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Alola Random Battles Tournament!


  • 6,402
    • Seen May 21, 2024

    Random Battle Tournament - Alola Version


    Pokémon Sun and Moon is here! Have you finished playing the game? Want to dive right into competitive, but unsure of what is new? Worry not, for this Random Battle tournament will help you experiment with the new changes without having to build a team of your own!

    Post "in" to join. Make sure to invite your friends! The more, the merrier!​


    • All battles will be held in PokéCommunity's battle server since a custom random battle format will be used.
    • All battles will be a Best of 3 using the Alola Random format (named [LotW 28] Alola Random on the battle server). The Alola Random format is a random battle format that consists of all Pokemon native to Alola.
    • Standard PokéCommunity battle rules apply.
    • Deadlines will be strictly enforced but extensions can be given for valid reasons.
    • Absolutely no cheating of any form will be tolerated. Please be mindful of other players and maintain sportsmanship throughout the event.


    I'm currently in talks for a possible shiny Pokémon prize! Keep an eye in this section for possible updates.​


    The tournament will be in single elimination format, with each battle being a Best of 3.

    This section will be updated as each round progresses.​
    Last edited:
    10 people so far! Ideally, I'd like to reach the sweet 16 participants, but if circumstances won't allow it then I'll be happy to adjust. Anyway, the server hasn't been updated yet so the Alola Randoms format is still unavailable. :( Don't worry, I'll be notifying everyone if the format is available in case you want to get some practice matches in :p

    Please invite your friends to join! Convince them that battling is the only thing that matters in Pokemon fun, especially if they join this tourney! :D
    Heads up: Alola Random is now playable on the battle server! :D Many thanks to wolf for setting it up, as well as Steve for running the server!
    Signups will be open until 6PM GMT today, December 23. 2 more people until we reach 16 participants! Spread the word!
    Signups are officially closed! Here's the bracket for Round 1 (Michonne gets a bye please release my family now). The deadline will be December 31st. Get on the battle server and get started with your battles! :D Remember that battles will be a best of 3 using the [LotW 28] Alola Random format. Good luck to everyone!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Alola Random Battles Tournament!

    Alternatively, you can check out the tourney's progress on Challonge.

    Spoiler: ignore this
    i could not be more in
    In honor of the fantastic user zeffy who has come back, I am entering this tournament.
    i am of the ins
    I suppose I could give it a try
    Definitely in!
    In in in in
    Hmmm! In!
    Zeffy payed me a not-so friendly visit and now I'm in the tournament.