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Agree or Disagree (2.0)

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 13,803
    • Seen today
    Going to copy and paste my example from the previous game. It's simple enough.

    Post a statement. Person below agrees or disagrees to it. Then posts a statement of their own.

    example - person 1: "Pineapples are good on pizza".

    person 2: "Disagree". "Ketchup is good on fries".

    to start

    It's preferable to be early than late

    Disclaimer: Since this is a game at it's core, please stay tactful and let it flow. Disagreement may stir emotions, but it's better if we hold those in our head so things can keep moving. A comment here and there is okay, but take consideration to others and the game as a whole.
    Yay! It's back! And Agree. I always try to be a little bit early.

    Limon is a gross topping for fish.

    Edit: Yes, I did in fact mean Lemon. Funny thing is, I even looked it up for a spell check, saw a picture of a lemon and said 'good enough' lol.
    Last edited:
    Do you mean lemon? I disagree, I like putting that stuff on fish. But I also like drinking tap water with that stuff for taste. ^^"

    You shouldn't toss your clothes out when you can still wear them.
    Will respond to both.
    1. Agree. Wears clothes for too long. Tends not to go anywhere, though, so who cares about a small hole or two? Should at least donate something you do not want to wear.
    2. Agree. Harms lower income families. Makes it harder for transgender students, as well as other students with a less rigid view of their gender.

    Views making the bed as a waste of time.
    I would be very interested to hear why someone would disagree with that statement, However, I Agree.

    One should not have to agree with the statement they post here for someone else.
    I agree! ... Wait, should I disagree ? ^^
    If opinions do not meet, I am all for agreeing to disagree!

    To say something untrue while genuinely believing it to be true does not make one a liar.
    Disagree. Lies a re a very complicated thing and can cause a lot of bad things happen. That's especially bad when you don't even know that it's a lie.

    Public transport should be free of charge.
    Agree. I've also been in the unfortunate situation of misplacing my change and being stuck for hours without a way home.

    Knowledge is power
    Disagree. Money is power.
    Those who have knowledge are basically researchers, they don't rule countries or big companies.

    Twitter is the worst social network.
    Disagree, they are all the worst. All of them started off as a new and interesting way to socialize but ended up being data mines and tools for ideological manipulation. <_<

    A day needs to be well structured to be good.
    Agree. Looks no better or worse.

    Considers Halloween the best holiday.
    Disagree because it isn't actually a holiday. At least not in my country. <_<

    A minimalist lifestyle is a good way of living.
    Disagree. I'd say Christmas is the best holiday :)

    You should learn something new every day.

    Disagree, they are all the worst. All of them started off as a new and interesting way to socialize but ended up being data mines and tools for ideological manipulation. <_<
    From what I hear, the community is more kind on Instagram (but that's a second hand opinion).
    Disagree. It would be ideal but doesn't always pan out in such a way. Of course the little moments you do pick up on something new are quite nice.

    It is better to always be very early than always slightly late.
    Disagree in general. Depends on the situations: in a formal context surely, but in the daily life not at all. Like, with the little understanding I have of social interactions, I found that if you arrive very early you're seen as exaggerated and too serious, but if you arrive late (not too much) they don't really care and it's like "yeah it happens, whatever".

    Water tastes good
    I had to get used to it. As a kid I lived off of junk food and drank a lot of soda, fruit punch and milk shakes. I never wanted water. But have learned to enjoy it these days. Water now is usually what I order to drink at a restaurant. At home also fill up cups of ice water to drink using my ice maker, especially in the summer months, and see how refreshing it can be. So Agree.

    Hitting a child is a bad way to teach or parent.
    It really depends mainly on how you "hit" them. If you're hitting your child in the face and/or doing so in a way to cause injury, then it is bad and can definitely be considered abuse. However, in my opinion, spanking your child's butt from time to time when they do bad isn't bad. I believe it can be a good way to discipline your child, especially if you come from a place where taking things away from the child isn't much of an option (poverty) or where they can easily be influenced by other "bad" kids.

    Too much bias exists in politics and the media.