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i really like emoticons. if i'm posting on here, i type smilie faces. i like texting emoticons to my boyfriend and family.
Just a question but whats everyones favorite emoticon to use? Mine tends to be this on the forums :D
I use emoticons waaaaaaay too much. It defines me. Also, easy to tell my mood!

Favorite emoticons will be the japanese emoticons. I don't really use skype or forum emoticons much.
i love using skype emoticons, and i use text emoticons occasionally (but it's probably more often that i think). i just find that they express emotions easier than a block of text :p
I use at least one text emoticon per post. Pretty sure I'm not exaggerating. I've used less as the years go by but I still can't shake them completely. Habit I guess. *shrugs*

I'm just glad I don't use XD anymore.

Oddly enough I don't use emojis, or is that another topic altogether?

8) is the only emoticon for me

My sister called me lame the other day for using it.


Just a question but whats everyones favorite emoticon to use? Mine tends to be this on the forums :D

Out of sheer useage, probably :) or :p

But I'll always be a bit fond of ¬¬ and the table-flipping one (though I don't use it... I stick to the stuff I can write on a keyboard without copy/paste).
I do not use the PC smilies often. Nooooppppeeee. >_>

I normally have them disabled in my posts anyway.

I tend to abuse c: , :v , and :T. I used to use P: a lot.
I earned the 'smiley overuser' emblem because I use them so much. XD I'm still waiting for the XD one because I overuse that too lol. I feel like without them though, it'd be much harder to express myself. I can sound really serious at times because of how I type. So, adding an emoticon at the end lets others know I'm not trying to be serious.
Emoticons help spice up otherwise emotionless text-based conversations. Without them, it'll definitely be much harder trying to figure out what the other person is feeling. I use them myself when the situation requires. Some of my most frequent ones include c:, :c, :>, :<, :D, ;D, :P, :3, xD, x), 8), <3.
Generally I just sound dull and flat if I don't use emoticons. People generally don't have a clue what I'm trying to get across without them, plus it's easier to show people how you're feeling with them. Ones I use a lot are <3, owo, >_>, and ^^; .
I've started using ;____; waaaay more than I probably should, but whatever. ;______;

I also use the skype emoticons quite often, even outside of skype itself. (sun)