in this world! You think you can bring darkness into this academy!? To Lucia!? I will not allow it!" He shouted.

Already Roberto was feeling the need to end this approaching. He would barrage him with attacks, nothing else mattered at this point. All he had to do was hurt as hard as he could, to even take him for an extended period of time if need be. All the while his rage was just growing due to the flames that licked upon his carapiece.

Snype was hit once more, faling onto his back this time. Roberto was putting up a heck of a fight and Snype could feel himself hitting his limit. If Snype couldn't take him out, the harm from Roberto's burn would have to do if he could last long enough. Snype wasn't sure how long he would last though. He was already on one knee.

"Your crazy. You don't know a thing about me." Snype said, preparing Detect once more to stall however he could.

Once more Roberto ran at him with a Steel Wing, only to be denied. He staggered back, the heat really getting to him now. "I am Red Legion trained… I am far from crazy." He snarled. His eyes narrowed on the Sableye, "You will be brought down, and I will enjoy every single second of it!" He clanged his pincers together angrily. "Now, make your move. It'll be the last one you will make here."

Snype panted heavily as he barely avoided Roberto's Steel Wing. Snype struggled to get onto his feet. "Keh... it better be the last one I make..." He muttered to himself. Snype used all he could to run toward Roberto with whatever strength he had left. He moved in hoping to give Roberto a swift kick to the chest, feeling the heat from Roberto's burn on the way. The crowd was silent as the fight continued on.

Roberto grunted as the foot hit right into his carapiece yet again. The bug just chuckled and grabbed hold of the leg tightly in a pincer. "Well… you just allowed yourself to be caught little cretin. Now-" Roberto felt the flames burn brighter along his body. He could feel the pain… but it was now overtaking him. He ended up releasing the Sableye and falling with a thud onto the dirt.

Lucia slowly lowered her head as her guardian fell. She had never seen Roberto become so enraged before. Would he be like this around Snype? Had he always been like this and she just hadn't been more absorbant? She shakily pulled out his pokeball and recalled the insect. "I… I'll have to heal him." She slowly croaked out, still in shock that Roberto could lose, especially in a one on one fight.

Snype was dropped onto the ground, panting in exsaustion. He would have been down for the count if he took another hit. Mark's heart was pounding the whole way through... but he was happy Snype was able to win... even if most of it might have been luck... Lucia looked dissapointed. Roberto was her guardian after all. Mark hoped that she wouldn't run off like the last girl she beat in a battle... The crowd cheered at the result of the battle, some surprised of the result of the matchup. Mark walked up to Lucia and offered a handshake.

"Good match Lucia! You weren't kidding. Roberto is a heck of a fighter." Mark said.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Mana Murasaki
The Espeon girl

*image removed**image removed*​

"What I mean is, is she good using physical attacks, like Tackle or something?" Mana heard Kilik say after her whole explaination. "O-Oh..." She replied, feeling a little stupid and thinking about Felicity's psychical attacks. "S-She has some physical attacks... I think she's good anyway, wether she uses physical attacks or not." Mana felt a little uncomfortable, if she answered wrong on his question again then he would probably think that she was stupid. "I-It's just my opinion though..." Mana looked away from Kilik. For some reason she felt her face getting hot when she looked at him.

Kilik explained what kind of Pokémon were in his team. Seems like he also has a Deino, a Zoroark and a Gligar. "Cool..." Mana was quite suprised about the amount of friends he had made. Mana only had two Pokémon but not because making friends was hard for her. She usually rejected a Pokémon's offer to become part of her team because she didn't want to take them away from their homes. Mana was brought back to reality when Felicity called out to her. Kilik's Shinx was evolving which suprised all of them. Tentou's body started glowing and his whole body took a new form, one of a Luxio.

"Amazing. How much he did after I met him, he's already this strong." Kilik commented as the glow from Tentou's body started to fade away. Mana was quite amazed as well but was reminded of how she never saw Felicity evolve. Mana's stunning smile slowly changed into a sad one as she stared at the just evolved Luxio. "You know... I never saw Felicity evolve..." She said quietly and moved her attention towards the Espeon beside her. "She was an Eevee when I got her but my father took her away one day and did experiments on her..." Mana picked Felicity up and scratched behind her ear. "She came back as an Espeon..." were her final words.

Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Pokemon Center

Lucia just sort of stared at Roberto's pokeball. "Yeah... it was... good." She sighed softly and put the ball back on her belt with a frown. She pulled off Samuel's pokeball and released the Absol, "Okay Samuel... you'll be taking over right now. Roberto... needs to rest." She forced herself to smile. "Well, Snype is rather strong too Mark."

Samuel glanced over at Snype. "So... I take it you won then? I do have a lot riding on that battle you know."
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Conor Crawford || Route Leading Back To Academy

As Phanpy lay on the ground asleep, Conor clenched his fist."I could try and capture this Phanpy here and now, but Poli is hurt bad" he thought as he looked at the sleeping Phanpy and then at Poli. "I have to help Poli, he's hurt". He walked over to Phanpy and carefully leaned down beside it, "I better do something quick before it wakes up" he whispered to himself. Conor tried lifted the sleeping Pokémon but quickly realised that Phanpy was much heavier than Conor originally thought. Conor enlisted the help of Poli to help push Phanpy of the road and down into a sheltered grassy area where it would be safe.

As they checked on Phanpy a final time to make sure it was safe, Conor turned and looked at Poli. Poli was clearly weak and out of energy. "Poli, I know you don't like your Poké Ball, but you need to rest in it until we get to a Pokémon Centre".

Rama bristled with rage at the Gardevoir's words, though Skye didn't react with more than a tiny, if bitter smile. "Cuh-houldn't hah-have tuh-tuh-hold you thah-hat myself," he replied cheerfully. She was not the first person, but probably the first Pokemon, to tell him that. It was rude, of course, but Skye was learning not to care about lofty words like that. All they did was make blood needlessly boil.

"Hey lady," Rama spat, glowering at her. "Anyone told you you're such a-" Pala, being the occasionally focused polar bear she was, blew ice into the fox's mouth. Rama choked and glowered at the bear, who only giggled and hopped up onto the counter. She sat on it and beamed at Nurse Joy.

"Still need that dustpan!" It didn't quite occur to the bear that Joy could not understand her. Skye certainly seemed to and he was one of the only people that talked to her ever. So why could no one else?

Skye glanced at Zen again and paused, frowning. "Yuh-hour eyes suh-hay a lot," he said simply. He couldn't tell her what they said. He wasn't looking all that hard.


"See," Ash said abruptly. "That's what's so boring. I ain't talkin' about the battle; I'm talking about your eyes. They're so focused on that one thing. I can't even see your face an' I can feel your eyes. They've just got that one lonely thing in 'em." She returned Kira, who snorted at her. "There's more than one thin' to everythin'. If ya don' find it, when you find what you're looking for, then what will ya do? 'S lonely at the top."

She turned and sighed. "Ya ain't gonna be interesting till you have yer own answers. Now, all of ya, scat! I've got class again in a mo' and i'm going to eat."
Dexter Patrick Prince || Oak Town
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
+ Helioptile

As the two of them entered the Pokemon Center, a nurse immediately tended to Rosie. She was whisked away and left Dex alone. However, he still has to get the mysterious Pokemon checked. He approached the nurse by the station and handed her his Pokeballs. "Uh, we got into some problem at the forest, and I need my Pokemon checked."

"Sure thing, you're Pokemon will be healed in no time," the nurse said, taking the Pokeballs. She placed each of them in a Pokeball-reader. An image of the Pokemon flashed on a computer screen. Pansage, Pidgeotto, and Kecleon appeared without a hitch. However, when the new Pokemon was scanned, a question mark encircled by two concentric circles appeared. "That's strange."

"What is?"

"Your Pokemon is a new species?" the nurse simply asked. Dex nodded. "Wow, there's a bunch of new species being discovered everyday. Just last week, a girl with a small Pokemon, like a Teddiursa but colored black and white, entered here." The Nurse got the Pokeballs. A Chansey appeared beside her, and got the tray. "This will take some time, if that is okay. We need to add the new Pokemon to the database, if that is okay?" Dex simply nodded and turned to sit in one of the stairs.

After a few minutes, Rosie came out wearing crutches. She was talking to the nurse amiably. Dex stood up for her to notice him.

Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Beach

Shawn simply shrugged his shoulders and turned away from the teacher. "What a brat!" he thought to himself as he left the beach. He thought about his next task, which was finding a specific pokemon in the mountainous area of the island. That area would be the most logical place to start. First, though, he had to heal his team. Sting took a beating from that battle, which didn't surprise Shawn in the least.

As he walked, however, his stomach started growling. He had better get some food before he headed out. He walked into the cafeteria, where some students were eating before their second class. He suddenly had a thought: he'd have to skip class in order to go to the mountains! He felt uneasy about skipping, but he'd try to make up for it later.

Shawn stood in line for his food. After what seemed like forever, he finally got his tray and sat down by himself. As he ate, he thought about what Ash had said. What WOULD he do after he found his parents? He had never thought that far ahead before.

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android
Holly Amarosa and Sylvia Hanson Joint post

Holly looked up at Sylvia and tilted her head. A... battle? she thought nervously. She looked at Molly and Daisy and whimpered. Won't they get hurt...? I don't want that... Holly petted Molly and frowned. "Isn't that how Pokemon get stronger?" she asked. "If it is, then I guess so... Just don't hurt my Pokemon too much. And go easy on me, please. I've never been in a battle."

Sylvia temporarily lost her cool demeanour as her jaw fell open, she felt like it might hit her feet.
Never... she must be some kind of academic genius to make Suicune then. But, never?!?! Sylvia quickly regained her composure before nodding her head
"Okay, let's see what you've got then. I'll be using Shiva." The glaceon moved to stand in front of her trainer and coiled her legs in preparation. She wasn't going to be nice enough to let her opponent win, that wasn't going to happen.

Holly looked at the ground. I can't send Lumina out because she's too weak... Daisy has a type disadvantage... "That leaves Molly," she whispered. Molly nodded and floated in front of Holly. Daisy hid behind her trainer and whimpered. Holly looked up at Sylvia. "I-I guess you can have the first move... I just hope that you know that I'm not good at battling. I am only in the Entei dorm..."

Sylvia had to force herself not to facepalm... it made sense now. She was only at the Suicune dorm for Kayla whilst she herself, being completely inexperienced was in the Entei dorm.
"We'll just have to see how good you are." Sylvia, much to Shiva's annoyance, carefully considered her move. The Munna was an unknown quantity who could very well be more powerful than her trainer experienced. In the end she decided to go with the safest move to kick things off/
"Shadow Ball". Shiva obeyed instantly uncoiling her muscles and springing into the air before launching a black blob of ghostly energy at her pink opponent.
Let's see what you've got...

Holly gasped as the attack hit Molly. This is what happens when your Pokemon battle, right? I shouldn't worry... she thought. Molly winced and staggered slightly. She looked at the icy fox and glared at her. "O-Oh! Um... Use Psychic!" Holly stammered. Molly nodded, her eyes glowing pink. She focused on the Glaceon and attempted to lift her up.

Shiva nearly cried out in surprise as she was lifted and thrown by a Psychic attack.
"Not bad for a first-timer" complimented Sylvia as her glaceon hit the ground hard before rolling to her feet.
"Shiva let's keep them on their toes a little, use Toxic." The glaceon narrowed her eyes before spitting a poisonous liquid from her mouth at the Psychic type pokemon.
Underestimating my opponent would be a bad idea, but I think we are probably all good here.

Molly winced as the purple liquid hit her. Holly looked at her and tilted her head. "U-Use Psybeam..." she said, with less energy than before. Molly frowned and looked at Shiva. She aimed a multi-colored beam at the Glaceon.

Sylvia smiled a little
Not this time... She was expecting a psychic-typed special attack since that was probably what the Munna would use most effectively and was well prepared to deal with that problem
"Mirror Coat!" A reflective blue light encompassed the Glaceon's body as the attack hit her and a blast of energy flew from where the attack hit as Shiva was thrown back.
I can't do that too often since Shiva still takes damage... but hopefully I won't have to.

Holly tilted her head. "What did that attack do?" she asked. Molly shrugged as well as she could and looked at Shiva. Holly sighed and shook her head. "It probably doesn't matter... Molly, use Yawn!" Molly nodded and yawned, sending a pink cloud at her opponent.

Had to have a sleep inducing attack didn't you...
"Well we'll see if we can freeze you and even the score, Ice Beam!" Shiva opened her mouth a beam of white-blue freezing energy shot towards the pink pokemon. Ice Beam was a powerful move and Molly and Holly were in for one hell of a shock if they truly had never battled before.

Molly wasn't fast enough to dodge the Ice Beam and took the attack head-on. Holly watched her Pokemon's sluggish moves and winced. Did that last attack do something that Molly won't let me see...? She tilted her head. Molly sank down to the ground, but floated back up. Holly pouted. "Molly..."

"Sorry" said Sylvia "but this is pretty much over, which is probably a good thing for me because Shiva is about to fall asleep." This was perfectly true, yawn was a move that gradually made a pokemon sleepier until it finally succumbed to the condition and Shiva was already swaying with saggy eyelids.
"Let's finish things up with a Shadow Ball!" Shiva obeyed again sending the dark sphere flying twoards the weakened psychic-typed pokemon.

The attack hit home, and Molly fell to the ground, her eyes barely open. Holly ran over to her and picked her up. "Y-You did good..." she whispered. She returned the Munna to her Pokeball. Holly looked up at Sylvia and smiled weakly. "I-I think that's all the battling I can handle for today," she whispered softly. "Did I do good?"

"Well..." Sylvia thought for a moment "you didn't do badly but you have a ways to go, which is to be expected if that was your first attempt. Yawn was a good call but you should have tried that sooner... oh and you might want to give her a Pecha berry or an antidote or something." Sylvia noticed that Shiva was now fast asleep at her feet and returned her to her pokeball.
Oh well, guess she's taking a nap then.

Holly tilted her head and smiled weakly. She took Molly out of her Pokeball and hugged her tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. She reached into her bag and pulled out a Pecha berry. Molly looked at it before eating it slowly. Daisy peeked out from behind Holly and looked up at Sylvia. Holly looked up and smiled again. "Thank you, Sylvia," she whispered shyly.

"You're welcome" Sylvia replied "but there's nothing for you to really thank me for." Sylvia walked closer to Holly, eyeing the Munna she had used in battle carefully and considering it. It was strong enough that much was clear, it just needed to be trained more if it was going to be used in battle.
"If you want I can help you work on your battling, Molly is pretty good you just need to train with her more."
What the hell am I doing?!?!

Holly hugged Molly and tilted her head. "Training?" she asked. "We have to train...?" She looked down at Molly. "The only one of my Pokemon that I thought would need training would be Lumina," she muttered. "But she's still a baby..." She looked up at Sylvia. "Would you also help me train my baby Litwick?"

"Of course, having one strong team member isn't going to help you much."
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Haru Hatake: The Glorious Return

Haru wandered out of the woods with his team of pokemon close on his heel. The five of them were all there: Dutchess, Geronimo, Void, Torch, and Twitch. "Well guys, that was fun!" The group had watched Haru preform the song he had been working on. He was positive that it would be amazing when he preformed it, but in the meantime, he had to wander. It wasn't the proper moment. "Let's go for some grub!" With the mention of food, their ears perked up (Except for Geronimo's) All six of them broke into a sprint, with just a trail of dust behind them. "FOR FOOD!" Nothing could keep the Hatake gang from food!


Haru let out a belch, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and sighed in content. They had all eaten. "Alright guys, return!" He pulled out five pokeballs and watched his companions disappear into their respective pokeballs. He stood up in his seat and yawned. He always felt tired after eating. Haru looked around the cafeteria, making sure nobody wanted to hit him or anything like that. It seemed that he had not found any friends in a while. Oh well. I can work on the friends thing in the morning. He yawned and went to a corner of the cafeteria and pulled out his ukelele. He had time, so he began to strum a happy little song on the tiny guitar. With any luck this would attract some attention that he wanted so desperately.

"I'm singing my song, all day long!" With that, he was lost in song and music.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Oerba Dia Vanille

Vanille smiled picking Prince up and setting him on her lap petting him. "I'm in Suicune Dorm" she answered the younger girl before taking out her grooming brush to groom Prince. "I'm studying here so I can become a top Pokemon Coordinator back home in Hoenn" she grinned at the thought.

"What about you Alice? Do you have any goal for studying here?" she asked looking curiously at the other girl watching as Merida lay on the blanket glancing between Alice and Vanille.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Rosalyn Smith

Looking around the room Rosalyn spotted Dex sitting in the chairs in the lobby though he stood when he saw her. Making her way over there using the crutches to help slightly, though using them would take some getting used to. Smiling at Dex she sat down in the chair next to the one he had been sitting in.

"Waiting for your new Pokemon to be healed?" She set the crutches on the floor in front of her, "Thanks for waiting for me by the way"
Mark frowned. Clearly Lucia had something on her mind just from how she as talking. Either from disappointment or shock from losing. He figured Lucia could take losing easily, but this was probably a first for Roberto. He wasn't sure how to bring it up though. Mark was getting worried she would ditch him if he said the wrong thing...

"Is... something on your mind Lucia?" Mark couldn't help but ask.

Snype layed on the ground, unable to move from exhaustion. "Phew... keh... yeah... I won that battle. Hate to say but I'm sure Roberto's gonna hate me even more now. Told you I can handle myself..." He said, panting quickly.
Alice Crenshaw
Pokémon Center (Room 5)

"Well, um, I want to be a Pokémon Researcher. Like a Professor, for example." Alice replied happily, "I want to understand Pokémon better, and know more about them." Vanille's words made Alice remember of all her time at the Academy. The swamp, the classes she'd had, the friends she had made. Then, the inevitable happened, and a particular friend popped into her head. After thinking about her failed battle and loss, she began to think about the boy who helped her train and taught her a little about Pokémon battles; and then the thought of what happened after, while she was sick, made her cheeks turn rosy.

"So, um, yeah... Pokémon research..." she said and giggled, feeling sort of awkward. She looked around, and wondered what had become of that boy.

Bruce Gibson
Academy Grounds

After getting all set in his Dorm Room, Bruce set out to explore the Academy. It was doubtful that there were any classes he could enter, having just arrived, so he decided to take a walk around and "see what's what". As he walked, his eyes diverted to the Pokéball on his belt, where an Abra could be seen. The Abra looked as if it was sleeping. That never stopped him from flashing and teleporting, did it? he thought and sighed. He needed to find somebody that would help him out with his problem. But who?
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] ∣ Zen
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Pokemon Center

Chapter One: Part Three
A Wild(?) Gardevoir Appears!

Zen shook her head half-amused and brought a dustpan from the back room to the Pokemon, using her powers so that she didn't have to move an inch. She caught the glare out of the corner of her eye, and returned it times a few thousand, her entire expression darkening as if she could kill the other without a second thought. She turned to the stutterer, a metaphorical eyebrow raised. "Is that so...? And just what do they say?" She took another bite of her food, paying the lot half of her attention.

Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Pokemon Center

Lucia sighed and smiled weakly at Mark, "Nothing. Just... a surprise is all..." She rubbed her hands together, "Sorry, just thinking that if that had happened with a more... dangerous foe, would Roberto be able to protect me? I just need to rearrange priorities now. Samuel, you'll be the lead for now." She let out a slow breath, "Okay, much better. So, what second class do you have?" She asked him. "I just hope this second class isn't much harder..."

Samuel smirked, "Ha! Yes! I knew you would win! Oh, I am so getting a big payout!" At Lucia's words his smirk faded. "Oh... that is not good." He looked at Snype. "I'm lead and Roberto isn't.... he's going to hate you more now you know. He'll kill you definitely now."
Mark patted Lucia's back lightly and smiled. "I wouldn't give up on Roberto so soon. He still did a good job... but... he was fighting really viciously toward Snype. I think he aimed at his eye at one point. I don't know if I'm in a position to say this but he's been giving some pretty mean looks toward me and Snype. I wonder if he hates us?" Mark said with a shrug. He had to point it out sooner or later. He was getting concerned.

Snype slowly sat up and chuckled at Samuel. He was surprised that he bet on him. Looks like he was going to be one happy Absol. But he had a feeling Roberto would hate him more after the battle. Even if he won, he wouldn't Roberto wouldn't be happy until the Sableye was dead or at least hospitalized.

"That Scizor is nuts. He had some brute force but his little rampage was his weakness. A couple taunts there and he's easy more simple to get around. I didn't want to risk seeing what his other moves were like." Snype said.
Dexter Patrick Prince || Oak Town
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
+ Helioptile

Rosie approached him, with a limp as she's probably still getting used to her new crutches. She sat down. "Waiting for your new Pokemon to be healed? Thanks for waiting for me by the way." Dedx shrugged.

"It's nothing. Besides, the nurse told me that my Pokemon would take a while, as they need to update their database with the new Pokemon. I wonder what he is?" Dex sat down, and crossed his arms. "It looked like an Electric-type though. It used some kind of electric-attack, probably Spark or Thundershock when I saw it." Dex looked at her companion. "Anyway, it seemed like I will be spending some time here. What's your plan?" Dex had just broken one rule on the trainer academy, and he looks forward to breaking the next one. The Lugia Dorm seemed a good place to visit. He considered the thought for a moment, then decided that he cannot take the girl into any more trouble.

Ryan Newson

Ryan put down his papers at the end of the first lesson and stood up. He saw that the students had already packed up and left. He leant back in his chair at the teacher's desk and picked up his pen. He began to mark the assignments that he had set for the students during that lesson.

He knew it wasn't long until the second lesson, and he hoped that his next lesson would be a successful one.

After marking the assignments, he walked over to the board and began to get stuff ready for his next lesson, this was also about Mew.
Ace Nakamura || Oak Town
Charizard landed slowly on the ground of Oak Town. Ace jumped down to reach the ground.
"So that is Oak Town", he said to himself. He looked around the city and noticed plenty of restaurants. He looked at Charizard, it must have been tiring to fly him up to this town. He got a pokeball out of his belt and his pokemon got in. He began searching for a Pokemon Center where Charizard could get some well-deserved rest. He saw a woman walking around and asked her where he could find the nearest Poke Center. After being told the location, he headed off for the Center. While walking, he was examining the city. There were some trainers here and there. Most of them were adults so they couldn't be Academy students. If his pokemons weren't tired, Ace would have challenged one of them to test the abilities of this village's trainer. After few minutes of walking, he arrived at the Center. It looked the same as every other Center. He got in and healed his pokemons quickly. "Now I must go to this Academy, I'll ask someone where it is" He continued his road. A child came across him.
-So you're a trainer? he asked.
-Yes I am, proudly answered Ace with a smirk.
-It must be cool.
-Oh it is! Tell me kid, where can I find the Academy?
-It's this way, near the ocean.
The kid pointed his finger at the south.
-Thanks kid.
With this, Ace left the kid. He walked to the location the kid mentioned. He sprayed some Repel to make pokemons wouldn't annoy him. He was tired and didn't want to fight. He walked for a good half hour. He finally arrived at the Academy. It was a really huge place, Ace thought. He yawned and looked for his dorm. He didn't lose anytime finding it. He entered and collapsed on his bed who has his name on it. Without even taking the time to remove his clothes, sleep invaded his body.

Zayne Alta

Zayne walked out of Oaktown almost as bored as he had been back at Veilstone city. He had been intrigued by his colleagues find but clearly he was just getting in the way and putting a damper on Yew's good spirits so he had left and roamed around the small town for a while, deciding he'd discuss the palaeontological discovery after classes (the time he'd actually agreed to meet the man).
At least my next class is set to start soon... I wonder if they'll fair any better, or any worse?

Zayne soon arrived back at the academy building and walked back to his classroom where he sat at his desk and began to read through the previous classes descriptions of their pokemon as he waited for his next class to arrive.
Interesting... this person completely overlooked their pidgeotto's normal typing. I must remember to bring that up with them later.

Sylvia Hanson

Sylvia was somewhat surprised she had agreed to help Holly out with her battling so easily and had been standing in placing trying to understand what had just happened when the silence between the two girls was interrupted by the rather loud gurgling of Sylvia's stomach.
I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon... she was quick to realise as hunger pains started to occur within her. Slightly embarrassed she looked over at her companion
"eh... sorry about that I haven't eaten since yesterday and, clearly, I'm starving. I'm going to go to the cafeteria and get some lunch." Sylvia considered Holly for a moment before adding "you're welcome to come if you'd like, although you may want to check up on your friend first.". With that said Sylvia turned and walked back into the main academy building, not checking to see if the other girl followed her and quickly headed to the cafeteria for something to eat.
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Cafeteria

As Shawn finished eating, he decided to double-check his inventory to make sure he had everything. He opened the top of his bag and peered inside, rummaging around. Potions, different status healing medicines...typical items. He remembered something and pulled out a Water Stone that Kiki gave him before disappearing. Memories came flooding back and he couldn't stop it. He shook, fighting back the tears, as he placed the stone in a special pocket in his bag. He quickly dried his eyes with an extra napkin laying nearby.

Not knowing how long he'd be gone, Shawn got back in line to get some extra food to pack in his bag for later. After packing food for the trip, he slowly walked out of the academy and headed to Oak Town. His spirits seemed to pick up as he made the walk outside. He loved being outside. After about 30 minutes, he arrived at the door of the pokemon center.

As he walked in, he saw some others inside, so he knew there'd be a wait. He walked up to the nurse running the pokemon and asked her about healing his team. The nurse, smiling, responded, "We have a couple of students ahead of you right now, but we'll get to your pokemon after we heal theirs." Shawn nodded and placed his pokeballs on a rack the nurse provided. He then walked past the others as he sat down to wait for his team to heal. They'll need the strength for where they're headed.

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