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Event: Art Studio's Banner Drive [FINISHED]


fleeting assembly
  • 8,709

    Art Studio's Banner Drive


    Welcome to the banner drive, where the goal is to populate the Art Studio banner with your art! This is a month-long event where artists and non-artists are encouraged to draw a Pokemon of their choice to be used in the banner above the section. The images will then be collated into a sticker-bomb like collage by Kitty and Flowerchild.

    How do I participate?
    1. Mention you are participating and the ONE (1) Pokemon you are going to draw.
    2. Draw the Pokemon (specific requirements are listed below).
    3. Edit your post with the image of the Pokemon you drew!
    4. Optional: Add your social media for art credits.
    You will have one month to draw the Pokemon of your choice. If we get to a point where there are still empty space and not enough Pokemon, we will allow secondaries to be chosen!

    1. You are not allowed to edit your Pokemon dibs. Please take your time to think about it.
    2. In regards to duplicate claims, we will follow the first (earlier) claim. The second claim has to think of a different Pokemon.
    3. Please follow the canvas requirements else your art will not be counted.
    4. The canvas size must be exactly 1000x1000px, and your art must be on a transparent background.
    5. It is encouraged to add a white border to your Pokemon drawing for the sticker effect, but not required.
    6. Pixel art, traditional art, vector art, 3D art is absolutely OK as long as they are following the canvas size and transparency rules.
    7. For traditional art specifically, if you are having trouble with making your image transparent, please let us know and we can help you!

    If there are any questions, please feel free to post them in this thread!

    Closing Date: November 1, 2021 @ 12:30pm EST

    Kitty with Pikachu
    Sapphire Rose with Alolan Vulpix
    machomuu with Espurr
    Sonata with Wooper
    Megan with Phione
    Boxhead with Hypno
    Foxrally with Qwilfish
    Redesignated with Gourgeist
    Yume Tsuki with Froslass
    Sunfished with Stunfisk
    Flowerchild with Oddish
    Inky with Inkay
    Gimmepie with Appletun
    Aldo with Meowstic
    Hyzenthlay with Shinx
    ReKoil with Amaura
    Retek with Porygon
    Wuzzy with Volcarona
    Fairy with Sylveon
    Aquacorde with Charmander
    Groc with Cubone

    CSS and art belongs to Flowerchild, rules by Kitty
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Art Studio's Banner Drive [FINISHED]

    Look at this absolute qutie
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    I'll give Gourgeist a shot.
    It's looking like I'll be pretty busy all month, but I think I can at least fit in a pumpkin friend.

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    Just thought of two questions — one, is having our signature (not a watermark/overlay) visible in the drawing an issue?
    And two, are minor decorative details to accompany the Pokémon OK? I was thinking of adding some small leaves around Gourgeist, for example.
    Just thought of two questions — one, is having our signature (not a watermark/overlay) visible in the drawing an issue?
    And two, are minor decorative details to accompany the Pokémon OK? I was thinking of adding some small leaves around Gourgeist, for example.

    1) signatures are completely fine! what we can only request is that it's not completely overpowering the art itself (like watermarks/huge overlays like you mentioned)
    2) decor + details accompanying the pokemon are also fine <3 feel free to add details to your pokemon, as long as the pokemon is still the star of the show :)
    Hi hello howdy


    That is all
    I'll go with...Meowstic

    Edit: I went with Meowstic
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