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A delicate balance of introversion/extroversion


sleeping cutie
  • 5,472
    Whenever I get asked if I'm introverted/extroverted, I always want to go on a long tangent about how introversion/extroversion is not a black and white thing, so I'll go ahead and do it here.
    I'd say I am an introvert with extrovert qualities. I love my alone time, I love being physically alone and enjoying my company and no one elses (of course going on the internet and talking to people doesn't count in this scenario), but, I also love people watching and being alone in spaces where other people are present. I love hanging out in coffee shops, libraries, cafes, and enjoying my time alone while also seeing how other people are going about their lives. I guess you could say people-watching is a hobby of mine?
    Anyway, while I like being alone, I get incredibly lonely if I'm without human interaction for too long. When I say human interaction I mean just being near people in general, so if I'm inside for too long I like to go outside with my music, acknowledge other people, and find spaces where other people are hanging around. I need someone to talk to regularly, or I feel really sad.
    But- if I am interacting with people too much- I get super exhausted and want to be alone again. It's kind of a vicious cycle.
    So, as for whether I identify more as an extrovert or and introvert... I'd say like many other things about me, that tends to vary! Maybe leaning a bit more to introversion though.
    While I am an introvert by default, I would really enjoy being more social with others if they fit my standards of being funny and/or really playful, which admittedly isn't often. At least I don't get "really" sad when I'm away from others for so long. It's great to have that kind of stability. Yay me.
    I could count myself as more of being introvert as well. Even though sometimes I can change into 'extrovert mode' while on the mood to talk to people, I still need time to rest after doing so, so I guess it's normal for me.
    Don't worry, you're just an introvert and a stalker. :P

    Being alone for too long can kinda messes with your mood and you could end up as some cynical prick that nobody wants to be around. And even worse: the more you try to talk with others, the more they could shy away. Kind of a vicious cycle as well, if you so will.