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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Hey don't wrry, you'll fit in! :) Just talk with us hehe, we'll gladly accept you!

Okay, thanks Mawa.
By the way, I was thinking about Mega Raikou and Look what I found:

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Wow, I'm a Major now, yipeeeeee. Major NinjaQueen, oooohhhhh like it, sounds really nice.
So according to Club rules, that means I can now change or Evolve both my current Partners, Emolga & Pikachu, right (you forgot to mention that, lol). But I'm quite happy with my Partners, so I'll stay with them.
Hey NinjaQueen, congratulations, first Major on this Club.

A couple of Pokemon I'd want to see in Sun and Moon Pokedex are definitely Chinchou & Lanturn. I love water types as well, so I really like the electric/water combo. I hope we can have a new one in Sun and Moon as well.
Aren't you like maybe forgetting to thank the most important person here, I mean like the Club owner, Legendchu, lol {XD}. Just saying, haha.


Okay, since you are telling me...Thank you very very much, LegendChu.
Thanks again for letting me in the club.:)
By the way, anyone liked the Mega Raikou I posted. I do not think so.:(

Sorry for the bad post previously...:'(

Okay, since you are telling me...Thank you very very much, LegendChu.
Thanks again for letting me in the club.:)
By the way, anyone liked the Mega Raikou I posted. I do not think so.:(

Sorry for the bad post previously...:'(
Lol, don't worry bro, they're just pulling ur leg {XD} & that Mega Raikou is a gr8 find, thumbs up from me {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
This mega Raikou is pretty nice!

I feel like it could gain a ground type...

We need a new Ground/Electric type hehe
This mega Raikou is pretty nice!

I feel like it could gain a ground type...

We need a new Ground/Electric type hehe

Electric/Ground will be somewhat very hard to fight without a Ice type Pokemon in your team. Even with a Ice Type the chance will be 50/50.:) But, I think Electric/Flying like Zapdos and Emolga are the best. Only one weakness and that is Ice.:(

And how about a Mega Emolga?

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
We saw many Mega Emolga or a regular evolution, and I have to say I loved them all! They where my favorite fakemon here :)

Now I do want to see a real evolution for Emolga, I mean one that's gonna be in the games!
It's been a while since I posted here. :o Whoops! Time to catch up a bit! Also, welcome new members. :D

Wow, I'm a Major now, yipeeeeee. Major NinjaQueen, oooohhhhh like it, sounds really nice.

Congratulations! ...Though I'm rather late. xD Hopefully I'll be joining that rank soon myself, haha.

Hey guys, just found an evil looking Mega Zekrom, have a look

Wicked design isn't it?

My first impression is that it looks a bit like a transformer! xD A cool design, in any case. ^_^ He does look somewhat evil haha.

I noticed you guys posting Fakemons a few posts back. I have one of my own so thought I'd post it, sorry if its off topic

I love them! They're fab ideas for Electric/Water-type Pokemon. :D Did you draw them yourself? :0

Okay, thanks Mawa.
By the way, I was thinking about Mega Raikou and Look what I found:


Oooh, cool, quite cool indeed! Nice find. :)

And how about a Mega Emolga?


Awww, what a cute Mega! This has to be one of my favourites out of the Emolga evolutions. ^_^

We need a new Ground/Electric type hehe


Also, thought I might drop a bunch of Fakemon I found:


All are seriously pretty Good, but the Second one....(Elekitt and Velocikat) is the best of them <33 why? Because i love cat type Pokemon haha ;D
Okay, I think its been a long time since we last had an Event out here, so let's have ourselves another one, shall we? :)

You guys must have noticed that there is no Elite Four Member who primarily uses Electric Type Pokemon, which is a real shame :(. So what say we create one? {:3}


1. Create an Electric Type Elite Four Member.
2. The Elite Four Member can belong to any region (including Alola).
3. The Elite Four Member should have AT LEAST Five Pokemon in his roster.
4. You gotta add TWO DIFFERENT POKEMON ROSTERS, first when you battle the Elite Four Member for the first time & second when you battle the Elite Four Member for the second time (after defeating the Champion).
5. If you want you can describe the Elite four Member a bit like his/her traits, how they look like, their attire or any detail you wanna add.
6. If you want you can add details to every Pokemon, like Moves known, Ability, Held Items etc.
7. There is no limit on how many Elite Four Members you can create, if you wanna create one for each region, do it, if u wanna create multiple Elite Four Members for the same region, go ahead & do that as well, but ONLY ONE ELITE FOUR MEMBER PER POST.
8. You need to fill in the following criteria:-
POKEMON USED (1st Battle) -
POKEMON DETAILS (optional) -
POKEMON USED (2nd Battle) -
POKEMON DETAILS (optional) -

Pika Pika :chu:
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Hey guys, just found an evil looking Mega Zekrom, have a look

Wicked design isn't it?
Hey that's a gr8 Mega Zekrom man.

And, sorry I missed this earlier, but congratulations, Lieutenant DragonGuru, u have been promoted & will now be known as Captain DragonGuru. Not only can u Evolve/change your Starter now, but u can also choose another Partner, from the Available Starters List :).

The fakemon are very nice, but I like more the electric/ground! Not only ground is my favorite type, but the Pokemon reminds me a bit of Sandslash! Which is a Pokemon I love hehe

I'll participate to the event! But later this week, I have to be quick now ;)
Ah don't worry, take ur time.

But u know what u've done, u just became the second Major of this Club. Yep, that's right Captain Mawa, u've been promoted & will now be known as Major Mawa. You can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Wow, the Event looks nice, I'll surely participate soon.

I see we have two promotions, aha aha! xD

And, sorry I missed this earlier, but congratulations, Lieutenant DragonGuru, u have been promoted & will now be known as Captain DragonGuru. Not only can u Evolve/change your Starter now, but u can also choose another Partner, from the Available Starters List :).
Congratulations DragonGuru, on being promoted to Captain's Rank.

But u know what u've done, u just became the second Major of this Club. Yep, that's right Captain Mawa, u've been promoted & will now be known as Major Mawa. You can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner :).
Hey Mawa, congratulations on your promotion sis, I mean congratulations Major Mawa. I now have a fellow Major in the ranks aha xD.
I am major, huh? May I ask for Togedemaru as my next Pokemon? :o And I'll gladly evolve my Pikachu for a Raichu! :D <3

Ok so I am very excited, and a bit late hehe, but we got so many new Electric types! Not only that, but a lot of type combo we never had! I mean, a Normal/Dragon, bug/fairy, electric/bug (which I love the bug type too), and... ELECTRIC/STEEL. YAY. f*YAY!. I love both types, and the Pokemon is so cute! I do hope it evolve in a badass/cute thing! I'll still like it if it doesn't evolve, but if it does I'll totally consider it one of my favorite Pokemon!

Grubbin will probably be in my team. It's awesome. I love the bug type too so it's a good thing! I like that we'll probably got it early in the game, no?

Tapu Koko looks awesome, but I feel it a bit like a legendary? Is it only me?

Now we wait for the evolutions!! :D
Okay firstly, congratulations on any promotions/new members I might have missed. ^_^

Second of all, OMG GUYS have you all seen the new Electric Pokemon for Sun/Moon?? :D

Tapu Koko is Electric/Fairy!

Charjabug and Vikavolt are Bug/Electric!

Our ADORABLE new Pikaclone Togedemaru is Electric/Steel!

I am soooo hyped! Never been this ecstatic about a new Pokemon game. :D What does everyone think??

Also, I know he isn't Electric-type but I find Drampa reeeeally cool! He reminds me of Falkor from The Neverending Story. xD

I almost forgot to mention, I'm getting the internet upgraded any day now. That sounds like good news, I know, but unfortunately I likely won't have access to it until we purchase a router. :( This means that I may be inactive for a while. Just to warn everyone in advance!
Okay firstly, congratulations on any promotions/new members I might have missed. ^_^

Second of all, OMG GUYS have you all seen the new Electric Pokemon for Sun/Moon?? :D

Tapu Koko is Electric/Fairy!

Charjabug and Vikavolt are Bug/Electric!

Our ADORABLE new Pikaclone Togedemaru is Electric/Steel!

I am soooo hyped! Never been this ecstatic about a new Pokemon game. :D What does everyone think??

Also, I know he isn't Electric-type but I find Drampa reeeeally cool! He reminds me of Falkor from The Neverending Story. xD

I almost forgot to mention, I'm getting the internet upgraded any day now. That sounds like good news, I know, but unfortunately I likely won't have access to it until we purchase a router. :( This means that I may be inactive for a while. Just to warn everyone in advance!
I think this is the first time I can remember so many new Electric Pokemon released so early in any Generation. They all look really good.

It seems like Charjabug & Vikavolt are likely to be evolutions of Grubbin, so our theory that Grubbin will evolve into an Electric/Bug seems to be true.

Tapu Koko I think is the first Pokemon whose name is in two parts (are there any other, not as far as I can remember)

And of course, the Pikaclone Togedamaru, its a cutie pie, I really really adore it, definitely going to be in my team when the games release.

And Clover, good luck with the internet upgrade sis, I hope it goes well & you're back sooner than later :).
I love the new Pokemon, I am very excited about this game!

I am afraid we have so many electric type early in the game because we'll have to surf a lot and see many water type Pokemon...