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¡Viva España! 8D [TCTI V 6.0]

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Your friend said TCTI is crap, Went? What?
Lucky you, Arian.
My good friend Dani. He said he doesn't like this thread, I told him to check OC or OVP XD

I believe I was banned still when the previous thread was made.


All the other times I was asleep.

Your good friend Dani, huh? A likely story...

The first couple of pages in TCTI is always about the last one, then the previous ones, then couple of pages later, more about the last one from the people who missed the closing. XD

The first couple of pages in TCTI is always about the last one, then the previous ones, then couple of pages later, more about the last one from the people who missed the closing. XD

Last TCTI was win. TCTI before that was win 'cause it was the first one I frequented. I've missed every closing so far, though ;A;

There, covered it all in one post. Let's move along now :D

I started posting in version 3, but wasn't really that active in it. My activity picked up around the end of it. I had the perfect opportunity to create the new thread, but I didn't. I wish I had. XD
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