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Battle Server Support

Hey there! This is Sophie or Aslan, one of the mods over at the PC Battle Server. Quite a few newcomers recently have been asking how you get promoted, what you need to do etc. I'm sure people have explained in the past, but I can't be bothered to check unfortunately. However I will try and clarify along with throw in a few details on some of the things you will need to do, to be considered worthy of moving up a rank! Also please remember rank isn't the world's most precious thing, you can be a regular user and still enjoy the server, regardless of rank. But it is a good thing to have I suppose, so onwards we go!

How to move up... well there a few important things you need to remember. You are not going to get promoted on your first day, setting foot on the server. If that happened, there would be a total imbalance of ranks unfortunately, also things like that don't really work to be honest. Try and be active, if you have been to the server before, think when was the last time you visited? Try and check back regularly, rather than disappear off the face of the Earth, if you want to be considered. :3

What about you as a person? Rudeness and being hurtful to other members, or making them feel very uncomfortable and continuing to do so even if they tell you to stop is not tolerated. Try and be polite, along with helpful towards other members. But remember to always be yourself, don't try and fake a personality, we love people for who they are not a fake personality.

Do you follow all of the rules? Are you a troublemaker? Try and follow all of PC's and the Battle Servers rules while you are chatting. That means spamming, trolling, flaming, harassing or posting pornographic content is prohibited. We like mucking around a bit, as in joking with others and swearing is alright, but try not to use swearing excessively. Also please speak English while on the server, if you cannot understand Google Translate can be provided. However if you continue to do so, you may be muted.

Also there is a golden rule for most things that involve promotions- do not ask or you will not become one. It won't do you any benefit, in fact it might actually do the opposite. Asking for authority will most likely lessen your chances, be patient it will come to you eventually. Asking could even remove your chances, if done repeatedly.

I've been waffling on a bit and to cut straight to the ca- I mean point, generally we look for helpful people, activity and other statistics. Also battling as well, we're a battle server for a reason :x. You don't have to be a legendary trainer but try and do a few battles as well while you're at it. And well that is basically my guide.

Also if you would like to see the ranks for the server, you can always do /groups and check. Other than that thanks for reading and if anyone else would like to add something in or give feedback feel free too :3.
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Just thought I'd let everyone know in case they have been trying to access Pokemon Showdown for the past couple of hours (since about 3pm EST), that it is down, and not for maintenance. The hosting company that Showdown runs on (CloudFlare) is having power issues. CloudFlare is what keeps the server online when it is down, which is indeed is. It's not really CF that's having the issue, it's DreamHost that is having it. The VPS is located in Irvine, California , which is the western part of the US. There have been updates which can be read here: https://www.dreamhoststatus.com/2013/03/19/power-disruption-affecting-us-west-data-center-irvine-ca/

If needed you can also check out the #showdown irc for more and to talk about the outage: Showdown IRC

And here is PC's IRC channel: PC IRC
Hey guys, the server is back! There are only two of us right now so we can't confirm if it's back for certain countries but yeah thought I'd let you all know. We can chat and log in so it seems to be working for now at least. :3
Guys, I want to let you know, that our PC Battle Server's URL has been changed, probably linked to the server problem that Twihiki mentioned earlier:

In case you can't go to old PC Battle Server's URL, click this above link.
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Just to let you guys know spammer user names that aren't registered and have been banned can still be used by other members since it only bans the ip not the username. So it's best if you don't try and use a spammer's name so you won't get banned or muted. :x
The ladder is working again, and the server is now properly displayed on Pokemon Showdown's main page once again thanks to Cathy. Party down, folks.
Before I start, if anyone needs context for our failed April Fools' prank, then read this post. Keep in mind that the April Fools' prank is completely unrelated to this, excluding the fact that we decided to do it at the same time. Now, I'll explain what we're currently doing with the staff and why. Nica and I decided that we originally had too many staff members (moderators in particular), so we agreed pick new staff members all over again. The problem with having too much staff members early into the "new" server's life is that it essentially kills off any chance of new promotions. New users will have no luck in getting promoted when there are already 21 staff members around. If we were to add anymore, then we might as well should make the entire server community a bunch of staff members. This is the most important reason, but another is that it makes the server too intimidating when there are more staff on than regular or voice members. I've received complaints a few people about this, and some of them don't even return to the server. I also don't want to make voice or regular members feel inadequate when there's so many staff members and they haven't even been chosen. Additionally, we want to take server moderation more seriously, as I think the server could benefit from a slightly more stricter moderation. To add onto that, we didn't consider time zones and a few other things when choosing the previous staff members, and it's important to have at least one staff member on at all times. Many of our current staff members are concentrated into one particular time period.

Note that this wasn't done because we thought the current team was inefficient. In fact, I believe all of the previous staff did perfectly fine aside from a few inactive staff members here and there. This isn't a plan to remove any of you in particular; this was done for the aforementioned reasons. I don't want to make this seem like a big tease, with people being given staff ranks and then getting them taken away a few months later. But we all make mistakes, and I think Nica and I made a mistake by frivolously choosing so many staff members without thinking about the consequences. For that, I apologize, and I'm also sorry if this caused any unnecessary drama. We are doing this because we think this would be best for the server in the end. I'll also mention that there's something that may happen later down the road, and while it's still up in the air, it may get implemented. This something would likely affect the staff amount, and I don't want to revamp the staff again just for this.

Anyway, we will be choosing a new staff team tomorrow, but may happen later if Nica and I aren't completely for sure about it. There's a chance previous staff members will be chosen, but there may also be some new staff members. I also want to say that we're going to make it up to everyone by having some lighthearted fun on April Fools' Day. You may see a return of something we used to do, heh.
To clarify before anyone else replies, by stricter moderation I mean a stricter enforcement of keeping things appropriate (i.e. no obvious sex talk, unfortunately). I think we're doing fine otherwise. I'll reply later when I'm not busy.
(i.e. no obvious sex talk, unfortunately)


On the actual subject, even though I just said it on the server (in a terribly non-coherent way), I don't think that intentionally making moderation stricter is the answer. I think Wolf and I agree in saying that some of the rules probably need some clarification (like adding the text part to the inappropriateness rule) so that the userbase knows exactly what isn't allowed. Leaving things open to interpretation means different people will do certain actions thinking they're allowed (specifically the sex types of talks, since I and probably many others thought it was okay to discuss it, but linking anything was bad). If we clarify everything and leave less things open to the imagination, then people will know exactly what is and isn't allowed. If they still choose to go against that, THEN stricter moderation can be enforced because they're breaking the newly clarified rules.

tl;dr: Make rules more clear, and if broken be stricter, not stricter for the sake of being stricter
I agree with Jake; I'll flesh out the "no inappropriate content" rule soon.

Additionally, I'd like to welcome ForeverDash, glitchguy, jellicentfan1, and Twilight Sky as our new moderation team. It was a tough choice keeping it at such a small amount, because all of the candidates would've made good mods. Many things were taken into account; we even kept track of when certain candidates came on at certain times. However, we eventually agreed on these four. Keep in mind that new promotions may happen in the future, as we only have a few mods at the moment. We went with a small amount of mods at first because we didn't want to get ahead of ourselves and leave no room for new mods. We also want to see how the current team does and find out what we can improve on.
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Fools Festival
[PokeCommunity.com] Battle Server Support

Thats right folks theres a new seasonal ladder up!
More Info Can be found here.​
We will be having some new Random Battle metagames added to the server soon! If what I did to the server scripts works, we will have the following metagames added: High Tier Random Battle, Medium Tier Random Battle, and Low Tier Random Battle. High Tier Randbats includes only Uber, OU, and BL Pokemon; Medium Tier Randbats includes only UU, BL2, RU, and BL3 Pokemon; and Low Tier Randbats includes only NU Pokemon. However, only Pokemon listed on Smogon's NU page will be added, so a lot of NFE Pokemon won't be in Low Tier Randbats. Additionally, all Pokemon in the tiered Randbats metagames will have level 100.

Edit: They're up and working!
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Is there an /ignore type command?
I didn't receive one when entering /help, at least.