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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I'm the captain now, so listen to me! We will do lots of bad, mischievous stuff :P

Sounds good to me.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Name Ghost Nappa (just call me Kyle)
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Pikachu, Rotom, Magneton Nosepass, Luxray.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Tackle,
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Well it started with Pokémon Yellow (my first game) then slowly grew more and more as I got older? I saw Rotom and was like "A Ghost/Electric type ( My two favorite types) and I've been hooked since. I've always had a electric type Pokémon in my party on all of my play throughs.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Rotom
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional) I don't nickname my Pokémon.
And you will also be glad to know that there have been a lot of promotions on the Club . Cadets HyperMorian, Radiating, VoltYellow, M.E.R.255, virtualboy2558 (hope I didn't miss any), all of you have been promoted to the Rank of a Lieutenant.
Congratulations everyone who got the promotion and thanx a lot Legend Chu for the promotion!
Happy Anniversary all of you ^u^
I know I'm posting this all in another post but I wanted this to be neat and concise.
Oh and I might sound stupid but... how do I access our showdown's room? XD
For the PC battle room, it's here: https://pokecommunity.psim.us/
I'm not sure if that's the one that we would use, though.
Mawa that's the link to the battle server ( thanx Radiating) but that's not the room we are going to be using. That is the official chat room (It's called Lobby) and the one we will be using is a private room ( it's Pokémon League) you need to click on the link to the server then click the plus sign to join the room or you can straight way click here: https://pokecommunity.psim.us/pokmonleague
To join the room. Using team builder we can create an electric type team for battling
Have Fun all of you
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I lost the access to my Showdown's account T_T If someone one day see TheFrenchSnivy, it's me. I made a new account. I might try a new team I want to make, but also I want to do a battle electrics vs electrics :D
Name Ghost Nappa (just call me Kyle)
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Pikachu, Rotom, Magneton Nosepass, Luxray.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Tackle,
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Well it started with Pok?mon Yellow (my first game) then slowly grew more and more as I got older? I saw Rotom and was like "A Ghost/Electric type ( My two favorite types) and I've been hooked since. I've always had a electric type Pok?mon in my party on all of my play throughs.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Rotom
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional) I don't nickname my Pok?mon.
Hey Kyle, welcome to the Club. Feel free to have a say/participate in any of the current or previous Discussions/Events. Any queries regarding the Club, just drop me a VM any time :).

I'm the captain now, so listen to me! We will do lots of bad, mischievous stuff :P
Sounds good to me.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Yes, but I'm still the Field Marshal, your one & only leader. Mischief sounds like a good idea though, SinisterChu loves being naughty, maybe we should think of something, hehe <evil rub of hands> >:) >:)

Congratulations to everyone who got a promotion!
Happy late Anniversary !

This club is such an nice one. Congrats to everyone who got ranked up. :)
Congratulations everyone who got the promotion and thanx a lot Legend Chu for the promotion!
Happy Anniversary all of you ^u^
Np & thanks all :)!

I know I'm posting this all in another post but I wanted this to be neat and concise.

Mawa that's the link to the battle server ( thanx Radiating) but that's not the room we are going to be using. That is the official chat room (It's called Lobby) and the one we will be using is a private room ( it's Pok?mon League) you need to click on the link to the server then click the plus sign to join the room or you can straight way click here: https://pokecommunity.psim.us/pokmonleague
To join the room. Using team builder we can create an electric type team for battling
Have Fun all of you
I lost the access to my Showdown's account T_T If someone one day see TheFrenchSnivy, it's me. I made a new account. I might try a new team I want to make, but also I want to do a battle electrics vs electrics :D
Has anyone accessed the Battle Sever Room yet?

Pika Pika :chu:
I lost the access to my Showdown's account T_T If someone one day see TheFrenchSnivy, it's me. I made a new account. I might try a new team I want to make, but also I want to do a battle electrics vs electrics :D
Has anyone accessed the Battle Sever Room yet?
Um.. I haven't seen a lot of activities in the room apart from the normal ones. I wanted to make one thing clear that I'm from an eastern timezone and so it is uncomfortable for me to be online during the western timezone ( particular time of the western day) so you can ask any admin to organize tours or some one else for a battle ( >_< sorry I can't help that fact). LegendChu can you also join once? I wanted to have guides for the battle arrangements. Thank you all
[I'm really sorry that I wasn't online for sometime to post the replies I was having some problems with my connection. If you have any problems or queries regarding the server or battle system then you can pm me or chat me on showdown (My account is Volty Shocks)]
Um.. I haven't seen a lot of activities in the room apart from the normal ones. I wanted to make one thing clear that I'm from an eastern timezone and so it is uncomfortable for me to be online during the western timezone ( particular time of the western day) so you can ask any admin to organize tours or some one else for a battle ( >_< sorry I can't help that fact). LegendChu can you also join once? I wanted to have guides for the battle arrangements. Thank you all
[I'm really sorry that I wasn't online for sometime to post the replies I was having some problems with my connection. If you have any problems or queries regarding the server or battle system then you can pm me or chat me on showdown (My account is Volty Shocks)]

I tried to join, I really did XD but I couldn't post, and I forgot my password so I had to make my teams again... I wish I could battle to XD
I was just a bit absent of PC and Pokemon lately :( Not a lost of interest - not at all. I guess I just didn't had time lately.

On a positive note, I bought Pikachu's socks and they are great! <3
So what kinds of stuff shall we do, SinisterChu?
Congratz to all who got promoted~
hi guys, has been quite time huh
been a while since i posted here. how is everyone xD?
I'm quite all right, NQ. How about yourself?
Hey everyone, how have you all been :)?

Um.. I haven't seen a lot of activities in the room apart from the normal ones. I wanted to make one thing clear that I'm from an eastern timezone and so it is uncomfortable for me to be online during the western timezone ( particular time of the western day) so you can ask any admin to organize tours or some one else for a battle ( >_< sorry I can't help that fact). LegendChu can you also join once? I wanted to have guides for the battle arrangements. Thank you all
[I'm really sorry that I wasn't online for sometime to post the replies I was having some problems with my connection. If you have any problems or queries regarding the server or battle system then you can pm me or chat me on showdown (My account is Volty Shocks)]
LegendChu do you have any ideas for events or discussions? I guess we should start an event here
I tried to join, I really did XD but I couldn't post, and I forgot my password so I had to make my teams again... I wish I could battle to XD
I was just a bit absent of PC and Pokemon lately
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Not a lost of interest - not at all. I guess I just didn't had time lately.

On a positive note, I bought Pikachu's socks and they are great! <3
Oh jeez, sorry, been really busy, didn't find time to get on the Server at all :(. Did you guys have any Battles?

And Volty, feel free to suggest Events or discussions, if you have any ideas :).

On that note, let's have a new discussion, shall we?

Discussion #14 - Which is your favourite Cosplay Pikachu?
Pikachu Rock Star
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pikachu Libre
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pikachu Pop Star
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pikachu Belle
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pikachu PhD
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Oh & btw, we have two more promotions on the Club {:3}.

Congratulations Cadet Del, you have been promoted & will now be referred to as Lieutenant Del.

Also, congratulations Lieutenant Volty Shocks, you also earned yourself a promotion & will now be known as Captain Volty Shocks. You can now change/evolve your Starter & choose another Pokemon from the "Available Starters" List :).

P.S. - Captain BadSheep, you also have that privilege, so let me know if you'd want to change/evolve your Starter & also the second partner you'd like to add to your team (from the "Available Starters" List :)).

Pika Pika :chu:
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