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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I couldn't connect for the battles sadly TT____TT Have to make a new account and new teams.

I think my favorites are Belle and PhD, but tbh I prefer no cosplays thanks XD
Thanks a lot LegendChu! Really really thanks!
No probs Volty, you earned it. Let me know if you want to change/evolve your Starter & you can also choose another Pokemon from the "Available Starters" List as your second Partner.

Pikachu Libre ftw!
Pop Star Pikachu.

Due to the heavy anime culture pressure on the internet, it's the one that seems the least weird to me.
I couldn't connect for the battles sadly TT____TT Have to make a new account and new teams.

I think my favorites are Belle and PhD, but tbh I prefer no cosplays thanks XD
my favorite is pop star pikachu. all of them are cute though :3
I like all of them, the are Pikachu after all {<3}.

And we have some big news here. We have a second Brigadier on our Club now ^^. Colonel NinjaQueen you just made your 50th Post on the Club & with that, you earn a promotion & will now be referred to as Brigadier NinjaQueen. Congratulations ^^! You can now add a Legendary or a Mega Evolution to your team {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Discussion #14 - Which is your favourite Cosplay Pikachu?

Have to say Pikachu Rockstar since I think I actually used it for awhile in my first playthrough and never switched it to anything else.
Rock star Pikachu for sure. :D
Congrats NQ!! :)

Talking of Pikachu, I will proudly wear my onesie at a convention in a few weeks :3
Is it a Pokemon convention :P?

Also, you should be congratulating stormivy as well. Major stormivy, I'm glad to inform you that you have been promoted & will now be known as Colonel stormivy. You can now choose two more Pokemon, for you Team. These can be any Pokemon, including 2nd & 3rd Stage & Alolan forms, but NOT Legendaries/Megas. If its a Basic Stage Pokemon (from the "Available Starters" list) & has a 2-Stage/3-Stage Evolution, you can choose to Evolve it to its Second/Third Stage, any time you like.

So let me know which Pokemon you want :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Is it a Pokemon convention :P?

Also, you should be congratulating stormivy as well. Major stormivy, I'm glad to inform you that you have been promoted & will now be known as Colonel stormivy. You can now choose two more Pokemon, for you Team. These can be any Pokemon, including 2nd & 3rd Stage & Alolan forms, but NOT Legendaries/Megas. If its a Basic Stage Pokemon (from the "Available Starters" list) & has a 2-Stage/3-Stage Evolution, you can choose to Evolve it to its Second/Third Stage, any time you like.

So let me know which Pokemon you want :).

Pika Pika :chu:

Wow, awsome thank you! ^___^ Whee.

I want alolan Raichu and Jolteon thank you very much.
I hope I'm not late to join.

Discussion #14 - Which is your favorite Cosplay Pikachu?

Mine is Pikachu, Ph. D, Rockstar Pikachu, and Libre Pikachu
I hope I'm not late to join.

Discussion #14 - Which is your favorite Cosplay Pikachu?

Mine is Pikachu, Ph. D, Rockstar Pikachu, and Libre Pikachu
Hi Khansa, welcome to the Club. Rockstar & Libre are my favs as well. So feel free to participate in any previous Discussion/Events. And if you have any queries regarding the Club, you cna always VM me :).

Wow, awsome thank you! ^___^ Whee.

I want alolan Raichu and Jolteon thank you very much.
Added to your team {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Luxray, Jolteon, Dedenne, Zekrom, Zapdos
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Boltstrike
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon It is a good type, and they have good designs
Your Electric Type Tag Partner (An Electric Type Pokemon obviously. Start with a Basic First Stage Pokemon (Pikachu is an exception). See the "Available Starters" list below & choose one). Dedenne.
Name: franchiseplayer
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon: Electivire, Zebstrika, Zekrom, Xurkitree
Favorite Electric Type Move: Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, Charge Beam
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They have good designs and are powerful.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Elekid
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Sparket
Nickname: Karma
Favorite electric types: Blitzle/Zebstrika, Luxray, Rotom, Mareep, Pachirisu, Elektross
Favorite moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt
Idk why but I get a lot of enjoyment seeing the opponent's Pokemon get hit by lightning. Also a bunch of great designs
Tag partner: Blitzle
Tag partner nickname: Blitzkrieg

My favorite cosplay Pikachu is probably Pikachu Libre
Welcome to the newest members! :)

Who here plays Silver or Gold with a Mareep mwahahah