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[Free Shop] Accepting Fakémon requests cuz y'all are awesome.


English might falter
  • 269
    Hello, how's everybody doing?

    [PokeCommunity.com] Accepting Fakémon requests cuz y'all are awesome.

    I've been a member here for almost two weeks now and I'm astonished by how supportive everyone in this community is! Not only of my own art but also everyone else's. It's like every Showroom thread I see has someone encouraging the artist and sharing advice, it's beautiful.

    So, to commemorate everyone and my first badge, I want to repay this community for the kindness and support that's been shown. And what better way to do that than the way I've been sharing my art? I reckon every fan of Pokémon has at least once imagined a Fakémon of their own, but not everyone has ventured into drawing, so I'm here to offer my services!

    If you have a Fakémon idea you'd like to see drawn in my style, share it here! I'll be picking some of your ideas (more than 4, less than 10) and drawing them just because you guys are awesome. It won't necessarily be first come first served, so don't be discouraged if you see 10 people have already shared their ideas!

    Btw, feel free to conceptualise as much as you'd like, but I'll only draw one per person to be fair with others who'd also like to join the fun.

    Ideas picked:

    Fakémon drawn:

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    Oh oh! I wanna see a Fairy type fakemon inspired by a changeling. :D
    Ooooh, this is soo cool! =O

    Since i'm from Portugal, I would love to see a Pokémon inspired on "Galo de Barcelos" which is a very important symbol here for us.
    This bird generally has some floral pattern mixed with heart shapes on its plumage and the rest is all black. The story is about a dead rooster that crows to prove an accused man's innocence.

    So I imagine something like Flying + Fairy/Ghost? Fairy because of the plumage patterns and because Fairies are known to help others, Ghost because he was dead and came back to life.

    Here's an example for reference:


    Also, shiny Galo de Barcelos just to be funny:

    Wow, that's really nice of you!

    I don't have a fakemon, but rather a fanmade regional form that I'd be glad if you made art of.

    A year or so ago we did the Made in Galar forum event, in which we designed Galarian forms for Shroomish and Breloom. I designed several forms there; I only drew them in pencil since I can't draw digitally. You can see them in the article, as well as more on the designs and inspirations in the project thread.

    Now, my Cook Breloom concept and its Gigantamax form are my favourite ideas I've ever had and I would LOVE to see Cook Breloom digitally drawn. The Gigantamax would be cool too, but that's probably against the one-per-person rule.

    So, check it out, and if you like it and could make art of it, that'd be awesome!
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    Why does everyone have such cool ideas I can't even...

    Oh oh! I wanna see a Fairy type fakemon inspired by a changeling. :D

    I read a bit about it and I love this idea! It's weird how it's not a real Pokémon already, it definitely needs to be one.

    Great Saci haha! love this one!

    Thanks! Perricane is actually one of my personal favorites out of all my Fakémon.

    Ooooh, this is soo cool! =O

    Since i'm from Portugal, I would love to see a Pokémon inspired on "Galo de Barcelos" which is a very important symbol here for us.
    This bird generally has some floral pattern mixed with heart shapes on its plumage and the rest is all black. The story is about a dead rooster that crows to prove an accused man's innocence.

    So I imagine something like Flying + Fairy/Ghost? Fairy because of the plumage patterns and because Fairies are known to help others, Ghost because he was dead and came back to life.

    Here's an example for reference:


    Also, shiny Galo de Barcelos just to be funny:


    I never knew the story behind this rooster! I've seen tons of renditions of it here in Brazil (specially in Portuguese restaurants) and it's so cool to know it has such an interesting background! In fact, one of my Fakémon, Roosol, has its shiny colors based on a small Galo de Barcelos made of clay that my grandmother had at her house when I was young.

    Definitely doing the shiny too :D

    Wow, that's really nice of you!

    I don't have a fakemon, but rather a fanmade regional form that I'd be glad if you made art of.

    A year or so ago we did the Made in Galar forum event, in which we designed Galarian forms for Shroomish and Breloom. I designed several forms there; I only drew them in pencil since I can't draw digitally. You can see them in the article, as well as more on the designs and inspirations in the project thread.

    Now, my Cook Breloom concept and its Gigantamax form are my favourite ideas I've ever had and I would LOVE to see Cook Breloom digitally drawn. The Gigantamax would be cool too, but that's probably against the one-per-person rule.

    So, check it out, and if you like it and could make art of it, that'd be awesome!

    It's such a cool concept! I love how you shared different steps of your creation process and that G-max form is genius. I didn't notice the gun at first, but once I read about it and looked back it was so clear!

    I won't promise the G-max form, but I'll definitely draw its normal form!

    Seeing as to how you already have a clear definition of how it looks, do you have any color scheme in mind?
    What about a peacock? Flying/grass, grass/psychic, or flying/psychic maybe.

    Well, I do have Sambird and Carnavao, a line based on peacocks and Carnival (more specifically Brazilian Carnival, with samba dancers and samba schools) and they also happen to be Psychic/Flying!

    I'll take this chance to talk a bit about their design, as I'll more or less explain the reasoning behind every design in this thread.

    Their names come from "samba" + "bird" and "Carnival" + "pavão" (peacock in Portuguese). Also, the way I imagine most English speakers will pronounce Carnavao's name is how we say Carnival in Portuguese.
    The "eyes" on their bodies are meant to be a mix between the eye-like markings on male peacocks' tails and the sequins commonly used in samba school costumes, and the bowtie on Carnavao's neck is a simplified carnival mask. Most peacock Fakémon I'd seen before designing them focused mostly on the peacock's tail (which is totally understandable) so one of my goals was to move away from that!

    Do you have any other ideas? I'd love to hear them!
    I won't promise the G-max form, but I'll definitely draw its normal form!

    Seeing as to how you already have a clear definition of how it looks, do you have any color scheme in mind?

    Awesome! As for the colour scheme, I was thinking pretty much the same as regular Breloom: beige apron, green body and hat, with green spots (maybe even some red ones). The claws, hooves and spikes are supposed to be grey, in three "layers" going lighter toward the tip. They're meant to smoulder fiery orange when using Fire-type powers.

    We can go from there and see if it works.
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    I never knew the story behind this rooster! I've seen tons of renditions of it here in Brazil (specially in Portuguese restaurants) and it's so cool to know it has such an interesting background! In fact, one of my Fakémon, Roosol, has its shiny colors based on a small Galo de Barcelos made of clay that my grandmother had at her house when I was young.

    Definitely doing the shiny too :D

    I have just noticed that you're from Brazil! I should have known because "coxinha" is one of the most popular icons from Brazil here! (And it's delish-ous =9)

    After reading your post I went to check your initial fakemon topic and I think Roosol makes justice to the Galo of Barcelos image! I really like how you made rooster crest and the spiky tail, like Typhlosion!*-*


    Since we can only pick one, I'll be happy whichever you decide =)
    Well, I do have Sambird and Carnavao, a line based on peacocks and Carnival (more specifically Brazilian Carnival, with samba dancers and samba schools) and they also happen to be Psychic/Flying!

    I'll take this chance to talk a bit about their design, as I'll more or less explain the reasoning behind every design in this thread.

    Their names come from "samba" + "bird" and "Carnival" + "pavão" (peacock in Portuguese). Also, the way I imagine most English speakers will pronounce Carnavao's name is how we say Carnival in Portuguese.
    The "eyes" on their bodies are meant to be a mix between the eye-like markings on male peacocks' tails and the sequins commonly used in samba school costumes, and the bowtie on Carnavao's neck is a simplified carnival mask. Most peacock Fakémon I'd seen before designing them focused mostly on the peacock's tail (which is totally understandable) so one of my goals was to move away from that!

    Do you have any other ideas? I'd love to hear them!

    What about any of these fruit as part grass type:

    Açaí, Jabuticaba, Maracujá, Goiaba, Cupuaçu, Caju, Guarana, Papaya, Graviola, Carambola

    Any of these animals:

    Toco toucan, Jaguar, Giant anteater, Piranha, Golden lion tamarin, Armadillo, Poison dart frog, Broad-snouted caiman, Jaguarundi, Rhea, Maned wolf, Pink dolphin, Ocelot, Emperor tamarin, Macaws
    Seems like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of you! Good luck! (。'▽'。)♡
    Awesome! As for the colour scheme, I was thinking pretty much the same as regular Breloom: beige apron, green body and hat, with green spots (maybe even some red ones). The claws, hooves and spikes are supposed to be grey, in three "layers" going lighter toward the tip. They're meant to smoulder fiery orange when using Fire-type powers.

    We can go from there and see if it works.

    Sounds great!

    I have just noticed that you're from Brazil! I should have known because "coxinha" is one of the most popular icons from Brazil here! (And it's delish-ous =9)

    After reading your post I went to check your initial fakemon topic and I think Roosol makes justice to the Galo of Barcelos image! I really like how you made rooster crest and the spiky tail, like Typhlosion!*-*


    Since we can only pick one, I'll be happy whichever you decide =)

    Thanks! I'll read a bit more on both of them and decide.

    And yes, coxinhas are my life :)

    What about any of these fruit as part grass type:

    Açaí, Jabuticaba, Maracujá, Goiaba, Cupuaçu, Caju, Guarana, Papaya, Graviola, Carambola

    Any of these animals:

    Toco toucan, Jaguar, Giant anteater, Piranha, Golden lion tamarin, Armadillo, Poison dart frog, Broad-snouted caiman, Jaguarundi, Rhea, Maned wolf, Pink dolphin, Ocelot, Emperor tamarin, Macaws

    Oooh some great ideas here! For maracujá there's Drowya and Passleep, and a lot of these are planned for my Fakedex, so I can say for certain that most of these will eventually be drawn :)

    Well, I might as well draw one of them here!

    Not the frog tho cuz I'm terrified of frogs and can't even see pictures of them without shivering.

    Seems like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of you! Good luck! (。'▽'。)♡

    Hahaha yup! Can't wait to begin!
    Hey guys, just wanted to update everyone...

    My PC's fan has been acting up lately, sometimes it sounds like an ice machine and I'm scheduled to take it to maintenance next week, so things might take a little longer than I'd like, but I'll draw every mon asap!
    Hey guys, just wanted to update everyone...

    My PC's fan has been acting up lately, sometimes it sounds like an ice machine and I'm scheduled to take it to maintenance next week, so things might take a little longer than I'd like, but I'll draw every mon asap!

    take all the time you need! i don't really have a suggestion to make at the moment, but it looks like you already have quite the workload ahead of you. wishing you the best of luck, and i can't wait to see what you've come up with! :D
    Hey guys, just wanted to update everyone...

    My PC's fan has been acting up lately, sometimes it sounds like an ice machine and I'm scheduled to take it to maintenance next week, so things might take a little longer than I'd like, but I'll draw every mon asap!

    It may be dust build up. When was the last time you cleaned it? Open the tower and use compressed air on the fans and boards. Then use a vacuum to suck up the loose dust.
    It may be dust build up. When was the last time you cleaned it? Open the tower and use compressed air on the fans and boards. Then use a vacuum to suck up the loose dust.
    I thought about doing it, but I looked everywhere in my city for the right screwdriver and couldn't find it anywhere :/

    Well, I'm dropping it off tomorrow for repairs, hopefully it won't take long
    Apparently my computer is gonna be ready on Monday!

    Until then, I've been borrowing my mother's computer so I can work, but because we're taking turns using it I haven't been able to use it for anything but work.

    BUT I did manage to squeeze one of your requests in:

    Oh oh! I wanna see a Fairy type fakemon inspired by a changeling. :D

    [PokeCommunity.com] Accepting Fakémon requests cuz y'all are awesome.


    The Fostered Pokémon
    Type: Fairy
    Ability: Cute Charm / Rattled - HA: Imposter
    Stats: 35 / 35 / 30 / 35 / 30 / 42 - 207
    Based on a changeling. I decided to make it a demonic baby as in some countries the legend of the changelings was also related to demons, but also due to reading something about how a baby with a caul was a changeling. So a baby in cute baby clothing. Also it's constantly crying and screaming because it's a little devil :P


    The Mysticism Pokémon
    Type: Fairy/Dark
    Ability: Magic Bounce / Magic Guard - HA: Illusion
    Stats: 75 / 65 / 70 / 145 / 70 / 92 - 517
    Based on a demonic sorcerer. Seeing as to how some reasons commonly given for human babies being taken were to have them as servants, to have a good old age or plainly due to malice, I think changelings are perfect fits for the Dark-type as well! After all, the Dark-type is known as the "evil" type in Japanese and is related to underhanded tactics. I also decided to base it on a sorcerer as I imagine a magical creature growing among humans in the Middle Ages would likely turn towards "human sorcery", if there even is such a thing.

    Some more details:

    Hope you like it!
    Holy shit. This is incredible!! It's way better than anything I imagined and I really feel like you got the concept down PERFECTLY while also adhering to the Sugimori Pokemon style. This is... just.. wow!

    May I make a sprite out of these cuties?
    Holy shit. This is incredible!! It's way better than anything I imagined and I really feel like you got the concept down PERFECTLY while also adhering to the Sugimori Pokemon style. This is... just.. wow!

    May I make a sprite out of these cuties?

    Why, thank you very much! Glad you like it!

    Yesssssss! I'd love to see that!