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Spinoff/Mobile A Pokémon Pinball title was planned for the DS

A Pokémon Pinball title was planned for the DS

A Pokémon Pinball title was planned for the DS

The spinoff title that never was, revealed by recent leaks. Some beta names for generation four characters and Pokémon have also been found.
Lmao Ploopil

But yes a new pinball game would seriously suit the switch, I would love that tbh, pinball machines are my favourite irl arcade machine type games
Wonders how different that game would have been from the originals. Notes similar-looking ideas, based on screenshots from their other games. Discerns limited information from those, of course.

Sunk a lot of time into both Pokemon Pinball games. Chased high scores and a complete Pokedex back then. (Claims to not be very competitive towards others. Ties somewhat into mastery of a game, however. Presents few other measures of that.)

Looks back now. Sees repetitive gameplay. Would likely not fight for a high score against others now. Describes the complete Pokedex prizes as unrewarding (whatever they were). May have fun for a few hours. Bets on weak longevity without improvements over the originals.

Tosses it into the same category (theoretically) as New Pokemon Snap: okay, but not worth the cost. Would definitely keep an eye on it, however.
That seems interesting, that one was planned, but I honestly wouldn't have wanted it. Nowadays, if Pokemon made a Pinball game, I'd rather it be a f2p mobile game than a 60 dollar thing. Still cool to know they had another one planned, though, I guess.
As neat as that sounds, I would also really hope a pinball title wouldn't be sold at full retail value.
I would've loved a Pinball title on the DS, and I'd still take one now on the Switch too. Definitely a spin off series I'd love the return of.
I think the return to Snap must of done well enough to get them looking at other past dormant spin offs.

I disagree with the comment that it should instead be a f2p/mobile title, but agree about not being priced "full retail" as in the same as the main series games. But I wouldn't have a problem with it priced similar to some other middle tier releases. They could easily give the game enough content to be worth in the 30-40 ballpark.
Moved this over to Spinoff & Mobile Games.

Should have done this earlier. Better late than never.