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And come to think I wasn't even gonna stay...

  • 1,103
    • Seen Feb 20, 2024
    Uhm... hai guys o.o
    I don't usually write this kind of stuff so bare with me xD
    It's like 4 AM and I can't sleep.... again, so I decided to post a little something for whoever feels like reading some random 4 AM thoughts xD

    I happened to join PC on Christmas Eve in 2012... not so long ago. And quite frankly, the only reason I made an account in the first place was Abnegation's fan made game. (yes, I do know his name is Gavin, I lurked about and found that out but this is for the sake of the readers that don't know him o.o). I was really bored that day, despite it being Christmas Eve so I was looking about, trying to find something to entertain myself with. And I somehow ended clicking a link that lead me to Gavin's thread. Needless to say I was completely mesmerized as I stared at the awesomeness of that post. I remember I was amazed at the beauty of the story and the screenshots and the soundtracks. I bookmarked the link right away and decided to keep an eye on the thread, determined to give the game a try whenever it was done and released. After some brief thinking and looking about the Developers Showcase, I decided it would be unfair if I didn't praise Gavin's work so I made an account just so I can post in his thread and express my admiration and my decision to support the game. "It's just for a post", I remember thinking at the time, "but it's well worth the effort". So I posted in Gavin's thread, in the Welcome Lounge(where I openly admitted I was only there to "stalk" the amazing game) and in a couple of other threads. I also chatted about a bit with the nice people that bothered greeting me and welcoming me to PC and then I vanished.

    I admit, I wasn't planning on sticking around, not at all. I just planned on watching a few games that managed to get me interested and that was it.

    Then a month went by and I suddenly had an urge to check on Gavin's thread again and so I did. I checked several other threads as well and even necroed a thread without actually meaning to do it (never even checked the date >.>).

    And well, of course, I was gone again for a little while. Until one day (February 6 to be specific) when I was bored out of my mind and stumbled upon PC again.
    After doing the routine check of the Dev Showcase, I decided to take one more look around the main page before finding something else to do.

    And well, there it was... popped up in front of me all of the sudden and it kept urging me to click it, to check it out. Yes, I'm talking about the Challenges section.

    I had never actually played any challenges so I decided to give it a try. So I clicked on the link and the first thing I saw was [Supporter]NecrumWarrior[/Supporter]'s Ultimate Monotype Challenge. Being curious by nature, I opened the thread and read through the first post, only to realize that I was in the middle of a monotype ( a ghost one) on one of my Sinnoh games without even realizing that was a challenge.

    So after some thinking, I decided to sign up and chose Bug as my first Type for that challenge, mostly based on the fact that I never used Bug Types. And well, one challenge lead to the next and to the next and so on and so forth.

    I eventually grew so into it that I started my own challenges, The Eeveelutions Challenge and The Baby Pokémon Challenge. Well, they're not that popular, mainly because most people already ran through games before only using Eeveelutions and because training baby pokémon is a hassle for most people. But well, I thought they were good ideas so I went through with them. I wanted to play them so decided I'd share.

    As time went by, I kept joining various challenges and eventually stumbled upon what ended up being my most popular Challenge yet: The Time Warp Challenge. I thought the idea was great, but this little gem was unpolished and its old owner abandoned it. So I talked to the amazing Sydian and she agreed to let me take over it. And I did and decided to expand it and I was happy to see people bringing their contribution to it as well. I was finally beginning to settle down and PC kept growing on me by the minute.

    Soon after, Necrum decided to pass down his Legendary Trio Challenge to me, saying that he couldn't manage it anymore and that he thought I was reliable. So there I was, adopting another challenge. I admit, as opposed to common belief, once using legendaries becomes mandatory to the challenge, people simply lose interest in it. So yeah, the legendary trio isn't very popular either, but it's my baby along with my other 3 challenges and I'd never give them up. I know I'll do my best to keep them alive and running for as long as possible.

    And well, here I was, stuck on PC through Challenges. That section slowly became my home and I felt like I belonged there. Besides, I was having tons of reasons to play through my favourite games over and over again without getting bored. I then learned of the IRC and started dropping by there as well. But it wasn't very lively so Necrum invited me to the trade corner IRC.

    Trade Corner was extremely lively compared to the Nest and I quickly managed to blend in... well, I think I did anyways.
    I met a lot of awesome people via the Trade Corner IRC, such as Mac, [Supporter]EV[/Supporter], tabor, [Supporter]Berzerk[/Supporter], blade and many more.

    And so months went by and I was getting more and more into PC and into getting to know my newly found friends. Necrum and I came to be quite good friends and eventually paired up, tabor kept bringing a smile to my face whenever I'd drop by the IRC, simply by being himself, I learned that Sydian was in fact a girl, like I thought the very first time I saw her name, I eventually realized that as opposed to my initial impression, Gavin was actually a guy (gosh, I hope he doesn't read this >.> ). Oh and I learned that tabor loves gender bending and that he, too, was a guy (though I could have sworn he was a girl u.u). As time went by, I found out that Mac was...well, Mac... silly and weird, yet awesome in his own way, I discovered a not so innocent side of EVs (that I liked btw), I learned that blade was a girl and that she wasn't as scary as I first thought she was and that Berzerk is plain awesome.

    PC eventually grew on me to such extent that I celebrated my birthday this year greeting new players and hopping about the IRC, trying to avoid all the happy birthdays and best wishes xD
    I was amazed at how friendly and awesome everyone was. Necrum went to such length he actually gifted me Supporter for a birthday present, knowing that I would have loved being able to support PC via donating.

    And well... now that I look back, I am really glad I made the choices that lead me here. And I'm even happier that I eventually decided to stick around.
    I love PC and I have yet to explore a lot of it.

    I also wish to thank all the amazing people that I met for being awesome, for being themselves and for being so great. ^-^

    I'm gonna end this by asking you all a tiny question, that's more like a rhetorical one, to be honest.... looking at me now, could you have ever guessed that I wasn't even gonna stay?
    Kagami, you are a wonderful member of Challenges, and I am so glad I could be part of the reason you stayed. And the fact that you agreed to pair with me was the greatest feeling, I was super nervous. >.< Keep up the good work!
    Something you mentioned is also shared in common with me, I got Supporter as a birthday gift too although it was just someone giving me their Supporter prize rather than donating.

    But yeah, great opening blog entry and I do hope to see more from you!
    Well, since you started off being more established in Challenges, you already seemed like someone who was going to stick around by the time you came around to Trade Corner. But judging from what you've written, you're like a lot of people on these forums; you were drawn in by ROM Hacks or the Games and found something else on the site that you enjoyed that made you stick around. > 3<

    Nice to know that my genderbending is convincing though haha *twirls*

    I know you'll stick around and continue being an awesome friend > 3<
    NecrumWarrior;bt90146 said:
    Kagami, you are a wonderful member of Challenges, and I am so glad I could be part of the reason you stayed. And the fact that you agreed to pair with me was the greatest feeling, I was super nervous. >.< Keep up the good work!

    Aaaaaw, pair ^^ Stop lying >.> I'm not that awesome of a member of Challenges <.< I got too many and barely ever get to post updates >u<
    And well, I'm glad we paired up and all xD it's been a lot more fun around these parts since then xD Especially with the massive spamming eachother via VM >.> yeah, I love doing that <.< and I'll keep doing it until I get to the bottom of your faves list >.> then Imma get started at the beginning of the national dex and work my way to the end >.>

    Hikari10;bt90147 said:
    Something you mentioned is also shared in common with me, I got Supporter as a birthday gift too although it was just someone giving me their Supporter prize rather than donating.

    But yeah, great opening blog entry and I do hope to see more from you!

    Thank you, Hikari ^-^ You'll most likely see more, as I do plan to use this thingy more often ^^

    tabor62;bt90148 said:
    Well, since you started off being more established in Challenges, you already seemed like someone who was going to stick around by the time you came around to Trade Corner. But judging from what you've written, you're like a lot of people on these forums; you were drawn in by ROM Hacks or the Games and found something else on the site that you enjoyed that made you stick around. > 3<

    Nice to know that my genderbending is convincing though haha *twirls*

    I know you'll stick around and continue being an awesome friend > 3<

    <.< >.> tabor, you'll secretly forever be a girl in my head >.> ( yeah, not so secretly anymore xD)
    And well, I'm here to stay xD at least for now ^^
    You are a fantastic bird and I love having you around! You make the Nest fluffier. Which is good because I mean fluffier = more Swablu are there = good!

    Sydian;bt90153 said:
    You are a fantastic bird and I love having you around! You make the Nest fluffier. Which is good because I mean fluffier = more Swablu are there = good!


    Aaaaaw ^-^
    I'm only a fantastic bird because you take such good care of us birdies ^^ so I guess that makes you a fantastic momma bird? o.O (almost 6 AM logic xD)
    I'm glad you stayed Kagami! :D You're an awesome person too and you help make TC chat livelier (more girls yay)! I didn't know you liked that side about me. xD Definitely hope you stay here forever since you're a wonderful person. :)
    Iloveeevee;bt90182 said:
    I'm glad you stayed Kagami! :D You're an awesome person too and you help make TC chat livelier (more girls yay)! I didn't know you liked that side about me. xD Definitely hope you stay here forever since you're a wonderful person. :)

    Aaaaaaw ^^ thanks EV ^^ you're awesomely amazing too ^-^
    Kagami, it was amazing to meet you and I'm really glad you decided to stick to PC. You're one of most active chatters in TC and I love you being around! :) Thank you for all the fun <3
    Mac;bt90213 said:
    Kagami, it was amazing to meet you and I'm really glad you decided to stick to PC. You're one of most active chatters in TC and I love you being around! :) Thank you for all the fun <3

    aaaaw, thanks Macfaise ^-^
    I only wish the IRC didn't die out whenever I happen to pop about >.>