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[Giveaway] Belldandy's Breedjects

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[color=teal][b]Ice-Type Fanatic[/b][/color]
  • 3,979
    This is my breedject giveaway thread.

    No spontaneous requests.

    I'll list what I have available as they become available. You may request at that point using the following template:

    Desired Pokemon:
    Desired Ability:
    Desired Gender:

    My Trade Shop is here.

    Available Breedjects

    None at the moment
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    Weekly bump. I've added a lot of new Rare Ball Pokemon as well as 5IV HA 4EM Magby/Elekid. All trades are 1:1.

    Please VM/PM me.
    ive got a few balls id like to trade let me know if your intrested

    (Moon Ball) Eevee
    (Moon Ball) Growlith
    (Love Ball) Buneary
    (Dream Ball) Elgyem HA,
    (Dream Ball) Clamperl HA,
    (Dream Ball) Rattata HA,
    (Dream Ball) Cottonee,
    (Dream Ball) Poliwag

    (Moon Ball) Magikarp
    (Love Ball) Miltank
    (Love Ball) Chansey
    (Fast Ball) Plusle
    (Fast Ball) Growlithe
    (Heavy Ball) Snorlax
    (Sport Ball) Scyther
    (Dream Ball) Eevee
    Hi, Steve! My list was actually outdated a whole ton, so make sure to look back over and see if there were other things you wanted.

    From your list, this is what interests me:

    ♪(Dream Ball) Cottonee
    ♪(Dream Ball) Rattata with HA

    That said, (Moon Ball) Eevee is illegal, since Eevee could not be caught in the wild until Gen VI. I can't trade for illegal / powersave'd Pokemon, unfortunately.

    Also, if you're still interested in the rest of the list you gave me (and maybe more - again, take a look at my updated first post), I will accept non-Rare Ball Male Pokemon with four (4) Egg Moves instead, at my discretion.
    ♪(Dream Ball) Cottonee
    ♪(Dream Ball) Rattata with HA

    That said, (Moon Ball) Eevee is illegal, since Eevee could not be caught in the wild until Gen VI. I can't trade for illegal / powersave'd Pokemon, unfortunately.

    Also, if you're still interested in the rest of the list you gave me (and maybe more - again, take a look at my updated first post), I will accept non-Rare Ball Male Pokemon with four (4) Egg Moves instead, at my discretion.

    Wow really didn't know that ill go and release it all these are off the gts so I didn't think anything of it guess ill go look up whats legal for each ball

    The one i mainly want is Heavy ball Snorlax would you trade that and safari ball lickitung for those two

    i have a egg move male Charmander blaze with dragon rush,outrage,dragon pulse,dragon dance if your interested if not do you have a list of pokemon you want egg moves on i can start breeding them
    Yep, I can do that. I won't be available to trade until Sunday, though, maybe Monday (I have a lot of "orders" atm due for Sunday, but it is a possibility I can get it all done plus yours on Sunday).

    I already have a Charmander like that, unfortunately :(

    but if you can get me the following (Male), we'd be best friends :P

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    ive got a few balls id like to trade let me know if your intrested

    (Moon Ball) Eevee
    (Moon Ball) Growlith
    (Love Ball) Buneary
    (Dream Ball) Elgyem HA,
    (Dream Ball) Clamperl HA,
    (Dream Ball) Rattata HA,
    (Dream Ball) Cottonee,
    (Dream Ball) Poliwag

    (Moon Ball) Magikarp
    (Love Ball) Miltank
    (Love Ball) Chansey
    (Fast Ball) Plusle
    (Fast Ball) Growlithe
    (Heavy Ball) Snorlax
    (Sport Ball) Scyther
    (Dream Ball) Eevee

    You can read about other common hacks here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/announcement.php?f=248&a=595. Any other questions you have you can message a Trade Corner Moderator for help.

    That said, (Moon Ball) Eevee is illegal, since Eevee could not be caught in the wild until Gen VI. I can't trade for illegal / powersave'd Pokemon, unfortunately.

    Actually, you could catch them in the Trophy Garden in Gen IV (DPPt only) and in Castelia Park in Gen V (B2W2 only), though no Apricorn balls were available of course.
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    I forgot about that! But I knew Eevee with Apricorn was definitely bad.


    I already have a female (Heavy Ball) Skarmory, but if it's male, what are its Egg Moves? :)

    I forgot about that! But I knew Eevee with Apricorn was definitely bad.


    I already have a female (Heavy Ball) Skarmory, but if it's male, what are its Egg Moves? :)

    Yes it's a male. It's got 5 IVs and the egg moves are Curse, Stealth Rock, Whirlwind, Brave Bird.
    Sorry about the delay. Just got back from camping.

    Unfortunately, my female already has those moves! Did you have anything else?

    Also, updated the main post.
    I have 2 Larvitars I can give away. Lavitar [Friend Ball] (Move set: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Ancient Power, Stealth Rock)

    EDIT: I also have a Spiritomb [Dream Ball] (Move set: Spite, Shadow Sneak, Hypnosis, Dream Eater)
    Gligar [Fast Ball] (No good move set; Otherwise only has Posion Sting)
    Scyther [Sport Ball] (Move set: Vacuum Wave, Quick Attack, Leer, Defog) * I know you don't want this one cuz you already have one in Sport Ball.
    Pineco [Level Ball] (No good move set; Otherwise has Tackle and Protect)
    Feebas [Dream Ball] (Move set: Hypnosis, Haze, Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse) * I know you don't want this one cuz you already have one in Dream Ball.
    Lapras [Heavy Ball] (No good move set; Otherwise has Sing, Growl and Water Gun) * I know you don't want this one cuz you already have one in Heavy Ball.
    Exeggutor [Safari Ball] (Move set: Reflect, Leech Seed, Confusion, Stun Spore)
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    I'm interested in your:
    ♪(Dream Ball) Feebas
    ♪(Dream Ball) Eevee
    If they have HA

    ♪(Moon Ball) Gastly
    ♪(Moon Ball) Houndour

    I have:
    Sports Ball Venonat
    Love Ball 5iv Adamant Growlithe (4 egg moves)
    Friend Ball Mareep
    Love/Heavy Ball Abra
    Friend Ball Caterpie
    Torchic [Fast Ball] (Move set: Scratch, Growl, Baton Pass)

    Torchic cannot be caught in HeartGold and SoulSilver. As such, Fast Ball Torchics are hacks and are not allowed to be traded here. Please do not trade them around and I would recommend releasing all of them unless you want to keep it and breed for yourself personally, thanks :)
    Torchic cannot be caught in HeartGold and SoulSilver. As such, Fast Ball Torchics are hacks and are not allowed to be traded here. Please do not trade them around and I would recommend releasing all of them unless you want to keep it and breed for yourself personally, thanks :)

    Oh sorry, I didn't know. I got it from someone, I forgot who. But I'll edit my post so that no one can get the Torchic.
    I have 2 Larvitars I can give away. Lavitar [Friend Ball] (Move set: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Ancient Power, Stealth Rock)

    EDIT: I also have a Spiritomb [Dream Ball] (Move set: Spite, Shadow Sneak, Hypnosis, Dream Eater)
    Gligar [Fast Ball] (No good move set; Otherwise only has Posion Sting)
    Scyther [Sport Ball] (Move set: Vacuum Wave, Quick Attack, Leer, Defog) * I know you don't want this one cuz you already have one in Sport Ball.
    Pineco [Level Ball] (No good move set; Otherwise has Tackle and Protect)
    Feebas [Dream Ball] (Move set: Hypnosis, Haze, Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse) * I know you don't want this one cuz you already have one in Dream Ball.
    Lapras [Heavy Ball] (No good move set; Otherwise has Sing, Growl and Water Gun) * I know you don't want this one cuz you already have one in Heavy Ball.
    Exeggutor [Safari Ball] (Move set: Reflect, Leech Seed, Confusion, Stun Spore)

    Hi, HoninboShusaku.

    The only ones I don't have from there are Pineco and Spiritomb, and I can't foresee myself breeding these as I don't really like those Pokemon.

    applemonster said:
    I'm interested in your:
    ♪(Dream Ball) Feebas
    ♪(Dream Ball) Eevee
    If they have HA

    ♪(Moon Ball) Gastly
    ♪(Moon Ball) Houndour

    I have:
    Sports Ball Venonat
    Love Ball 5iv Adamant Growlithe (4 egg moves)
    Friend Ball Mareep
    Love/Heavy Ball Abra
    Friend Ball Caterpie

    I'm interested in your (Friend Ball) Caterpie :) Would you want to trade it for my Gastly? It has 3EMs, 4IV and PokeRUS lol

    I'm also looking for an Adamant Ditto. I'm about to embark on breeding my 4EM HA Torchic, but I need an Adamant Ditto to transfer onto the first female I get.

    Hopefully someone can help me! :(
    That's exactly what I need lol I needed the Ditto to breed for that female.

    What did you want for it? I'll VM you, too.
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