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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

its really weird that ash will be going to school now. what about pikachu? what role will he have to play if ash turns into a schoolboy?
its really weird that ash will be going to school now. what about pikachu? what role will he have to play if ash turns into a schoolboy?

Yeah, gotta get used to that idea. {XD} I was wondering what kind of school it's gonna be. Didint even think about what Pikachu's gonna do. Maby they have pokemon school's too? :---D
Name: GreenLegend56, or Josh, or whatever nickname you make for me :P
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Jolteon is my favourite hands down. Speed and power almost unmatched with electric types!
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderpunch, Thunder, Volt Tackle.
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They're seriously powerful, quick, agile, and always seem friendly as well!
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep. Starts little, grows up to be big and strong. Kind of like me! :P
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional): errr, Mareep's name is Flow. For that strong flow of electricity!
Name: GreenLegend56, or Josh, or whatever nickname you make for me :P
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Jolteon is my favourite hands down. Speed and power almost unmatched with electric types!
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderpunch, Thunder, Volt Tackle.
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They're seriously powerful, quick, agile, and always seem friendly as well!
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep. Starts little, grows up to be big and strong. Kind of like me! :P
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional): errr, Mareep's name is Flow. For that strong flow of electricity!
Hey Josh (aka GreenLegend56), welcome to the Club man :). There are lots of discussions going on right now, so feel free to share ur views. We're also having an Event, so I hope u participate in that as well. If u have anything to say regarding previous discussions (check out the OP, for all details), u are welcome to share ur thoughts. Any queries regarding the Club, u know where to find me :P.

its really weird that ash will be going to school now. what about pikachu? what role will he have to play if ash turns into a schoolboy?
Laptop charger.
It's really weird that Ash will play school boy role like us;). I really want that previous Ash. And I think pikachu will be his Teacher.;-P
Yeah, gotta get used to that idea. {XD} I was wondering what kind of school it's gonna be. Didint even think about what Pikachu's gonna do. Maby they have pokemon school's too? :---D
It'd be really interesting to see what role Pikachu & for that matter, all of Ash's Pokemon (current ones & the ones he'll catch in the future), will play in the Anime, when Ash turns into a school boy.

I'm guessing that its gonna be a Pokemon school, where students are taught battle techniques & all, can't be a "normal" school, has to be something related to Pokemon. But then, as I said earlier, it makes no sense doing that now, 20 years after Ash first started out -_-.

Pika Pika :chu:
Maybe Ash is going to the fifth grade?

Seriously, what role will Pikachu have? Same as before? Does Ash travel?
Since we are discussing this, let's make this a Discussion Topic {:3}.

Discussion Topic - If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

Unless its a mobile school, I don't see Ash traveling at all :P.

But I'm not sure what Pikachu is gonna do. Will there be a special section in the school for Pokemon as well, where they too get to learn something? ~_~


Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Will/Should Pikachu & Pichu also get Alola Forms?
Who is your favorite Electric-Type Specialist?
How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?
If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

EVENT #2 - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Pika Pika :chu:
If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

Here's a screenshot I captured where it looks like the girl with the green hair has a Pokemon on her shoulder & the boy with the orange hair seems to have a Pikachu on his shoulder as well.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

So I assume that Ash will be taking Pikachu with him to class.
Here's a screenshot I captured where it looks like the girl with the green hair has a Pokemon on her shoulder & the boy with the orange hair seems to have a Pikachu on his shoulder as well.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

So I assume that Ash will be taking Pikachu with him to class.
This is more anime speculation than Electric Pokemon speculation, but I assume this classroom will be centered around learning how to engage with Pokemon effectively and respectfully. So you would naturally use Pokemon in your lessons.
Yeah, it could be a pokemon/owner school thing. Hmm this is gonna be interesting.
You can't have the Anime series, without Ash's Pikachu playing an integral part in it, so he's gonna be there for sure {:3}.

I think whatever will be taught in the "school", would surely be related to Pokemon, but I'm assuming it'd have more to do with Pokemon Battles, coz that's what Ash does best (well at least tries to :P).

But ya, we can only speculate for now. Will have to wait till more info is released.

Pika Pika :chu:
I wonder where Ash will stay, if he'll have a roommate, a love interest, and a lot of things we can see in this kind of school. I want a little bit more drama XD If he won'T travel a lot, maybe they are focusing on­ <<teenager>> life.
Man, I'm a bit late to the party here but I'll reply to some of the discussion topics now.

Will/Should Pikachu & Pichu also get Alola Forms?

Honestly, realistically, I don't think they will. Pokemon isn't gonna risk changing up their mascot, and if Pikachu doesn't get one it makes no sense for Pichu to have one. I mean an Alolan turning into regular Pikachu and then back to Alolan?

But from the bottom of the pit where my heart should be, I wish they would. Alolan surfing Pikachu would look so cool, and it would really make me like the Pokemon much more.

Who is your favorite Electric-Type Specialist?

The army dude.

How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?

By activating the sprinklers >o<

But seriously, I suppose having an advantageous second typing helps, or perhaps simply knowing some coverage moves against the Rock type.

Or by catching a Nidoran beforehand so your Pikachu doesn't get rekt by Brock. D:

If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

He'll probably be some kind of sidekick, I guess. It is really weird that they're deciding to set this in a school setting, but maybe it's not so bad. Though I don't watch the anime, I know that Ash is infamous for his repeated failure at achieving his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master. He's always going on more journeys to rectify this problem and train more, but maybe he's finally figured out that he needs to buckle down and study up if he's ever going to stand a chance. It represents some character development for once, and if they handle it right it wouldn't be so bad.

Anyway, that was a tangent. As for Pikachu, if this anime manages to keep the amount of battling the same as previous seasons, I can't imagine he's going to play any bigger or smaller of a role -- he's just Ash's partner Pokemon, despite the fact that they're going to school now.

Ooh, what if they had like, side-classes for each student's Pokemon that taught only the Pokemon things about battling, like how to obey trainers' commands while also making independent decisions in the heat of battle...?
Okay, that's highly unlikely, but it would give Pikachu a new role.

On a side note, it would be awesome to see Pikachu's old mean character from the original series come back. I don't watch the new series but I've seen the original season, and Pikachu had more personality when he was an @$$. x3
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Well I think it's obvious that Alolan Raichu was inspired by Puka. Since it's already been confirmed that there won't be an Alolan Pikachu, I think a nice way to still give a nod to good old Puka is to have Pikachu evolve into Alolan Raichu through some surfing-related method. Perhaps by giving him a surfboard item to hold while leveling up, or by having him reach a certain level while surfing on water?
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How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?

electric types have always been able to do normal damage to rock types, but im guessing you mean to say that they should be weak to rock types. it does make sense because ground types are immune to electric and rock types are more or less similar, so they should at least be resistant to electric attacks.
I want to join

Name - Rahul
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Elekid, Electabuzz and Electivire are my favourite Electric Pokemons. I am also like Pikachu, Jolteon, Zapdos, Ampharos and Tapu Koko
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - All of them have great speed & they are powerful
Electric Type Tag Partner - Elekid
I want to join

Name - Rahul
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Elekid, Electabuzz and Electivire are my favourite Electric Pokemons. I am also like Pikachu, Jolteon, Zapdos, Ampharos and Tapu Koko
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - All of them have great speed & they are powerful
Electric Type Tag Partner - Elekid
Hey Rahul (aka RahulPokeMaster), welcome to the Club. There are lots of discussions going on currently, feel free to share ur views. There's also an Event, which u can participate in. Anything u have to share, regarding previous discussions (check out the first post, for all details), u are welcome to do that. And, if u have any queries regarding the Club, u just drop me a VM any time :).

I wonder where Ash will stay, if he'll have a roommate, a love interest, and a lot of things we can see in this kind of school. I want a little bit more drama XD If he won'T travel a lot, maybe they are focusing on­ <<teenager>> life.
If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

He'll probably be some kind of sidekick, I guess. It is really weird that they're deciding to set this in a school setting, but maybe it's not so bad. Though I don't watch the anime, I know that Ash is infamous for his repeated failure at achieving his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master. He's always going on more journeys to rectify this problem and train more, but maybe he's finally figured out that he needs to buckle down and study up if he's ever going to stand a chance. It represents some character development for once, and if they handle it right it wouldn't be so bad.

Anyway, that was a tangent. As for Pikachu, if this anime manages to keep the amount of battling the same as previous seasons, I can't imagine he's going to play any bigger or smaller of a role -- he's just Ash's partner Pokemon, despite the fact that they're going to school now.

Ooh, what if they had like, side-classes for each student's Pokemon that taught only the Pokemon things about battling, like how to obey trainers' commands while also making independent decisions in the heat of battle...?
Okay, that's highly unlikely, but it would give Pikachu a new role.

On a side note, it would be awesome to see Pikachu's old mean character from the original series come back. I don't watch the new series but I've seen the original season, and Pikachu had more personality when he was an @$$. x3
... Maybe Puka is an alola form?
Well I think it's obvious that Alolan Raichu was inspired by Puka. Since it's already been confirmed that there won't be an Alolan Pikachu, I think a nice way to still give a nod to good old Puka is to have Pikachu evolve into Alolan Raichu through some surfing-related method. Perhaps by giving him a surfboard item to hold while leveling up, or by having him reach a certain level while surfing on water?
Ash not traveling much, will not be good for the anime imo -_-, coz its all about Ash's journey, towards achieving his ultimate goal - become a Pokemon Master.

I think Pikachu has always held his own in the Anime. I've never seen him as Ash's sidekick, but an important character, who plays an integral part in the Anime's success :).

Ya, the Alola Raichu surely seems to be based on Puka. Since its confirmed that there isn't gonna be an Alolan Pikachu, what can be done is maybe have Pikachu learn "Surf" by some method & once it does so, it can evolve into the Alola Raichu. Cool huh {:3}!

How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?

By activating the sprinklers >o<

But seriously, I suppose having an advantageous second typing helps, or perhaps simply knowing some coverage moves against the Rock type.

Or by catching a Nidoran beforehand so your Pikachu doesn't get rekt by Brock. D:
How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?

electric types have always been able to do normal damage to rock types, but im guessing you mean to say that they should be weak to rock types. it does make sense because ground types are immune to electric and rock types are more or less similar, so they should at least be resistant to electric attacks.
Well, most Rock Types, at least in the early Gens had Ground as their secondary Type, which why why they were immune to Electric Attacks.

As for Electric Types overcoming weakness to Rock Types, well they do normal damage, so they aren't weak to Rock Types. As for why, well, coz Game Freak said so :P.

Pika Pika :chu:
Ash not traveling much, will not be good for the anime imo -_-, coz its all about Ash's journey, towards achieving his ultimate goal - become a Pokemon Master.

I think it's still a journey, just a different kind of journey. He's not trying to be the very best, he is learning to be the very best. School can be a journey, trust me lol.

And I am expecting someting like Attack on titan, a bunch of kids in training in school annd they end up in some messed up adventure when the world's faith is in the hand of a bunch of kids.

If we can have some references to the past, like how Ash failed with Charizard and stuff like that. Of course with the objectif of Ash getting better and recognize he has a lot more training to do.