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Catman's Challenge Challenge


シャドーアローズ? ??トライク!
  • 1,623
    Have you ever played a Pokemon Challenge and thought this?

    [PokeCommunity.com] Catman's Challenge Challenge

    But you loved the ingenuity behind it and the challenge it used to bring?

    [PokeCommunity.com] Catman's Challenge Challenge

    Well look no further! I'm here to show you a challenge that I thought up twenty minutes ago! I present to you...


    [PokeCommunity.com] Catman's Challenge Challenge

    Now I bet you're wondering, "Catman! With such a creative name like that, what makes it so special?" Well, I'm glad you asked! What sets it apart is the fact that it's multiple challenges! The one thing that makes my Challenge Challenge so challenging is that every time you obtain a gym badge, the challenge will change completely!

    Every time you beat a gym leader and take their badge, the challenge will shift between on of these ten challenges that were posted on this forum*.

    • The Monotype Challenge by Necrum
    • The Monocolor Challenge by jdthebud
    • The Potterlocke Challenge by Etherion
    • The Time Warp Challenge by Ahri
    • The Anime Style Challenge by NotchItUpABit
    • The Zodiac Challenge by Leòmhann teine
    • The Dex Holders Challenge by DyingWillFlareon
    • The Naturelocke Challenge by Mewquazabsol
    • The Tri-Species Challenge by Alex Taylor
    • The Date of Birth Challenge by Bestwaffles

    This challenge is not for the faint of heart. One moment, you could easily be demolishing Brock and his team, and then be forced to use only fire-types for Misty! Yeah. This could get tough.

    After you obtain a gym badge, randomize the list of challenges above using a random list generator, and the first challenge that appears will be the challenge for that phase!

    *The rules and requirements of these challenges will be edited so transitions will be easier. Please click here for more details. The challenges that were posted in this forum that are not on this list could not be easily fitted into this challenge. Cards vary by pack. Batteries not included.

    Speaking of rules...


    1. No matter which challenge you're currently on, the Death Clause will always be in effect. This means that when your precious (and sometimes not so precious) Pokemon is defeated in battle, then it is dead. Gonzo. Kaput. You must box/release it and it may never be taken out again*.

    2.Add any extra rules you want! All other clauses and rules are acceptable except for the Nine Lives Clause, because that one's stupid. Other than that, go for it!

    *There is a clause (that I made up just now) called the Necromancy Clause. More info on that will be posted when the time is right.

    SIGN UP:

    Name: Because your identity is no joke.
    Game: Where will your adventure take place? (Hacks are allowed)
    Extra Clauses and Rules: If you want to add anything else, here's the place to do it.

    Spoiler: My Sign Up
    Name: Catman
    Game: Pokemon White (I seem to play this a lot)
    Extra Clauses and Rules: A complete white/blackout means Game Over, the both he Dupes and Shiny Clauses will be active. Also I will be randomizing this challenge. Good luck, Catman.


    DarkChibimon / Phase 4
    EpicJackman / Phase 4
    Kostucha / Phase 4
    Enigma / Phase 4
    Disclosed / Phase 4
    CatmanDaGamer / Phase 3
    11wildy / Phase 3
    DyingWillFlareon / Phase 2
    Ahri / Phase 1
    XxHarryxX / Phase 1
    Xander729 / Phase 1
    Janp / Phase 1
    Solar Snivy / Phase 1
    Luster Purge / Phase 1

    If you made it this far and can still read the word "challenge" without it looking weird, then hats off to you!
    Last edited:
    Username: Ahri
    Game: SoulSilver
    Extra Clauses & Rules:
    > Must nickname all Pokemon.
    > Getting completely wiped out by any trainer means "game over" and I have to reset my save file and start over.

    To be fair, I'm more than overjoyed my Time Warp made it on the list of 10 and this is a really neat idea :D So here I am in spite of having close to 0 time for challenges atm xD
    Yes! The first challenger! I'll got you added to the list.

    To be fair, I'm more than overjoyed my Time Warp made it on the list of 10 and this is a really neat idea :D So here I am in spite of having close to 0 time for challenges atm xD
    Well, your Time Warp Challenge is one of the coolest challenges that I've seen here! Glad to have you on board!

    I'm going to wait about a day for some more sign ups, then I'll post the next phase. ;)
    The challenge looks interesting, but it doesn't seem likely that the Zodiac or DOB challenges will work. They require you to catch specific Pokemon or hack them in if they're unavailable. I don't think those challenges work with Nuzlocke rules in mind.
    The challenge looks interesting, but it doesn't seem likely that the Zodiac or DOB challenges will work. They require you to catch specific Pokemon or hack them in if they're unavailable. I don't think those challenges work with Nuzlocke rules in mind.
    You won't be forced to catch the entire required team listed in those challenges. Plus, it's just the Death Clause for those challenges. You're not limited to the first Pokémon per route (during those challenges).
    Name: Kostucha
    Game: Platinum (Randomised)
    Extra Clauses and Rules: Nicknaming all pokemon

    It sounds interesting. The more I think of it, the more I actually want to try it :).
    So should I just start the game now and get the first badge (following normal Nuzlocke rules) or do I need to wait for extra instructions?
    Name: Kostucha
    Game: Platinum (Randomised)
    Extra Clauses and Rules: Nicknaming all pokemon

    It sounds interesting. The more I think of it, the more I actually want to try it :).
    So should I just start the game now and get the first badge (following normal Nuzlocke rules) or do I need to wait for extra instructions?
    Exactly! I'll get you added!
    In that case, count me signed up! I was just confused, I guess.

    Name: EpicJackman
    Game: Sapphire (Randomized)
    Extra Clauses and Rules:
    >If I die, restart from same place but with only captured Pokemon in the "Alive" Box. If my Pokemon left either suck or don't meet the requirements for a section, it's game over.
    >Dupes clause
    >Shiny clause (I always use this, even though it will never happen. I've never even encountered a legit shiny in the wild before :( )
    In that case, count me signed up! I was just confused, I guess.

    Name: EpicJackman
    Game: Sapphire (Randomized)
    Extra Clauses and Rules:
    >If I die, restart from same place but with only captured Pokemon in the "Alive" Box. If my Pokemon left either suck or don't meet the requirements for a section, it's game over.
    >Dupes clause
    >Shiny clause (I always use this, even though it will never happen. I've never even encountered a legit shiny in the wild before :( )
    Glad to have you! I like your ruleset. I think I might use it. :)

    I didn't think so many people would randomize their games. {XD}
    This'll be fun!
    Got the first badge!
    Whew, the game is harsh, many pokemon have very powerful moves right at the beginning that paired with common crits resulted in some early deaths :(. I should be more careful from now on. It's really been a while since I played a Nuzlocke challenge. Names are random too (I open a dictionary on a random page and choose random word), too lazy to choose nicknames myself {XD}

    Team so far:
    Freshly caught/boxed:
    I'll sign up! I might be a bit slow in getting started, but can't wait to get going!

    Username: XxHarryxX
    Game: Pearl
    Extra Rules: Dupes/Shiny clauses, can keep going after blackout with Pokemon in the box
    Well, I wasn't as lucky as Kostucha with my playthrough. You know what they say, third time's the charm! Yup, it took me three tries to beat Roxanne. To be fair, the first on was an early death, second one was rash decisions, and I barely survived the third time. I had to result to potion spamming, but I did not want to start a fourth time.

    Now when I say "rash decisions," I mean that it slipped my mind I could catch more Pokemon, but on the bright side, now I can save those extra encounters for the next phase of the locke.

    Anyway, on to my team:

    Next up is my one alive Pokemon who is inferior to Marshtomp in every way:

    And here's my dead box so far:

    And as a bonus, here is what almost ended my current run:
    Name: DarkChibimon
    Game: Gold
    Extra Clauses and Rules: Must nicknamed all captured pokemon

    This sounds like a really good idea for a Challenge

    I'll sign up! I might be a bit slow in getting started, but can't wait to get going!

    Username: XxHarryxX
    Game: Pearl
    Extra Rules: Dupes/Shiny clauses, can keep going after blackout with Pokemon in the box
    Alrighty then! Welcome aboard. And trust me, you won't be disappointed, DarkChibimon (at least I hop {XD}).

    Congratulations to Kostucha and EpicJackman for completing Phase 1! I'll post my progress and the next phase later tonight.

    By the way, even if you are on Phase 1 while the thread is on Phase 2, then you are not out of the challenge. Feel free to post and catch up. The same goes for people signing up.
    Update #1
    -Named myself Dark
    -Got my starter Gilgamesh, the Cyndaquil
    -Run into my Rival, ExDeath
    -Catch Enkidu, the Sentert on Route 29
    -Catch Ankheg, the Capterpie on Route 31, after a fail catch on Route 30
    -Catch Golem, the Geodude in the Dark Cave
    -Went though the Bellsprot Tower and got Flash
    -Gilgamesh evlove into Quilava
    -Beat the Gym Leader and got my first badge

    [PokeCommunity.com] Catman's Challenge Challenge

    Name: Disclosed
    Game: Moemon Revival Ruby Project, so Ruby Version with anime babes yeaaaaaah
    Extra Clauses and Rules: Dupes clause, shiny clause, go until every girl dies.

    Remind me to update when I get back.
    Actually, I can update right now!

    I beat Roxanne! Team's looking great so far. Turbo'd my way through the early game. I would be set for the 2nd gym too but, y'know. Challenge'll shift for Phase 2 so you can never be so far.

    Screenshots of party / PC:

    So, yeah! Got the easy part out of the way.
    Last edited:
    This looks interesting, but... If I get it right, Phase I is Nuzlocke? I don't see where are the Phases written


    Name: Janp
    Game: Emerald Moemon
    Extra Clauses and Rules: Nope

    EDIT: I'm blind :D I see it now :D
    Disclosed said:
    Glad to have you!
    ...And she's done. That was quick.

    Xander729 said:
    Janp said:
    ~snippety snip~"
    Wow, a lot of people signed up! I didn't expect that... {XD} I'll get you guys added in.

    Now for my update.
    • I chose Azelf (kind of broken, but whatever). Cheren got Cleffa, and Bianca got Furret.
    • I failed catching a Floatzel. *sigh*
    • N wanted to fight. He had a level 7 Victini. I swear, everytime I randomize this game, N gets a legendary/mythical.
    • Route 2 gave me a Golett. I named it NRG. (Anyone get the reference?)
    • Went to the dreamyard to train. Sadly, NRG died, but I got Pignite as a replacement! I named it Remmy.
    • Bianca battled me afterwards. With an Arceus. Strangely, it wasn't really hard.
    • Owned Cheren with my OP Pokemon
    • Owned Cilan even harder (does that even make sense?).
    • And... I got the TM83, Stun Spore! What a waste of a TM.

    The Graveyard...

    I didn't expect to have such a huge turnout! Well, here's the next phase for the people who are on it!

    Drum roll please...
    I'm just saying, after you guys have such great teams, it would be a shame if someone were to... half the maximum amout of Pokemon you're allow to have...

    That's right! The next challenge is...

    The Tri-Species Challenge!​

    The rules are pretty self explanatory.

    The Tri-Species Challenge Thread said:
    The Tri-Species Challenge is a challenge where you use three Pokemon to complete a game.
    So until you obtain your next badge, you are limited to three Pokemon in your party instead of six. Good luck to you all. Don't die...

    Update #2
    -Put one of my pokemon into the PC and pick up the egg
    -Got YellowDrgn, a Mareep on Route 32
    -Beat the Slowpoke Well quickly
    -Easily beat the 2nd gym to get the badge

