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Agree or Disagree (2.0)


I enjoy hot weather much more than cold 🥶. My skin gets dried and washed to red when temperature drops below 10 degree Celsius, but in summers my skin retains it's normal color even if I am under 45 degree Celsius.

And another thing is that we need to wear heavy duty clothes in winters 😫 , but in summers, lose and light clothes do the job. And days are longer too, which I enjoyed a lot because during summer vacation we could play sports for longer duration than in winters.

I also felt that getting asleep in winter nights are tough, as people enjoy going under the blankets, but in summer one could get better sleep as well.

Shedinja has more utility than Shuckle, where the later only relies mostly on laying out the entry hazards.
Agree. There's fine for that, but that's reserved to UNESCO places, offices, malls, big company areas, etc. But then no says about what HHH or Stone Cold used to do in their times !

Giratina-O is better than Giratina-A.
How cool and calm they look. So sad that people kill them for their monetary benefits. Or rather, all animals are killed for monetary benefits of people.....

So bad that I had never seen an elephant 🐘. But my parents say that they had sat on it when they were kids, when the forest tribal people came to their locality for earning money.

Blissey is amazing!
Err.... Ngl, I can't remember if I ever actually had one on my team xD
Can't really judge it's ingame usefulness.
It's a very caring Pokemon though, which I guess is amazing =D

There are too many cars in use on the roads.

Disagree, have you seen the amount of superhero movies? there's too many to count, lol.

Oh you don't have to tell me =P
I actually did the opposite of that statement a couple times and kept getting disagree on it so I flipped it around xD