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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

What if alola raichu ate too many pancakes and accidentally ate a STUNFISK THE ELECTRIC PANCAKE POKEMON THAT CAN LEARN SURF AND IT ABSORBED THE PANFISK'S LIFEFORCE AND THATS WHY ITS PART PSYCHIC Alolan Raichu just learn things from trainers like how to surf and the surfers hairstyles/cothing options and thats why its tanner and has curlier ears?
Very nice, Will!
Speaking of Alolan Pichu/Pikachu...
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Darnit I saw those the other day I completely forgot!

Floatie Pichu... Too much cute....
Nice drawings there guys, really cute {:3}

Plus on this topic what about Puka? The surfing Pikachu from the old anime? :p
Oh my, I almost forgot that one! I'm wondering if Alolan Raichu somehow learned Puka's techniques somewhere.
What if alola raichu ate too many pancakes and accidentally ate a STUNFISK THE ELECTRIC PANCAKE POKEMON THAT CAN LEARN SURF AND IT ABSORBED THE PANFISK'S LIFEFORCE AND THATS WHY ITS PART PSYCHIC Alolan Raichu just learn things from trainers like how to surf and the surfers hairstyles/cothing options and thats why its tanner and has curlier ears?
Ya, Alola Raichu seems to be based on Puka & that's a very interesting theory there Flare. But i find that description of the Alola Raichu really funny, I mean just eating too many sweet & fluffy round pancakes, made it change its form? ^_^

Alola Raichu is really cute. Yes there should be Alola Pikachu & Alola Pichu, it would be kewl.
Personally I think Pikachu and Pichu are fine as they are, even though I also wish they can learn Surf normally for some reason just in case if Alolan Raichu can learn one. Besides, I think the Pokémon-Amie cutscene on one of the latest Sun and Moon trailers shows that Pikachu's still in usual form, so I think it's less likely for Pikachu and Pichu to have them atm.
I'm a bit 50-50 on whether Pikachu should get an Alola Form or not.

This one is cute, don't mind something like this!

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

This is what I'm afraid of :|:-

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I really hope that even if Pikachu does get an Alola Form (still don't want it), they don't do something like this to him -_-.

Oh, almost forgot, Cadet DyingWillFlareon, I'm very pleased to inform u, that u are now entitled to a rise in the Rankings. So from now on, u'll be known as Lieutenant DyingWillFlareon :).

Pika Pika :chu:

I suspect theyd keep the typing the same as Alola Raichu with the electric/psychic thing going on, not really much point in adding a different typing like those unless there will be multiple forms. But thag Firechu looks awesome QwQ

I suspect theyd keep the typing the same as Alola Raichu with the electric/psychic thing going on, not really much point in adding a different typing like those unless there will be multiple forms. But thag Firechu looks awesome QwQ
Ya, having a different typing for Alola Pikachu/Pichu, won't make sense (if the do get Alola Forms). And I doubt if there'd be multiple forms.

As fanarts, FlameChu & FreezeChu look awesome, but as real forms of Pikachu, I don't know!

Pika Pika :chu:
Ya, having a different typing for Alola Pikachu/Pichu, won't make sense (if the do get Alola Forms). And I doubt if there'd be multiple forms.

As fanarts, FlameChu & FreezeChu look awesome, but as real forms of Pikachu, I don't know!

Pika Pika :chu:

Pokemon may not make sense at times but at least they try. Maybe we'll get those psychic Chus though, who knows? QwQ like i said, i hope they dont give Marowak and Raichu forms without giving one to their evos too....

It does but a real Fire/Ice Pikachu?.... No thanks :'D The contest chus were good enough for that(and you cant even trade them to bank :'()
Pokemon may not make sense at times but at least they try. Maybe we'll get those psychic Chus though, who knows? QwQ like i said, i hope they dont give Marowak and Raichu forms without giving one to their evos too....

It does but a real Fire/Ice Pikachu?.... No thanks :'D The contest chus were good enough for that(and you cant even trade them to bank :'()
Pokemon isn't supposed to make sense anyways :P. Well I don't know whether we'll eventually get an Alolan Pikachu/Pichu, but what I do know is that we're gonna get a new Captain at this Club :).

So Cadet DyingWillFlareon (aka CutieWillFlareon), I'm very pleased to inform u that u have been promoted yet again & will now be known as Captain DyingWillFlareon (aka CutieWillFlareon). You also have two special privileges - u can Evolve/Change ur Starter & u can also choose another Pokemon as a Partner, from the "Available Starters" List. So let me know what ur choices are {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Yay for electric pokemon!

Name stormivy
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Raichu, Jolteon, Voltorb, Zapdos, and I do like Pikachu and its family.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Thunder shock, Charge beam. Sorry Im not that familiar with these, still watching the anime and learning. :P
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon Reminds me of thunderstorms. I like them. Also they can use an strong element and that is awsome.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner (An Electric Type Pokemon obviously. Start with a Basic First Stage Pokemon (Pikachu is an exception). Pichu

And omg, Alola Raichu. I loove it. ♥
Yay for electric pokemon!

Name stormivy
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Raichu, Jolteon, Voltorb, Zapdos, and I do like Pikachu and its family.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Thunder shock, Charge beam. Sorry Im not that familiar with these, still watching the anime and learning. :P
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon Reminds me of thunderstorms. I like them. Also they can use an strong element and that is awsome.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner (An Electric Type Pokemon obviously. Start with a Basic First Stage Pokemon (Pikachu is an exception). Pichu

And omg, Alola Raichu. I loove it. ♥
Hey stormivy, first of all, a very warm welcome to the Club, I hope u have a gr8 time here :). I think the fact that they made it cuter, is why everyone is loving the Alola Raichu. Ah don't worry, u'll get the names soon {:3}.

If u have something to say regarding previous discussions (check out the opening post, for all details), u are welcome to share ur thoughts. There's also an Event going on right now, do take part in that as well. Also, any queries, feel free to drop a VM :). Hope to see u around.

nnn im not gunna react Yeah its still cute and fluffy like a pancake should. QwQ

How about Magnemite then? :3
Ya, u're right CutieWillFlareon, its cute, just like someone u're very familiar with. Guess who! ^_^

Okay, Magnemite added to ur team :).

Yeah I get it, I realized when I first saw the video. But it's still realy random in my opinion.
I'm quite okay with the Psychic typing I'd say.

Unrelated, so Mawawesome, will the Deerling & Sawsbuck in ur Avatar, be changing forms with seasons? ;)

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Current Discussion(s) :-
#1) Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
#2) Will/Should Pikachu & Pichu also get Alola Forms?

Pika Pika :chu:
Hiii Everyone! (:

Here I am, Raj!

Name: Monica
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Jolteon, Shinx Family, Mareep Family
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Shock Wave, & Spark
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: I really like how they're fast & powerful. I think water type Pokemon are sometimes overpowered so I love how super effective electric types are against them. Also, they're very good defensively which is always nice.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Halibel
Hiii Everyone! (:

Here I am, Raj!

Name: Monica
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Jolteon, Shinx Family, Mareep Family
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Shock Wave, & Spark
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: I really like how they're fast & powerful. I think water type Pokemon are sometimes overpowered so I love how super effective electric types are against them. Also, they're very good defensively which is always nice.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Halibel
Hey Monica (aka Espeonica), u made it, a very warm welcome to the Club, gr8 to have u here ^^! Ya I totally agree, there's a whole of Water Types around, so Electric Types kinda balance that out. And yet another Member chooses Mareep, its a really popular choice out here {:3}.

There are a couple of discussions on right now, do put in ur views. There's an Event going on as well, so I hope u take part in that too. And if u have something to say regarding previous discussions (check out the OP, for all details), u are welcome to share ur thoughts. Any queries, u know where to find me :P. I'm hoping to see u around a lot now {:3}.

Maybe that business about Alolan Raichu and pancakes has some truth to it...

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

No wonder, lol {XD}

And Captain ordinaryOddball, I'd like to tell u here, that u just got another promotion. Congratulations, u'll now be known as Major ordinaryOddball. You can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner :).

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Current Discussion(s) :-
#1) Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
#2) Will/Should Pikachu & Pichu also get Alola Forms?

Pika Pika :chu:
And Captain ordinaryOddball, I'd like to tell u here, that u just got another promotion. Congratulations, u'll now be known as Major ordinaryOddball. You can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner :).

Nice! I'll go with Ampharos and Pichu. Glow and Oddball respectively. Or is it weird to have a Pichu named me? {XD}

That's great! Now I've got my favourite electric types in this club.