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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

That's a great idea, but unfortunately Club activities have to be within the Club only, so we can't put up polls in other Threads (this is what you meant, right?). But having a Poll is a gr8 idea, I'll definitely look into it & maybe we can have one on this Thread :).

Pika Pika :chu:

I'm really very sorry I didn't know that. But I think that would be great if we do that. Okay, sorry once again.
I'm really very sorry I didn't know that. But I think that would be great if we do that. Okay, sorry once again.
Its okay, no need to be sorry, you should actually be very happy, because I very glad to tell u Lieutenant Imrul Quayes Adnan, that you have been promoted & will now be known as Captain Imrul Quayes Adnan {:3}. This also means that you can now either Evolve your Starter or change it with any other Electric Pokemon (except Legendary/Megas), but I don't think you'd want to change your Pikachu eh (you can evolve it though, of course if you want to, your choice :))

Current Discussions:-

Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?

Pika Pika :chu:
Its okay, no need to be sorry, you should actually be very happy, because I very glad to tell u Lieutenant Imrul Quayes Adnan, that you have been promoted & will now be known as Captain Imrul Quayes Adnan {:3}. This also means that you can now either Evolve your Starter or change it with any other Electric Pokemon (except Legendary/Megas), but I don't think you'd want to change your Pikachu eh (you can evolve it though, of course if you want to, your choice :))

Current Discussions:-

Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?

Pika Pika :chu:

Hey Brigadier LegendChu ,
thanks for promoting me as Captain Imrul Quayes Adnan. I'm really very happy about that. And yeah you're right I won't change my pikachu and won't evolve it. Cause you know how I love it. And as a bonus partner I am choosing shinx. I love it also.:-D
Last edited:
And speaking of Megas, how come nobody thought of Raichu o_O. Well I did & here's what I found.


Here's a Mega Raichu, from my side.


Maybe not as awesome as the one posted by Raj, but I think its quite good aha xD.
This seems like fun, can I join please.

- Sunshine Moonlight
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) -
Pikachu & all Pikaclones, Joltik, Blitzle, Elekid
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) -
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon -
They're all kewl cutie pies, especially Pikachu & all Pikaclones
Your Electric Type Tag Partner
- I'll go with Pichu
Your Tag Partner's Nickname -
No nicknames

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?
Definitely, my team always consists of at least one Electric Type Pokemon

Discussion #2 - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?
I'd like to see an Electric/Psychic Type combination in Sun and Moon, that'd be kewl

Discussion #3 - What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?
As long as there is one, I don't mind what rodent its based on

Okay, just wanted to confirm, I'm a Cadet, right now, isn't it, so I'll need to post 5 times on this Thread, including this post, to get to the next rank, which is Lieutenant?

These rankings are a kewl idea, really like them :)
Hello new members!

Yep, its almost confirmed that the Pikachu line is going to be in the Alola Pokedex ^^. As for Grubbin, its pure Bug-Type for now, not sure if it'll actually gain an Electric Typing upon evolving, doesn't seem so.

Okay, going off-topic a bit Wow, you stay up quite late huh {D:}.

Oh, I guess you didn't see Grubbin's description, LegendChu! Mawa brought up the quote about him loving electricity, so I thought it might make sense for him to evolve into an Electric/Bug-type. :) It also says that he burrows into the ground, so I wouldn't be surprised if he gained a Ground typing instead. Or... maybe we'll have two choices of Pokemon for Grubbin to evolve into, like Nincada? ^^

And yes, I do stay up late, it's a bad habit. -_- I'm trying to work on it, but late at night is the only time I get peace and quiet for doing creative work, like writing. Anyway, doesn't matter - we're here to talk about Electric-types, not my circadian rhythm. xD

That's exactly the problem with a Mega Pikachu. He's supposed to be cute & as much as we'd want it to remain cute after a Mega Evolution, I don't think it'd be possible. So I'll have to agree with NinjaQueen, I wouldn't really want to see a Mega Pikachu. And that Stat boost is a gr8 idea, but I don't think they're gonna give Pikachu any more Stat boosts.

And talking about Mega Evolutions, here's another Electric Type that could definitely do with one.

Oh & btw, I think I'll also evolve my Luxio into Luxray now, since I'm close to 50 Posts here (Brigadier Rank awaits ^^) & soon to be eligible to earn myself a Legendary/Mega ;).

Pika Pika :chu:

I suppose you're right, Pikachu is pretty much perfect as he is and any dramatic changes via Mega evolution just wouldn't fit him, huh. I like the Pikaclones being cute and I wouldn't have them any other way! :D

That Zapdos is... really scary! :0 I'm not sure about his wings, though; they look a bit awkward, like big hands? I just can't see him flying. xD If Zapdos were to have a Mega, I wouldn't mind something along the lines of this:

I mean this! xD

I think the artist did want an evil looking Zapdos, when he made that. Another candidate to be part of an Evil Team eh :P.

And also, here's another Mega Evolution candidate

And with that, I, Colonel LegendChu have now been promoted & will hereby be known as Brigadier LegendChu. All hail Brigadier LegendChu, hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray ^_^.

This also entitles me to now choose a Legendary/Mega for my team, so I choose one of my fav Legendaries - Zekrom.

Pika Pika :chu:

Oooh, now that's more like it! While I strongly doubt that the eeveelutions will receive Megas, I can't say I would mind at all if they did - especially if they looked that cool! :D

Also, congratulations on reaching the rank of Brigadier, sir! ^^

So hey, speaking of electric types (lol) I got a shiny Shinx while on vacation a few days ago in Platinum via chaining! And it happened after a chain of just 10! Granted, this was after unsuccessfully trying to chain all day, but when it finally DID happen, it was after a chain of 10! Crazy! I named him Luster. Because shiny...

:O Wooow, I am way jealous of you right now! The tenth chain? For real?! I mean, I get that you had been trying all day, but still! Shinx is pretty much my favourite Pokemon so yeah, wish I owned the little guy. x3

Now that's pretty neat! :D

What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex? (can't believe I haven't answered this yet. xD)

I guess it goes without saying that I would love Shinx to be available in the new region! :D Helioptile would be nice as well, since I haven't used one yet and would definitely like to. Besides those Pokemon, it'd be great to get Mareep and Joltik! Galvantula was fun to battle with in Black 2. :)

I'm really excited for the next batch of Electric-type Pokemon. :D
Firstly, hello to the new members - Solar Snivy, nishthelegendarytrainer & Sunshine Moonlight.

I also have a feeling, after reading the description of Grubbin, that its going to be a Bug/Electric Type, but then it can also be a Bug/Ground Type. Let's wait & watch.

I hoping that this time, in Sun and Moon I mean, there are more than three Electric Type Pokemon, unlike the 6th Generation.
This seems like fun, can I join please.

- Sunshine Moonlight
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) -
Pikachu & all Pikaclones, Joltik, Blitzle, Elekid
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) -
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon -
They're all kewl cutie pies, especially Pikachu & all Pikaclones
Your Electric Type Tag Partner
- I'll go with Pichu
Your Tag Partner's Nickname -
No nicknames

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?
Definitely, my team always consists of at least one Electric Type Pokemon

Discussion #2 - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?
I'd like to see an Electric/Psychic Type combination in Sun and Moon, that'd be kewl

Discussion #3 - What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?
As long as there is one, I don't mind what rodent its based on

Okay, just wanted to confirm, I'm a Cadet, right now, isn't it, so I'll need to post 5 times on this Thread, including this post, to get to the next rank, which is Lieutenant?

These rankings are a kewl idea, really like them
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Hey Sunshine Moonlight, a very warm welcome to the Club. Yes you're exactly right, you're a Cadet right now & after 5 post, including your first one, you'll be a Lieutenant. I hope you have a gr8 time around here. Any rules not clear, always feel free to drop me a VM :)

One quick question I've been curious about: How do you keep track of everyone's post count? Do you just do that manually every time somebody posts?
Lol, ya actually that's exactly the way I do it. Tough to keep track but I manage :).

Hey Brigadier LegendChu ,
thanks for promoting me as Captain Imrul Quayes Adnan. I'm really very happy about that. And yeah you're right I won't change my pikachu and won't evolve it. Cause you know how I love it. And as a bonus partner I am choosing shinx. I love it also.:-D
Alright Captain Imrul Quayes Adnan will be done :)

Here's a Mega Raichu, from my side.

Maybe not as awesome as the one posted by Raj, but I think its quite good aha xD.

If I hadn't been on vacation when the discussion first went up, I definitely would have mentioned Mega Raichu! I love both of those Mega designs by the way.
Wow, I think that's a fabulous find. Luv the design on that one.

I suppose you're right, Pikachu is pretty much perfect as he is and any dramatic changes via Mega evolution just wouldn't fit him, huh. I like the Pikaclones being cute and I wouldn't have them any other way! :D

That Zapdos is... really scary! :0 I'm not sure about his wings, though; they look a bit awkward, like big hands? I just can't see him flying. xD If Zapdos were to have a Mega, I wouldn't mind something along the lines of this:

I mean this! xD
As usual, gr8 finds. The one above is really funny {XD}.

What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex? (can't believe I haven't answered this yet. xD)
I guess it goes without saying that I would love Shinx to be available in the new region! :D Helioptile would be nice as well, since I haven't used one yet and would definitely like to. Besides those Pokemon, it'd be great to get Mareep and Joltik! Galvantula was fun to battle with in Black 2.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
I wish all Electric Pokemon could be part of the Alola Pokedex, don't see that happening though :P.

Oh, I guess you didn't see Grubbin's description, LegendChu! Mawa brought up the quote about him loving electricity, so I thought it might make sense for him to evolve into an Electric/Bug-type.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
It also says that he burrows into the ground, so I wouldn't be surprised if he gained a Ground typing instead. Or... maybe we'll have two choices of Pokemon for Grubbin to evolve into, like Nincada?
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I'm really excited for the next batch of Electric-type Pokemon. :D
Firstly, hello to the new members - Solar Snivy, nishthelegendarytrainer & Sunshine Moonlight.
I also have a feeling, after reading the description of Grubbin, that its going to be a Bug/Electric Type, but then it can also be a Bug/Ground Type. Let's wait & watch.
I hoping that this time, in Sun and Moon I mean, there are more than three Electric Type Pokemon, unlike the 6th Generation.
I actually did not, lol
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
. It was only after Mawa mentioned that I read the description. What to do find little time for much else other than work & studies. I think it might be a Bug/Electric Type
I also hope that there are more Electric Types than the last Gen.

Also, congratulations on reaching the rank of Brigadier, sir!
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Thank you Captain Clover, you too are very close to getting to the rank of a Major.

Speaking of Major, congratulations Captain NinjaQueen, you become the first Member on this Club (apart from me :P), to get to the Rank of Major. From now on, you'll be known as Major NinjaQueen.

Pika Pika :chu:
Thank you Captain Clover, you too are very close to getting to the rank of a Major.

Speaking of Major, congratulations Captain NinjaQueen, you become the first Member on this Club (apart from me :P), to get to the Rank of Major. From now on, you'll be known as Major NinjaQueen.
Wow, I'm a Major now, yipeeeeee. Major NinjaQueen, oooohhhhh like it, sounds really nice.
So according to Club rules, that means I can now change or Evolve both my current Partners, Emolga & Pikachu, right (you forgot to mention that, lol). But I'm quite happy with my Partners, so I'll stay with them.
Hey Sunshine Moonlight, a very warm welcome to the Club. Yes you're exactly right, you're a Cadet right now & after 5 post, including your first one, you'll be a Lieutenant. I hope you have a gr8 time around here. Any rules not clear, always feel free to drop me a VM :)
Hey ty for the welcome Legendchu. Must say, I really like the vibe around this place.

DISCUSSION #4 - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
Some options are - Raichu, Galvantula, Blitzle, Electivire

What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?
Pikachu should definitely be there. Other than that, Pichu, Raichu, Joltik, Galvantula, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire
That Mega Zekrom is really kewl, in an evil way haha

I noticed you guys posting Fakemons a few posts back. I have one of my own so thought I'd post it, sorry if its off topic
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

It realized you said Kewl like Cartman hehe

I really like these Fakemon! Kinda an electric-type Ludvisc!
But the cutest water/electric is Lanturn ;)

I could see another water/electric Pokemon, but different than Lantrun. Maybe more rough, less cute, like a deep sea creature.
first hello to the new membes. And congratulation Major ninjaqueen for becoming the first member who have been promoted as Major. Then about those disigns, Clove's mega zapdos is really cool. And ninjaqueen's mega raichu is also cool. I like both of those megas. But about that DragonGuru's mega zekrom, it's really...... really......... really............. creepy. I agree with others that it's really evil type. So, evil side got another powerful pokemon.xD
Hello! I am also from Bangladesh.:)

: Turjo
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) : Raikou
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) : Volt Tackle
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon : I like Electric Pokemon very much.They are so cute and powerful.I just love them.:)
Your Electric Type Tag Partner
: Dedenne
Your Tag Partner's Nickname
(optional) : King

DISCUSSION #5 - What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?

Ans.: I would love to see Dedenne in the Sun/Moon Pokedex.It is very cuddling and I like it very much for that.:)
It realized you said Kewl like Cartman hehe

I really like these Fakemon! Kinda an electric-type Ludvisc!
But the cutest water/electric is Lanturn ;)

I could see another water/electric Pokemon, but different than Lantrun. Maybe more rough, less cute, like a deep sea creature.
Firstly hello to the newest Member - Mugdho01

Ya those Fakemon look good, they look just like the "electrified" version of Luvdisc (pardon the bad pun :P).

I'd also love to see another Electric/Water Type, but maybe not a fish, something that can live on both land & water maybe, that'd be good, what say.

first hello to the new membes. And congratulation Major ninjaqueen for becoming the first member who have been promoted as Major. Then about those disigns, Clove's mega zapdos is really cool. And ninjaqueen's mega raichu is also cool. I like both of those megas. But about that DragonGuru's mega zekrom, it's really...... really......... really............. creepy. I agree with others that it's really evil type. So, evil side got another powerful pokemon.xD
Hey thanks Imrul Quayes Adnan, Major NinjaQueen, has a nice ring to it huh.
Hello! I am also from Bangladesh.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

: Turjo
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) : Raikou
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) : Volt Tackle
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon : I like Electric Pokemon very much.They are so cute and powerful.I just love them.[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Your Electric Type Tag Partner
: Dedenne
Your Tag Partner's Nickname
(optional) : King

DISCUSSION #5 - What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?

Ans.: I would love to see Dedenne in the Sun/Moon Pokedex.It is very cuddling and I like it very much for that.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Thanks NinjaQueen.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I hope I can fit in here soon. I like it here.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Hey Turjo (aka Mugdho01), welcome to the Club bro. And don't worry, you'll fit in just like, like everyone else. Any Rules not clear, always feel free to drop me a VM. I hope you have a good time here :).

Wow, I'm a Major now, yipeeeeee. Major NinjaQueen, oooohhhhh like it, sounds really nice.
So according to Club rules, that means I can now change or Evolve both my current Partners, Emolga & Pikachu, right (you forgot to mention that, lol). But I'm quite happy with my Partners, so I'll stay with them.
Hey thanks Imrul Quayes Adnan, Major NinjaQueen, has a nice ring to it huh.
Alright Major NinjaQueen, as you wish. And hey, you deserve that title, you're one of the most active members around here {XD}.

Hey ty for the welcome Legendchu. Must say, I really like the vibe around this place.
DISCUSSION #4 - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
Some options are - Raichu, Galvantula, Blitzle, Electivire
What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon PokeDex?
Pikachu should definitely be there. Other than that, Pichu, Raichu, Joltik, Galvantula, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire
Those are good choices, I must say. Eagerly waiting to see which Electric Pokemon actually make it to the Alola Pokedex.

Hey guys, just found an evil looking Mega Zekrom, have a look

Wicked design isn't it?
That Mega Zekrom is really kewl, in an evil way haha
I noticed you guys posting Fakemons a few posts back. I have one of my own so thought I'd post it, sorry if its off topic
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
I really like these Fakemon! Kinda an electric-type Ludvisc!
But the cutest water/electric is Lanturn
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I could see another water/electric Pokemon, but different than Lantrun. Maybe more rough, less cute, like a deep sea creature.
Then about those disigns, Clove's mega zapdos is really cool. And ninjaqueen's mega raichu is also cool. I like both of those megas. But about that DragonGuru's mega zekrom, it's really...... really......... really............. creepy. I agree with others that it's really evil type. So, evil side got another powerful pokemon.xD
Ya those Fakemon look good, they look just like the "electrified" version of Luvdisc (pardon the bad pun
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
I'd also love to see another Electric/Water Type, but maybe not a fish, something that can live on both land & water maybe, that'd be good, what say.

Those Fakemon are awesome & ya that's a really evil Zekrom. I wouldn't mind another Electric/Water Type. Like Mawa said, maybe less cuter & like NinjaQueen said, something that can live on both land & water, I think that'd make a good Pokemon.

Pika Pika :chu: