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[Intro] Back after Years


The Master of Pokemon Breeding
  • 2,074
    • Age 39
    • NC
    • Seen Nov 20, 2023
    I know I haven't been here in years. I got depressed and felt like no one cared about my posts cause I got no replies anywhere on the forum. But what I didn't realize was that even though I didn't get replies that didn't mean no one was reading what I put.

    Sometimes when you read a thread you just don't know what to say. But if I needed a beta reader for a story I could get one right? How do I request a beta reader here anyway? Anyway, I have lost my writing talent and haven't been able to write a good fanfic in years anyway.

    So, I kinda doubt I will be writing anymore stories or joining RPGs any time soon. My writing probably isn't good enough anymore anyway. I can barely write even one sentence any longer.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to help me get back into writing you're more than welcome to try, even though most of my writing issue has to do with stress and anxiety. I have been suffering from those for a few years now.

    But other than that I am glad to be back and I am a much nicer person than I used to be when I was here before. Sorry if I was mean and pushy before. That was wrong of me and I promise to do better from now on.
    I know I haven't been here in years. I got depressed and felt like no one cared about my posts cause I got no replies anywhere on the forum. But what I didn't realize was that even though I didn't get replies that didn't mean no one was reading what I put.

    Sometimes when you read a thread you just don't know what to say. But if I needed a beta reader for a story I could get one right? How do I request a beta reader here anyway? Anyway, I have lost my writing talent and haven't been able to write a good fanfic in years anyway.

    So, I kinda doubt I will be writing anymore stories or joining RPGs any time soon. My writing probably isn't good enough anymore anyway. I can barely write even one sentence any longer.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to help me get back into writing you're more than welcome to try, even though most of my writing issue has to do with stress and anxiety. I have been suffering from those for a few years now.

    But other than that I am glad to be back and I am a much nicer person than I used to be when I was here before. Sorry if I was mean and pushy before. That was wrong of me and I promise to do better from now on.

    Hello, welcome. Don't worry we all make mystakes, and we can always have our redemption. It's sad hear what you got throught :(. I'm sure that the community will give you the welcoming here!

    Now, ¿why did you like writting?
    I liked it cause I could turn the canon around whatever way I wanted. Maybe that's my issue there. I wrote cause I didn't like how the canon plot turned out.
    I liked it cause I could turn the canon around whatever way I wanted. Maybe that's my issue there. I wrote cause I didn't like how the canon plot turned out.

    I think it can work if you execute it well. Maybe that's what make fan-fictions interesting for some people, have freedom to write and develop the story. Writting needs a lot of effort and creativity, so you will try everything until the thing you write fit in the story you want to create. Keep trying, that's all about writting spirit.

    Anyway, just relax and take your time.
    Hello there, and welcome back to the PC!

    So you like to write? Neat-o! Do you have a favorite story you've written?

    Also, when you get a moment, would you please remove that old ad link from your sig? (it's dead anyway)
    Yes I will. I haven't had the chance to yet cause it was late at night when I came back and I had to get to bed.
    I know I haven't been here in years. I got depressed and felt like no one cared about my posts cause I got no replies anywhere on the forum. But what I didn't realize was that even though I didn't get replies that didn't mean no one was reading what I put.

    Sometimes when you read a thread you just don't know what to say. But if I needed a beta reader for a story I could get one right? How do I request a beta reader here anyway? Anyway, I have lost my writing talent and haven't been able to write a good fanfic in years anyway.

    So, I kinda doubt I will be writing anymore stories or joining RPGs any time soon. My writing probably isn't good enough anymore anyway. I can barely write even one sentence any longer.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to help me get back into writing you're more than welcome to try, even though most of my writing issue has to do with stress and anxiety. I have been suffering from those for a few years now.

    But other than that I am glad to be back and I am a much nicer person than I used to be when I was here before. Sorry if I was mean and pushy before. That was wrong of me and I promise to do better from now on.

    Welcome back Konekodemon!
    As someone with anxiety and stresses a lot, I feel your pain, But if writing makes you happy, then go for it! doesn't matter who likes it or who doesn't like it!
    Well anyway, hope you enjoy being back here! :D
    I know I haven't been here in years. I got depressed and felt like no one cared about my posts cause I got no replies anywhere on the forum. But what I didn't realize was that even though I didn't get replies that didn't mean no one was reading what I put.

    Sometimes when you read a thread you just don't know what to say. But if I needed a beta reader for a story I could get one right? How do I request a beta reader here anyway? Anyway, I have lost my writing talent and haven't been able to write a good fanfic in years anyway.

    So, I kinda doubt I will be writing anymore stories or joining RPGs any time soon. My writing probably isn't good enough anymore anyway. I can barely write even one sentence any longer.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to help me get back into writing you're more than welcome to try, even though most of my writing issue has to do with stress and anxiety. I have been suffering from those for a few years now.

    But other than that I am glad to be back and I am a much nicer person than I used to be when I was here before. Sorry if I was mean and pushy before. That was wrong of me and I promise to do better from now on.

    Hello Konekodemon, and welcome back to the forums!
    It's alright, as others said above. We all make mistakes once in a while, and what matters it to recognize them, to make amend and not to repeat them. You do not need to write "good" for fanfics or RPG. What matters is for you to enjoy what you do, and if other people enjoy reading or RPing with you, it is a welcome bonus!
    Best wishes for you to continue feeling better and better as time passes!

    Do you have favourite Pokémon fanfics ?
    And I, for one, am always up for new friends!
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    But don't roleplay sign ups on here require a certain word count to be accepted?
    But don't roleplay sign ups on here require a certain word count to be accepted?

    Well, a minimal count is necessary, sure, but you do not need to write walls of text! ^^
    I have never been one to write long paragraphs, myself, but that is alright! And don't worry, you would have all the time you need to write your parts.